विषयः योज्यताम्
मया शारदातिलक तन्त्रस्य ( स्थापनं विकिस्रोतोपरि करणस् प्रयासं कृतं किन्तु सफलं नास्मि। कृपया वाञ्छितं कुरु।
- Puranastudyमहोदय, https://sa.wikisource.org/s/3g2k - अत्र दृश्यताम् । - शुभा
= वर्गीकरणम्
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, वास्तुशास्त्रस्य अथवा शिल्पस्य मुख्यवर्गेषु कस्मिन् वर्गे वर्गीकरणं उचितमस्ति। सम्प्रति, अस्य आवश्यकता प्रतिमालक्षण्रन्थस्य वर्गीकरणे अस्ति। अन्य ग्रन्थः वास्तुसूत्रोपनिषत् अस्ति। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०८:२९, ११ जुलै २०२३ (UTC)puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, इत्यत्र योजयितुं शक्यते ।
काचित् उपायकल्पना
विषयः - Sanskrit Worterbuch by Otto Bohtlingk and Rudolph Roth
संस्कृत वोर्टरबुक ग्रन्थः संस्कृतस्य ये कोशाः सन्ति, तेषु सर्वाधिकः विस्तृतः अस्ति। यदि केनापि प्रकारेण अस्य स्थापनं संस्कृतविकिसोर्स उपरि संभवं भवेत्, अयं कल्याणप्रदं भविष्यति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०३:२८, २८ आगस्ट् २०२२ (UTC)puranastudy
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०३:३१, २८ आगस्ट् २०२२ (UTC) puranastudy
इदानीं यावत् नवीनग्रन्थस्य सम्पादनान्तरं, तस्य सामग्र्याः विकिस्रोतोपरि आरोपणानन्तरं ग्रन्थस्य या एकलसञ्चिका अभवत्, तस्याः स्थापनं अहं गूगल डांकुमेंट्स उपरि करोमि स्म। गूगल डांकुमेंट्स स्थानात् यः कश्चित् एकलसञ्चिकायाः अवापरोपणं कर्तु एच्छत्, सः स्वतन्त्रः आसीत्। किन्तु इदानीं अयं प्रक्रिया सरलं नास्ति। अवारोपणाय अनुमत्याः आवश्यकता भवति। किं भवत्याः संज्ञाने सञ्चिकायाः आरोपणाय अन्यः कोपि स्थलः अस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) २२:०३, २५ जुलै २०२२ (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, अस्मिन् विषये मम ज्ञानं नास्ति | अन्ये संगणकतज्ञाः मार्गदर्शनं कुर्युः | - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:३०, २६ जुलै २०२२ (UTC)
नमस्ते शुभे महोदये,
अहम् अरुणः नाम अमेरिकदेशीयः अभियन्त्री। एतानि सर्वाणि पुस्तकानि दृष्ट्वा, यानि त्वया अन्यैः च विकिस्रोतसि लिखितानि संशोधितानि च, परमाम् एव प्रीतिम् आगतः अस्मि। मम प्रीतस्य तु एका शङ्का संभूता, यत् विकिस्रोतः सुसमर्थम् अपि सत् दुरवगम्यं लौकिकजनैः.। अहम् अपि, संगणकाभियन्त्री सन् अपि, एतत् सर्वं पश्यन् मूढः इव तिष्ठामि। अतः एषा एवे मम उपायकल्पना: "user interface" इति सरलीक्रियेत अन्यस्मिन् कस्मिंश्चित् जालदेशे इति। अस्मिन् सरलीकृते, सम्पादक-जनसंख्या द्विगुणा दशगुणा वा भवेत् इति मन्ये। अपि च, लेखन-संशोधन-आदि-कार्याणि वेगतरं क्रियेरन् इति आशा। तद् अहं यथोक्तम् औपयिकं जलदेशं रचयितुम् इच्छामि।
"हेम्नः संलक्ष्यते ह्यग्नौ विशुद्धिः श्यामिकापि वा" इति एतेन भवतीम् एव पृच्छामि, यद्वा यथोक्तः उपायः साफल्यम् अव्यर्थतां च गच्छेत् यदि वा न।
अरुणः (सम्भाषणम्) ००:१४, २४ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC)
- नमस्ते अरुणवर्य, भवतः सन्देशं पठित्वा सन्तोषः अनुभूतः । निश्चयेन एतादृशः प्रयासः करणीयः अस्ति । अस्मिन् विषये चर्चां कर्तुम् अत्र लेखितुमर्हति - मम जिमैल् - shubhazero - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०६:१२, २५ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, मया अद्य यः संदेशः प्रेषितः अस्ति, तत् केनापि कारणेण अन्येभः संदेशैः सह मिश्रितमस्ति। पुनः प्रेषयामि - विकिस्रोतस्य मुख्यपृष्ठे वेदाः शीर्षके उपवेदाः संज्ञकःः एकः पृष्ठः अस्ति - उपवेदाः
तस्मिन् पृष्ठे धनुर्वेदः शीर्षकः उपलब्धः अस्ति। किन्तु न स्थापत्यवेदः(शिल्पशास्त्रः)। अस्य नियोजनं अपेक्षितमस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०७:१६, १७ आगस्ट् २०२१ (UTC)puranastudy
अपि च, यस्य पृष्ठस्य भवता अद्य अपलोपनं कृतमस्ति, तत् मम संगणके विकृतरूपे इदानीमपि दृष्यमानः अस्ति, न पूर्णरूपेण अपाकृतः अस्ति। अहं गणेशपुराणम्/खण्डः १(उपासनाखण्डम्)/अध्यायाः ७१-७५ शीर्षकस्य पृष्ठस्य निर्माणं कर्तुमिच्छामि।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०७:१६, १७ आगस्ट् २०२१ (UTC)puranastudy
नारदपुराणे १.५६ सप्तशताधिकाः श्लोकाः सन्ति। तेषां उपशीर्षकेषु विभाजनाय किं कूटसंकेतः अस्ति, येन उपशीर्षकाः पाठस्य अंगाः न भवेयुः, यदा माऊस शीर्षकोपरि स्पर्शं करोति, तदैव ते दृष्टिगतानि भवेयुः।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) २०:०८, ५ जुलै २०२१ (UTC)puranastudy
- नमस्ते, मया किं करणीयमिति न ज्ञातम् । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:३०, ६ जुलै २०२१ (UTC)
यदाकदा अहं सामगानस्य संचिकायाः आरोपणं विकिमीडिया उपरि करोमि। अयं सामगानं ध्वानिक संचिकारूपे अस्ति। अयं न मया कृतं गानमस्ति, अपितु तंजौरनगरात् श्री सीतारमणेन कृतमस्ति। यदा अस्य आरोपणं अहं विकिमीडिया उपरि करोमि, तदा अहं वचनं ददामि यत् अयं मम कृतिरस्ति। नायं सत्यः। अस्य कः विकल्पः अस्ति। श्री सीतारमणः कथयति यत् तेन अस्य गानं सम्पूर्णविश्वे प्रचारप्रसारहेतु कृतमस्ति। अतएव, तस्य संग्रहात् अंशं गृहीत्वा विकिमीडिया उपरि स्थापनं दोषपूर्णं नास्ति। किन्तु मम कृति अपि अयं नास्ति। अस्य किं विकल्पः अस्ति। विकिमीडिया विकल्परूपेण कर्तापक्षतः ईमेलस्य अपेक्षा करोति यत् तेन अस्य सर्वाधिकारः विकिमीडियाहेतु प्रदत्तः अस्ति। किन्तु मम संदर्भे अयं संभवं नास्ति यत् श्री सीतारमणतः शपथपत्रग्रहणं सम्भवं अस्ति। श्री जी.के. सीतारमणस्य दूरभाषः 07639588146 अस्ति। अहं तेन सह हिन्दीभाषायां वार्तालापं करोमि। तस्य निवाससंकेतः - श्री जी.के. सीतारामन, श्री वेंकटाद्रि विद्यापीठम् ट्रस्ट, 2/205, अग्रहारम्, कालांचेरी, तंजोर 613504
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १७:३६, २९ एप्रिल् २०२० (UTC)puranastudy
शुभा महोदया,
सामवेदस्य सामस्य मया केनापि प्रकारेण नवीनपृष्ठः सर्जितः अस्ति।
प्रश्नमस्ति - यानि सामगानानि सन्ति, ते बिम्बरूपेण सन्ति। तेषां लिप्यान्तरणं संभवं नास्ति। सर्वेषां सामानां बिम्बानां प्रकाशनं विकिसोर्स उपरि केन प्रकारेण भवितुं शक्यते। किं तेषां बिम्बानां पृथक् - पृथक् अपलोडिंग विकिमीडिया कामन्स उपरि करणीयमस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १५:४४, ३१ मई २०१९ (UTC)puranastudy
- Puranastudy उत्तरम् ईपत्रद्वारा प्रेषितमस्ति । शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) १२:०२, ४ जून २०१९ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, यथा भवान् जानाति, सामवेदसंहितायाः यः गेयभागमस्ति, यथा प्राकृतगेय एवं ऊहगानम्, तस्य युनिकोड रूपान्तरणम् संभवं नास्ति। केन प्रकारेण एषां ग्रन्थानां समावेशं संस्कृतविकिसोर्स उपरि संभवं अस्ति। यदि तेषां समावेशं भवेत्, तर्हि यदा - कदा यानि अन्येभ्यः गीतानि सामानि अहं प्रापयामि, तेषां स्थापनं समुचित स्थाने संभवं भवेत्। अपि च, विकिमीडिया कांमन्स उपरि सामवेदस्य पृथक् समूहस्य सृजनस्य आवश्यकता अस्ति। अहं समूहसृजनं न जानामि। अपि च, सोमयागस्य अपि पृथक् समूहसृजनस्य आवश्यकता अस्ति।
puranastudyसम्भाषणम् 24-3-2019
शुबा महोदया, भवतः उत्तरं तदैव उपयुक्तं यदा समूहः पूर्वमेव वर्तते। किन्तु यदा नवीनसमूहस्य सृजनस्य आवश्यकता भवति, तदा काठिन्यं अस्ति। उदारहणार्थं, तार्क्ष्यसाम(https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B7%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AF_%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%AE_Eagle_chant.ogg) अस्य वर्गीकरणं अहं सामवेद वर्गे कर्तुमिच्छामि, किन्तु अयं वर्गः संप्रति उपलब्धं नास्ति। अतएव, कृपया सामवेदः एवं सोमयागः एतयोः द्वयोः वर्गयोः भवान् सृजनं कर्तुं शक्यसे। puranastudyसम्भाषणम् 25-3-2019
- puranastudy महोदय, वर्गद्वयमपि मया कृतमस्ति | - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) १०:२३, २६ मार्च २०१९ (UTC)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, विकिस्रोतस्य मुख्यपृष्ठे दक्षिणपार्श्वे यः अन्विष्यताम् संज्ञकः आयतः अस्ति, तत्र यदि देवनागरीकुंजीपटलः अपि स्थाप्यन्ते, तर्हि उत्तमं भवेत्, यथा निम्नलिखितजाले - http://sanskrit.jnu.ac.in/vedanta/index.jsp?lex=%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%AD%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%A4-%E0%A5%AC-%E0%A5%A7%E0%A5%AE-%E0%A4%AA%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B5&itext=%E0%A4%AA%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%99%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%97%E0%A4%B2&itrans=&lastChar=#result
सम्प्रति अहं विकिमीडिया कांमन्स उपरि बिम्बानां आरोपणे असमर्थः अस्मि। कारणं न जानामि।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १२:२२, ४ एप्रिल् २०२२ (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudyमहोदय, विकिजालपुटे तु ctrl M नुदति चेत् देवनागर्या लेखितुम् अवकाशः भवति । पार्थक्येन दातुम् अवसरः नास्ति । विकिमीडियापृष्ठे किमर्थम् आरोपणं न शक्यते इति कारणं न सूच्यते किम् ? - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) १४:०१, ४ एप्रिल् २०२२ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, उपरिलिखितं इनपुट बांक्सद्वारा केवलं पूर्णशब्दस्य अन्वेषणं भवति। शब्दांशस्य अन्वेषणाय अस्मिन् कानि परिवर्तनानि कर्तुं शक्यन्ते।- ::puranastudy 9-4-2018
- शब्दांशस्य अन्वेषणाय अधुना व्यवस्था न विद्यते puranastudy महोदय । -शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०६:३३, १३ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
ध्वानिक फाईल
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, अहं यागस्य गानसम्बन्धी फाइलानां उपारोपणं विकिसोर्सोपरि कर्तुमिच्छामि। विकिमीडिया कांमन्स उपरि ये ध्वानिक फाईलाः सन्ति, तेषु ध्वनिः नास्ति। केन कारणेन, अहं न जानामि। अयं कोपि मम त्रुटिरपि भवितुं शक्यते। यदि भवान् अस्मिन् विषये जानासि, तर्हि सूचयतु। अपि च, सामवेदस्य ये पृष्ठाः विकिसोर्सोपरि सन्ति, ते सर्वे आंडियो फाईल सह समृद्धाः भवितुं अर्हन्ति। सामवेदस्य गानस्य फाईल मम संग्रहे अस्ति, किन्तु तस्य सर्वाधिकारः केन प्रकारेण प्रापणीयं अस्ति, न जानामि। - ::::puranastudy 2-4-2018
- puranastudy महोदय, wiki commons मध्ये भवता योजितानां संचिकानां सम्पर्कसूत्रं (link) यच्छतु । -शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:०५, ३ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, विकिकांमन्स उपरि मया योजिताः संचिकानां संपर्कसूत्रं puranastudy अस्ति। किन्तु तासां मध्ये कोपि संचिका आडियो नास्ति। विकिकांमन्स उपरि ये अन्या आडियो संचिकाः सन्ति, मम संज्ञाने तेषु आडियो उपलब्धा नास्ति, यद्यपि आडियो उपकरणस्य चिह्नं अस्ति। :::puranastudy 3-4-2018
नवीन संस्कृतविकिसोर्सम्?
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, आर्षेयकल्पग्रन्थस्य विषयानुक्रमणीसंज्ञके पुटे देवनागरीपुटस्य अतिरिक्तं एकं आंग्लभाषायाः पुटं अपि पश्यामि यस्य पुटसंकेतः समानमेव अस्ति। अस्योपरि न कस्यापि कर्तृकस्य नामः अस्ति.। अयं केन प्रकारेण संभवमस्ति। पुटः अयमस्ति -
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १७:३९, १ अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)puranastudy
- नमस्ते Puranastudyमहोदय। आंग्लभाषायाः पुटं मया न प्राप्तम् | दर्श्यताम् | - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:५४, ३ अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)
- अद्य मयापि न दृष्टव्यमस्ति।
- Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:१०, ३ अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)puranastudy
- नमस्ते Puranastudyमहोदय। आंग्लभाषायाः पुटं मया न प्राप्तम् | दर्श्यताम् | - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:५४, ३ अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया,
अंतर्जाले गूगल सर्चमध्ये अहं विकिसोर्सस्य नवीनं रूपं पठामि -
किमिदं मिरर साईट अस्ति
सदस्यः : puranastudy
- puranastudy सत्यं खलु महोदय ! अहं प्रथमवारं पश्यन्ती अस्मि । विचारणीयम् । शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:०५, १६ फरवरी २०१८ (UTC)
- puranastudy m stands for mobile version. It is the mobile version on sa wikisource. शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:४५, १७ फरवरी २०१८ (UTC)
- puranastudy सत्यं खलु महोदय ! अहं प्रथमवारं पश्यन्ती अस्मि । विचारणीयम् । शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:०५, १६ फरवरी २०१८ (UTC)
किन्तु मोबाईल संस्करणं अत्यन्तं अपूर्णमस्ति। न सर्वे पृष्ठाः तत्र दृश्यन्ते। सदस्यः : puranastudy
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, निम्नलिखित पृष्ठे अथर्ववेदस्य पृष्ठस्य उल्लेखं नास्ति। कृपया समीचीनं कुरु -
- सम्भाषणम् 30-9-17
शुभा महोदया, पृष्ठोपरि अथर्ववेदस्य शौनकसंहितायाः स्थापनान्तरं पैप्पलाद संहितायाः स्थापना अपि वांछनीयमस्ति। अपि च, अथर्वपरिशिष्टः ग्रन्थस्य अपि स्थापना वाञ्छितमस्ति। - सम्भाषणम् 3-10-17
शुभा महोदया, मम सुझावमस्ति यत् पैप्पलाद संहिता अपि अथर्ववेद एव अस्ति। अतएव, अथर्ववेद पृष्ठे शौनकीय अथर्ववेद संहिता साकं अस्य उल्लेखमपि वांछनीयं भविष्यति। अपि च, अथर्वपरिशिष्टः ग्रन्थस्य उल्लेखमपि अस्मिन् पृष्ठे विचारणीयमस्ति। - सम्भाषणम् 3-10-17
शुभा महोदया, अयं मञ्जुलमस्ति। भवान् कथयसि अतएव पृष्ठस्याधः वर्ग शब्दस्य हेतुः बोधनीयं अस्ति। इदानीं तावत् अहं वर्गस्य हेतुं नाजानत्। - सम्भाषणम् 4-10-17
शीर्षफलकस्य त्रुटिः
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, निम्नलिखितेषु पृष्ठेषु शीर्षफलके ऋषीणां दीर्घसूच्याः द्विरावर्तनं अस्ति। न केनापि प्रकारेण अस्य लोपं भवति।- https://sa.wikisource.org/s/13i3
- विपिन कुमारः सदस्यः : puranastudy २३-९-२०१७
शुभा महोदया, निम्नलिखित पृष्ठे - https://sa.wikisource.org/s/13i3 यदि शीर्ष फलके लेखक स्थाने अहं सप्तर्षीणां सम्पूर्ण नामानि लिखामि, तर्हि नामानां द्विरावर्तनं भवति, यथा इदानीं अस्ति। अनेन कारणेन अहं ऋषीणां नामानि लेखक स्थानं त्यक्त्वा नोट स्थाने दातुं बाध्यः अस्मि। - सम्भाषणम् --25-9-2017
शुभा महोदया, लक्ष्मीनारायसंहिता(खण्डः १) ५८६ अध्यायस्य पृष्ठस्य उपयोगः ५७१ अध्यायहेतुकृतमस्मि। --
अतएव, अध्यायः ५८६ हेतु नवीनपृष्ठस्य रचनं अपेक्षितमस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १२:४२, २८ जुलाई २०१९ (UTC)puranastudy
- महोदय अधुना समस्या परिहृता अस्ति । अत्र विषयान् योजयितुमर्हति - https://sa.wikisource.org/s/1tto -शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:३७, २९ जुलाई २०१९ (UTC)
शीर्षक पुनःपरिवर्तनम्
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Rename request for File:Rudrashtadhyayi (IA in.ernet.dli.2015.345690).pdf declined by file mover Richardkiwi Reason: rename request declined: does not comply with renaming guidelines IA-number must stay, and the same language,
शुभावर्या, अनुक्रमण्यां रुद्राष्टाध्याय्याः पूर्वशीर्षकः स्थापनीयः अस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:३८, २८ आगस्ट् २०२२ (UTC)puranastudy
शुभावर्या, निम्नलिखित उपवेदाः शीर्षकस्य पुटे - https://sa.wikisource.org/s/7ao
स्थापत्यवेदः/शिल्पशास्त्रः शीर्षकः सर्जनीयमस्ति। अद्य मया काश्यपशिल्पशास्त्रम् ग्रन्थस्य उपारोपणं पीटर फैन्ड्सस्य वैबपृष्ठतः गृहीत्वा कृतमस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०२:००, १७ आगस्ट् २०२१ (UTC)puranastudy
शुभावर्या, निम्नलिखितपुटे अनावश्यकाः परिवर्तनाः संजाताः। अतएव, अस्य लोपनं अपेक्षितमस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:४८, ८ आगस्ट् २०२१ (UTC) puranastudy
- नमस्ते Puranastudyमहोदय, कस्य पृष्ठस्य किं परिवर्तनं करणीयमिति सूचयतु महोदय । करिष्यामि । शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०८:४९, ८ आगस्ट् २०२१ (UTC)
क्षम्यताम्। प्रमादवशात् पृष्ठस्य निर्देशाः विस्मृताः सन्ति। अयमस्ति -
अत्र केनापि कारणेन अध्यायाः ६६-७० एवं ७१-७५ मिश्रीभूताः सन्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०९:४८, ८ आगस्ट् २०२१ (UTC)puranastudy
- Puranastudy अपाकृतमस्ति महोदय ! - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ११:५८, ८ आगस्ट् २०२१ (UTC)
शुभावर्या, इदानीमपि पुटस्य मिश्रणस्य समस्यायाः समाधानं न जातः । निम्नलिखितपृष्टस्य अपि अपाकरणं अपेक्षितमस्ति -
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १३:१६, ८ आगस्ट् २०२१ (UTC)puranastudy
- Puranastudy अपाकृतमस्ति महोदय ! -शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:४५, १७ आगस्ट् २०२१ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, निम्नलिखित पृष्ठस्य शीर्षकस्य पुनः आद्यास्थिति अपेक्षितमस्ति-
पृष्ठम्:शाङ्खायन-श्रौतसूत्रम्/अध्यायः ०१
यदि अस्मिन् पृष्ठे अन्य कोपि पृष्ठः सम्बद्धः अस्ति, तदपि निरीक्षणीयमस्ति।
यद्यपि शाङ्खायन एवं श्रौतसूत्रम् शब्दानां संयोजनम् मया पूर्वपरिपाट्यानुसारेण कृतमस्ति, किन्तु कोपि पाठकः अन्वेषणे शांखायन श्रौत सूत्र शब्दस्य एव टंकणं करिष्यति, न शांखायन-श्रौतसूत्रम्। अतएव शीर्षकं विचारणीयमस्ति। विपिन कुमारः सदस्यः : puranastudy १८-८-१७
- कृतमस्ति सदस्यः : puranastudyमहोदय । -शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:१२, १८ अगस्त २०१७ (UTC)
कृपया पुनिर्निरीक्ष्यताम्। मम तन्त्रे शीर्षकं पृष्ठम्:शाङ्खायन-श्रौतसूत्रम्/अध्यायः ०१ एव द्रष्टमस्ति। पृष्ठम्: प्रत्ययस्य अपेक्षा मुख्यम्: प्रत्ययस्य आवश्यकता अस्ति। - विपिन कुमारः सदस्यः : puranastudy १८-८-१७
- puranastudy महोदय ! समीचीनं पृष्ठम् अत्र विद्यते - https://sa.wikisource.org/s/148s अन्यानि पृष्ठानि पुनर्निर्दिष्टानि (redirected). एतत् द्वारा ”शांखायन श्रौत सूत्र” शीर्षकं लिख्यते चेदपि समीचीनं पृष्ठं प्राप्नुवन्ति । -शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०९:३६, १८ अगस्त २०१७ (UTC)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, निम्नलिखितस्य पृष्ठस्य रचना श्री अनुनादसिंहेन फोण्टपरिवर्तकेन कृतमस्ति -
अहमपि ज्ञातुमिच्छामि एष फोण्टपरिवर्तनं केन प्रकारेण भवति। यदि अहं जानामि, तर्हि बौधायन श्रौतसूत्रस्य प्रकाशनं सुलभं भवेत्। - विपिन कुमारः सदस्यः : puranastudy १८-८-१७
विकिस्रोतस्य वर्णलेखः(फोण्ट)
शुभा महोदया, यथा भवान् माम् सूचितवती आसीत्, विकिस्रोतस्य वर्णलेखः(फोण्टः) लोहितः अस्ति। किन्तु लोहित अथवा मंगल फोण्टे अहं निम्नलिखितशब्दस्य विकिस्रोतस्य पृष्ठोपरि अनुकरणं- लेपनं(कापी-पेस्ट) कर्तुं अशक्तः अस्मि--
सगर्भ्यो ऽनु ।
अस्य विकृतरूपं अयमस्ति --
सगर्योि ऽनु स
द्वितीयमुदाहरणम् -
ध्रुवक्षितिर्रु सवयोनिर्ध्रुवासि
तृतीयम् -- धन्वकृद्भ्यश्च (शुद्धं)
धन्वकृद्य्॥श्च (अनुकृति - लेपनम्)
एवं प्रकारेण बहवः शब्दाः सन्ति येषां अनुकरण-लेपनं विकृतं भवति। मैत्रायणी संहिता विकृत अनुकरण-लेपनशब्देभ्यः पूरिता अस्ति। तत्र मया लेपनं मंगल वर्णलेखतः कृतमस्ति। किन्तु इदानीं लोहितोपि शुद्धलेपनकर्तुं अशक्तः अस्ति। अस्य किं उपायः अस्ति। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०१:३८, ३१ जुलाई २०१९ (UTC)puranastudy
स्तुतशस्रैःाप (अशुद्धं) स्तुतशस्त्रैः (शुद्धं) - ऋ. १०.१३०.४.। भवतः निदर्शनार्थं मया न शोधितं। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) २०:३९, १ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)puranastudy
- Puranastudy नमस्ते, विषयेऽस्मिन् अस्माकं ज्ञानं नास्ति । अत्र विचारितवती । अन्ये अपि न जानन्ति । क्षम्यताम् । भवता कथं कार्यं क्रियते - कार्यप्रक्रिया- मया न ज्ञाता । अनुनादसिंहस्य एव सम्पर्कं कर्तुं शक्नोति चेत् समीचीनं स्यात् । शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०६:४८, २ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, विसर्गस्य पुनरुल्लेखनं कस्मिन् संदर्भे अस्ति। नायं ऋग्वेदस्य संदर्भे प्रतीयते। - विपिन कुमारः सदस्यः : puranastudy २४-७-१७
Wikisource Index Interface Translations
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Dear community members, Considering the recent improvements taking place on Sanskrit Wikisource, I would like to include Indexing of sa-wikisource and need suggestions on the translations made by me for the Interface messages... The major of these are the 4 namespaces that need your approval..
- Index: - अनुक्रमणिका
- Index talk: - अनुक्रमणिकासंवादः
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- अभिरामः ०७:१०, २९ नवम्बर् २०११ (UTC)
- अयम् अनुवादः समीचीनः विद्यते । अग्रे अनुवर्तताम् । शुभा ०८:५७, २९ नवम्बर् २०११ (UTC)
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बोधायन गृह्यसूत्रम्
शुभा महोदया,
कृपया नामपरिवर्तनं (बौधायन) निरस्तीकरणीयम्
संदर्भसुविधा हेतु अहं गृह्यसूत्रस्य विभाजनं कर्तुमिच्छामि। विभाजनस्य रूपरेखा पृष्ठे विद्यते। कृपया सहमति प्रेष्यताम्। - विपिन
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[सम्पाद्यताम्]Hi, This would be better on the English Wikisource. Regards, Yann (सम्भाषणम्) १५:४२, १३ अप्रैल २०१६ (UTC)
Sanskrut Wikisource near 10000 pages
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Hi Shubha, I could see Sanskrut Wikisource has completed 9850 pages and we are close for the magic number of 10000. Can we have some focussed work to reach this number as soon as possible. I am ready to help you in this... Thanks Kautuk1 (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:३९, ७ अक्तूबर २०१६ (UTC)
- Hi Shubha, can you please call me on +91 97664 33201 regarding above topic? Thanks... Kautuk1 (सम्भाषणम्) ०९:५५, १२ अक्तूबर २०१६ (UTC)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Sir, Please support the event here [२] and also comment please.--Drcenjary (सम्भाषणम्) १०:३२, १३ अक्तूबर २०१६ (UTC)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Can you delete this article बालकाण्ड १३. Thanks... Kautuk1 (सम्भाषणम्) ०८:३६, १७ अक्तूबर २०१६ (UTC)
उपरोक्त ग्रन्थः पृष्ठ १६७ उपरि केन कारणेन त्रुटितः, विकृतः अस्ति। किमस्मिन् ग्रन्थे कालम - स्तम्भाः सन्ति येषां रूपान्तरणं सम्यक्रूपेण न भवति। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ००:०९, २१ आगस्ट् २०२२ (UTC)puranastudy
शुभा महोदया,
केनापि उत्साही व्यवस्थापकेन उपरोक्तपुटस्य संपादनस्य अवरोधं कृतमस्ति। नायं उचितः। अवरोधकर्ता आर्यसमाजस्य अनुयायी प्रतीयते। पुरा पुटस्य यः सौंदर्यमासीत्, तेन सर्वं नष्टं कृतमस्ति। संपादनस्य अवरोधनं यदि मुखपुटेन यावत् सीमितं भवेत्, अयं उचितं भविष्यति। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०१:३२, १३ जनवरी २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, भवता सूचिते पुटे सम्पादनम् अवरुद्धं न दृश्यते । वर्गः:वेदाः - इत्यत्र सम्पादनस्य आवश्यकता अपि न भवति। अन्यत्र वेदाः इति वर्गे योजिताः चेत् तत् पृष्टम् अत्र स्वयं योजितं भवति। कुत्र सम्पादनं न शक्यते इति सूचयतु । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ११:४५, १३ जनवरी २०२० (UTC)
शुभा महोदया,
1 रोधनस्य उदाहरणं अस्मिन् पुटे दृश्यते --
कृष्णयजुर्वेदः मुख्यग्रन्थैः सह काठकब्राह्मणस्य उल्लेखनं संभवं नाभवत्। इदानीमपि अयं स्वतन्त्रः एव अस्ति।
@Puranastudy: अत्र रोधनं किमपि न कृतम्। काठकब्राह्मणम् इति पुटे गत्वा [[वर्गः:कृष्णयजुर्वेदः]] इति योजनीयम्। Soorya Hebbar (सम्भाषणम्) ०९:३२, १४ जनवरी २०२० (UTC) 2. वेदाः
अस्मिन् पुटे ऋग्वेददेवतासूची एवं ऋग्वेदादिभाष्यभूमिकाशीर्षकौ असम्बद्धाः सन्ति। किं अहं अस्य शीर्षकस्य लोपने समर्थः अस्मि।
3. ब्राह्मणग्रन्थानां उल्लेखं सम्बद्धेषु वेदेषु सहैव अस्ति, न स्वतन्त्ररूपेण। मम अपेक्षा अस्ति यत् ब्राह्मणग्रन्थाः अपि मुख्यपुटे स्वतन्त्रउल्लेखं अर्हन्ति, न केवलं वेदविशिष्टेन सह।
4. सम्पादनरोधनं न केवलं मुख्यपुटस्य प्रथमचरणे सीमितं अस्ति, अपितु अयं रोधनं तृतीय-चतुर्थचरणयावत् विस्तृतः अस्ति। यदि अस्य आवश्यकता अस्ति, तर्हि स्वागतम्। यदि अज्ञानवशेन, तर्हि संशोधनीयम्।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १२:१४, १३ जनवरी २०२० (UTC)puranastudy
शुभा महोदया,
किं एतादृशाः पृष्ठाः विकिसोर्स उपरि उपयुक्ताः सन्ति। इदानीं अहं अन्यान्यपि एतादृशाः पुटाः विकिसोर्स उपरि पश्यामि। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:४८, ११ दिसम्बर २०१९ (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, एतानि पृष्ठानि विकिपीडियायां योजनीयानि । क्रैस्ट्-महाविद्यालयस्य छात्राः अज्ञानेन अत्र योजितवन्तः । तान् सूचयितुं प्रयत्नं करोमि । एतादृशाः लेखाः दृश्यन्ते चेत् विकिपीडियालेखाः इति वर्गः इत्यत्र लिख्यते चेत् अन्ते सर्वाणि निष्कासयितुं शक्यन्ते । धन्यवादः । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०७:३८, ११ दिसम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया,
किं अधोलिखितं पृष्ठं विकिसोर्सस्य अपेक्षा विकिपीडिया उपरि स्थानं ग्रहीतुं अर्हतः अस्ति -
यद्यपि, विकिपीडिया अधिकारिणा श्री नाहलदवे साकं सहयोगं कठिनमस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०१:२९, १८ नवम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
- Puranastudy महोदय, सम्भाषणसन्देशः इत्यस्मिन् विद्यमानाः सर्वे अपि विषयाः तादृशाः एव । पत्रिकासु पूर्वप्रकाशिताः लेखाः (लेखकस्य उल्लेखसहिताः) विकिस्रोतसि एव योज्यन्ते । अन्यैः पुनः सम्पादनम् एतेषु न करणीयं विद्यते । आङ्ग्लभाषादिषु पत्रिकालेखानामेव महान् विभागः विद्यते । शम् । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:४२, १८ नवम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, अस्मिन् पुटे भवत्या संपादनस्य आवश्यकता अस्ति -
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०१:१२, ८ नवम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
- Puranastudy मया तत्र किं सम्पादनीयमिति न ज्ञातम् । शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) १३:०४, १४ नवम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
अस्मिन् पुटे उपवर्गाः इति शीर्षकस्य एवं अस्मिन् शीर्षके निहितस्य सामग्र्याः आवश्यकता नास्ति।
अस्मिन् पुटे "पुराणानि" वर्गेऽस्मिन् विद्यमानानि पृष्ठानि इति शीर्षकस्य तथा अस्र्यान्तःर्गतस्य सामग्र्याः आवश्यकता नास्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १३:३५, १४ नवम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
- महोदय, वर्गपृष्ठेषु सम्पादनं न क्रियते । उदा - [वर्गः:साहित्यम्] पश्यतु । उपवर्गाः पृष्ठानि च स्वयं तस्मिन् आयान्ति । अग्निपुराणस्य २७८ पृष्ठेषु अधः वर्गः इत्यत्र अग्निपुराणम् इति लिखितमस्ति । अतः तानि अग्निपुराणे अन्तर्भवन्ति । अग्निपुराणम् इत्यस्य वर्गः पुराणम् इति दत्तमस्ति । कालिकापुराणम् इत्यस्य वर्गः पुराणम् इत्येव । अतः तत् पृष्ठत्वेन तिष्ठति । सर्वेषु वर्गेषु उपपुराणानि पृष्ठानि च भवन्ति । सा विकिव्यवस्था । तस्मिन् पृष्ठे अस्माभिः किमपि न लेखनीयम् ।
- अस्मिन् सम्भाषणपृष्ठे नूतनाः विषयाः सर्वेषां पूर्वलिखितानां विषयाणाम् अधः लिख्यते । तदा दर्शने सौकर्यं भविष्यति । -शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:२३, १५ नवम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया,
इमौ द्वौ पुटौ अतिरिक्ताः एवं लोपनयोग्याः स्तः --
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १६:०२, २ नवम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, ऋग्वेदस्य निम्नलिखितमुख्यपृष्ठः अन्यपृष्ठस्य प्रतिलिपि एव प्रतीयते एवं मम दृष्ट्या लोपनयोग्यः अस्ति -
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०६:३०, १२ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, एतत् कस्य पृष्ठस्य प्रतिलिपिः ? अन्यपृष्ठस्य सम्पर्कसूत्रमपि प्रेषयति चेत् दृष्ट्वा एकं निष्कासयिष्यामि | - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ११:४३, १४ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
मूलपृष्ठः अयं प्रतीयते -
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १५:०७, १४ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)puranastudy
शुभा महोदया, पैप्पलाद संहितायाः विषयसूची निर्माणस्य मम उद्देश्य एवमासीत् यत् पी़डीएफ पाठस्य ओसीआर रूपान्तरणं दीर्घकालिक योजना अस्ति। मम व्यवहारे त्वरित गत्या पुटानां संदर्भाणां अन्यत्र स्थापनस्य आवश्यकता भवति। अतः विषयसूची मध्ये यदि विषयस्य संयोजनं भवति, तर्हि अयं सुगमतरं भवति। किन्तु यदि एष व्यवस्था विकिसोर्सस्य मापदण्डात् विपरीतं भवति, तर्हि अहं एवं न करिष्यामि। पैप्पलाद संहितायाः अनुक्रमणिका रूपेण योजनेन पूर्वं मम विचारः श्री विश्वास वासुकि - प्रदत्तस्य वैबपृष्ठात् पैप्पलाद संहितायाः ओसीआर रूपांतरणं गृहीत्वा तत् विकिसोर्सोपरि आरोपणस्य आसीत्। काण्डाः ६ एवं ७ पूर्वमेव आरोपिताः सन्ति। अयं ओसीआर अत्यन्त दोषपूर्णमस्ति। किन्तु विकल्पाभावे मम हेतु अन्योपायं नासीत्। इदानीं, भवतः किं विचारः। मया दोषपूर्णाः ओसीआर काण्डाः आरोपणीयाः वा न।
कथासरित्सागरस्य स्थितिः किंचित् भिन्नं अस्ति। कथासरित्सागरस्य बहवः पुटाः, विशेषतया सप्तम लम्बकात् आरभ्य, अनुपलब्धाः सन्ति। ये पुटाः उपलब्धाः सन्ति, तेपि अपठनीयाः, ओसीआरतः अ- रूपांतरणीयाः सन्ति। कथासरित्सागरस्य अन्य कोपि छाया मम संज्ञाने उपलब्धं नास्ति। यथा यथा मम आवश्यकता अति तीव्रं भवति, तदा तदा अहं अस्य रूपांतरणं स्वतन्त्ररूपेण करोमि एवं तत् विकिसोर्सोपरि स्थापयामि। एषु परिस्थितिषु भवान् किं चिन्तयसि- किं अस्य विषयानुक्रमणिका लोपनीया वा न। - विपिन कुमारः
शुभा महोदया, अनुक्रमणिकातः प्राप्तं ग्रन्थं पद्मिनीपरिणयः मया द्रष्टम्। सम्प्रति अयं एकपुटीय ग्रन्थमस्ति। द्वि-त्रि वर्ष पूर्वं यदा विकिसोर्सः मम संज्ञाने आगतः, तदा अस्योपरि खण्डे-खण्डे विभाजितानां ग्रन्थानां स्थापनम् मम हेतु कष्टप्रद आसीत्। किन्तु तदोपरि यदा अन्यत्र ग्रन्थस्य संदर्भस्य स्थापनस्य आवश्यकता अभवत्, तदा ते खण्डाः एव अति महत्त्वपूर्णाः आसन्। मम सुझावमस्ति यत् ये ग्रन्थाः विकिसोर्सोपरि अनुक्रमणिका रूपेण स्थापिताः सन्ति, तेषां विषयानुक्रमणिका अपि अवश्य स्थापनीया। यदि विषयानुक्रमणिकायाः विस्थापनस्य निर्णयः भवतः स्वनिर्णयं अस्ति, तर्हि अयं पुनर्विचारणीयः। यदि अयं सामूहिक निर्णयं अस्ति, तर्हि न कोपि किंचित् कर्तुं शक्तः अस्ति।- विपिन कुमारः
शुभा महोदया, चित्रसूत्र ग्रन्थस्य सम्यक् वर्गीकरणं शिल्प अथवा नाटक ग्रन्थेषु प्रतीयते। महत्त्त्वपूर्ण ग्रन्थमस्ति। सदस्यः : puranastudy
शुभा महोदया, भवतः गर्ग संहितायाः नामपरिवर्तनेन श्रीकौतुकि महोदयेन पृष्टोपरि स्थापिताः सर्वे शीर्षकाः अपि संशोधनीयाः आसन्। नामपरिवर्तनस्य कार्यं प्रारम्भिक अवस्थायां एव करणीयमासीत्। - सदस्यः : puranastudy -३-१-१७
- Puranastudy नमस्ते, भवता किम् उक्तमिति न ज्ञातम् । गर्गसंहितायाः दश खण्डाः अपि सन्ति एव । किं कार्यं न अभवत् इति कृपया सूच्यताम् । करिष्यामि । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:२५, ३ जनवरी २०१७ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया,
गर्ग संहितायाः पृष्ठानां शीर्षकाः भवता शोधितम्। वरम्। किन्तु कौतुकि महोदयेन स्थापिताः ये शिरोलेखाः (पूर्व पृष्ठम्, अग्रिम पृष्ठम्) सन्ति , ते सर्वेपि व्यर्था जाताः,अयं मम भावः। सदस्यः : puranastudy 3-1-17
शुभा महोदया, निम्नलिखित पद्मपुराणस्य पृष्ठस्य सम्यक् शीर्षकं किं भवितुं शक्यते -
पद्मपुराणम्/खण्डः ४ (ब्रह्मखण्ड) अथवा पद्मपुराणम्/खण्डः ४ (ब्रह्मखण्डः)
सदस्यः : puranastudy 17-1-2017
- puranastudy पद्मपुराणम्/खण्डः ४ (ब्रह्मखण्डः) इत्येव शुद्धं महोदय । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:२५, १७ जनवरी २०१७ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, मया कथासरित्सागरस्य प्रथमलम्बकस्य अपरिष्कृतं पाठं अत्र स्थापितमस्ति -
किमयं स्वीकार्यमस्ति। संशोधनस्य सौलभ्यं संप्रति नास्ति। यदि कोपि संशोधनकर्तुं इच्छसि, तदा पृष्ठानां बिंबानां प्रेषणं मया शक्यमस्ति । सदस्यः : puranastudy 21-1-17
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, अहं धनंजय महाराजेन भागवतपुराणस्य पुटे कृतं संशोधनं दृष्टवानस्मि। मया प्रेषितः प्रस्तावः एवमस्ति -
मम प्रस्तावं - यदि विकिसोर्स पुटे संशोधनाः अल्पाः सन्ति, तर्हि पुटस्य अधोभागे = = इति चिह्नानि दत्त्वा तस्याधः भवतः प्रस्तावितानि संशोधनानि उद्धृतानि सन्तु। My suggestion - If corrections in a page are little, then at the bottom of the page, put = = , and then mention your corrections. Need not create new page. सदस्यः : puranastudy
- puranastudy भागवतपुराणे धनञ्जयमहाराजेन कुत्र संशोधनं कृतमित्यादि मया न ज्ञातम् । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:३०, २४ जनवरी २०१७ (UTC)
श्री धनंजय महाराजस्य ५ योगदानेषु एकं अत्र वर्त्तते -
- puranastudy महोदय, सर्वभाषास्वपि विकिव्यवस्थायां परिवर्तनानि यत्र अपेक्षितं तत्रैव क्रियते न तु अधः । तेन नूतनं पुटं न निर्मितम् । परिवर्तने दोषः अस्ति चेत् पुनः परिवर्तनं (सकारणं) शक्यम् । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०८:४३, २४ जनवरी २०१७ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, उपरि उल्लिखित पुटस्य शीर्षे यः टिप्पणी (पाठभेदः) धनंजय महोदयेन लिखितमस्ति, तस्य कांपी पेस्ट अपि सम्यक् कर्तुं अहं न शक्नोमि। अयं टिप्पणी क्वचित प्रकटयति, क्वचित् तिरोहितं भवति। न जानामि केन कूटाक्षरेण अयं गूहितं अस्ति। अस्य अति विकृत कांपी पेस्ट निम्नलिखितं अस्ति। मम संज्ञानात् परे अस्ति। २२:१५, १९ सितम्बर २०१६ इत्यस्य संस्करणं (सम्पाद्यताम्) Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम् | योगदानानि) ← पुरातनतरं सम्पादनम्
११:२१, ३ जनवरी २०१७ समयस्य संस्करणम् (सम्पाद्यताम्) (पूर्ववत्) (कृतज्ञता पाठ्यताम्) Dhananjay maharaj more (सम्भाषणम् | योगदानानि)
पङ्क्तिः १: पङ्क्तिः १: − प्रियव्रतविजयम् +
प्रियव्रतो भागवत आत्मारामः कथं मुने
प्रियव्रतो भागवत आत्मारामः कथं मुने
गृहेऽरमत यन्मूलः कर्मबन्धः पराभवः १
गृहेऽरमत यन्मूलः कर्मबन्धः पराभवः १
पङ्क्तिः ३६: पङ्क्तिः ३६:
त्वं त्वब्जनाभाङ्घ्रिसरोजकोश दुर्गाश्रितो निर्जितषट्सपत्नः
त्वं त्वब्जनाभाङ्घ्रिसरोजकोश दुर्गाश्रितो निर्जितषट्सपत्नः
भुङ्क्ष्वेह भोगान्पुरुषातिदिष्टान्विमुक्तसङ्गः प्रकृतिं भजस्व १९
भुङ्क्ष्वेह भोगान्पुरुषातिदिष्टान्विमुक्तसङ्गः प्रकृतिं भजस्व १९
श्रीशुक उवाच
श्रीशुक उवाच
इति समभिहितो महाभागवतो भगवतस्त्रिभुवनगुरोरनुशासनमात्मनो लघुतयावनत शिरोधरो बाढमिति सबहुमानमुवाह २०
इति समभिहितो महाभागवतो भगवतस्त्रिभुवनगुरोरनुशासनमात्मनो लघुतयावनत शिरोधरो बाढमिति सबहुमानमुवाह २०
भगवानपि मनुना यथावदुपकल्पितापचितिः प्रियव्रत नारदयोरविषममभिसमीक्षमाणयोरात्मसमवस्थानमवाङ्मनसं क्षयमव्यवहृतं प्रवर्तयन्नगमत् २१
भगवानपि मनुना यथावदुपकल्पितापचितिः प्रियव्रत नारदयोरविषममभिसमीक्षमाणयोरात्मसमवस्थानमवाङ्मनसं क्षयमव्यवहृतं प्रवर्तयन्नगमत् २१
पङ्क्तिः ६६: पङ्क्तिः ६६:
यश्चक्रे निरयौपम्यं पुरुषानुजनप्रियः ४०
यश्चक्रे निरयौपम्यं पुरुषानुजनप्रियः ४०
</poem> − इति श्रीमद्भागवते महापुराणे पारमहंस्यां संहितायां पञ्चमस्कन्धे प्रियव्रतविजये प्रथमोऽध्यायः + इति श्रीमद्भागवते महापुराणे पारमहंस्यां संहितायां पञ्चमस्कन्धे प्रियव्रतविजये प्रथमोऽध्यायः
सदस्यः : puranastudy 24-1-2017 ११:२१, ३ जनवरी २०१७ समयस्य संस्करणम्
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, उपरोक्त पृष्ठे निम्नलिखित शब्दानां पुनरस्थापनस्य आवश्यकता अस्ति। विकिसोर्सस्य तन्त्रे परिवर्तनानि कारणे अधुनाअहं स्वयं प्रतिस्थापनं कर्तुं न शक्नोमि -
Cआतुर्मास्य - चातुर्मास्य Vइकृति इष्टयह् - विकृति इष्टयः ढ्पं - ? Zऊलगवः - शूलगवः ऽतिथ्य इष्टि - आतिथ्येष्टि उपसदह् - उपसदः हविर् धान - हविर्धान अग्नी षोम- अग्नीषोम पशुः Zएष - पशुःशेष अनुयाजाह्- अनुयाजाः उपयाजह् - उपयाजः अप्Oणापूटृईय़ा - अपोणप्तॄीया? सोदशिन्& अतिरत्र - षोडशी अतिरात्र अभिप्लव सदह - अभिप्लव षडह पृष्ठ्य सदह - पृष्ठ्य षडह सोमः छन्दोमाह् - सोमः छन्दोमाः दशमम् अहह् - दशमम् अहः विकिसोर्सस्य नवीनतन्त्रे फाईऩ्ड - रिप्लेस केन प्रकारेण भवति, अहं ज्ञातुमिच्छामि
सदस्यः : puranastudy १७-३-२०१७ -
- महोदय, विकिस्रोतसि सम्पादनपुटे उन्नतम् इति यद् लिखितमस्ति त्स्योपरि नुदति चेत् अन्विष्य-परिवर्तनम् इत्येतत् उपकरणं दृष्टिगोचरं भविष्यति । मया परिवर्तनत्रयम् अधुना कृतम् - Cआतुर्मास्य - चातुर्मास्य, Vइकृति इष्टयह् - विकृति इष्टयः, Zऊलगवः - शूलगवः - अन्यद् भवान् कर्तुमर्हति । धन्यवादः
- शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:१५, १७ मार्च २०१७ (UTC)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, अहं निम्नलिखित पृष्ठोपरि नवीन सामग्र्याः स्थापनं कर्तुमिच्छामि। किन्तु अस्य पृष्ठस्य शीर्षकं पूर्वमेव परिवर्तितं भवति। कृपया अष्टमाध्यायस्य सामग्र्याः स्थापनहेतु नवीन पृष्ठं प्रददातु। - सदस्यः : Puranastudy 30-3-2017
- Puranastudy महोदय कस्य पृष्ठस्य विषये वदति ? - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:३५, ३० मार्च २०१७ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, प्रमादवशात् अहं पृष्ठस्य उल्लेखं न कृतमस्मि। पृष्ठः अस्ति - शिवपुराणम्, ६.८
सम्प्रति, अयं पृष्ठः अध्याय १८ रूपेण वर्तते। किन्तु अस्योपरि अष्टमाध्यायस्य सामग्र्याः आरोपणं करणीयमस्ति। केन प्रकारेण नवीन अष्टमाध्यायस्य सृजनं भविष्यति। - (सम्भाषणम्) 30-3-2017
- Puranastudy अत्र आरोप्यताम् - शिवपुराणम्/संहिता ६ (कैलाससंहिता)/अध्यायः ०८ - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०८:४१, ३० मार्च २०१७ (UTC)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, अहं निम्नलिखितस्य नवीनपृष्ठस्य मूलग्रन्थं प्राप्तुमिच्छामि -
संभवं चेत्, प्रेषय।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १९:५४, २० जनवरी २०२२ (UTC) puranastudy
शुभा महोदया,
निम्नलिखित पृष्ठस्य सामग्री केन प्रकारेण द्विस्तम्भेषु विभाजनीया स्यात् -
सदस्यः : Puranastudy 2-4-2017
सदस्यः:Puranastudy महोदय, स्तम्भद्वये भवता विभक्तमेव अस्ति खलु ? शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:२०, २५ जुलाई २०१७ (UTC)
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[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, अद्य मया एकः दोषयुक्तः अनुक्रमणिकापृष्ठः सर्जितः अस्ति --
अस्मिन् पृष्ठे किं दोषः अस्ति, न मया ज्ञायते। संदेशः अस्ति - तादृशी संचिका न विद्यते।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०१:२२, ३ डिसेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC) puranastudy
- नमस्ते Puranastudyमहोदय, विकिस्रोतसि सः ग्रन्थः अत्र https://sa.wikisource.org/s/2l71 उपलभ्यते । 'श्रौतसूत्रम्' - इत्येतस्य पदस्य अनन्तरम् अवकाशः (space) न दत्तः आसीत् । अतः दोषः जातः । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:२५, ३ डिसेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC)
शुभावर्या, कतिपयानि त्रुटिपूर्णानां पृष्ठानां सृजनान्तरमपि अहं निम्नलिखितसंचिकायाः अनुक्रमणिका सृजने असफलः अस्मि --
File:सत्याषाढ श्रौतसूत्रम्(१५-१६ प्रश्नाः) Satyaashada Srautasutra.pdf
संदेशः प्राप्यते - तादृशी संचिका नास्ति।
अपेक्षितं प्रार्थ्यमस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) २३:३५, २९ नवेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC) puranastudy
- नमस्ते Puranastudyमहोदय, विकिस्रोतसि सः ग्रन्थः अत्र https://sa.wikisource.org/s/2l0p उपलभ्यते ।
सत्याषाढ श्रौतसूत्रस्य तृतीयः भागः अत्र उपारोपितः अस्ति -
चतुर्थ भागः (प्रश्नाः ९-१०)
पञ्चमो भागः (प्रश्नाः ११-१४)
विकिसोर्स उपरि एतेषां स्थापनं अपेक्षितमस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १९:४६, ३० अक्टोबर् २०२१ (UTC) puranastudy
- नमस्ते Puranastudyमहोदय, सत्याषाढ श्रौतसूत्रस्य अग्रिमाः भागाः विकिस्रोतसि अत्र उपलभ्यन्ते - https://sa.wikisource.org/s/2k8g
https://sa.wikisource.org/s/2k8h https://sa.wikisource.org/s/2k8i विकिस्रोतसि कथम् आनेतव्यमिति चेत् - विकिकामन्स्-मध्ये संचिकायाः आरोपणानन्तरं विकिस्रोतसः पुटे अनुक्रमणिका:संचिकायाः नाम लेखनीयम् - (उदाहरणम् - अनुक्रमणिका:सत्याषाढ श्रौतसूत्रम्(७-८ प्रश्नाः) Satyaashada Srautasutra.pdf) तदा रक्तवर्णेन लिखितं दृश्यते - एतादृशपुटं न विद्यते । सर्जनीयं वा इति । तदुपरि नुदति चेत् - दीर्घं विवरणपृष्ठं (long table) दृश्यते । तत् पृष्ठं रक्षणीयं तावदेव । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:५७, ३१ अक्टोबर् २०२१ (UTC) शुभावर्या, सत्याषाढ श्रौतसूत्रस्य द्वितीयः भागः अत्र उपारोपितः अस्ति --
विकिसोर्स उपरि अस्य स्थापनं अपेक्षितमस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:२७, २८ अक्टोबर् २०२१ (UTC) puranastudy
- नमस्ते Puranastudyमहोदय, सत्याषाढ श्रौतसूत्रस्य प्रथमः भागः विकिस्रोतसि https://sa.wikisource.org/s/2k50 उपलभ्यते ।
सत्याषाढ श्रौतसूत्रस्य प्रथमः भागः मया अत्र उपारोपितः अस्ति -

विकिसोर्स उपरि अस्य स्थापनं अपेक्षितमस्ति।
भाग ४ यावत् प्रकाशनवर्षः १९०७ई. अस्ति। इतः परं भाग १० पर्यन्तं प्रकाशनवर्षः १९२७ई. अस्ति। एते भागाः विकिमीडिया उपरि केन प्रकारेण आरोपणीयाः।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:४२, १८ अक्टोबर् २०२१ (UTC) puranastudy
- नमस्ते Puranastudyमहोदय, सत्याषाढ श्रौतसूत्रस्य प्रथमः भागः विकिस्रोतसि https://sa.wikisource.org/s/2jwo उपलभ्यते ।
अन्येषां ग्रन्थानाम् उपारोपणावसरे upload इत्यत्र विवरणानि लिखित्वा {{PD-old-70}} license tag लिखतु । (उदा - श्रीमद्भगवद्गीताविवेचनात्मकशब्दकोशः.pdf) - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ११:५७, १८ अक्टोबर् २०२१ (UTC)
Hi Shubha, You are listed as a sysop on https://sa.wikisource.org/wiki/Special:ListUsers/sysop so I hope you can help fix the problem with index pages. Please see the suggestions given by @Samwilson at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T178150 Shree (सम्भाषणम्) १२:३५, ११ दिसम्बर २०१७ (UTC)
सक्रिय योजकावली
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, मम भगिनी राधा गुप्ता यदा कदा विकिसोर्से योगदानं करोति किन्तु तस्याः नामधेयं इदानीं सक्रिययोजकावली मध्ये न प्रकटयति।
- सदस्यः :puranastudy 16-1-18
- puranastudy सक्रियतायाः निर्णयः केन आधारेण क्रियते इति अहं न जानामि महोदय । निरन्तरं स्वल्पप्रमाणेन वा कार्यं क्रियमाणम्
अस्ति चेत् आवल्यां योजितं भवेत् । -शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:०७, १६ जनवरी २०१८ (UTC)
विकिस्रोते शब्दस्य - अक्षराणां अन्वेषणम्
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, विकिस्रोते अन्वेषणस्य यः सौलभ्यमस्ति, तत्र केवलं सम्पूर्णशब्दस्य अन्वेषणमेव सम्भवमस्ति। उदाहरणार्थं, अहं रौहिण शब्दस्य अन्वेषणं कर्तुमिच्छामि। कथमयं संभवं भवेत् यत् केवलं रौहि अक्षरेभ्यः अन्वेषणसाफल्यं भवेत्। सदस्यः:puranastudy 21-1-18
- puranastudy अधुना यं शब्दं प्राप्तुमिच्छति सः शब्दः एव लेखनीयः भवति । ’रौहिण’स्य अन्वेषणाय सः एव लेखनीयः । रौहि इति लिखति चेत् सर्वं न प्राप्यते । धन्यवादः । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:५९, २२ जनवरी २०१८ (UTC)
अनुकरण-लेपने त्रुटिः
[सम्पाद्यताम्]यद्युक्यःत् परिधिमनक्ति,(मैत्रायणी संहिता ४.५.२)
यद्युक्थ्यः परिधिमनक्ति (शुद्धः)
शुभा महोदया,
मम अनुमानमस्ति यत् विकिसोर्सोपरि देवनागरीवर्णानां यः प्रोग्रामः आरोपितः अस्ति, कालक्रमेण तत् विकृतः संजातः। तस्य पुनरारोपणस्य आवश्यकता अस्ति। अस्मिन् विषये भवान् श्री रहीमुद्दीनेभ्यः सह विचारविमर्शं कर्तुं शक्यसे। पाठशोधनं श्रमसाध्यकृत्यमस्ति। तस्योपरि यदि पाठः अशुद्धमेव भवेत्, अयं नोपयुक्तम्। किं भवान् आगामिकाले एकैकाम् अशुद्धेः संशोधने स्वागतं करिष्यसि?
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ००:३७, ४ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC) puranastudy
देवतानामवरुन्यैध्जु (अशुद्धं)
देवतानामवरुन्यैध्यत यद (अशुद्धं)
देवतानामवरुन्द्ध्यै (शुद्धं)
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०२:१६, ८ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC) puranastudy
Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Hello! The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey. We want to know how well we are supporting your work on and off wiki, and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation. You have been randomly selected to take this survey as we would like to hear from your Wikimedia community. The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes.
You can find more information about this survey on the project page and see how your feedback helps the Wikimedia Foundation support editors like you. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement (in English). Please visit our frequently asked questions page to find more information about this survey. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email through the EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys to remove you from the list.
Thank you!
Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Every response for this survey can help the Wikimedia Foundation improve your experience on the Wikimedia projects. So far, we have heard from just 29% of Wikimedia contributors. The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes to be completed. Take the survey now.
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Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Hello! This is a final reminder that the Wikimedia Foundation survey will close on 23 April, 2018 (07:00 UTC). The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes. Take the survey now.
If you already took the survey - thank you! We will not bother you again. We have designed the survey to make it impossible to identify which users have taken the survey, so we have to send reminders to everyone. To opt-out of future surveys, send an email through EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys. You can also send any questions you have to this user email. Learn more about this survey on the project page. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this Wikimedia Foundation privacy statement.
Community Insights Survey
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Share your experience in this survey
Hi Shubha,
The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey about your experience with विकिस्रोतः and Wikimedia. The purpose of this survey is to learn how well the Foundation is supporting your work on wiki and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
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RMaung (WMF) १४:३४, ९ सितम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Share your experience in this survey
Hi Shubha,
A couple of weeks ago, we invited you to take the Community Insights Survey. It is the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual survey of our global communities. We want to learn how well we support your work on wiki. We are 10% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! Your voice matters to us.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
RMaung (WMF) १९:१४, २० सितम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
Error in link on home page - reported 2 years ago, still not corrected
[सम्पाद्यताम्]संस्कृत-ग्रन्था: is linking to sanskrit.gde.to which was a mirror for https://sanskritdocuments.org . sanskrit.gde.to is no longer active and hence that link is not found. Please change the link to sanskritdocuments.org. Since the mainpage has restricted access I am unable to make the change. Thanks! Shree (सम्भाषणम्) ०३:२१, २१ अक्तूबर २०१७ (UTC)
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Share your experience in this survey
Hi Shubha,
There are only a few weeks left to take the Community Insights Survey! We are 30% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! With this poll, the Wikimedia Foundation gathers feedback on how well we support your work on wiki. It only takes 15-25 minutes to complete, and it has a direct impact on the support we provide.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
RMaung (WMF) १७:०४, ४ अक्तूबर २०१९ (UTC)
गूगल रूपान्तरणम्
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया,
प्रयोगरूपेण मया निम्नलिखितस्य नवरात्रप्रदीपपुस्तकस्य पुटस्य गूगल रूपान्तरणं कृतमस्ति -
रूपान्तरितपाठः तत्रैव अस्ति। अयं रूपान्तरणं चित्रस्य रक्षणं जेपीईजी संचिकारूपे कृत्वा, तस्य आरोपणं गूगल ड्राइव मध्ये कृतमस्ति। विकिसोर्स उपरि यः रूपान्तरणं अस्ति, तस्यापेक्षया अयं शुद्ध-शुद्धतरमस्ति, पठनीयमस्ति। एष विषयः विचारणीयमस्ति। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) २२:०४, २३ दिसम्बर २०१९ (UTC) puranastudy
- नमस्ते Puranastudyमहोदय, विषयेस्मिन् विचारः कर्तव्यः अस्ति । परिशीलनाय योग्याः जनाः सूचनीयाः | प्रयतिष्ये | शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ११:१०, ३० दिसम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, रूपान्तरणस्य पुनरावृत्तिकरणेन अयं ज्ञायते यत् पीडीएफ एवं जेपीईजी संचिकयोः रूपान्तरणे अधिकं भेदं नास्ति। केचन शब्दाः सन्ति ये एकप्रकारस्य चित्रे शुद्धा सन्ति। अन्य चित्रे अन्याः शब्दाः अशुद्धाः भवन्ति। एतएव, अस्मिन् क्षेत्रे अधिकं प्रयत्नस्य आवश्यकता नास्ति। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १२:३३, ३० दिसम्बर २०१९ (UTC) puranastudy
विकिसोर्सस्य अनभिज्ञता
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया, हरिद्वारनगरे मम वार्तालापः ऋत्विजैः सह अभवत्। कोपि ऋत्विक् पूनानगरतः, अन्ये नागपूरतः, अन्यः उज्जयिनीतः आगताः अभूवन्। तेषु मध्ये कोपि विकिसोर्सविषये परिचितः नासीत्। यदा मया तेभ्यः कथितं आसीत् यत् विकिसोर्सः ग्रन्थानां स्रोतः अस्ति, तदा तेषां विकिस्रोततः अपेक्षायाः जाग्रति अभवत्। ते सर्वे स्मार्ट मोबाईलफोन धारकाः आसन् एवं त्वरितगत्या विकिस्रोततः अपेक्षितग्रन्थस्य अन्वेषणं कर्तुं शक्ताः आसन्। मम सुझावः अस्ति यत् यत्र - यत्र संस्कृतस्य विद्यार्थिनः सन्ति, यत्र गुरवः सन्ति, तत्र - तत्र विकिस्रोतस्य ज्ञानम् भवेत्। अस्य उद्देश्यस्य क्रियान्वनं केन प्रकारेण भवेत्, न जानामि। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०९:४०, ३ मार्च २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, भवता उक्तं सत्यमेव। अस्मिन् विषये प्रचारः अवश्यं करणीयः अस्ति । संस्कृतज्ञाः यत्र मिलन्ति तत्र प्रदर्शिनीम् आयोजयामः, दृश्यचित्राणां द्वारा विकिपरिचयमपि किञ्चिदिव कारयामः। किन्तु सः प्रयत्नः अत्यन्तं गौणः । व्यवस्थितरूपेण कार्यं साधनीयमस्ति । सामाजिकमाध्यमद्वारा प्रचारे निपुणाः श्रद्धालवः केचन वा प्रयासं कुर्वन्ति चेत् समीचीनम् । तदर्थं प्रयतिष्ये । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) १०:०२, ३ मार्च २०२० (UTC)
विशेष वर्णानि
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभा महोदया,
विकिसोर्सस्य संपादनशीर्षके ये विशेषवर्णानि उपलब्धाः सन्ति, ते न पर्याप्ताः। एकः विशेष वर्णः ꣳ अतिसामान्यः अस्ति, किन्तु शीर्षके अस्य स्थानं नास्ति। यदि संभवमस्ति, तर्हि अस्य एवं अन्यानामपि योजनं कर्तुं शक्यसे। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ००:११, ६ मार्च २०२० (UTC)puranastudy
- Puranastudy प्रयत्नं करिष्यामि महोदय ! - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:१२, ६ मार्च २०२० (UTC)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, अहं विकिमीडिया कांमन्स उपरि उपलब्धायाः निम्नलिखितसंचिकायाः आरोपणं विकिसोर्स उपरि कर्तुमिच्छामि -
आरोपणस्य प्रक्रियां न स्मरामि। कृपया यथापेक्षितं कुरु। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०३:४९, २६ आगस्ट् २०२२ (UTC)puranastudy
शुक्लयजुर्वेदस्य पुटे यजुर्वेदशिक्षापुटः दृष्टिगोचरं नास्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:०१, ९ एप्रिल् २०२० (UTC)puranastudy
- Puranastudyमहोदय, पृष्ठं सम्यक् कृतमस्ति । अधुना विषयाः उपलभ्यन्ते । शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०६:२७, ९ एप्रिल् २०२० (UTC)
शुभावर्या, कतिपयानि मासानि पूर्वं Shukla Yajurveda Two Commentaries संज्ञकः एकः ग्रन्थः पीडीएफ रूपेण विकिसोर्स बिम्बसंग्रहे आरोपितः आसीत्। अहं ग्रन्थस्य विस्तारं अनुक्रमणिका शीर्षके द्रष्टुं इच्छामि। पीडीएफ ग्रन्थस्य अनुक्रमणिकायां विस्तारं केन प्रकारेण भवति, इदानीं न जानामि। बहवः भाष्यग्रन्थाः सन्ति, यथा शतपथब्राह्मणम् (सायणभाष्यम्) येषां आरोपणस्य आवश्यकता अस्ति। ````puranastudy
- Puranastudyमहोदय, ग्रन्थस्य नाम किम् आसीत् इति स्पष्टतया लिखति चेत् अन्वेष्टुं शक्नोमि । 'आर्षेयब्राह्मणम्' प्राप्तम् । किन्तु शुक्लयजुर्वेदः इति न प्राप्तः । ये ग्रन्थाः योजनीयाः सन्ति तान् प्रेषयति चेत् आरोपयितुं शक्यते । परिशीलनादिकार्याणि अपि कारयितुं शक्यते । धन्यवादः - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:१९, २ अक्टोबर् २०२० (UTC)
शुभावर्या, यदा अस्य ग्रन्थ्स्य उपारोपणं अभवत्, तदा विकिमीडियाकांमन्सतः एकः निर्देशः आसीत् यत् अयं उपारोपणं अवैधमस्ति। तदा भवतः अस्य आरोपणं संस्कृतविकिसोर्स बिम्ब मध्ये कृतमासीत्। केन संज्ञया अयं आरोपितः आसीत्, नाहं स्मरामि। किन्तु या संचिका मम संग्रहे उपलब्धा अस्ति, तस्यां अयं Shukla Yajurveda Two Commentaries अस्ति। अहं अस्य आरोपणं पुनः करोमि।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०६:१०, २ अक्टोबर् २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
शुभावर्या, मया शुक्लयजुर्वेदः (उव्वट-महीधर) पीडीएफ ग्रन्थः विकिमीडिया उपरि आरोपितः अस्ति। बिम्ब संकेत--

अस्य ग्रन्थस्य विस्तारं अनुक्रमणिकायां अपेक्षितमस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) १२:१४, २ अक्टोबर् २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, अत्र दृश्यताम् - https://sa.wikisource.org/s/29fw शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) १२:२४, २ अक्टोबर् २०२० (UTC)
मया संचिकाशीर्षके परिवर्तनं कृतमासीत्। किन्तु अयं परिवर्तनं दोषपूर्णः अस्ति, कारणं - अस्य नाम्ना बिम्बः नास्ति। यदि बिम्बस्य शीर्षके परिवर्तनं संभवमस्ति, तर्हि उव्वटस्य स्थाने उवट कुरु। यदि शीर्षके परिवर्तनं संभवं नास्ति, तर्हि मया शीर्षके कृतं परिवर्तनं निरस्तं कुरुत।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) २३:२१, २ अक्टोबर् २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, ग्रन्थः अत्र लभ्यते - https://sa.wikisource.org/s/29fw शीर्षकस्य परिवर्तनं विकिस्रोतसि कर्तुं न शक्यते । आरोपणं यत्र कृतं तत्रैव शीर्षकपरिवर्तनार्थं निवेदनं करणीयम् । तत्रत्याः प्रबन्धकाः तत् कुर्युः । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:२८, ३ अक्टोबर् २०२० (UTC)
शुभावर्या, मया विकिमीडिया उपरि शीर्षकपरिवर्तनाय अनुरोधं कृतमस्ति। एकः अन्यः महत्त्वपूर्ण विषयः। प्रस्तुतग्रन्थस्य पाठः द्विस्तम्भात्मकः अस्ति। गूगल ओसीआर स्तम्भं न पश्यति। एकस्तम्भात्मकं रूपान्तरणं एव अस्ति। किं अस्य कोपि विकल्पः अस्ति। लक्ष्मीनारायणसंहितायाः पाठः अपि द्विस्तम्भात्मकः अस्ति। तस्य रूपान्तरणं नाहं गूगलयुक्त्या कर्तुं शक्नोमि।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०६:०२, ३ अक्टोबर् २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
- एतस्याः समस्यायाः परिहारः न प्राप्तः अस्ति । तादृशग्रन्थस्य कार्यं कर्तुं न शक्यते अधुना । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) १४:११, ३ अक्टोबर् २०२० (UTC)
Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it

As COVID-19 has forced the Wikimedia communities to stay at home and like many other affiliates, CIS-A2K has decided to suspend all offline activities till 15th September 2020 (or till further notice). I present to you for an online training session for future coming months. The CIS-A2K have conducted a Online Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon to enrich our Indian classic literature in digital format.
- Booklist: a collection of books to be proofread. Kindly help us to find some classical literature your language. The book should not be available in any third party website with Unicode formatted text. Please collect the books and add our event page book list.
- Participants: Kindly sign your name at Participants section if you wish to participate this event.
- Reviewer: Kindly promote yourself as administrator/reviewer of this proofreadthon and add your proposal here. The administrator/reviewers could participate in this Proofreadthon.
- Some social media coverage: I would request to all Indic Wikisource community member, please spread the news to all social media channel, we always try to convince it your Wikipedia/Wikisource to use their SiteNotice. Of course, you must also use your own Wikisource site notice.
- Some awards: There may be some award/prize given by CIS-A2K.
- A way to count validated and proofread pages:Wikisource Contest Tools
- Time : Proofreadthon will run: from 01 May 2020 00.01 to 10 May 2020 23.59
- Rules and guidelines: The basic rules and guideline have described here
- Scoring: The details scoring method have described here
I really hope many Indic Wikisources will be present this year at-home lockdown.
Thanks for your attention
Jayanta (CIS-A2K) १७:४१, १७ एप्रिल् २०२० (UTC)
Wikisource Advisor, CIS-A2K
[सम्पाद्यताम्]अत्र अस्ति़Soorya Hebbar (चर्चा) ११:४१, २९ एप्रिल् २०२० (UTC)
भारतीय-विकिसोर्स्-पाठशुद्धिस्पर्धा मे २०२०
[सम्पाद्यताम्]भारतीय-विकिसोर्स्-पाठशुद्धिस्पर्धायां भवती भागं गृह्णाति इति हर्षस्य विषयः । तत्र भवत्या केषां पृष्ठानां पाठशुद्धिः करणीया इति विवरणम्, काश्चन विशेषसूचनाः च अधः सन्ति । कृपया पश्यतु ।
विकिस्रोतः:भारतीय-विकिसोर्स्-पाठशुद्धिस्पर्धा मे २०२०/कार्यसूची -Soorya Hebbar (चर्चा) ०७:०६, ३० एप्रिल् २०२० (UTC)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, मुख्यपृष्ठे यः अनुक्रमणिकासंज्ञकः शीर्षकः अस्ति, तत् पीडीएफ ग्रन्थानां सूचकः अस्ति, अयं न ज्ञायते। यदि अन्यः कोपि शीर्षकः अन्तर्वस्तोः ज्ञापने शक्यः भवेत्, शुभं भवेत्।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०२:४०, ४ मे २०२० (UTC)puranastudy
नमस्ते भगिनि| अत्र सम्भाषणं कथं करणीयम् इति अभ्यासार्थं अहं एतं सन्देशं प्रेषयन्ती अस्मि| धन्यवादः
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, अहं सुन्दरकाण्डस्य नाम पहारू दिवसनिसि ध्यान तुम्हार कपाट। लोचन निज पद जंत्रित प्राण जाहि केहि बाट।। उपरि संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी कर्तुं इच्छामि। सम्प्रति, विकिसोर्सोपरि सुन्दरकाण्डं न वर्तते। यदि अस्य आरोपणं स्यात्, तर्हि मंजुलं भवेत्। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०३:५८, २३ जून् २०२० (UTC)puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, रामचरितमानसग्रन्थः हिन्दीभाषया विद्यते इत्यतः सः ग्रन्थः संस्कृतविकिस्रोतसि न अन्तर्भवति । केनापि बालकाण्डम् अविचिन्त्य योजितमस्ति । प्रणामाः । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:३८, २३ जून् २०२० (UTC)
सायणभाष्यम् फलकम्
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, ऋग्वेदे सायणभाष्यस्य आरोपणाय यः फलकः अस्ति, तस्मिन् फलके मन्त्रस्य अनुदात्त - स्वरितचिह्नयोः स्वरितचिह्नानां सर्वथा लोपो भवति। कोपि उपायं अन्वेषणीयः।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ००:१०, २७ जून् २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, भवतः आशयः स्पष्टतया नावगतम् । किं भवेत्, कथम् अधुना भवति इति उदाहरणपूर्वकं दर्शयति चेत् सम्यक् भवति । धन्यवादः । शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०६:०५, ३० जून् २०२० (UTC)
शुभावर्या, पूर्वापेक्षया, समस्या स्पष्टतरा अस्ति। गूगलक्रोम पटले, सायणभाष्यफलकम् स्पष्टतरमस्ति। --
उदी॑रता॒मव॑र॒ उत्परा॑स॒ उन्म॑ध्य॒माः पि॒तरः॑ सो॒म्यासः॑ ।
असुं॒ य ई॒युर॑वृ॒का ऋ॑त॒ज्ञास्ते नो॑ऽवंतु पि॒तरो॒ हवे॑षु ॥१
वर्णानामुपरि ये स्वरितसंज्ञकाः लम्बचिह्नाः सन्ति, ते फायरफांक्स पडलोपरि न दृष्यमानाः सन्ति। केवलं वर्णानां अधोलिखितानि अनुदात्तचिह्नानि एव दृश्यन्ते। किन्तु गूगलक्रोमपटले अनुदात्त एवं स्वरितचिह्नयोः दृश्यं सुचारुः अस्ति।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०८:२१, ३० जून् २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, अहं फैर्फाक्स्-पटले एव कार्यं करोमि । तत्र अपि दृश्यते एवम् -
- अ॒स्य वा॒मस्य॑ पलि॒तस्य॒ होतु॒स्तस्य॒ भ्राता॑ मध्य॒मो अ॒स्त्यश्न॑ ।
- तृ॒तीयो॒ भ्राता॑ घृ॒तपृ॑ष्ठो अ॒स्यात्रा॑पश्यं वि॒श्पतिं॑ स॒प्तपु॑त्रम् ॥१
- अ॒स्य । वा॒मस्य॑ । प॒लि॒तस्य॑ । होतुः॑ । तस्य॑ । भ्राता॑ । म॒ध्य॒मः । अ॒स्ति॒ । अश्नः॑ ।
- तृ॒तीयः॑ । भ्राता॑ । घृ॒तऽपृ॑ष्ठः । अ॒स्य॒ । अत्र॑ । अ॒प॒श्य॒म् । वि॒श्पति॑म् । स॒प्तऽपु॑त्रम् ॥१ शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०९:१५, ३० जून् २०२० (UTC)
ऋक्शब्दस्य रूपाः
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, टिप्पणीलेखनकार्ये मया ऋक् धातोः रूपाणां उपयोगस्य प्रायः आवश्यकता भवति। किन्तु मया उपलब्धं नास्ति। यदि भवता ज्ञातमस्ति, तदा सूचयतु। Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) २२:०६, २३ जुलै २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudyमहोदय, दृश्यताम् अत्र - [३] एतदेव वा अपेक्षितम् ? शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:५५, २४ जुलै २०२० (UTC)
शुभा महोदया, अयमेव अपेक्षितमासीत्। धन्यवादाः
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:१६, २४ जुलै २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
आंग्लविकिपीडियोपरि धनदानस्य आह्वानम्
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्य, अहं आंग्लविकिपीडियोपरि प्रथमवारेण धनदानस्य आह्वानं द्रष्टमस्मि। अयं धनदानं विकिपीडियायाः स्वातन्त्र्यं हेतु अपेक्षितमस्ति, इति कथनमस्ति। वस्तुस्थितिः किमस्ति, भवान् कथितुं शक्यसे।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) २३:२९, २९ जुलै २०२० (UTC)puranastudy
- Puranastudy विपिनवर्य, विकिसंस्था समाजनिधिना एव जीवति | ते प्रतिवर्षं कदाचिन् प्रार्थनां कुर्वन्ति - विभिन्नवाक्यैः । अस्य उपयोक्तारः किंचित्प्रमाणेन वा ददाति चेत् उपकाराय भवति इति मम अभिप्रायः । धन्यवादः - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०५:११, ३० जुलै २०२० (UTC)
शुभावर्या, किं संस्कृतविकिसोर्यस्य निधिः विकिसंस्थानिधितः पृथक् अस्ति, एकीकृत एव वा। स्वभाषायाः स्रोतं विस्मृत्वा अन्यविकिहेतु दानं उपयुक्तं न भविष्यति। यदि संभवं चेत्, अहं दशसहस्ररूप्यकाणि प्रेषितुं इच्छामि।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ०८:२९, ३० जुलै २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
- Puranastudy महोदय, विकिमीडिया फौण्डेषन् - इत्येषा एव मातृसंस्था । सर्वे विकिप्रकल्पाः तत्रैव अन्तर्भवन्ति । संस्कृतस्य पार्थक्येन न विद्यते । भवान् तेभ्यः एव दातुमर्हति । धन्यवादः । शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) १०:५७, ३० जुलै २०२० (UTC)
Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon II 2020
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it

Hello Proofreader,
After successfull first Online Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon hosted and organised by CIS-A2K in May 2020, again we are planning to conduct one more Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon II.I would request to you, please submit your opinion about the dates of contest and help us to fix the dates. Please vote for your choice below.
Last date of submit of your vote on 24th September 2020, 11:59 PM
I really hope many Indic Wikisource proofreader will be present this time.
Thanks for your attention
Jayanta (CIS-A2K)
Wikisource Advisor, CIS-A2K
Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon II
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it

Hello Proofreader,
Thank you for participating at Pool for date selection. But Unfortunately out of 130 votes 69 vote is invalid due to the below reason either the User ID was invalid or User contribution at Page: namespace less than 200.
Dates slot | Valid Vote | % |
1 Oct - 15 Oct 2020 | 26 | 34.21% |
16 Oct - 31 Oct 2020 | 8 | 10.53% |
1 Nov - 15 Nov 2020 | 30 | 39.47% |
16 Nov - 30 Nov 2020 | 12 | 15.79% |
After 61 valid votes counted, the majority vote sharing for 1st November to 15 November 2020. So we have decided to conduct the contest from 1st November to 15 November 2020.
- Booklist: a collection of books to be proofread. Kindly help us to find some books in your language. The book should not be available in any third party website with Unicode formatted text. Please collect the books and add our event page book list. Before adding the books, please check the pagination order and other stuff are ok in all respect.
- Participants: Kindly sign your name at Participants section if you wish to participate this event.
- Reviewer: Kindly promote yourself as administrator/reviewer of this proofreadthon and add your proposal here. The administrator/reviewers could participate in this Proofreadthon.
- Some social media coverage: I would request to all Indic Wikisource community members, please spread the news to all social media channels, we always try to convince it your Wikipedia/Wikisource to use their SiteNotice. Of course, you must also use your own Wikisource site notice.
- Some awards: This time we have decided to give the award up to 10 participants in each language group.
- A way to count validated and proofread pages:Wikisource Contest Tools
- Time : Proofreadthon will run: from 01 November 2020 00.01 to 15 November 2020 23.59
- Rules and guidelines: The basic rules and guideline have described here
- Scoring: The details scoring method have described here
I really hope many Indic Wikisource proofread will be present in this contest too.
Thanks for your attention
Jayanta (CIS-A2K)
Wikisource Advisor, CIS-A2K
Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon II 2020 - Collect your book
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it
![]() Dear Shubha, Thank you and congratulation to you for your participation and support of our 1st Proofreadthon.The CIS-A2K has conducted again 2nd Online Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon 2020 II to enrich our Indian classic literature in digital format in this festive season. WHAT DO YOU NEED
I really hope many Indic Wikisources will be present this year at-home lockdown. Thanks for your attention |
Thank you for your participation and support
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it
![]() Dear Shubha,
Apart from this contest end date, we will declare the final result on 20th November 2020. We are requesting you, please re-check your contribution once again. This extra-time will be for re-checking the whole contest for admin/reviewer. The contest admin/reviewer has a right revert any proofread/validation as per your language community standard. We accept and respect different language community and their different community proofreading standards. Each Indic Wikisource language community user (including admins or sysops) have the responsibility to maintain their quality of proofreading what they have set. Thanks for your attention |
[सम्पाद्यताम्]शुभावर्या, संस्कृतव्याकरणकोशग्रन्थस्य 161 उपरि पुटानां दर्शनं विकृतः अस्ति। मम वाञ्च्छा य अक्षरस्य मूलस्य दर्शने आसीत्।
Puranastudy (सम्भाषणम्) ००:२७, २९ डिसेम्बर् २०२० (UTC) puranastudy
- नमस्ते महोदय,
- भवतः अभिप्रायः मया न अवगतः | मूलग्रन्थः अत्र उपलभ्यते - https://sa.wikisource.org/s/cbj
- शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:०९, २९ डिसेम्बर् २०२० (UTC)
Wikimedia Foundation Community Board seats: Call for feedback meeting
[सम्पाद्यताम्]The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is organizing a call for feedback about community selection processes between February 1 and March 14. While the Wikimedia Foundation and the movement have grown about five times in the past ten years, the Board’s structure and processes have remained basically the same. As the Board is designed today, we have a problem of capacity, performance, and lack of representation of the movement’s diversity. Direct elections tend to favor candidates from the leading language communities, regardless of how relevant their skills and experience might be in serving as a Board member, or contributing to the ability of the Board to perform its specific responsibilities. It is also a fact that the current processes have favored volunteers from North America and Western Europe. As a matter of fact, there had only been one member who served on the Board, from South Asia, in more than fifteen years of history.
In the upcoming months, we need to renew three community seats and appoint three more community members in the new seats. This call for feedback is to see what processes can we all collaboratively design to promote and choose candidates that represent our movement and are prepared with the experience, skills, and insight to perform as trustees? In this regard, it would be good to have a community discussion to discuss the proposed ideas and share our thoughts, give feedback and contribute to the process. To discuss this, you are invited to a community meeting that is being organized on March 12 from 8 pm to 10 pm, and the meeting link to join is https://meet.google.com/umc-attq-kdt. You can add this meeting to your Google Calendar by clicking here. Please ping me if you have any questions. Thank you. --User:KCVelaga (WMF), १०:३०, ८ मार्च् २०२१ (UTC)
Requests for comment-Proofreadthon
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Dear friends,
I started a discussion and Request for comment here. Last year we conducted two Proofread-Edithon contest. Your feedback and comments are very much needed to set the future vision of Indic language Wikisource. Although, English might be a common language to discuss, feel free to write in your native language.
On behalf of Indic Wikisource Community
Jayanta Nath. १३:१०, १३ मार्च् २०२१ (UTC)
Requests for comments : Indic wikisource community 2021
[सम्पाद्यताम्](Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it)
Dear Wiki-librarian,
Coming two years CIS-A2K will focus on the Indic languages Wikisource project. To design the programs based on the needs of the community and volunteers, we invite your valuable suggestions/opinion and thoughts to Requests for comments. We would like to improve our working continuously taking into consideration the responses/feedback about the events conducted previously. We request you to go through the various sections in the RfC and respond. Your response will help us to decide to plan accordingly your needs.
Please write in detail, and avoid brief comments without explanations.
Jayanta Nath
On behalf
Centre for Internet & Society's Access to Knowledge Programme (CIS-A2K)
[Wikimedia Foundation elections 2021] Candidates meet with South Asia + ESEAP communities
As you may already know, the 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees elections are from 4 August 2021 to 17 August 2021. Members of the Wikimedia community have the opportunity to elect four candidates to a three-year term. After a three-week-long Call for Candidates, there are 20 candidates for the 2021 election.
An event for community members to know and interact with the candidates is being organized. During the event, the candidates will briefly introduce themselves and then answer questions from community members. The event details are as follows:
- Date: 31 July 2021 (Saturday)
- Timings: check in your local time
- Bangladesh: 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm
- India & Sri Lanka: 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm
- Nepal: 4:15 pm to 6:45 pm
- Pakistan & Maldives: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm
- Live interpretation is being provided in Hindi.
- Please register using this form
For more details, please visit the event page at Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Meetings/South Asia + ESEAP.
Hope that you are able to join us, KCVelaga (WMF), ०६:३२, २३ जुलै २०२१ (UTC)
पाठशुद्धिस्पर्धायाम् आगस्ट् मासे आयोजयिष्यते भारतीयसाहित्यस्य पुष्टिदानम्
प्रिय Shubha,
गतवर्षे विकिस्रोतःपाठशुद्धिस्पर्धायां भवान् भागं गृहीतवान् इत्येषः सन्तोषस्य विचारः CIS-A2K पुनरपि पाठशुद्धिस्पर्धायाम् आगस्ट् मासे आयोजयिष्यते भारतीयसाहित्यस्य पुष्टिदानम् अस्य मुख्यम् उद्देश्यम् ।
भवता किम् अपेक्ष्यते
पुस्तकावली – पाठशुद्ध्यर्थं ग्रन्थानाम् आवली । भवतः भाषायां किञ्चन पुस्तकम् अन्वेष्टुं साहाय्यं कुर्वन्तु । पुस्तकानि चित्वा पुस्तकावल्यां योजयतु कृतिस्वाम्यविषयकाः विचाराः अत्र विद्यन्ते । पुस्तकप्राप्त्यनन्तरं पुटानि परिशील्य पुटावली निर्मातव्या <pagelist/>
भागग्राहिणः- भागग्राहिणः इत्यत्र हस्ताङ्कनं कृत्वा पञ्जीकरणं करोतु ।
निर्णायकः- निर्णायकः भवितुं स्वयम् आसक्तिं अत्र दर्शयतु । निर्णायकः अपि स्पर्धायां भागं ग्रहीतुं शक्नोति ।
सामाजिकमाध्यमेषु प्रसारः- सामाजिकमाध्यमद्वारा एतस्य प्रचारः भवतु इति अहं काङ्क्षामि । विकिव्यवस्थाद्वारा एव वयं भवद्भ्यः सूचनाः प्रेषयामः ।
पुरस्काराः- आयोजकानां पक्षतः पुरस्काराः भवितुमर्हन्ति ।
समयः- 15 आगस्ट् 2021 तः 31 आगस्ट् 2021
नियमाः सूचनाः च- अत्र प्राथमिकनियमाः सूचनाः च दत्ताः ।
अङ्काः- समग्रविवरणम् अत्र अस्ति
अस्मिन्वर्षे अपि गृहे एव स्थितिः अस्ति इति कारणतः अनेके अत्र भागं गृह्णीयुः इति भावयामि ।
Jayanta (CIS-A2K)
विकिस्रोत कार्यक्रम अधिकारी, CIS-A2K
How we will see unregistered users
You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.
When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.
Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.
If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.
We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.
Thank you. /Johan (WMF)
१८:१९, ४ जनवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
variable has been added to the AbuseFilter to enable identifying changes made by specific tools. [४]Gadgets are now able to directly include JSON pages. This means some gadgets can now be configured by administrators without needing the interface administrator permission, such as with the Geonotice gadget. [५]
Gadgets can now specify page actions on which they are available. For example,
will load a gadget only while editing and on history pages. [६]Gadgets can now be loaded on demand with the
URL parameter. This can be used to replace an earlier snippet that typically looks likewithJS
. [७]At wikis where the Mentorship system is configured, you can now use the Action API to get a list of a mentor's mentees. [८]
- The heading on the main page can now be configured using MediaWiki:Mainpage-title-loggedin for logged-in users and MediaWiki:Mainpage-title for logged-out users. Any CSS that was previously used to hide the heading should be removed. [९] [१०]
- Four special pages (and their API counterparts) now have a maximum database query execution time of 30 seconds. These special pages are: RecentChanges, Watchlist, Contributions, and Log. This change will help with site performance and stability. You can read more details about this change including some possible solutions if this affects your workflows. [११]
- The sticky header has been deployed for 50% of logged-in users on more than 10 wikis. This is part of the Desktop Improvements. See how to take part in the project.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 11 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 12 January. It will be on all wikis from 13 January (calendar).
- Community Wishlist Survey 2022 begins. All contributors to the Wikimedia projects can propose for tools and platform improvements. The proposal phase takes place from 10 January 18:00 UTC to 23 January 18:00 UTC. Learn more.
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
०१:२४, ११ जनवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- When using WikiEditor (also known as the 2010 wikitext editor), people will now see a warning if they link to disambiguation pages. If you click "Review link" in the warning, it will ask you to correct the link to a more specific term. You can read more information about this completed 2021 Community Wishlist item.
- You can automatically subscribe to all of the talk page discussions that you start or comment in using DiscussionTools. You will receive notifications when another editor replies. This is available at most wikis. Go to your Preferences and turn on "Automatically subscribe to topics". [१२]
- When asked to create a new page or talk page section, input fields can be "preloaded" with some text. This feature is now limited to wikitext pages. This is so users can't be tricked into making malicious edits. There is a discussion about if this feature should be re-enabled for some content types.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 18 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 19 January. It will be on all wikis from 20 January (calendar).
- Community Wishlist Survey 2022 continues. All contributors to the Wikimedia projects can propose for tools and platform improvements. The proposal phase takes place from 10 January 18:00 UTC to 23 January 18:00 UTC. Learn more.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
१९:५५, १७ जनवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 25 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 26 January. It will be on all wikis from 27 January (calendar).
- The following languages can now be used with syntax highlighting: BDD, Elpi, LilyPond, Maxima, Rita, Savi, Sed, Sophia, Spice, .SRCINFO.
- You can now access your watchlist from outside of the user menu in the new Vector skin. The watchlist link appears next to the notification icons if you are at the top of the page. [१३]
- You can see the results of the Coolest Tool Award 2021 and learn more about 14 tools which were selected this year.
- You can translate, promote, or comment on the proposals in the Community Wishlist Survey. Voting will begin on 28 January.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
२१:३८, २४ जनवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
If a gadget should support the new
URL parameter that was announced 3 weeks ago, then it must now also specifysupportsUrlLoad
in the gadget definition (documentation). [१४]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 1 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 2 February. It will be on all wikis from 3 February (calendar).
Future changes
- A change that was announced last year was delayed. It is now ready to move ahead:
- The user group
will be renamedsuppress
. This is for technical reasons. This is the technical name. It doesn't affect what you call the editors with this user right on your wiki. This is planned to happen in three weeks. You can comment in Phabricator if you have objections. As usual, these labels can be translated on translatewiki (direct links are available) or by administrators on your wiki.
- The user group
- You can vote on proposals in the Community Wishlist Survey between 28 January and 11 February. The survey decides what the Community Tech team will work on.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
१७:४२, ३१ जनवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- English Wikipedia recently set up a gadget for dark mode. You can enable it there, or request help from an interface administrator to set it up on your wiki (instructions and screenshot).
- Category counts are sometimes wrong. They will now be completely recounted at the beginning of every month. [१५]
- A code-change last week to fix a bug with Live Preview may have caused problems with some local gadgets and user-scripts. Any code with skin-specific behaviour for
should be updated to also check forvector-2022
. A code-snippet, global search, and example are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 8 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 9 February. It will be on all wikis from 10 February (calendar).
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
२१:१६, ७ फेब्रवरी २०२२ (UTC)
पाठशुद्धिस्पर्धायाम् मार्च मासे आयोजयिष्यते भारतीयसाहित्यस्य पुष्टिदानम्
प्रिय Shubha,
गतवर्षे विकिस्रोतःपाठशुद्धिस्पर्धायां भवान् भागं गृहीतवान् इत्येषः सन्तोषस्य विचारः CIS-A2K पुनरपि पाठशुद्धिस्पर्धायाम् मार्च मासे आयोजयिष्यते भारतीयसाहित्यस्य पुष्टिदानम् अस्य मुख्यम् उद्देश्यम् ।
भवता किम् अपेक्ष्यते
पुस्तकावली – पाठशुद्ध्यर्थं ग्रन्थानाम् आवली । भवतः भाषायां किञ्चन पुस्तकम् अन्वेष्टुं साहाय्यं कुर्वन्तु । पुस्तकानि चित्वा पुस्तकावल्यां योजयतु कृतिस्वाम्यविषयकाः विचाराः अत्र विद्यन्ते । पुस्तकप्राप्त्यनन्तरं पुटानि परिशील्य पुटावली निर्मातव्या <pagelist/>
भागग्राहिणः- भागग्राहिणः इत्यत्र हस्ताङ्कनं कृत्वा पञ्जीकरणं करोतु ।
निर्णायकः- निर्णायकः भवितुं स्वयम् आसक्तिं अत्र दर्शयतु । निर्णायकः अपि स्पर्धायां भागं ग्रहीतुं शक्नोति ।
सामाजिकमाध्यमेषु प्रसारः- सामाजिकमाध्यमद्वारा एतस्य प्रचारः भवतु इति अहं काङ्क्षामि । विकिव्यवस्थाद्वारा एव वयं भवद्भ्यः सूचनाः प्रेषयामः ।
पुरस्काराः- आयोजकानां पक्षतः पुरस्काराः भवितुमर्हन्ति ।
समयः- 01 मार्च 2022 तः 16 मार्च 2022
नियमाः सूचनाः च- अत्र प्राथमिकनियमाः सूचनाः च दत्ताः ।
अङ्काः- समग्रविवरणम् अत्र अस्ति
अस्मिन्वर्षे अपि गृहे एव स्थितिः अस्ति इति कारणतः अनेके अत्र भागं गृह्णीयुः इति भावयामि ।
Jayanta (CIS-A2K). १८:३२, १० फेब्रवरी २०२२ (UTC)
विकिस्रोत कार्यक्रम अधिकारी, CIS-A2K
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Purging a category page with fewer than 5,000 members will now recount it completely. This will allow editors to fix incorrect counts when it is wrong. [१६]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 15 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 16 February. It will be on all wikis from 17 February (calendar).
In the AbuseFilter extension, the
function has been updated so that it does not remove the "space" character. Wikis are advised to wrap all the uses ofrmspecials()
wherever necessary to keep filters' behavior unchanged. You can use the search function on Special:AbuseFilter to locate its usage. [१७]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
१९:१९, १४ फेब्रवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Special:Nuke will now provide the standard deletion reasons (editable at MediaWiki:Deletereason-dropdown) to use when mass-deleting pages. This was a request in the 2022 Community Wishlist Survey. [१८]
- At Wikipedias, all new accounts now get the Growth features by default when creating an account. Communities are encouraged to update their help resources. Previously, only 80% of new accounts would get the Growth features. A few Wikipedias remain unaffected by this change. [१९]
- You can now prevent specific images that are used in a page from appearing in other locations, such as within PagePreviews or Search results. This is done with the markup
. For example,[[File:Example.png|class=notpageimage]]
. [२०] There has been a change to the HTML of Special:Contributions, Special:MergeHistory, and History pages, to support the grouping of changes by date in the mobile skin. While unlikely, this may affect gadgets and user scripts. A list of all the HTML changes is on Phabricator.
- Community Wishlist Survey results have been published. The ranking of prioritized proposals is also available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 22 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 23 February. It will be on all wikis from 24 February (calendar).
Future changes
- The software to play videos and audio files on pages will change soon on all wikis. The old player will be removed. Some audio players will become wider after this change. The new player has been a beta feature for over four years. [२१][२२]
Toolforge's underlying operating system is being updated. If you maintain any tools there, there are two options for migrating your tools into the new system. There are details, deadlines, and instructions on Wikitech. [२३]
- Administrators will soon have the option to delete/undelete the associated "talk" page when they are deleting a given page. An API endpoint with this option will also be available. This was a request from the 2021 Wishlist Survey.
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१९:१२, २१ फेब्रवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- When searching for edits by change tags, e.g. in page history or user contributions, there is now a dropdown list of possible tags. This was a request in the 2022 Community Wishlist Survey. [२४]
- Mentors using the Growth Mentor dashboard will now see newcomers assigned to them who have made at least one edit, up to 200 edits. Previously, all newcomers assigned to the mentor were visible on the dashboard, even ones without any edit or ones who made hundred of edits. Mentors can still change these values using the filters on their dashboard. Also, the last choice of filters will now be saved. [२५][२६]
The user group
was renamedsuppress
. This is for technical reasons. You may need to update any local references to the old name, e.g. gadgets, links to Special:Listusers, or uses of NUMBERINGROUP.
- The recent change to the HTML of tracking changes pages caused some problems for screenreaders. This is being fixed. [२७]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 1 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 2 March. It will be on all wikis from 3 March (calendar).
Future changes
- Working with templates will become easier. Several improvements are planned for March 9 on most wikis and on March 16 on English Wikipedia. The improvements include: Bracket matching, syntax highlighting colors, finding and inserting templates, and related visual editor features.
- If you are a template developer or an interface administrator, and you are intentionally overriding or using the default CSS styles of user feedback boxes (the classes:
successbox, messagebox, errorbox, warningbox
), please note that these classes and associated CSS will soon be removed from MediaWiki core. This is to prevent problems when the same class-names are also used on a wiki. Please let us know by commenting at phab:T300314 if you think you might be affected.
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२३:००, २८ फेब्रवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- There was a problem with some interface labels last week. It will be fixed this week. This change was part of ongoing work to simplify the support for skins which do not have active maintainers. [२८]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 8 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 9 March. It will be on all wikis from 10 March (calendar).
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२१:१६, ७ मार्च् २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- In the Wikipedia Android app it is now possible to change the toolbar at the bottom so the tools you use more often are easier to click on. The app now also has a focused reading mode. [२९][३०]
- There was a problem with the collection of some page-view data from June 2021 to January 2022 on all wikis. This means the statistics are incomplete. To help calculate which projects and regions were most affected, relevant datasets are being retained for 30 extra days. You can read more on Meta-wiki.
- There was a problem with the databases on March 10. All wikis were unreachable for logged-in users for 12 minutes. Logged-out users could read pages but could not edit or access uncached content then. [३१]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 15 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 16 March. It will be on all wikis from 17 March (calendar).
- When using
to find localisation messages, it will now show all possible message keys for navigation tabs such as "इतिहासः दृश्यताम्". [३२] Access to विशेषः:संस्करणापाकरणम् has been expanded to include users who have
rights through their group memberships. Before, only those with thedeleterevision
right could access this special page. [३३]- On the विशेषः:पुनस्स्थापनम् pages for diffs and revisions, there will be a link back to the main Undelete page with the list of revisions. [३४]
Future changes
- The Wikimedia Foundation has announced the IP Masking implementation strategy and next steps. The announcement can be read here.
- The Wikipedia Android app developers are working on new functions for user talk pages and article talk pages. [३५]
- The Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 will take place as a hybrid event on 20-22 May 2022. The Hackathon will be held online and there are grants available to support local in-person meetups around the world. Grants can be requested until 20 March.
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२२:०८, १४ मार्च् २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New code release schedule for this week
- There will be four MediaWiki releases this week, instead of just one. This is an experiment which should lead to fewer problems and to faster feature updates. The releases will be on all wikis, at different times, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. You can read more about this project.
Recent changes
- You can now set how many search results to show by default in your Preferences. This was the 12th most popular wish in the Community Wishlist Survey 2022. [३६]
The Jupyter notebooks tool PAWS has been updated to a new interface. [३७]
Future changes
- Interactive maps via Kartographer will soon work on wikis using the FlaggedRevisions extension. Please tell us which improvements you want to see in Kartographer. You can take this survey in simple English. [३८]
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१६:०१, २१ मार्च् २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- There is a simple new Wikimedia Commons upload tool available for macOS users, Sunflower.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 29 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 30 March. It will be on all wikis from 31 March (calendar).
- Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of regular database maintenance. It will be performed on 29 March at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 31 March at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis). [३९][४०]
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१९:५५, २८ मार्च् २०२२ (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- For a few days last week, edits that were suggested to newcomers were not tagged in the विशेषः:नूतनपरिवर्तनानि feed. This bug has been fixed. [४१]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 5 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 6 April. It will be on all wikis from 7 April (calendar).
- Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 7 April at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
Future changes
- Starting next week, Tech News' title will be translatable. When the newsletter is distributed, its title may not be
Tech News: 2022-14
anymore. It may affect some filters that have been set up by some communities. [४२] - Over the next few months, the "Add a link" Growth feature will become available to more Wikipedias. Each week, a few wikis will get the feature. You can test this tool at a few wikis where "Link recommendation" is already available.
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२१:०१, ४ एप्रिल् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-15
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- There is a new public status page at www.wikimediastatus.net. This site shows five automated high-level metrics where you can see the overall health and performance of our wikis' technical environment. It also contains manually-written updates for widespread incidents, which are written as quickly as the engineers are able to do so while also fixing the actual problem. The site is separated from our production infrastructure and hosted by an external service, so that it can be accessed even if the wikis are briefly unavailable. You can read more about this project.
- On Wiktionary wikis, the software to play videos and audio files on pages has now changed. The old player has been removed. Some audio players will become wider after this change. The new player has been a beta feature for over four years. [४३][४४]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 12 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 13 April. It will be on all wikis from 14 April (calendar).
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१९:४४, ११ एप्रिल् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-16
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 19 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 20 April. It will be on all wikis from 21 April (calendar).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 19 April at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 21 April at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
- Administrators will now have the option to delete/undelete the associated "Talk" page when they are deleting a given page. An API endpoint with this option is also available. This concludes the 11th wish of the 2021 Community Wishlist Survey.
- On selected wikis, 50% of logged-in users will see the new table of contents. When scrolling up and down the page, the table of contents will stay in the same place on the screen. This is part of the Desktop Improvements project. [४५]
Message boxes produced by MediaWiki code will no longer have these CSS classes:
. The styles for those classes andmessagebox
will be removed from MediaWiki core. This only affects wikis that use these classes in wikitext, or change their appearance within site-wide CSS. Please review any local usage and definitions for these classes you may have. This was previously announced in the 28 February issue of Tech News.
Future changes
- Kartographer will become compatible with FlaggedRevisions page stabilization. Kartographer maps will also work on pages with pending changes. [४६] The Kartographer documentation has been thoroughly updated. [४७] [४८] [४९]
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२३:१२, १८ एप्रिल् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-17
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- On many wikis (group 1), the software to play videos and audio files on pages has now changed. The old player has been removed. Some audio players will become wider after this change. The new player has been a beta feature for over four years. [५०][५१]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 26 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 27 April. It will be on all wikis from 28 April (calendar).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 26 April at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
- Some very old browsers and operating systems are no longer supported. Some things on the wikis might look weird or not work in very old browsers like Internet Explorer 9 or 10, Android 4, or Firefox 38 or older. [५२]
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२२:५६, २५ एप्रिल् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-18
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- On all remaining wikis (group 2), the software to play videos and audio files on pages has now changed. The old player has been removed. Some audio players will become wider after this change. The new player has been a beta feature for over four years. [५३][५४]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 3 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 4 May. It will be on all wikis from 5 May (calendar).
Future changes
- The developers are working on talk pages in the Wikipedia app for iOS. You can give feedback. You can take the survey in English, German, Hebrew or Chinese.
- Most wikis will receive an improved template dialog in VisualEditor and New Wikitext mode. [५५] [५६]
- If you use syntax highlighting while editing wikitext, you can soon activate a colorblind-friendly color scheme. [५७]
Several CSS IDs related to MediaWiki interface messages will be removed. Technical editors should please review the list of IDs and links to their existing uses. These include
and 3 others.
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१९:३४, २ मे २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-19
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can now see categories in the Wikipedia app for Android. [५८]
- Last week, there was a problem with Wikidata's search autocomplete. This has now been fixed. [५९]
- Last week, all wikis had slow access or no access for 20 minutes, for logged-in users and non-cached pages. This was caused by a problem with a database change. [६०]
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week. [६१]
- Incompatibility issues with Kartographer and the FlaggedRevs extension will be fixed: Deployment is planned for May 10 on all wikis. Kartographer will then be enabled on the five wikis which have not yet enabled the extension on May 24.
- The Vector (2022) skin will be set as the default on several more wikis, including Arabic and Catalan Wikipedias. Logged-in users will be able to switch back to the old Vector (2010). See the latest update about Vector (2022).
Future meetings
- The next open meeting with the Web team about Vector (2022) will take place on 17 May. The following meetings are currently planned for: 7 June, 21 June, 5 July, 19 July.
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१५:२३, ९ मे २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-20
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- Some wikis can soon use the add a link feature. This will start on Wednesday. The wikis are Catalan Wikipedia, Hebrew Wikipedia, Hindi Wikipedia, Korean Wikipedia, Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia, Portuguese Wikipedia, Simple English Wikipedia, Swedish Wikipedia, Ukrainian Wikipedia. This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [६२]
- The Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 will take place online on May 20–22. It will be in English. There are also local hackathon meetups in Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Nigeria and the United States. Technically interested Wikimedians can work on software projects and learn new skills. You can also host a session or post a project you want to work on.
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 17 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 18 May. It will be on all wikis from 19 May (calendar).
Future changes
- You can soon edit translatable pages in the visual editor. Translatable pages exist on for examples Meta and Commons. [६३]
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१८:५८, १६ मे २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-21
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Administrators using the mobile web interface can now access Special:Block directly from user pages. [६४]
- The www.wiktionary.org portal page now uses an automated update system. Other project portals will be updated over the next few months. [६५]
- The Growth team maintains a mentorship program for newcomers. Previously, newcomers weren't able to opt out from the program. Starting May 19, 2022, newcomers are able to fully opt out from Growth mentorship, in case they do not wish to have any mentor at all. [६६]
- Some editors cannot access the content translation tool if they load it by clicking from the contributions menu. This problem is being worked on. It should still work properly if accessed directly via Special:ContentTranslation. [६७]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 24 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 25 May. It will be on all wikis from 26 May (calendar).
Future changes
Gadget and user scripts developers are invited to give feedback on a proposed technical policy aiming to improve support from MediaWiki developers. [६८]
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००:२१, २४ मे २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-22
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
In the AbuseFilter extension, an
function has been introduced to check if an IP is in any of the ranges. Wikis are advised to combine multipleip_in_range()
expressions joined by|
into a single expression for better performance. You can use the search function on Special:AbuseFilter to locate its usage. [६९]- The IP Info feature which helps abuse fighters access information about IPs, has been deployed to all wikis as a beta feature. This comes after weeks of beta testing on test.wikipedia.org.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 31 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 1 June. It will be on all wikis from 2 June (calendar).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 31 May at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
- The New Topic Tool will be deployed for all editors at most wikis soon. You will be able to opt out from within the tool and in Preferences. [७०][७१]
The list=usercontribs API will support fetching contributions from an IP range soon. API users can set the
parameter to get contributions from any IP range within the limit. [७२]- A new parser function will be introduced:
. It will replace existing templates named "=". It will insert an equal sign. This can be used to escape the equal sign in the parameter values of templates. [७३]
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२०:२९, ३० मे २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-23
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 7 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 8 June. It will be on all wikis from 9 June (calendar).
A new
function can be used in abuse filters to replace parts of text using a regular expression. [७४]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
०२:४६, ७ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-24
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- All wikis can now use Kartographer maps. Kartographer maps now also work on pages with pending changes. [७५][७६]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 14 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 15 June. It will be on all wikis from 16 June (calendar).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 14 June at 06:00 UTC (targeted wikis). [७७]
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Abkhazian Wikipedia, Achinese Wikipedia, Adyghe Wikipedia, Afrikaans Wikipedia, Akan Wikipedia, Alemannisch Wikipedia, Amharic Wikipedia, Aragonese Wikipedia, Old English Wikipedia, Syriac Wikipedia, Egyptian Arabic Wikipedia, Asturian Wikipedia, Atikamekw Wikipedia, Avaric Wikipedia, Aymara Wikipedia, Azerbaijani Wikipedia, South Azerbaijani Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [७८]
- The New Topic Tool will be deployed for all editors at Commons, Wikidata, and some other wikis soon. You will be able to opt out from within the tool and in Preferences. [७९][८०]
Future meetings
- The next open meeting with the Web team about Vector (2022) will take place today (13 June). The following meetings will take place on: 28 June, 12 July, 26 July.
Future changes
- By the end of July, the Vector 2022 skin should be ready to become the default across all wikis. Discussions on how to adjust it to the communities' needs will begin in the next weeks. It will always be possible to revert to the previous version on an individual basis. Learn more.
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१६:५९, १३ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-25
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Wikipedia App for Android now has an option for editing the whole page at once, located in the overflow menu (three-dots menu
). [८१]
Some recent database changes may affect queries using the Quarry tool. Queries for
at English Wikipedia, Commons, and Wikidata will need to be updated. Read more.A new
variable can be used in abuse filters to avoid affecting globally active users. [८२]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 21 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 22 June. It will be on all wikis from 23 June (calendar).
- Users of non-responsive skins (e.g. MonoBook or Vector) on mobile devices may notice a slight change in the default zoom level. This is intended to optimize zooming and ensure all interface elements are present on the page (for example the table of contents on Vector 2022). In the unlikely event this causes any problems with how you use the site, we'd love to understand better, please ping Jon (WMF) to any on-wiki conversations. [८३]
Future changes
- The Beta Feature for DiscussionTools will be updated throughout July. Discussions will look different. You can see some of the proposed changes.
Parsoid's HTML output will soon stop annotating file links with different
attribute values, and instead usemw:File
for all types. Tool authors should adjust any code that expects:mw:Image
, ormw:Video
. [८४]
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२०:१८, २० जून् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-26
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
Wikimedia Enterprise API service now has self-service accounts with free on-demand requests and monthly snapshots (API documentation). Community access via database dumps & Wikimedia Cloud Services continues.
All Wikimedia wikis can now use Wikidata Lexemes in Lua after creating local modules and templates. Discussions are welcome on the project talk page.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 28 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 29 June. It will be on all wikis from 30 June (calendar).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 28 June at 06:00 UTC (targeted wikis). [८५]
- Some global and cross-wiki services will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 30 June at 06:00 UTC. This will impact ContentTranslation, Echo, StructuredDiscussions, Growth experiments and a few more services. [८६]
- Users will be able to sort columns within sortable tables in the mobile skin. [८७]
Future meetings
- The next open meeting with the Web team about Vector (2022) will take place tomorrow (28 June). The following meetings will take place on 12 July and 26 July.
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२०:०३, २७ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-27
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 5 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 6 July. It will be on all wikis from 7 July (calendar).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 5 July at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 7 July at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
- The Beta Feature for DiscussionTools will be updated throughout July. Discussions will look different. You can see some of the proposed changes.
This change only affects pages in the main namespace in Wikisource. The Javascript config variable
will be removed frommw.config
and be replaced with the variableprpSourceIndexPage
. [८८]
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१९:३२, ४ जुलै २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-28
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- In the Vector 2022 skin, the page title is now displayed above the tabs such as Discussion, Read, Edit, View history, or More. Learn more. [८९]
It is now possible to easily view most of the configuration settings that apply to just one wiki, and to compare settings between two wikis if those settings are different. For example: Japanese Wiktionary settings, or settings that are different between the Spanish and Esperanto Wikipedias. Local communities may want to discuss and propose changes to their local settings. Details about each of the named settings can be found by searching MediaWiki.org. [९०]
- The Anti-Harassment Tools team recently deployed the IP Info Feature as a Beta Feature at all wikis. This feature allows abuse fighters to access information about IP addresses. Please check our update on how to find and use the tool. Please share your feedback using a link you will be given within the tool itself.
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 12 July at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
Future changes
- The Beta Feature for DiscussionTools will be updated throughout July. Discussions will look different. You can see some of the proposed changes.
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१९:२५, ११ जुलै २०२२ (UTC)
Hi, could you please review the deletion requests in the category above? --Rschen7754 २१:१८, १६ जुलै २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-29
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- The feature on mobile web for Nearby Pages was missing last week. It will be fixed this week. [९१]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 19 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 20 July. It will be on all wikis from 21 July (calendar).
Future changes
- The Technical Decision Forum is seeking community representatives. You can apply on wiki or by emailing TDFSupport@wikimedia.org before 12 August.
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२३:००, १८ जुलै २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-30
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The www.wikibooks.org and www.wikiquote.org portal pages now use an automated update system. Other project portals will be updated over the next few months. [९२]
- Last week, some wikis were in read-only mode for a few minutes because of an emergency switch of their main database (targeted wikis). [९३]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 26 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 27 July. It will be on all wikis from 28 July (calendar).
- The external link icon will change slightly in the skins Vector legacy and Vector 2022. The new icon uses simpler shapes to be more recognizable on low-fidelity screens. [९४]
- Administrators will now see buttons on user pages for "Change block" and "योजकसु अवरोधं परिहरतु ।" instead of just "सदस्यः अवरुद्ध्यताम्" if the user is already blocked. [९५]
Future meetings
- The next open meeting with the Web team about Vector (2022) will take place tomorrow (26 July).
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१९:२७, २५ जुलै २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-31
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Improved LaTeX capabilities for math rendering are now available in the wikis thanks to supporting
tags. This completes part of the #59 wish of the 2022 Community Wishlist Survey.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 2 August. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 3 August. It will be on all wikis from 4 August (calendar).
- The Realtime Preview will be available as a Beta Feature on wikis in Group 0. This feature was built in order to fulfill one of the Community Wishlist Survey proposals.
Future changes
- The Beta Feature for DiscussionTools will be updated throughout August. Discussions will look different. You can see some of the proposed changes.
Future meetings
- This week, three meetings about Vector (2022) with live interpretation will take place. On Tuesday, interpretation in Russian will be provided. On Thursday, meetings for Arabic and Spanish speakers will take place. See how to join.
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२१:२२, १ आगस्ट् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-32
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- GUS2Wiki copies the information from विशेषः:GadgetUsage to an on-wiki page so you can review its history. If your project isn't already listed on the Wikidata entry for Project:GUS2Wiki you can either run GUS2Wiki yourself or make a request to receive updates. [९६]
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 9 August at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 11 August at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
Future meetings
- The Wikimania Hackathon will take place online from August 12–14. Don't miss the pre-hacking showcase to learn about projects and find collaborators. Anyone can propose a project or host a session. Newcomers are welcome!
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१९:५०, ८ आगस्ट् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-33
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Persian (Farsi) Wikipedia community decided to block IP editing from October 2021 to April 2022. The Wikimedia Foundation's Product Analytics team tracked the impact of this change. An impact report is now available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 16 August. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 17 August. It will be on all wikis from 18 August (calendar).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 16 August at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 18 August at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
- The Realtime Preview will be available as a Beta Feature on wikis in Group 1. This feature was built in order to fulfill one of the Community Wishlist Survey proposals.
Future changes
- The Beta Feature for DiscussionTools will be updated throughout August. Discussions will look different. You can see some of the proposed changes. [९७][९८][९९]
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२१:०९, १५ आगस्ट् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-34
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Two problems with Kartographer maps have been fixed. Maps are no longer shown as empty when a geoline was created via VisualEditor. Geolines consisting of points with QIDs (e.g., subway lines) are no longer shown with pushpins. [१००][१०१]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 23 August. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 24 August. It will be on all wikis from 25 August (calendar).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 25 August at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
- The colours of links and visited links will change. This is to make the difference between links and other text more clear. [१०२]
Future changes
- The new [सदस्यता लें] button helps newcomers get answers. The Editing team is enabling this tool everywhere. You can turn it off in your preferences. [१०३]
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००:१३, २३ आगस्ट् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-35
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Realtime Preview is available as a Beta Feature on wikis in Group 2. This feature was built in order to fulfill one of the Community Wishlist Survey proposals. Please note that when this Beta feature is enabled, it may cause conflicts with some wiki-specific Gadgets.
- In recent months, there have been inaccurate numbers shown for various विशेषः:साङ्ख्यिकी at Commons, Wikidata, and English Wikipedia. This has now been fixed. [१०४]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 30 August. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 31 August. It will be on all wikis from 1 September (calendar).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 30 August at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 1 September at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
Future changes
- The Wikimedia Foundation wants to improve how Wikimedia communities report harmful incidents by building the Private Incident Reporting System (PIRS) to make it easy and safe for users to make reports. You can leave comments on the talk page, by answering the questions provided. If you have ever faced a harmful situation that you wanted to report/reported, join a PIRS interview to share your experience. To sign up please email Madalina Ana.
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२३:०६, २९ आगस्ट् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-36
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 6 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 7 September. It will be on all wikis from 8 September (calendar).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 6 September at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 8 September at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
On Special pages that only have one tab, the tab-bar's row will be hidden in the Vector-2022 skin to save space. The row will still show if Gadgets use it. Gadgets that currently append directly to the CSS id of
should be updated to use themw.util.addPortletLink
function instead. Gadgets that style this id should consider also targeting#p-associated-pages
, the new id for this row. Examples are available. [१०५][१०६]
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२३:२२, ५ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-37
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The search servers have been upgraded to a new major version. If you notice any issues with searching, please report them on Phabricator. [१०७]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 13 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 14 September. It will be on all wikis from 15 September (calendar).
- Syntax highlighting is now tracked as an expensive parser function. Only 500 expensive function calls can be used on a single page. Pages that exceed the limit are added to a tracking category. [१०८]
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०१:५०, १३ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-38
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
Two database fields in the
table are now being dropped:tl_namespace
. Any queries that rely on these fields need to be changed to use the new normalization field calledtl_target_id
. See T299417 for more information. This is part of normalization of links tables. [१०९][११०]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 20 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 21 September. It will be on all wikis from 22 September (calendar).
- In Kartographer maps, you can use icons on markers for common points of interest. On Tuesday, the previous icon set will be updated to version maki 7.2. That means, around 100 new icons will be available. Additionally, all existing icons were updated for clarity and to make them work better in international contexts. [१११][११२]
Future changes
- In a group discussion at Wikimania, more than 30 people talked about how to make content partnership software in the Wikimedia movement more sustainable. What kind of support is acceptable for volunteer developers? Read the summary and leave your feedback.
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MediaWiki message delivery २२:१६, १९ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2022-39
[सम्पाद्यताम्]विकिमीडिया तकनीकी समुदाय द्वारा नवीनतम तकनीकी समाचार। कृपया अन्य सदस्यों को भी इन परिवर्तनों के बारे में बतायें। हर परिवर्तन आपको प्रभावित नहीं करेगा। अनुवाद उपलब्ध है।
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
पार्सोएड ग्राहकोंको अद्यतन करना चाहिये ताकि
लिंकों के अट्रिब्युट में स्पेस द्वारा अलग किया हुआ वहु–मान प्रयोग की जाए। अधिक जानकारी T315209 में।
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २७ सितम्बर से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर २८ सितम्बर से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर २९ सितम्बर (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
- दृश्य अन्तरें सब सदस्यों को उपलब्ध होगा, विक्शनरीयाँ और विकिपीडिया के अलावा। [११३]
- अरबी, बांग्ला, चीनी, फ्रेंच, हाईटियन क्रियोल, हिब्रू, कोरियाई और वियतनामी विकिपीडिया में मोबाइल साइट पर वार्ता पृष्ठ बदल जाएगा। उनका उपयोग करना आसान होना चाहिए और अधिक जानकारी प्रदान करनी चाहिए। [११४] [११५]
- In the पटलम् namespace, pages ending with
will be treated as JSON, just like they already are in the सदस्यः and मीडियाविकि namespaces. [११६]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery ००:३०, २७ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-40
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Kartographer maps can now show geopoints from Wikidata, via QID or SPARQL query. Previously, this was only possible for geoshapes and geolines. [११७] [११८]
- The Coolest Tool Award 2022 is looking for nominations. You can recommend tools until 12 October.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 4 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 5 October. It will be on all wikis from 6 October (calendar).
- Talk pages on the mobile site will change at the Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Korean, and Vietnamese Wikipedias. They should be easier to use and provide more information. (Last week's release was delayed) [११९] [१२०]
API module will require a CSRF token. This module is documented as internal and use of it is not supported. [5]- The Vector 2022 skin will become the default across the smallest Wikimedia projects. Learn more.
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MediaWiki message delivery ००:२४, ४ अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-41
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 11 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 12 October. It will be on all wikis from 13 October (calendar).
- On some wikis, Kartographer maps in full size view will be able to display nearby articles. After a feedback period, more wikis will follow. [१२१][१२२]
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१४:०९, १० अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-42
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The recently implemented feature of article thumbnails in Special:Search will be limited to Wikipedia projects only. Further details are in T320510. [१२३]
- A bug that caused problems in loading article thumbnails in Special:Search has been fixed. Further details are in T320406.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 18 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 19 October. It will be on all wikis from 20 October (calendar).
Lua module authors can use
to load data from JSON pages. [१२४]Lua module authors can enable
require( "strict" )
to add errors for some possible code problems. This replaces "Module:No globals" on most wikis. [१२५]
Future changes
- The Beta Feature for DiscussionTools will be updated at most wikis. The "उत्तर दें" button will look different after this change. [१२६]
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MediaWiki message delivery २१:४६, १७ अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2022-43
[सम्पाद्यताम्]विकिमीडिया तकनीकी समुदाय से नवीनतम तकनीकी समाचार। कृपया दूसरे सदस्यों को इन बदलावों के बारे में बताएँ। सभी बदलावों से आप प्रभावित नहीं होंगे। अनुवादक उपलब्ध हैं।
हाल में हुए बदलाव
- Special:Search में ऑडियो प्लेयर के संरेखण और चित्र के प्लेसहोल्डर की ऊँचाई से संबंधित कुछ छोटे यथादृश्य सुधार किए गए हैं। अधिक जानकारी T319230 पर है।
- विकिपीडियाओं पर एक नई वरीयता जोड़ी गई है जिससे Special:Search में लेखों के अंगूठाकारों को छिपाया जा सकता है। पूरी जानकारी T320337 पर है।
- पिछले हफ़्ते तीन विकियों (फ़्रांसीसी विकिपीडिया, जापानी विकिपीडिया, रूसी विकिपीडिया) पर 25 मिनट के लिए पठन पहुँच थी। यह हार्डवेयर में एक समस्या के चलते हुआ था। [१२७]
इस हफ़्ते के बदलाव
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकियों और MediaWiki.org पर २५ अक्टूबर से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडियाओं पर २६ अक्टूबर से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर २७ अक्टूबर (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
कुछ विकियों के मुख्य डेटाबेस में बदलावों के कारण ये कुछ मिनटों के लिए पठन मोड में होंगे। यह काम २५ अक्टूबर को 07:00 UTC (12:30 IST) (लक्षित विकियाँ) और २७ अक्टूबर को 7:00 UTC (12:30 IST) (लक्षित विकियाँ) पर किया जाएगा।
- बुधवार से कुछ विकिपीडियाओं के एक समूह पर "एक कड़ी जोड़ें" उपलब्ध होगी (असमिया विकिपीडिया, बश्किर विकिपीडिया, बाली विकिपीडिया, बवेरियाई विकिपीडिया, सामोगितियाई विकिपीडिया, मध्य बिकोल विकिपीडिया, बेलारूसी विकिपीडिया, बेलारूसी (ताराश्केविका) विकिपीडिया, बेलारूसी विकिपीडिया, भोजपुरी विकिपीडिया, बिस्लामा विकिपीडिया, बिस्लामा विकिपीडिया, बाम्बारा विकिपीडिया, बिष्णुप्रिया विकिपीडिया, ब्रेटन विकिपीडिया, बोस्नियाई विकिपीडिया, बुगिनी विकिपीडिया, बुर्यात विकिपीडिया, इंडोनेशियाई विकिपीडिया)। यह अधिक विकिपीडियाओं पर इस उपकरण के प्रगतिशील तैनात-कार्य का हिस्सा है। समुदाय कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं कि यह सुविधा लोकल रूप से कैसे काम करेगी। [१२८]
- बुधवार 26 अक्टूबर 2022 से मेंटर्स की सूची उन विकियों पर अपग्रेड कर दी जाएगी जहाँ पर मेंटरशिप उपलब्ध है। मेंटरशिप प्रणाली वर्तमान मॉडल पर काम करती जाएगी। साइन-अप की प्रक्रिया को बदल दिया जाएगा, और प्रबंधन के एक नए विकल्प को उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा। और यह बदलाव विकिपीडियाओं पर मेंटरशिप की प्रणाली के निर्माण को आसान बना देगा। [१२९][१३०][१३१]
- यूनिकोड 11 के अनुसार छोटे अक्षरों से शुरू होने वाले नामों के पृष्ठों को स्थानांतरित कर दिया जाएगा या फिर हटा दिया जाएगा। प्रभावित पृष्ठों की सूची m:Unicode 11 case map migration पर उपलब्ध है। अधिक जानकारी T292552 पर पाई जा सकती है।
- Vector 2022 स्किन छोटे विकिपीडियाओं पर डिफ़ॉल्ट स्किन बन जाएगा। अधिक जानें।
भविष्य के बदलाव
- उत्तर उपकरण और नया विषय उपकरण, दोनों को जल्द एक विशेष अक्षर मेन्यू प्राप्त होगा। [१३२]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • सदस्यता लें या छोड़ें।
MediaWiki message delivery २१:२३, २४ अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2022-44
[सम्पाद्यताम्]विकिमीडिया तकनीकी समुदाय से नवीनतम तकनीकी समाचार। कृपया दूसरे सदस्यों को इन बदलावों के बारे में बताएँ। सभी बदलावों से आप प्रभावित नहीं होंगे। अनुवाद उपलब्ध हैं।
हाल में हुए बदलाव
- एक Kartographer नक्शे पर कीबोर्ड नेविगेशन का इस्तेमाल करते समय फ़ोकस ठीक से नज़र आएगा। [१३३]
- विशेषः:नूतनपरिवर्तनानि में अब आप "⧼rcfilters-filter-newuserlogactions-label⧽" के फ़िल्टर के साथ नए सदस्यों के निर्माण की लॉग एंट्रियाँ छिपा सकते हैं। [१३४]
इस हफ़्ते के बदलाव
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकियों और MediaWiki.org पर १ नवम्बर से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडियाओं पर २ नवम्बर से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर ३ नवम्बर (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
- यथादृश्य सम्पादिका के नक्शा डायलॉग में अब कुछ सहायता टेक्स्ट है। [१३५]
- अब यथादृश्य सम्पादिका में एक ड्रॉपडाउन मेन्यू की मदद से Kartographer नक्शे की भाषा चुनी जा सकती है। [१३६]
- अब यथादृश्य सम्पादिका के ज़रिए Kartographer नक्शे में कैप्शन जोड़ा जा सकता है। [१३७]
- अब यथादृश्य सम्पादिका के ज़रिए Kartographer नक्शे का बॉर्डर छिपाया जा सकता है। [१३८]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीकी समाचार लेखकों द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • सदस्यता लें या छोड़ें।
MediaWiki message delivery २१:१६, ३१ अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2022-45
[सम्पाद्यताम्]विकिमीडिया तकनीकी समुदाय से नवीनतम तकनीकी समाचार। कृपया दूसरे सदस्यों को इन बदलावों के बारे में बताएँ। सभी बदलावों से आप प्रभावित नहीं होंगे। अनुवाद उपलब्ध हैं।
हाल में हुए बदलाव
- Event Registration उपकरण का एक अद्यत संस्करण testwiki और test2wiki पर परीक्षण के लिए उपलब्ध है। यह उपकरण कार्यक्रम के आयोजकों और भागीदारों को सुविधाएँ प्रदान करता है। हमारे परियोजना वार्ता पृष्ठ पर आपकी प्रतिक्रिया का स्वागत है। परियोजना के बारे में अधिक जानकारी उपलब्ध है। [१३९]
- पिछले हफ़्ते दो बार, 45 मिनटों के लिए, कुछ फ़ाइलें और अंगूठाकार लोड न हो पाए, और ज़्यादातर लॉग-इन किए हुए सदस्यों के लिए। इसके कारण की जाँच-पड़ताल चल रही है और घटना रिपोर्ट जल्द उपलब्ध होगी।
इस हफ़्ते के बदलाव
- इस हफ़्ते मीडियाविकि का कोई नया संस्करण नहीं आया।
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीकी समाचार लेखकों द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • सदस्यता लें या छोड़ें।
MediaWiki message delivery ००:३२, ८ नवेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Indic Wikisource proofread-a-thon November 2022
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translate it

Dear Shubha,
Thank you and congratulation to you for your participation and support last year. The CIS-A2K has been conducted again this year Online Indic Wikisource proofread-a-thon November 2022 to enrich our Indian classic literature in digital format.
- Booklist: a collection of books to be proofread. Kindly help us to find some books in your language. The book should not be available on any third-party website with Unicode formatted text. Please collect the books and add our event page book list. You should follow the copyright guideline described here. After finding the book, you should check the pages of the book and create <pagelist/>.
- Participants: Kindly sign your name at Participants section if you wish to participate in this event.
- Reviewer: Kindly promote yourself as administrator/reviewer of this proofreadthon and add your proposal here. The administrator/reviewers could participate in this Proofreadthon.
- Some social media coverage: I would request to all Indic Wikisource community members, please spread the news to all social media channels, we always try to convince your Wikipedia/Wikisource to use their SiteNotice. Of course, you must also use your own Wikisource site notice.
- Some awards: There may be some award/prize given by CIS-A2K.
- A way to count validated and proofread pages:Indic Wikisource Contest Tools
- Time : Proofreadthon will run: from 14 November 2022 00.01 to 30 Novemeber 2022 23.59 (IST)
- Rules and guidelines: The basic rules and guideline have described here
- Scoring: The details scoring method have described here
I really hope many Indic Wikisources will be present this time.
Thanks for your attention
Jayanta (CIS-A2K)- 9 November 2022 (UTC)
Wikisource Program officer, CIS-A2K
असंस्कृतग्रन्थानेतान् कृपया निष्कासयतु (delete)
[सम्पाद्यताम्]- https://sa.wikisource.org/s/9ph
- https://sa.wikisource.org/s/nlh
- https://sa.wikisource.org/s/kzh
- https://sa.wikisource.org/s/lkt
- https://sa.wikisource.org/s/1278
- https://sa.wikisource.org/s/1277
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- https://sa.wikisource.org/s/8so
- https://sa.wikisource.org/s/8tk
- https://sa.wikisource.org/s/8w1
Srkris (सम्भाषणम्) ०२:५०, १४ नवेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
- Srkris नमस्ते, अन्यभाषाग्रन्थान् अपाकृतवती अस्मि । धन्यवादः । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:४३, १४ नवेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
- धन्यवादः मान्ये। Srkris (सम्भाषणम्) ०९:२७, १४ नवेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
- Srkris नमस्ते, अन्यभाषाग्रन्थान् अपाकृतवती अस्मि । धन्यवादः । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:४३, १४ नवेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-46
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- At Wikidata, an interwiki link can now point to a redirect page if certain conditions are met. This new feature is called sitelinks to redirects. It is needed when one wiki uses one page to cover multiple concepts but another wiki uses more pages to cover the same concepts. Your feedback on the talkpage of the new proposed guideline is welcome. [१४०]
- The www.wikinews.org, www.wikiversity.org, and www.wikivoyage.org portal pages now use an automated update system. [१४१]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 15 November. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 16 November. It will be on all wikis from 17 November (calendar).
- There will be a new link to directly "Edit template data" on Template pages. [१४२]
Future changes
Wikis where mobile DiscussionTools are enabled (these ones) will soon use full CSS styling to display any templates that are placed at the top of talk pages. To adapt these “talk page boxes” for narrow mobile devices you can use media queries, such as in this example. [१४३]
- Starting in January 2023, Community Tech will be running the Community Wishlist Survey (CWS) every two years. This means that in 2024, there will be no new proposals or voting.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
MediaWiki message delivery २१:५५, १४ नवेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-47
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The display of non-free media in the search bar and for article thumbnails in Special:Search has been deactivated. Further details are in T320661.
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 22 November at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 24 November at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
MediaWiki message delivery २३:२२, २१ नवेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2022-48
[सम्पाद्यताम्]नवीनतम तकनीकी समाचार विकिमीडिया तकनीकी समुदाय से। कृपया अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं को इन परिवर्तनों के बारे में बताएं। सभी बदलाव आपको प्रभावित नहीं करेंगे। अनुवाद उपलब्ध हैं।
हाल में हुए बदलाव
- Vector 2022 skin में एक नई प्राथमिकता, "सीमित चौड़ाई मोड सक्षम करें" जोड़ा गया है। यदि आपका मॉनिटर 1600 पिक्सेल या चौड़ा है तो वरीयता प्रत्येक पृष्ठ पर टॉगल के रूप में भी उपलब्ध है। यह लॉग-आउट और लॉग-इन उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए पेज की चौड़ाई बढ़ाने की अनुमति देता है। [१४४]
इस सप्ताह के अंत में परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २९ नवम्बर होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकियों और ३० नवम्बर के कुछ विकिपीडिया पर होगा। यह १ दिसम्बर (कैलेंडर) से सभी विकियों पर होगा।
कुछ विकीज़ अपने मुख्य डेटाबेस में बदलाव के कारण कुछ मिनटों के लिए केवल-पढ़ने के लिए होंगे। यह २९ नवम्बर को किया जाएगा 07:00 UTC पर (लक्षित विकी) और १ दिसम्बर को 7:00 UTC पर (लक्षित विकीज़)।
- SVG छवि प्रारूप में दिखाए गए गणितीय फ़ार्मुलों में अब उन ब्राउज़रों के लिए PNG फ़ॉल-बैक नहीं होंगे जो उनका समर्थन नहीं करते हैं। यह जनरेशन सिस्टम को आधुनिक बनाने के काम का हिस्सा है। फरवरी 2018 तक केवल पीएनजी संस्करण दिखाना डिफ़ॉल्ट विकल्प था। [१४५][१४६][१४७]
- कुछ विकियों पर जो फ़्लैग किए गए संशोधनों का उपयोग करते हैं, एक नया चेकबॉक्स जोड़ा जाएगा to Special:ऐसे योगदान जो आपको उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा केवल लंबित परिवर्तन देखने में सक्षम बनाते हैं। [१४८]
भविष्य परिवर्तन
पार्सर के HTML आउटपुट में मीडिया को कैसे संरचित किया जाता है, यह अगले सप्ताह की शुरुआत में group1 wikis पर बदल जाएगा (लेकिन विकिमीडिया कॉमन्स या मेटा-विकी नहीं)। यह परिवर्तन सामग्री की पहुंच में सुधार करता है, और संबंधित CSS को लिखना आसान बनाता है। आपको अपनी साइट-सीएसएस, या उपयोगकर्ता स्क्रिप्ट और गैजेट को अपडेट करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। यहां किस कोड की जांच करनी है, कोड को कैसे अपडेट करना है, और किसी संबंधित समस्या की रिपोर्ट कहां करनी है के विवरण हैं। [१४९]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीकी समाचार लेखक द्वारा तैयार और bot द्वारा पोस्ट किया गया • योगदान • अनुवाद • मदद पाएं • प्रतिक्रिया दें • सदस्यता लें या सदस्यता समाप्त करें।
MediaWiki message delivery २०:०३, २८ नवेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2022-49
[सम्पाद्यताम्]विकिमीडिया तकनीकी समुदाय से नवीनतम तकनीकी समाचार। कृपया दूसरे सदस्यों को इन बदलावों के बारे में बताएँ। सभी बदलावों से आप प्रभावित नहीं होंगे। अनुवाद उपलब्ध हैं।
हाल में हुए बदलाव
विकिस्रोत पर ProofreadPage नामक एक उपकरण का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। ProofreadPage OpenSeadragon का इस्तेमाल करता है जो एक मुक्त-स्रोत उपकरण है। OpenSeadragon जावास्क्रिप्ट API को चित्रों को डायनामिक रूप से लोड करने के लिए दोबारा लिखा गया है। API के पुराने संस्करण द्वारा प्रदत्त कार्यक्षमता अब भी काम करेगी मगर वह अब समर्थित नहीं। सदस्य-स्क्रिप्टों और गैजेट्स को अब API के नए संस्करण पर माइग्रेट करना होगा। API के नए संस्करण द्वारा प्रदत्त कार्यक्षमता को MediaWiki पर प्रलेखित किया गया है। [१५०][१५१]
इस हफ़्ते के बदलाव
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण ६ दिसम्बर से परीक्षण विकियों और MediaWiki.org पर होगा। यह ७ दिसम्बर से गैर-विकिपीडिया विकियों और कुछ विकिपीडियाओं पर होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर ८ दिसम्बर से होगा (पंचाँग)।
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीकी समाचार लेखकों द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • सदस्यता लें या छोड़ें।
MediaWiki message delivery ००:४१, ६ डिसेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-50
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- An A/B test has begun at 15 Wikipedias for DiscussionTools on mobile. Half of the editors on the mobile web site will have access to the उत्तर दें tool and other features. [१५२]
- The character
cannot be used in new usernames, to make usernames work better with templates. Existing usernames are not affected. [१५३]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 13 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 14 December. It will be on all wikis from 15 December (calendar).
The HTML markup used by DiscussionTools to show discussion metadata below section headings will be inserted after these headings, not inside of them. This change improves the accessibility of discussion pages for screen reader software. [१५४]
- The fourth edition of the Coolest Tool Award will happen online on Friday 16 December 2022 at 17:00 UTC! The event will be live-streamed on YouTube in the MediaWiki channel and added to Commons afterwards.
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:३५, १२ डिसेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Tech News: 2022-51
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News
- Because of the holidays the next issue of Tech News will be sent out on 9 January 2023.
Recent changes
- On a user's contributions page, you can filter it for edits with a tag like 'reverted'. Now, you can also filter for all edits that are not tagged like that. This was part of a Community Wishlist 2022 request. [१५५]
A new function has been used for gadget developers to add content underneath the title on article pages. This is considered a stable API that should work across all skins. Documentation is available. [१५६]
One of our test wikis is now being served from a new infrastructure powered by Kubernetes (read more). More Wikis will switch to this new infrastructure in early 2023. Please test and let us know of any issues. [१५७]
- Last week, all wikis had no edit access for 9 minutes. This was caused by a database problem. [१५८]
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week or next week.
- The word "उत्तर दें" is very short in some languages, such as Arabic ("ردّ"). This makes the चर्चा उपकरण button on talk pages difficult to use. An arrow icon will be added to those languages. This will only be visible to editors who have the Beta Feature turned on. [१५९] [१६०]
Future changes
- Edits can be automatically "tagged" by the system software or the शोधाकाराधिक्षेपः system. Those tags link to a help page about the tags. Soon they will also link to Recent Changes to let you see other edits tagged this way. This was a Community Wishlist 2022 request. [१६१]
- The Trust & Safety tools team have shared new plans for building the Private Incident Reporting System. The system will make it easier for editors to ask for help if they are harassed or abused.
- Realtime Preview for Wikitext is coming out of beta as an enabled feature for every user of the 2010 Wikitext editor in the week of January 9, 2023. It will be available to use via the toolbar in the 2010 Wikitext editor. The feature was the 4th most popular wish of the Community Wishlist Survey 2021.
- You can now register for the Wikimedia Hackathon 2023, taking place on May 19–21 in Athens, Greece. You can also apply for a scholarship until January 14th.
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MediaWiki message delivery ००:००, २० डिसेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार:2023-02
[सम्पाद्यताम्]नवीनतम तकनीकी समाचार विकिमीडिया तकनीकी समुदाय से। कृपया अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं को इन परिवर्तनों के बारे में बताएं। सभी बदलाव आपको प्रभावित नहीं करेंगे। अनुवाद उपलब्ध हैं।
हाल में हुए बदलाव
- आप हाल के परिवर्तन फ़ीड या अपनी ध्यानसूची पर संपादन फ़िल्टर करने के लिए टैग का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। अब आप उन संपादनों को फ़िल्टर करने के लिए टैग का उपयोग कर सकते हैं जिन्हें आप देखना नहीं चाहते हैं। पहले आप केवल उन टैग्स के साथ संपादन पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए टैग का उपयोग कर सकते थे। [१६२]
- विशेष:व्हाटलिंक्स हियर उन सभी पेजों को दिखाता है जो किसी खास पेज से लिंक होते हैं। उन पृष्ठों को वर्णानुक्रम में कैसे क्रमबद्ध किया जाए, इसके लिए अब एक प्रोटोटाइप है। आप चर्चा फैब्रिकेटर टिकट में देख सकते हैं।
- अब आप धन्यवाद फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग अपनी ध्यानसूची और उपयोगकर्ता योगदान पृष्ठ पर कर सकते हैं। [१६३]
- इसे नया नाम देने के लिए विकी पृष्ठ को स्थानांतरित किया जा सकता है। जब आप किसी पृष्ठ को स्थानांतरित करते हैं तो अब आप सामान्य कारणों के साथ ड्रॉपडाउन मेनू प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। ऐसा इसलिए है ताकि आपको हर बार स्पष्टीकरण लिखने की आवश्यकता न पड़े। [१६४]
- मैट्रिक्स एक चैट टूल है। अब आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं
विकि पृष्ठों पर मैट्रिक्स लिंक बनाने के लिए। [१६५] - जब आप बहुभाषी विकियों पर हाल के परिवर्तनों को देखते हैं तो आप अनुवादों को फ़िल्टर कर सकते हैं। इसने सभी अनुवादों को नहीं छुपाया। अब आप उपपृष्ठों का अनुवाद भी छिपा सकते हैं। [१६६]
इस सप्ताह के अंत में परिवर्तन
- विकीटेक्स्ट के लिए रीयलटाइम पूर्वावलोकन एक उपकरण है जो संपादकों को विकिटेक्स्ट संपादित करते समय पृष्ठ का पूर्वावलोकन करने देता है। यह २०१० विकिपाठ संपादक के सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए सक्षम होगा। यह आपको एडिटर टूलबार में मिल जाएगा।
कुछ विकीज़ अपने मुख्य डेटाबेस में बदलाव के कारण कुछ मिनटों के लिए केवल-पढ़ने के लिए होंगे। पर किया जाएगा १० जनवरी ०७:०० यूटीसी पर (लक्ष्य विकी) और इसपर १२ जनवरी ०७:०० यूटीसी पर (लक्ष्य विकी).
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर होगा १० जनवरी. यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकियों और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर होगा ११ जनवरी. यह से सभी विकियों पर होगा १२ जनवरी (पंचांग).
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery ०१:०८, १० जनवरी २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-03
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
The URLs in "पूर्वतनम्" links on page history now contain
diff=prev&oldid=[revision ID]
in place ofdiff=[revision ID]&oldid=[revision ID]
. This is to fix a problem with links pointing to incorrect diffs when history was filtered by a tag. Some user scripts may break as a result of this change. [१६७]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 17 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 18 January. It will be on all wikis from 19 January (calendar).
- Some changes to the appearance of talk pages have only been available on
namespaces. These will be extended to other talk namespaces, such asविकिस्रोतःसम्भाषणम्:
. They will continue to be unavailable in non-talk namespaces, includingविकिस्रोतः:
pages (e.g., at the Village Pump). You can change your preferences (beta feature). [१६८] - On Wikisources, when an image is zoomed or panned in the Page: namespace, the same zoom and pan settings will be remembered for all Page: namespace pages that are linked to a particular Index: namespace page. [१६९]
- The Vector 2022 skin will become the default for the English Wikipedia desktop users. The change will take place on January 18 at 15:00 UTC. Learn more.
Future changes
- The 2023 edition of the Community Wishlist Survey, which invites contributors to make technical proposals and vote for tools and improvements, starts next week on 23 January 2023 at 18:00 UTC. You can start drafting your proposals in the CWS sandbox.
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MediaWiki message delivery ०१:११, १७ जनवरी २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-04
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Last week, for ~15 minutes, all wikis were unreachable for logged-in users and non-cached pages. This was caused by a timing issue. [१७०]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 24 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 25 January. It will be on all wikis from 26 January (calendar).
- If you have the Beta Feature for DiscussionTools enabled, the appearance of talk pages will add more information about discussion activity. [१७१][१७२]
- The 2023 edition of the Community Wishlist Survey (CWS), which invites contributors to make technical proposals and vote for tools and improvements, starts on Monday 23 January 2023 at 18:00 UTC.
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:४६, २३ जनवरी २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-05
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Last week, for ~15 minutes, some users were unable to log in or edit pages. This was caused by a problem with session storage. [१७३]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 31 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 1 February. It will be on all wikis from 2 February (calendar).
Future changes
Wikis that use localized numbering schemes for references need to add new CSS. This will help to show citation numbers the same way in all reading and editing modes. If your wiki would prefer to do it yourselves, please see the details and example CSS to copy from, and also add your wiki to the list. Otherwise, the developers will directly help out starting the week of February 5.
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MediaWiki message delivery ००:०६, ३१ जनवरी २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-06
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- In the Vector 2022 skin, logged-out users using the full-width toggle will be able to see the setting of their choice even after refreshing pages or opening new ones. This only applies to wikis where Vector 2022 is the default. [१७४]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 7 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 8 February. It will be on all wikis from 9 February (calendar).
- Previously, we announced when some wikis would be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. These switches will not be announced any more, as the read-only time has become non-significant. Switches will continue to happen at 7AM UTC on Tuesdays and Thursdays. [१७५]
- Across all the wikis, in the Vector 2022 skin, logged-in users will see the page-related links such as "What links here" in a new side menu. It will be displayed on the other side of the screen. This change had previously been made on Czech, English, and Vietnamese Wikipedias. [१७६]
- Community Wishlist Survey 2023 will stop receiving new proposals on Monday, 6 February 2023, at 18:00 UTC. Proposers should complete any edits by then, to give time for translations and review. Voting will begin on Friday, 10 February.
Future changes
Gadgets and user scripts will be changing to load on desktop and mobile sites. Previously they would only load on the desktop site. It is recommended that wiki administrators audit the gadget definitions prior to this change, and add
for any gadgets which should not load on mobile. More details are available.
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MediaWiki message delivery १०:२१, ६ फेब्रवरी २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-07
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- On wikis where patrolled edits are enabled, changes made to the mentor list by autopatrolled mentors are not correctly marked as patrolled. It will be fixed later this week. [१७७]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 14 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 15 February. It will be on all wikis from 16 February (calendar).
- The Reply tool and other parts of DiscussionTools will be deployed for all editors using the mobile site. You can read more about this decision. [१७८]
Future changes
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on March 1. This is planned for 14:00 UTC. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [१७९][१८०][१८१]
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MediaWiki message delivery ०१:४९, १४ फेब्रवरी २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-08
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Last week, during planned maintenance of Cloud Services, unforeseen complications forced the team to turn off all tools for 2–3 hours to prevent data corruption. Work is ongoing to prevent similar problems in the future. [१८२]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 21 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 22 February. It will be on all wikis from 23 February (calendar).
- The voting phase for the Community Wishlist Survey 2023 ends on 24 February at 18:00 UTC. The results of the survey will be announced on 28 February.
Future changes
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on March 1. This is planned for 14:00 UTC. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [१८३][१८४][१८५]
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MediaWiki message delivery ०१:५८, २१ फेब्रवरी २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-09
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Last week, in some areas of the world, there were problems with loading pages for 20 minutes and saving edits for 55 minutes. These issues were caused by a problem with our caching servers due to unforseen events during a routine maintenance task. [१८६][१८७]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 28 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 1 March. It will be on all wikis from 2 March (calendar).
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on March 1. This is planned for 14:00 UTC. [१८८]
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:४७, २७ फेब्रवरी २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-10
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Community Wishlist Survey 2023 edition has been concluded. Community Tech has published the results of the survey and will provide an update on what is next in April 2023.
- On wikis which use LanguageConverter to handle multiple writing systems, articles which used custom conversion rules in the wikitext (primarily on Chinese Wikipedia) would have these rules applied inconsistently in the table of contents, especially in the Vector 2022 skin. This has now been fixed. [१८९]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 7 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 8 March. It will be on all wikis from 9 March (calendar).
- A search system has been added to the Preferences screen. This will let you find different options more easily. Making it work on mobile devices will happen soon. [१९०]
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:५०, ६ मार्च् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-11
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 14 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 15 March. It will be on all wikis from 16 March (calendar).
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Chavacano de Zamboanga Wikipedia, Min Dong Chinese Wikipedia, Chechen Wikipedia, Cebuano Wikipedia, Chamorro Wikipedia, Cherokee Wikipedia, Cheyenne Wikipedia, Central Kurdish Wikipedia, Corsican Wikipedia, Kashubian Wikipedia, Church Slavic Wikipedia, Chuvash Wikipedia, Welsh Wikipedia, Italian Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [१९१][१९२]
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:२०, १३ मार्च् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-12
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Last week, some users experienced issues loading image thumbnails. This was due to incorrectly cached images. [१९३]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २१ मार्च से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर २२ मार्च से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर २३ मार्च (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
A link to the user's विशेषः:मध्यवर्तीप्रामान्य page will appear on विशेषः:योगदानानि — some user scripts which previously added this link may cause conflicts. This feature request was voted #17 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey.
The विशेषः:दुरुपयोगशोधबन्धन edit window will be resizable and larger by default. This feature request was voted #80 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey.
- There will be a new option for Administrators when they are unblocking a user, to add the unblocked user’s user page to their watchlist. This will work both via विशेषः:अवरोध हटाएँ and via the API. [१९४]
- You can join the next meeting with the Wikipedia mobile apps teams. During the meeting, we will discuss the current features and future roadmap. The meeting will be on 24 March at 17:00 (UTC). See details and how to join.
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery ०१:२६, २१ मार्च् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-13
[सम्पाद्यताम्]नवीनतम तकनीकी समाचार विकिमीडिया तकनीकी समुदाय से द्वारा लिखित हैं। कृपया अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं को इन परिवर्तनों के बारे में बताएं। सभी बदलाव आपको प्रभावित नहीं करेंगे। अनुवाद उपलब्ध हैं।
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- दुर्व्यवहार फ़िल्टर स्थिति सीमा को १००० से बढ़ाकर २००० कर दिया गया था। [१९५]
- कुछ वैश्विक दुर्व्यवहार फ़िल्टर क्रियाएं अब स्थानीय परियोजनाओं पर लागू नहीं होंगी। [१९६]
- डेस्कटॉप उपयोगकर्ता अब उपकरणानि मेनू में सदस्यता लें लिंक पर क्लिक करके टॉक पेजों की सदस्यता लेने में सक्षम हैं। यदि आप किसी वार्ता पृष्ठ की सदस्यता लेते हैं, तो उस वार्ता पृष्ठ पर नए विषय शुरू होने पर आप सूचना प्राप्त करते हैं। यह पृष्ठ को आपकी ध्यानसूची में डालने या किसी एक चर्चा की सदस्यता लेने से अलग है। [१९७]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २८ मार्च से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर २९ मार्च से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर ३० मार्च (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
भविष्य के परिवर्तन
- आप विक्षनरी और विकिपीडिया पर सभी इतिहास पृष्ठ पर विज़ुअल अंतर चुन सकेंगे। [१९८]
लीगेसी मोबाइल सामग्री सेवा जुलाई २०२३ में जा रही है। सेवा निरंतरता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए डेवलपर्स को इससे पहले Parsoid या किसी अन्य API पर स्विच करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है। [१९९]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery ०१:१४, २८ मार्च् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-14
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- The system for automatically creating categories for the Babel extension has had several important changes and fixes. One of them allows you to insert templates for automatic category descriptions on creation, allowing you to categorize the new categories. [२००][२०१][२०२][२०३][२०४]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 4 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 5 April. It will be on all wikis from 6 April (calendar).
- Some older Web browsers will stop being able to use JavaScript on Wikimedia wikis from this week. This mainly affects users of Internet Explorer 11. If you have an old web browser on your computer you can try to upgrade to a newer version. [२०५]
The deprecated
module has been removed. This module could be used by gadgets and user scripts, to create an artificial delay in how JavaScript responds to a hover event. Gadgets and user scripts should now use jQueryhover()
instead. Examples can be found in the migration guide. [२०६]- Some of the links in विशेषः:विशेषपृष्ठानि will be re-arranged. There will be a clearer separation between links that relate to all users, and links related to your own user account. [२०७]
- You will be able to hide the Reply button in archived discussion pages with a new
magic word. There will also be a new.mw-archivedtalk
CSS class for hiding the Reply button in individual sections on a page. [२०८][२०९][२१०]
भावी परिवर्तन
- The Vega software that creates data visualizations in pages, such as graphs, will be upgraded to the newest version in the future. Graphs that still use the very old version 1.5 syntax may stop working properly. Most existing uses have been found and updated, but you can help to check, and to update any local documentation. Examples of how to find and fix these graphs are available.
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २३:४०, ३ एप्रिल् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-15
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
In the visual editor, it is now possible to edit captions of images in galleries without opening the gallery dialog. This feature request was voted #61 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [२११]
You can now receive notifications when another user edits your user page. See the "Edit to my user page" option in your Preferences. This feature request was voted #3 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [२१२]
- There was a problem with all types of CentralNotice banners still being shown to logged-in users even if they had turned off specific banner types. This has now been fixed. [२१३]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर ११ अप्रैल से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर १२ अप्रैल से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर १३ अप्रैल (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
- बुधवार से कुछ विकिपीडियाओं के एक समूह पर "एक कड़ी जोड़ें" उपलब्ध होगी (मोरक्कन अरबी विकिपीडिया, डेनिश विकिपीडिया, डिंका विकिपीडिया, नीची सर्बियाई विकिपीडिया, एवे विकिपीडिया, यूनानी विकिपीडिया, एमिलियानो-रोमाग्नोलो विकिपीडिया, एस्पेरांतो विकिपीडिया, एस्टोनियाई विकिपीडिया, बास्क विकिपीडिया, एक्सट्रेमाडुरान विकिपीडिया, तुम्बुका विकिपीडिया, फ़ुलाह विकिपीडिया, फ़िनिश विकिपीडिया, वोरो विकिपीडिया, फ़िजी विकिपीडिया, फ़रोई विकिपीडिया, अर्पितान विकिपीडिया, उत्तरी फ़्रिसियाई विकिपीडिया, फ़्रियुलियाई विकिपीडिया, आयरिश विकिपीडिया, गयानी क्रियोल विकिपीडिया, स्कॉटिश गेलिक विकिपीडिया, गैलिशियाई विकिपीडिया, गिलाकी विकिपीडिया, गुआरानी विकिपीडिया, गोवा कोंकणी विकिपीडिया, गोथिक विकिपीडिया, गुजराती विकिपीडिया, मैंक्स विकिपीडिया)। यह अधिक विकिपीडियाओं पर इस उपकरण के प्रगतिशील तैनात-कार्य का हिस्सा है। समुदाय कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं कि यह सुविधा लोकल रूप से कैसे काम करेगी। [२१४][२१५]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २०:०५, १० एप्रिल् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-16
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- You can now see nearby articles on a Kartographer map with the button for the new feature "Show nearby articles". Six wikis have been testing this feature since October. [२१६][२१७]
The Special:GlobalWatchlist page now has links for "mark page as read" for each entry. This feature request was voted #161 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [२१८]
- At Wikimedia Commons, some thumbnails have not been getting replaced correctly after a new version of the image is uploaded. This should be fixed later this week. [२१९][२२०]
For the last few weeks, some external tools had inconsistent problems with logging-in with OAuth. This has now been fixed. [२२१]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर १८ अप्रैल से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर १९ अप्रैल से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर २० अप्रैल (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery ०१:५५, १८ एप्रिल् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-17
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
The date-selection menu on pages such as विशेषः:योगदानानि will now show year-ranges that are in the current and past decade, instead of the current and future decade. This feature request was voted #145 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [२२२]
- Due to security issues with the Graph extension, graphs have been disabled in all Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia Foundation teams are working to respond to these vulnerabilities. [२२३]
- For a few days, it was not possible to save some kinds of edits on the mobile version of a wiki. This has been fixed. [२२४][२२५][२२६]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on April 26. This is planned for 14:00 UTC. [२२७]
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २५ अप्रैल से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर २६ अप्रैल से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर २७ अप्रैल (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
भावी परिवर्तन
- The Editing team plans an A/B test for a usability analysis of the Talk page project. The planned measurements are available. Your wiki may be invited to participate. Please suggest improvements to the measurement plan at the discussion page.
- The Wikimedia Foundation annual plan 2023-2024 draft is open for comment and input until May 19. The final plan will be published in July 2023 on Meta-wiki.
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २२:०४, २४ एप्रिल् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-18
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
The content attribution tools Who Wrote That?, XTools Authorship, and XTools Blame now support the French and Italian Wikipedias. More languages will be added in the near future. This is part of the #7 wish in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [२२८][२२९][२३०]
- The Video2commons tool has been updated. This fixed several bugs related to YouTube uploads. [२३१]
- The विशेषः:इष्टतमानि page has been redesigned on mobile web. The new design makes it easier to browse the different categories and settings at low screen widths. You can also now access the page via a link in the Settings menu in the mobile web sidebar. [२३२]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २ मई से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर ३ मई से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर ४ मई (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery ०१:४५, २ मे २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-19
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
Last week, Community Tech released the first update for providing better diffs, the #1 request in the 2022 Community Wishlist Survey. This update adds legends and tooltips to inline diffs so that users unfamiliar with the blue and yellow highlights can better understand the type of edits made.
When you close an image that is displayed via MediaViewer, it will now return to the wiki page instead of going back in your browser history. This feature request was voted #65 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [२३३]
- The SyntaxHighlight extension now supports
as a selected language. Old alternatives that were used to highlight wikitext, such ashtml5
, andhtml+handlebars
, can now be replaced. [२३४] - Preloading text to new pages/sections now supports preloading from localized MediaWiki interface messages. Here is an example at the Czech Wikipedia that uses
. [२३५]
- Graph Extension update: Foundation developers have completed upgrading the visualization software to Vega5. Existing community graphs based on Vega2 are no longer compatible. Communities need to update local graphs and templates, and shared lua modules like de:Modul:Graph. The Vega Porting guide provides the most comprehensive detail on migration from Vega2 and here is an example migration. Vega5 has currently just been enabled on mediawiki.org to provide a test environment for communities. [२३६]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर ९ मई से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर १० मई से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर ११ मई (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
Until now, all new OAuth apps went through manual review. Starting this week, apps using identification-only or basic authorizations will not require review. [२३७]
भावी परिवर्तन
- During the next year, MediaWiki will stop using IP addresses to identify logged-out users, and will start automatically assigning unique temporary usernames. Read more at IP Editing: Privacy Enhancement and Abuse Mitigation/Updates. You can join the discussion about the format of the temporary usernames. [२३८]
- There will be an A/B test on 10 Wikipedias where the Vector 2022 skin is the default skin. Half of logged-in desktop users will see an interface where the different parts of the page are more clearly separated. You can read more. [२३९][२४०]
will be removed from the MediaWiki core. This will affect some user scripts. Many lines with.tipsy(
can be commented out.OO.ui.PopupWidget
can be used to keep things working like they are now. You can read more and read about how to find broken scripts. [२४१]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery ००:३६, ९ मे २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-20
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Citations that are automatically generated based on ISBN are currently broken. This affects citations made with the VisualEditor Automatic tab, and the use of the citoid API in gadgets and user scripts. Work is ongoing to restore this feature. [२४२]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर १६ मई से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर १७ मई से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर १८ मई (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
- बुधवार से कुछ विकिपीडियाओं के एक समूह पर "एक कड़ी जोड़ें" उपलब्ध होगी (गोरोंटालो विकिपीडिया, हौसा विकिपीडिया, हक्का चीनी विकिपीडिया, हवाई विकिपीडिया, फ़िजी हिन्दी विकिपीडिया, क्रोएशियाई विकिपीडिया, ऊपरी सोरबियाई विकिपीडिया, हैती क्रियोल विकिपीडिया, इंटरलिंगुआ विकिपीडिया, इंटरलिंगुए विकिपीडिया, इग्बो विकिपीडिया, इलोको विकिपीडिया, इंगुश विकिपीडिया, इडो विकिपीडिया, आइसलैंडिक विकिपीडिया, इनुक्तितुत विकिपीडिया, जमैकन पतोय विकिपीडिया, जावानी विकिपीडिया)। यह अधिक विकिपीडियाओं पर इस उपकरण के प्रगतिशील तैनात-कार्य का हिस्सा है। समुदाय कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं कि यह सुविधा लोकल रूप से कैसे काम करेगी। [२४३]
भावी परिवर्तन
- There is a recently formed team at the Wikimedia Foundation which will be focusing on experimenting with new tools. Currently they are building a prototype ChatGPT plugin that allows information generated by ChatGPT to be properly attributed to the Wikimedia projects.
Gadget and userscript developers should replace
. Thejquery.cookie
library will be removed in ~1 month, and staff developers will run a script to replace any remaining uses at that time. [२४४]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २१:४५, १५ मे २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-21
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
The "recent edits" time period for page watchers is now 30 days. It used to be 180 days. This was a Community Wishlist Survey proposal. [२४५]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
- An improved impact module will be available at Wikipedias. The impact module is a feature available to newcomers at their personal homepage. It will show their number of edits, how many readers their edited pages have, how many thanks they have received and similar things. It is also accessible by accessing Special:Impact. [२४६]
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २३ मई से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर २४ मई से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर २५ मई (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
१६:५५, २२ मे २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-22
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- Citations can once again be added automatically from ISBNs, thanks to Zotero's ISBN searches. The current data sources are the Library of Congress (United States), the Bibliothèque nationale de France (French National Library), and K10plus ISBN (German repository). Additional data source searches can be proposed to Zotero. The ISBN labels in the VisualEditor Automatic tab will reappear later this week. [२४७]
The page विशेषः:ध्यानसूची सम्पादन now has "Check all" options to select all the pages within a namespace. This feature request was voted #161 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [२४८]
- For a few days earlier this month, the "Add interlanguage link" item in the Tools menu did not work properly. This has now been fixed. [२४९]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 30 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 31 May. It will be on all wikis from 1 June (calendar).
- VisualEditor will be switched to a new backend on small and medium wikis this week. Large wikis will follow in the coming weeks. This is part of the effort to move Parsoid into MediaWiki core. The change should have no noticeable effect on users, but if you experience any slow loading or other strangeness when using VisualEditor, please report it on the phabricator ticket linked here. [२५०]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २२:०४, २९ मे २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-23
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- The RealMe extension allows you to mark URLs on your user page as verified for Mastodon and similar software.
Citation and footnote editing can now be started from the reference list when using the visual editor. This feature request was voted #2 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [२५१]
- Previously, clicking on someone else's link to Recent Changes with filters applied within the URL could unintentionally change your preference for "पेज द्वारा समूह परिणाम". This has now been fixed. [२५२]
- For a few days last week, some tools and bots returned outdated information due to database replication problems, and may have been down entirely while it was being fixed. These issues have now been fixed. [२५३]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर ६ जून से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर ७ जून से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर ८ जून (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
- Bots will no longer be prevented from making edits because of URLs that match the spam blacklist. [२५४]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २२:५२, ५ जून् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-24
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
The content attribution tools Who Wrote That?, XTools Authorship, and XTools Blame now support the Dutch, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Polish and Portuguese Wikipedias. This was the #7 wish in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [२५५]
- The Search Preview panel has been deployed on four Wikipedias (Catalan, Dutch, Hungarian and Norwegian). The panel will show an image related to the article (if existing), the top sections of the article, related images (coming from MediaSearch on Commons), and eventually the sister projects associated with the article. [२५६]
- The RealMe extension now allows administrators to verify URLs for any page, for Mastodon and similar software. [२५७]
- The default project license has been officially upgraded to CC BY-SA 4.0. The software interface messages have been updated. Communities should feel free to start updating any mentions of the old CC BY-SA 3.0 licensing within policies and related documentation pages. [२५८]
- For three days last month, some Wikipedia pages edited with VisualEditor or DiscussionTools had an unintended
(or its localized form) added during an edit. There is a listing of affected pages sorted by wiki, that may still need to be fixed. [२५९] - Currently, the "इस पृष्ठ को डिफ़ॉल्ट से इस शीर्षक से छाँटें" feature in VisualEditor is broken. Existing
keywords incorrectly appear as missing templates in VisualEditor. Developers are exploring how to fix this. In the meantime, those wishing to edit the default sortkey of a page are advised to switch to source editing. [२६०] Last week, an update to the delete form may have broken some gadgets or user scripts. If you need to manipulate (empty) the reason field, replace
with#wpReason > input
. See an example fix. [२६१]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर १३ जून से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर १४ जून से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर १५ जून (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
- VisualEditor will be switched to a new backend on English Wikipedia on Monday, and all other large wikis on Thursday. The change should have no noticeable effect on users, but if you experience any slow loading or other strangeness when using VisualEditor, please report it on the phabricator ticket linked here. [२६२]
भावी परिवर्तन
- From 5 June to 17 July, the Foundation's Security team is holding a consultation with contributors regarding a draft policy to govern the use of third-party resources in volunteer-developed gadgets and scripts. Feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome at Third-party resources policy on meta-wiki.
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery १४:५२, १२ जून् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-25
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
- इस सप्ताह मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण नहीं आएगा।
- There is now a toolbar search popup in the visual editor. You can trigger it by typing
or pressingctrl + shift + p
. It can help you quickly access most tools in the editor. [२६५][२६६]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २०:०९, १९ जून् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-26
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
The Action API modules and Special:LinkSearch will now add a trailing
to allprop=extlinks
responses for bare domains. This is part of the work to remove duplication in theexternallinks
database table. [२६७]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २७ जून से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर २८ जून से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर २९ जून (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
The Minerva skin now applies more predefined styles to the
CSS class. This enables support for mbox templates that use divs instead of tables. Please make sure that the new styles won't affect other templates in your wiki. [२७०][२७१]Gadgets will now load on both desktop and mobile by default. Previously, gadgets loaded only on desktop by default. Changing this default using the
parameter is also deprecated and should not be used. You should make gadgets work on mobile or disable them based on the skin (with the|skins=
parameter in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition) rather than whether the user uses the mobile or the desktop website. Popular gadgets that create errors on mobile will be disabled by developers on the Minerva skin as a temporary solution. [२७२]- All namespace tabs now have the same browser access key by default. Previously, custom and extension-defined namespaces would have to have their access keys set manually on-wiki, but that is no longer necessary. [२७३]
- The review form of the Flagged Revisions extension now uses the standardized user interface components. [२७४]
भावी परिवर्तन
How media is structured in the parser's HTML output will change in the coming weeks at group2 wikis. This change improves the accessibility of content. You may need to update your site-CSS, or userscripts and gadgets. There are details on what code to check, how to update the code, and where to report any related problems. [२७५]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery १६:१९, २६ जून् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-27
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
As part of the rolling out of the audio links that play on click wishlist proposal, small wikis will now be able to use the inline audio player that is implemented by the Phonos extension. [२७६]
From this week all gadgets automatically load on mobile and desktop sites. If you see any problems with gadgets on your wikis, please adjust the gadget options in your gadget definitions file. [२७७]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 4 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 5 July. It will be on all wikis from 6 July (calendar).
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २२:५१, ३ जुलै २०२३ (UTC)
पृष्ठस्य निष्कासनम्
[सम्पाद्यताम्]नमस्ते एतत् पृष्ठं कृपया निष्कासनीयं भवत्या - Advaita Siddhi with Guru Chandrika vyakhya.djvu
Srkris (सम्भाषणम्) २३:२८, ४ जुलै २०२३ (UTC)
Need your input on a policy impacting gadgets and UserJS
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Dear interface administrator,
This is Samuel from the Security team and I hope my message finds you well.
There is an ongoing discussion on a proposed policy governing the use of external resources in gadgets and UserJS. The proposed Third-party resources policy aims at making the UserJS and Gadgets landscape a bit safer by encouraging best practices around external resources. After an initial non-public conversation with a small number of interface admins and staff, we've launched a much larger, public consultation to get a wider pool of feedback for improving the policy proposal. Based on the ideas received so far, the proposed policy now includes some of the risks related to user scripts and gadgets loading third-party resources, best practices for gadgets and UserJS developers, and exemptions requirements such as code transparency and inspectability.
As an interface administrator, your feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome until July 17, 2023 on the policy talk page.
Have a great day!Samuel (WMF), on behalf of the Foundation's Security team १२:०८, १० जुलै २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-28
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- The Section-level Image Suggestions feature has been deployed on seven Wikipedias (Portuguese, Russian, Indonesian, Catalan, Hungarian, Finnish and Norwegian Bokmål). The feature recommends images for articles on contributors' watchlists that are a good match for individual sections of those articles.
- Global abuse filters have been enabled on all Wikimedia projects, except English and Japanese Wikipedias (who opted out). This change was made following a global request for comments. [२७८]
- विशेषः:BlockedExternalDomains is a new tool for administrators to help fight spam. It provides a clearer interface for blocking plain domains (and their subdomains), is more easily searchable, and is faster for the software to process for each edit on the wiki. It does not support regex (for complex cases), nor URL path-matching, nor the MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist, but otherwise it replaces most of the functionalities of the existing MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist. There is a Python script to help migrate all simple domains into this tool, and more feature details, within the tool's documentation. It is available at all wikis except for Meta-wiki, Commons, and Wikidata. [२७९]
- The WikiEditor extension was updated. It includes some of the most frequently used features of wikitext editing. In the past, many of its messages could only be translated by administrators, but now all regular translators on translatewiki can translate them. Please check the state of WikiEditor localization into your language, and if the "Completion" for your language shows anything less than 100%, please complete the translation. See a more detailed explanation.
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 11 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 12 July. It will be on all wikis from 13 July (calendar).
- The default protocol of विशेषः:परिसन्धेः अन्वेषणम् and API counterparts has changed from http to both http and https. [२८०]
- विशेषः:परिसन्धेः अन्वेषणम् and its API counterparts will now search for all of the URL provided in the query. It used to be only the first 60 characters. This feature was requested fifteen years ago. [२८१]
भावी परिवर्तन
- There is an experiment with a ChatGPT plugin. This is to show users where the information is coming from when they read information from Wikipedia. It has been tested by Wikimedia Foundation staff and other Wikimedians. Soon all ChatGPT plugin users can use the Wikipedia plugin. This is the same plugin which was mentioned in Tech News 2023/20. [२८२]
- There is an ongoing discussion on a proposed Third-party resources policy. The proposal will impact the use of third-party resources in gadgets and userscripts. Based on the ideas received so far, policy includes some of the risks related to user scripts and gadgets loading third-party resources, some best practices and exemption requirements such as code transparency and inspectability. Your feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome until July 17, 2023 on on the policy talk page.
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery १९:५४, १० जुलै २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-29
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
We are now serving 1% of all global user traffic from Kubernetes (you can read more technical details). We are planning to increment this percentage regularly. You can follow the progress of this work.
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 18 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 19 July. It will be on all wikis from 20 July (calendar).
MediaWiki system messages will now look for available local fallbacks, instead of always using the default fallback defined by software. This means wikis no longer need to override each language on the fallback chain separately. For example, English Wikipedia doesn't have to create
subpages with a transclusion of the base pages anymore. This makes it easier to maintain local overrides. [२८३]The
API will be deprecated with the new MediaWiki version. Bots or scripts calling that API should use theaction=growthmanagementorlist
API now. [२८४]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २३:०८, १७ जुलै २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-30
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
On July 18, the Wikimedia Foundation launched a survey about the technical decision making process for people who do technical work that relies on software that is maintained by the Foundation or affiliates. If this applies to you, please take part in the survey. The survey will be open for three weeks, until August 7. You can find more information in the announcement e-mail on wikitech-l.
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २५ जुलाई से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर २६ जुलाई से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर २७ जुलाई (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery ०२:२०, २५ जुलै २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-31
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
The Synchronizer tool is now available to keep Lua modules synced across Wikimedia wikis, along with updated documentation to develop global Lua modules and templates.
- The tag filter on विशेषः:नवीनपृष्ठानि and revision history pages can now be inverted. For example, you can hide edits that were made using an automated tool. [२८५][२८६]
- The Wikipedia ChatGPT plugin experiment can now be used by ChatGPT users who can use plugins. You can participate in a video call if you want to talk about this experiment or similar work. [२८७]
- It was not possible to generate a PDF for pages with non-Latin characters in the title, for the last two weeks. This has now been fixed. [२८८]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर १ अगस्त से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर २ अगस्त से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर ३ अगस्त (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
- बुधवार से कुछ विकिपीडियाओं के एक समूह पर "एक कड़ी जोड़ें" उपलब्ध होगी (जॉर्जियाई विकिपीडिया, करकल्पक विकिपीडिया, कबाइल विकिपीडिया, काबार्डियाई विकिपीडिया, कबीय विकिपीडिया, किकुयु विकिपीडिया, कज़ाख़ विकिपीडिया, ख़्मेर विकिपीडिया, कन्नड़ विकिपीडिया, कश्मीरी विकिपीडिया, कोलोनियाई विकिपीडिया, कुर्दी विकिपीडिया, कोर्निश विकिपीडिया)। यह अधिक विकिपीडियाओं पर इस उपकरण के प्रगतिशील तैनात-कार्य का हिस्सा है। समुदाय कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं कि यह सुविधा लोकल रूप से कैसे काम करेगी। [२८९]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २३:५४, ३१ जुलै २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-32
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- Mobile Web editors can now edit a whole page at once. To use this feature, turn on "⧼Mobile-frontend-mobile-option-amc⧽" in your settings and use the "Edit full page" button in the "अधिक" menu. [२९०]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
- इस सप्ताह मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण नहीं आएगा।
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २१:२१, ७ आगस्ट् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-33
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- The Content translation system is no longer using Youdao's machine translation service. The service was in place for several years, but due to no usage, and availability of alternatives, it was deprecated to reduce maintenance overheads. Other services which cover the same languages are still available. [२९१]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर १५ अगस्त से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर १६ अगस्त से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर १७ अगस्त (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
- बुधवार से कुछ विकिपीडियाओं के एक समूह पर "एक कड़ी जोड़ें" उपलब्ध होगी (लातिन विकिपीडिया, लाडिनो विकिपीडिया, लक्समबर्गी विकिपीडिया, लाक विकिपीडिया, लेज़गिन विकिपीडिया, लिंगुआ फ़्रांका नोवा विकिपीडिया, गांडा विकिपीडिया, लिम्बर्गिश विकिपीडिया, लिगुरियाई विकिपीडिया, लोम्बार्ड विकिपीडिया, लिंगाला विकिपीडिया, लातगालियाई विकिपीडिया, लातवियाई विकिपीडिया, मैथिली विकिपीडिया, बान्युमासान विकिपीडिया, मोक्शा विकिपीडिया, मालागासी विकिपीडिया, आर्मीनियाई विकिपीडिया, किरगिज़ विकिपीडिया)। यह अधिक विकिपीडियाओं पर इस उपकरण के प्रगतिशील तैनात-कार्य का हिस्सा है। समुदाय कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं कि यह सुविधा लोकल रूप से कैसे काम करेगी। [२९२]
भावी परिवर्तन
- A few gadgets/user scripts which add icons to the Minerva skin need to have their CSS updated. There are more details available including a search for all existing instances and how to update them.
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery ०६:००, १५ आगस्ट् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-34
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- The GDrive to Commons Uploader tool is now available. It enables securely selecting and uploading files from your Google Drive directly to Wikimedia Commons. [२९३]
- From now on, we will announce new Wikimedia wikis in Tech News, so you can update any tools or pages.
- Since the last edition, two new wikis have been created:
- To catch up, the next most recent six wikis are:
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २२ अगस्त से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर २३ अगस्त से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर २४ अगस्त (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
भावी परिवर्तन
There is an existing stable interface policy for MediaWiki backend code. There is a proposed stable interface policy for frontend code. This is relevant for anyone who works on gadgets or Wikimedia frontend code. You can read it, discuss it, and let the proposer know if there are any problems. [३०२]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
१५:२५, २१ आगस्ट् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-35
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
As part of the changes for the better diff handling of paragraph splits, improved detection of splits is being rolled out. Over the last two weeks, we deployed this support to group0 and group1 wikis. This week it will be deployed to group2 wikis. [३०३]
All विशेषः:योगदानानि pages now show the user's local edit count and the account's creation date. [३०४]
- Wikisource users can now use the
label to denote Bengali currency characters as page numbers inside the<pagelist>
tag. [३०५] - Two preferences have been relocated. The preference "Enable the visual editor" is now shown on the "सम्पादनम्" tab at all wikis. Previously it was shown on the "उपान्त्यसुविधाः" tab at some wikis. The preference "अलग विकिटेक्स्ट एडिटर की जगह यथादृश्य संपादिका के अंदर ही विकिटेक्स्ट मोड का इस्तेमाल करें।" is now also shown on the "सम्पादनम्" tab at all wikis, instead of the "उपान्त्यसुविधाः" tab. [३०६][३०७]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर २९ अगस्त से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर ३० अगस्त से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर ३१ अगस्त (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
New signups for a Wikimedia developer account will start being pushed towards idm.wikimedia.org, rather than going via Wikitech. Further information about the new system is available.
- All right-to-left language wikis, plus Korean, Armenian, Ukrainian, Russian, and Bulgarian Wikipedias, will have a link in the sidebar that provides a short URL of that page, using the Wikimedia URL Shortener. This feature will come to more wikis in future weeks. [३०८]
भावी परिवर्तन
- The removal of the DoubleWiki extension is being discussed. This extension currently allows Wikisource users to view articles from multiple language versions side by side when the
symbol next to a specific language edition is selected. Comments on this are welcomed at the phabricator task. - A proposal has been made to merge the second hidden-categories list (which appears below the wikitext editing form) with the main list of categories (which is further down the page). More information is available on Phabricator; feedback is welcome!
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery १४:००, २८ आगस्ट् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-36
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- EditInSequence, a feature that allows users to edit pages faster on Wikisource has been moved to a Beta Feature based on community feedback. To enable it, you can navigate to the beta features tab in Preferences. [३०९]
As part of the changes for the Generate Audio for IPA and Audio links that play on click wishlist proposals, the inline audio player mode of Phonos has been deployed to all projects. [३१०]
- There is a new option for Administrators when they are changing the usergroups for a user, to add the user’s user page to their watchlist. This works both via विशेषः:सदस्याधिकाराः and via the API. [३११]
- One new wiki has been created:
- The LoginNotify extension was not sending notifications since January. It has now been fixed, so going forward, you may see notifications for failed login attempts, and successful login attempts from a new device. [३१३]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर ५ सितम्बर से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर ६ सितम्बर से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर ७ सितम्बर (कैलेंडर) से होगा।
- बुधवार से कुछ विकिपीडियाओं के एक समूह पर "एक कड़ी जोड़ें" उपलब्ध होगी (पूर्वी मारी विकिपीडिया, माओरी विकिपीडिया, मिनांगकाबाउ विकिपीडिया, मैसिडोनियाई विकिपीडिया, मलयालम विकिपीडिया, मंगोलियाई विकिपीडिया, मराठी विकिपीडिया, पश्चिमी मारी विकिपीडिया, मलय विकिपीडिया, माल्टाई विकिपीडिया, मिरांडी विकिपीडिया, एर्ज़्या विकिपीडिया, माज़ंदरानी विकिपीडिया, नाहुआत्ल विकिपीडिया, नीपोलिटन विकिपीडिया, निम्न जर्मन विकिपीडिया, निम्न सैक्सन विकिपीडिया, नेपाली विकिपीडिया, नेवारी विकिपीडिया, नॉर्वेजियाई निनोर्स्क विकिपीडिया, नोवियाल विकिपीडिया, न्को विकिपीडिया, नॉर्मन विकिपीडिया, उत्तरी सोथो विकिपीडिया, नावहो विकिपीडिया, न्यांजा विकिपीडिया, ऑक्सिटन विकिपीडिया, लिव्वी-करेलियाई विकिपीडिया, ओरोमो विकिपीडिया, ओड़िया विकिपीडिया, ओसेटिक विकिपीडिया, पंजाबी विकिपीडिया, पांगासीनान विकिपीडिया, पाम्पांगा विकिपीडिया, पापियामेंतो विकिपीडिया, पिकार्ड विकिपीडिया, पेनसिलवेनिया जर्मन विकिपीडिया, पैलेटीन जर्मन विकिपीडिया, नॉर्फ़ोक / पिटकेर्न विकिपीडिया, पीडमंटी विकिपीडिया, पश्चिमी पंजाबी विकिपीडिया, पोंटिक विकिपीडिया, पश्तो विकिपीडिया)। यह अधिक विकिपीडियाओं पर इस उपकरण के प्रगतिशील तैनात-कार्य का हिस्सा है। समुदाय कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं कि यह सुविधा लोकल रूप से कैसे काम करेगी। [३१४][३१५]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २३:३४, ४ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-37
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- ORES, the revision evaluation service, is now using a new open-source infrastructure on all wikis except for English Wikipedia and Wikidata. These two will follow this week. If you notice any unusual results from the Recent Changes filters that are related to ORES (for example, "Contribution quality predictions" and "User intent predictions"), please report them. [३१६]
- When you are logged in on one Wikimedia wiki and visit a different Wikimedia wiki, the system tries to log you in there automatically. This has been unreliable for a long time. You can now visit the login page to make the system try extra hard. If you feel that made logging in better or worse than it used to be, your feedback is appreciated. [३१७]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 12 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 13 September. It will be on all wikis from 14 September (calendar).
The Technical Decision-Making Forum Retrospective team invites anyone involved in the technical field of Wikimedia projects to signup to and join one of their listening sessions on 13 September. Another date will be scheduled later. The goal is to improve the technical decision-making processes.
As part of the changes for the Better diff handling of paragraph splits wishlist proposal, the inline switch widget in diff pages is being rolled out this week to all wikis. The inline switch will allow viewers to toggle between a unified inline or two-column diff wikitext format. [३१८]
भावी परिवर्तन
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on 20 September. This is planned at 14:00 UTC. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [३१९]
- The Enterprise API is launching a new feature called "breaking news". Currently in BETA, this attempts to identify likely "newsworthy" topics as they are currently being written about in any Wikipedia. Your help is requested to improve the accuracy of its detection model, especially on smaller language editions, by recommending templates or identifiable editing patterns. See more information at the documentation page on MediaWiki or the FAQ on Meta.
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery २१:०८, ११ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-38
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
MediaWiki now has a stable interface policy for frontend code that more clearly defines how we deprecate MediaWiki code and wiki-based code (e.g. gadgets and user scripts). Thank you to everyone who contributed to the content and discussions. [३२०][३२१]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 19 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 20 September. It will be on all wikis from 21 September (calendar).
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on September 20. This is planned at 14:00 UTC. [३२२]
- All wikis will have a link in the sidebar that provides a short URL of that page, using the Wikimedia URL Shortener. [३२३]
भावी परिवर्तन
The team investigating the Graph Extension posted a proposal for reenabling it and they need your input.
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery १९:२०, १८ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-39
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Vector 2022 skin will now remember the pinned/unpinned status for the Table of Contents for all logged-out users. [३२४]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 26 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 27 September. It will be on all wikis from 28 September (calendar).
The ResourceLoader
modules are now deprecated as part of the move to Vue.js and Codex. There is a guide for migrating from MediaWiki UI to Codex for any tools that use it. More details are available in the task and your questions are welcome there.- Gadget definitions will have a new "namespaces" option. The option takes a list of namespace IDs. Gadgets that use this option will only load on pages in the given namespaces.
Future changes
- New variables will be added to AbuseFilter:
. They are available only when an account is being created. You can use them to prevent blocking automatic creation of accounts when users with many edits elsewhere visit your wiki for the first time. [३२५][३२६]
- You can join the next meeting with the Wikipedia mobile apps teams. During the meeting, we will discuss the current features and future roadmap. The meeting will be on 27 October at 17:00 (UTC). See details and how to join.
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Tech News: 2023-40
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- There is a new user preference for "Always enable safe mode". This setting will make pages load without including any on-wiki JavaScript or on-wiki stylesheet pages. It can be useful for debugging broken JavaScript gadgets. [३२७]
Gadget definitions now have a new "contentModels" option. The option takes a list of page content models, like
. Gadgets that use this option will only load on pages with the given content models.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 3 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 4 October. It will be on all wikis from 5 October (calendar).
Future changes
The Vector 2022 skin will no longer use the custom styles and scripts of Vector legacy (2010). The change will be made later this year or in early 2024. See how to adjust the CSS and JS pages on your wiki. [३२८]
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MediaWiki message delivery ०१:२७, ३ अक्टोबर् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-41
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 10 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 11 October. It will be on all wikis from 12 October (calendar).
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Swahili Wikipedia, Walloon Wikipedia, Waray Wikipedia, Wolof Wikipedia, Kalmyk Wikipedia, Xhosa Wikipedia, Mingrelian Wikipedia, Yiddish Wikipedia, Yoruba Wikipedia, Zhuang Wikipedia, Zeelandic Wikipedia, Min Nan Wikipedia, Zulu Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [३३०]
- At some wikis, newcomers are suggested images from Commons to add to articles without any images. Starting on Tuesday, newcomers at these wikis will be able to add images to unillustrated article sections. The specific wikis are listed under "Images recommendations" at the Growth team deployment table. You can learn more about this feature. [३३१]
In the mobile web skin (Minerva) the CSS ID
will be replaced with#p-views
. This change is to make it consistent with other skins and to improve support for gadgets and extensions in the mobile skin. A few gadgets may need to be updated; there are details and search-links in the task.
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MediaWiki message delivery १४:३९, ९ अक्टोबर् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-42
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Unified login system's edge login should now be fixed for some browsers (Chrome, Edge, Opera). This means that if you visit a new sister project wiki, you should be logged in automatically without the need to click "Log in" or reload the page. Feedback on whether it's working for you is welcome. [३३२]
- Edit notices are now available within the MobileFrontend/Minerva skin. This feature was inspired by the gadget on English Wikipedia. See more details in T316178.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 17 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 18 October. It will be on all wikis from 19 October (calendar).
Future changes
- In 3 weeks, in the Vector 2022 skin, code related to
that was deprecated one year ago will be removed. If you notice tools that should appear next to the "Discussion" tab are then missing, please tell the gadget's maintainers to see instructions in the Phabricator task.
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:४७, १६ अक्टोबर् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-43
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- There is a new Language and internationalization newsletter, written quarterly. It contains updates on new feature development, improvements in various language-related technical projects, and related support work.
Source map support has been enabled on all wikis. When you open the debugger in your browser's developer tools, you should be able to see the unminified JavaScript source code. [३३३]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 24 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 25 October. It will be on all wikis from 26 October (calendar).
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:१६, २३ अक्टोबर् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-44
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Structured Content team, as part of its project of improving UploadWizard on Commons, made some UX improvements to the upload step of choosing own vs not own work (T347590), as well as to the licensing step for own work (T347756).
- The Design Systems team has released version 1.0.0 of Codex, the new design system for Wikimedia. See the full announcement about the release of Codex 1.0.0.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 31 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 1 November. It will be on all wikis from 2 November (calendar).
- Listings on category pages are sorted on each wiki for that language using a library. For a brief period on 2 November, changes to categories will not be sorted correctly for many languages. This is because the developers are upgrading to a new version of the library. They will then use a script to fix the existing categories. This will take a few hours or a few days depending on how big the wiki is. You can read more. [३३४][३३५]
- Starting November 1, the impact module (Special:Impact) will be upgraded by the Growth team. The new impact module shows newcomers more data regarding their impact on the wiki. It was tested by a few wikis during the last few months. [३३६]
Future changes
- There is a proposed plan for re-enabling the Graph Extension. You can help by reviewing this proposal and sharing what you think about it.
- The WMF is working on making it possible for administrators to edit MediaWiki configuration directly. This is similar to previous work on Special:EditGrowthConfig. A technical RfC is running until November 08, where you can provide feedback.
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:२१, ३० अक्टोबर् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-45
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- In the Vector 2022 skin, the default font-size of a number of navigational elements (tagline, tools menu, navigational links, and more) has been increased slightly to match the font size used in page content. [३३७]
- Last week, there was a problem displaying some recent edits on a few wikis, for 1-6 hours. The edits were saved but not immediately shown. This was due to a database problem. [३३८]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 7 November. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 8 November. It will be on all wikis from 9 November (calendar).
- The Growth team will reassign newcomers from former mentors to the currently active mentors. They have also changed the notification language to be more user-friendly. [३३९][३४०]
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MediaWiki message delivery २१:०६, ६ नवेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-46
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Four new wikis have been created:
- Last week, users who previously visited Meta-Wiki or Wikimedia Commons and then became logged out on those wikis could not log in again. The problem is now resolved. [३४५]
- Last week, some pop-up dialogs and menus were shown with the wrong font size. The problem is now resolved. [३४६]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 14 November. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 15 November. It will be on all wikis from 16 November (calendar).
Future changes
- Reference Previews are coming to many wikis as a default feature. They are popups for references, similar to the PagePreviews feature. You can opt out of seeing them. If you are using the gadgets Reference Tooltips or Navigation Popups, you won’t see Reference Previews. Deployment is planned for November 22, 2023.
Canary (also known as heartbeat) events will be produced into Wikimedia event streams from December 11. Streams users are advised to filter out these events, by discarding all events where
meta.domain == "canary"
. Updates to Pywikibot or wikimedia-streams will discard these events by default. [३४७]
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Tech News: 2023-47
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week. [३४८][३४९]
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Quechua Wikipedia, Romansh Wikipedia, Romani Wikipedia, Rundi Wikipedia, Aromanian Wikipedia, Tarandíne Wikipedia, Rusyn Wikipedia, Kinyarwanda Wikipedia, Sanskrit Wikipedia, Sakha Wikipedia, Santali Wikipedia, Sardinian Wikipedia, Sicilian Wikipedia, Scots Wikipedia, Sindhi Wikipedia, Northern Sami Wikipedia, Sango Wikipedia, Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia, Sinhala Wikipedia, Slovak Wikipedia, Slovenian Wikipedia, Samoan Wikipedia, Somali Wikipedia, Albanian Wikipedia, Serbian Wikipedia, Sranan Tongo Wikipedia, Swati Wikipedia, Southern Sotho Wikipedia, Saterland Frisian Wikipedia, Sundanese Wikipedia, Silesian Wikipedia, Tamil Wikipedia, Tulu Wikipedia, Telugu Wikipedia, Tetum Wikipedia, Tajik Wikipedia, Thai Wikipedia, Turkmen Wikipedia, Tagalog Wikipedia, Tswana Wikipedia, Tongan Wikipedia, Tok Pisin Wikipedia, Turkish Wikipedia, Tsonga Wikipedia, Tatar Wikipedia, Twi Wikipedia, Tahitian Wikipedia, Tuvinian Wikipedia, Udmurt Wikipedia, Uyghur Wikipedia, Uzbek Wikipedia, Venda Wikipedia, Venetian Wikipedia, Veps Wikipedia, West Flemish Wikipedia, Volapük Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [३५०][३५१][३५२]
- The Vector 2022 skin will have some minor visual changes to drop-down menus, column widths, and more. These changes were added to four Wikipedias last week. If no issues are found, these changes will proceed to all wikis this week. These changes will make it possible to add new menus for readability and dark mode. Learn more. [३५३]
Future changes
- There is an update on re-enabling the Graph Extension. To speed up the process, Vega 2 will not be supported and only some protocols will be available at launch. You can help by sharing what you think about the plan.
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MediaWiki message delivery ००:५५, २१ नवेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-48
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 28 November. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 29 November. It will be on all wikis from 30 November (calendar). There is no new MediaWiki version next week. [३५४][३५५]
मीडियाविकी की जावास्क्रिप्ट प्रणाली अब गैजेट्स और उपयोगकर्ता स्क्रिप्ट में $async - await वाक्यविन्यास की अनुमति देगी। गैजेट लेखकों को याद रखना चाहिए कि उपयोगकर्ताओं के ब्राउज़र इसका समर्थन नहीं कर सकते हैं इसलिए इसका उचित उपयोग किया जाना चाहिए। [३५६]
- The deployment of "Add a link" announced last week was postponed. It will resume this week.
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:०९, २७ नवेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-49
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The spacing between paragraphs on Vector 2022 has been changed from 7px to 14px to match the size of the text. This will make it easier to distinguish paragraphs from sentences. [३५७]
- The "इस पृष्ठ को डिफ़ॉल्ट से इस शीर्षक से छाँटें" feature in VisualEditor is working again. You no longer need to switch to source editing to edit
keywords. [३५८]
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week. [३५९][३६०]
- On 6 December, people who have the enabled the preference for "Show discussion activity" will notice the talk page usability improvements appear on pages that include the
magic word. If you notice any issues, please share them with the team on Phabricator.
Future changes
The Toolforge Grid Engine shutdown process will start on December 14. Maintainers of tools that still use this old system should plan to migrate to Kubernetes, or tell the team your plans on Phabricator in the task about your tool, before that date. [३६१]
- Communities using Structured Discussions are being contacted regarding the upcoming deprecation of Structured Discussions. You can read more about this project, and share your comments, on the project's page.
- Registration & Scholarship applications are now open for the Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 that will take place from 3–5 May in Tallinn, Estonia. Scholarship applications are open until 5 January 2024.
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:५०, ४ डिसेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-50
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- On Wikimedia Commons, there are some minor user-interface improvements for the "choosing own vs not own work" step in the UploadWizard. This is part of the Structured Content team's project of improving UploadWizard on Commons. [३६२][३६३]
- There was a problem showing the Newcomer homepage feature with the "impact module" and their page-view graphs, for a few days in early December. This has now been fixed. [३६४][३६५]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 12 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 13 December. It will be on all wikis from 14 December (calendar). [३६६][३६७]
Future changes
The 2023 Developer Satisfaction Survey is seeking the opinions of the Wikimedia developer community. Please take the survey if you have any role in developing software for the Wikimedia ecosystem. The survey is open until 5 January 2024, and has an associated privacy statement.
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MediaWiki message delivery ०२:१२, १२ डिसेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2023-51
[सम्पाद्यताम्]विकिमीडिया तकनीकी समुदाय से नवीनतम "तकनीकी समाचार"। कृपया अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं को इन परिवर्तनों के बारे में बताएं। सभी परिवर्तन आपको प्रभावित नहीं करेंगे। अनुवाद उपलब्ध हैं।
तकनीकी समाचार
- तकनीकी समाचार का अगला अंक 8 जनवरी 2024 को छुट्टियों के कारण भेजा जाएगा।
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 19 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 20 December. It will be on all wikis from 21 December (calendar). अगला सप्ताह मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण नहीं आएगा। [३६८][३६९]
- Starting December 18, it won't be possible to activate Structured Discussions on a user's own talk page using the Beta feature. The Beta feature option remains available for users who want to deactivate Structured Discussions. This is part of Structured Discussions' deprecation work. [३७०]
There will be full support for redirects in the Module namespace. The "Move Page" feature will leave an appropriate redirect behind, and such redirects will be appropriately recognized by the software (e.g. hidden from विशेषः:UnconnectedPages). There will also be support for manual redirects. [३७१]
भविष्य के बदलाव
The MediaWiki JavaScript documentation is moving to a new format. During the move, you can read the old docs using version 1.41. Feedback about the new site is welcome on the project talk page.
- The Wishathon is a new initiative that encourages collaboration across the Wikimedia community to develop solutions for wishes collected through the Community Wishlist Survey. The first community Wishathon will take place from 15–17 March. If you are interested in a project proposal as a user, developer, designer, or product lead, you can register for the event and read more.
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery १६:१८, १८ डिसेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2024-02
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- mediawiki2latex is a tool that converts wiki content into the formats of LaTeX, PDF, ODT, and EPUB. The code now runs many times faster due to recent improvements. There is also an optional Docker container you can install on your local machine.
The way that Random pages are selected has been updated. This will slowly reduce the problem of some pages having a lower chance of appearing. [३७२]
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 9 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 10 January. It will be on all wikis from 11 January (calendar). [३७३][३७४]
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MediaWiki message delivery ०१:२०, ९ जनवरी २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-03
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
Pages that use the JSON contentmodel will now use tabs instead of spaces for auto-indentation. This will significantly reduce the page size. [३७५]
Gadgets and personal user scripts may now use JavaScript syntax introduced in ES6 (also known as "ES2015") and ES7 ("ES2016"). MediaWiki validates the source code to protect other site functionality from syntax errors, and to ensure scripts are valid in all supported browsers. Previously, Gadgets could use the
option. This option is no longer needed and will be removed in the future. [३७६]Bot passwords and owner-only OAuth consumers can now be restricted to allow editing only specific pages. [३७७]
- You can now thank edits made by bots. [३७८]
- An update on the status of the Community Wishlist Survey for 2024 has been published. Please read and give your feedback.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 16 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 17 January. It will be on all wikis from 18 January (calendar). [३७९][३८०]
- Starting on January 17, it will not be possible to login to Wikimedia wikis from some specific old versions of the Chrome browser (versions 51–66, released between 2016 and 2018). Additionally, users of iOS 12, or Safari on Mac OS 10.14, may need to login to each wiki separately. [३८१]
module was deprecated and replaced with themediawiki.cookie
module last year. A script has now been run to replace any remaining uses, and this week the temporary alias will be removed. [३८२]
Future changes
- Wikimedia Deutschland is working to make reusing references easier. They are looking for people who are interested in participating in individual video calls for user research in January and February.
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Tech News: 2024-04
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- A bug in UploadWizard prevented linking to the userpage of the uploader when uploading. It has now been fixed. [३८३]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 23 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 24 January. It will be on all wikis from 25 January (calendar). [३८४][३८५]
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MediaWiki message delivery ०१:०४, २३ जनवरी २०२४ (UTC)
तकनीकी समाचार: 2024-05
[सम्पाद्यताम्]विकिमीडिया तकनीकी समुदाय से नया तकनीकी समाचार। कृपया अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं को इन परिवर्तनों के बारे में बताएं। सभी परिवर्तन आप पर प्रभाव नहीं लगेंगे। अनुवाद उपलब्ध हैं।
हाल में हुए परिवर्तन
- Starting Monday January 29, all talk pages messages' timestamps will become a link. This link is a permanent link to the comment. It allows users to find the comment they are looking for, even if this comment was moved elsewhere. This will affect all wikis except for the English Wikipedia. You can read more about this change on Diff or on Mediawiki.org. [३८६]
- There are some improvements to the CAPTCHA to make it harder for spam bots and scripts to bypass it. If you have feedback on this change, please comment on the task. Staff are monitoring metrics related to the CAPTCHA, as well as secondary metrics such as account creations and edit counts.
इस सप्ताह के परिवर्तन
मीडियाविकि का नया संस्करण परीक्षण विकि और MediaWiki.org पर ३० जनवरी से होगा। यह गैर-विकिपीडिया विकि और कुछ विकिपीडिया पर ३१ जनवरी से होगा। यह सभी विकियों पर १ फ़रवरी (कैलेंडर) से होगा। [३८७][३८८]
On February 1, a link will be added to the "Tools" menu to download a QR code that links to the page you are viewing. There will also be a new विशेषः:QrKodu page to create QR codes for any Wikimedia URL. This addresses the #19 most-voted wish from the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [३८९]
Gadgets which only work in some skins have sometimes used the
option to limit where you can use them. This will stop working this week. You should use theskins
option instead. [३९०]
तकनीकी समाचार तकनीक राजदूत द्वारा तैयार हुआ और बॉट द्वारा प्रकाशित • योगदान करें • अनुवाद करें • सहायता लें • प्रतिक्रिया दें • अनुसरण करें या हटाएँ।
MediaWiki message delivery १९:३२, २९ जनवरी २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-06
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The mobile site history pages now use the same HTML as the desktop history pages. If you hear of any problems relating to mobile history usage please point them to the phabricator task.
- On most wikis, admins can now block users from making specific actions. These actions are: uploading files, creating new pages, moving (renaming) pages, and sending thanks. The goal of this feature is to allow admins to apply blocks that are adequate to the blocked users' activity. Learn more about "action blocks". [३९१][३९२]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 6 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 7 February. It will be on all wikis from 8 February (calendar). [३९३][३९४]
- Talk pages permalinks that included diacritics and non-Latin script were malfunctioning. This issue is fixed. [३९५]
Future changes
- 24 Wikipedias with Reference Tooltips as a default gadget are encouraged to remove that default flag. This would make Reference Previews the new default for reference popups, leading to a more consistent experience across wikis. For 46 Wikipedias with less than 4 interface admins, the change is already scheduled for mid-February, unless there are concerns. The older Reference Tooltips gadget will still remain usable and will override this feature, if it is available on your wiki and you have enabled it in your settings. [३९६][३९७]
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MediaWiki message delivery १९:२२, ५ फेब्रवरी २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-07
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The WDQS Graph Split experiment is working and loaded onto 3 test servers. The team in charge is testing the split's impact and requires feedback from WDQS users through the UI or programmatically in different channels. [३९८][३९९][४००] Users' feedback will validate the impact of various use cases and workflows around the Wikidata Query service. [४०१][४०२]
- There was a bug that affected the appearance of visited links when using mobile device to access wiki sites. It made the links appear black; this issue is fixed.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 13 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 14 February. It will be on all wikis from 15 February (calendar). [४०३][४०४]
As work continues on the grid engine deprecation,[४०५] tools on the grid engine will be stopped starting on February 14th, 2024. If you have tools actively migrating you can ask for an extension so they are not stopped. [४०६]
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MediaWiki message delivery ०५:४९, १३ फेब्रवरी २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-08
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- If you have the "मम निरीक्षासूच्यां विद्यमानेषु पृष्ठेषु सञ्चिकासु च परिवर्तने सति वि-पत्रद्वारा सूचयताम्" option enabled, edits by bot accounts no longer trigger notification emails. Previously, only minor edits would not trigger the notification emails. [४०७]
- There are changes to how user and site scripts load for Vector 2022 on specific wikis. The changes impacted the following Wikis: all projects with Vector legacy as the default skin, Wikivoyage, and Wikibooks. Other wikis will be affected over the course of the next three months. Gadgets are not impacted. If you have been affected or want to minimize the impact on your project, see this ticket. Please coordinate and take action proactively.
- Newly auto-created accounts (the accounts you get when you visit a new wiki) now have the same local notification preferences as users who freshly register on that wiki. It is effected in four notification types listed in the task's description.
- The maximum file size when using Upload Wizard is now 5 GiB. [४०८]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 20 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 21 February. It will be on all wikis from 22 February (calendar). [४०९][४१०]
Selected tools on the grid engine have been stopped as we prepare to shut down the grid on March 14th, 2024. The tool's code and data have not been deleted. If you are a maintainer and you want your tool re-enabled reach out to the team. Only tools that have asked for extension are still running on the grid.
- The CSS
property can now be used in HTMLstyle
attributes in wikitext. [४११]
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Tech News: 2024-09
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The mobile visual editor is now the default editor for users who never edited before, at a small group of wikis. Research shows that users using this editor are slightly more successful publishing the edits they started, and slightly less successful publishing non-reverted edits. Users who defined the wikitext editor as their default on desktop will get the wikitext editor on mobile for their first edit on mobile as well. [४१२]
The mw.config value
now only contains groups that are active in the wiki. Scripts no longer have to check whether the group is active on the wiki via an API request. A code example of the above is:if (/globalgroupname/.test(mw.config.get("wgGlobalGroups")))
. [४१३]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 27 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 28 February. It will be on all wikis from 29 February (calendar). [४१४][४१५]
Future changes
- The right to change edit tags (
) will be removed from users in Wikimedia sites, keeping it by default for admins and bots only. Your community can ask to retain the old configuration on your wiki before this change happens. Please indicate in this ticket to keep it for your community before the end of March 2024.
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MediaWiki message delivery १९:२३, २६ फेब्रवरी २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-10
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The
page (as well as the associated "Create a book" functionality) provided by the old Collection extension has been removed from all Wikisource wikis, as it was broken. This does not affect the ability to download normal books, which is provided by the Wikisource extension. [४१६] - Wikitech now uses the next-generation Parsoid wikitext parser by default to generate all pages in the Talk namespace. Report any problems on the Known Issues discussion page. You can use the ParserMigration extension to control the use of Parsoid; see the ParserMigration help documentation for more details.
- Maintenance on etherpad is completed. If you encounter any issues, please indicate in this ticket.
Gadgets allow interface admins to create custom features with CSS and JavaScript. The
namespaces andgadgets-definition-edit
user right were reserved for an experiment in 2015, but were never used. These were visible on Special:Search and Special:ListGroupRights. The unused namespaces and user rights are now removed. No pages are moved, and no changes need to be made. [४१७]- A usability improvement to the "Add a citation" in Wikipedia workflow has been made, the insert button was moved to the popup header. [४१८]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 5 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 6 March. It will be on all wikis from 7 March (calendar). [४१९][४२०]
Future changes
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on March 20. This is planned at 14:00 UTC. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [४२१]
- The HTML markup of headings and section edit links will be changed later this year to improve accessibility. See Heading HTML changes for details. The new markup will be the same as in the new Parsoid wikitext parser. You can test your gadget or stylesheet with the new markup if you add
to your URL (more info) or turn on Parsoid read views in your user options (more info).
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MediaWiki message delivery १९:४७, ४ मार्च् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-11
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 12 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 13 March. It will be on all wikis from 14 March (calendar). [४२२][४२३]
- After consulting with various communities, the line height of the text on the Minerva skin will be increased to its previous value of 1.65. Different options for typography can also be set using the options in the menu, as needed. [४२४]
- The active link color in Minerva will be changed to provide more consistency with our other platforms and best practices. [४२५]
- Structured data on Commons will no longer ask whether you want to leave the page without saving. This will prevent the “information you’ve entered may not be saved” popups from appearing when no information have been entered. It will also make file pages on Commons load faster in certain cases. However, the popups will be hidden even if information has indeed been entered. If you accidentally close the page before saving the structured data you entered, that data will be lost. [४२६]
Future changes
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on March 20. This is planned at 14:00 UTC. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [४२७][४२८]
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:०४, ११ मार्च् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-12
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The notice "Language links are at the top of the page" that appears in the Vector 2022 skin main menu has been removed now that users have learned the new location of the Language switcher. [४२९]
IP info feature displays data from Spur, an IP addresses database. Previously, the only data source for this feature was MaxMind. Now, IP info is more useful for patrollers. [४३०]
The Toolforge Grid Engine services have been shut down after the final migration process from Grid Engine to Kubernetes. [४३१][४३२][४३३]
- Communities can now customize the default reasons for undeleting a page by creating MediaWiki:Undelete-comment-dropdown. [४३४]
- RevisionSlider is an interface to interactively browse a page's history. Users in right-to-left languages reported RevisionSlider reacting wrong to mouse clicks. This should be fixed now. [४३५]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 19 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 20 March. It will be on all wikis from 21 March (calendar). [४३६][४३७]
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on March 20. This is planned at 14:00 UTC. [४३८][४३९]
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MediaWiki message delivery १७:४०, १८ मार्च् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-13
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
An update was made on March 18th 2024 to how various projects load site, user JavaScript and CSS in Vector 2022 skin. A checklist is provided for site admins to follow.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 26 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 27 March. It will be on all wikis from 28 March (calendar). [४४०][४४१]
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MediaWiki message delivery १८:५७, २५ मार्च् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-14
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Users of the reading accessibility beta feature will notice that the default line height for the standard and large text options has changed. [४४२]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 2 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 3 April. It will be on all wikis from 4 April (calendar). [४४३][४४४]
Future changes
- The Wikimedia Foundation has an annual plan. The annual plan decides what the Wikimedia Foundation will work on. You can now read the draft key results for the Product and Technology department. They are suggestions for what results the Foundation wants from big technical changes from July 2024 to June 2025. You can comment on the talk page.
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MediaWiki message delivery ०३:३६, २ एप्रिल् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-15
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Web browsers can use tools called extensions. There is now a Chrome extension called Citation Needed which you can use to see if an online statement is supported by a Wikipedia article. This is a small experiment to see if Wikipedia can be used this way. Because it is a small experiment, it can only be used in Chrome in English.
A new Edit Recovery feature has been added to all wikis, available as a user preference. Once you enable it, your in-progress edits will be stored in your web browser, and if you accidentally close an editing window or your browser or computer crashes, you will be prompted to recover the unpublished text. Please leave any feedback on the project talk page. This was the #8 wish in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey.
- Initial results of Edit check experiments have been published. Edit Check is now deployed as a default feature at the wikis that tested it. Let us know if you want your wiki to be part of the next deployment of Edit check. [४४५][४४६]
- Readers using the Minerva skin on mobile will notice there has been an improvement in the line height across all typography settings. [४४७]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 9 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 10 April. It will be on all wikis from 11 April (calendar). [४४८][४४९]
- New accounts and logged-out users will get the visual editor as their default editor on mobile. This deployment is made at all wikis except for the English Wikipedia. [४५०]
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:३८, ८ एप्रिल् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-16
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Between 2 April and 8 April, on wikis using Flagged Revisions, the "Reverted" tag was not applied to undone edits. In addition, page moves, protections and imports were not autoreviewed. This problem is now fixed. [४५१][४५२]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 16 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 17 April. It will be on all wikis from 18 April (calendar). [४५३][४५४]
- Default category sort keys will now affect categories added by templates placed in footnotes. Previously footnotes used the page title as the default sort key even if a different default sort key was specified (category-specific sort keys already worked). [४५५]
- A new variable
will be added to abuse filters. It tells how many seconds ago the last edit to a page was made. [४५६]
Future changes
- Volunteer developers are kindly asked to update the code of their tools and features to handle temporary accounts. Learn more.
Four database fields will be removed from database replicas (including Quarry). This affects only the
tables. Some queries might need to be updated. [४५७]
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:२९, १५ एप्रिल् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-17
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Starting this week, newcomers editing Wikipedia will be encouraged to try structured tasks. Structured tasks have been shown to improve newcomer activation and retention. [४५८]
- You can nominate your favorite tools for the fifth edition of the Coolest Tool Award. Nominations will be open until May 10.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 23 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 24 April. It will be on all wikis from 25 April (calendar). [४५९][४६०]
Future changes
- This is the last warning that by the end of May 2024 the Vector 2022 skin will no longer share site and user scripts/styles with old Vector. For user-scripts that you want to keep using on Vector 2022, copy the contents of विशेषः:मम पृष्ठम्/vector.js to विशेषः:मम पृष्ठम्/vector-2022.js. There are more technical details available. Interface administrators who foresee this leading to lots of technical support questions may wish to send a mass message to your community, as was done on French Wikipedia. [४६१]
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MediaWiki message delivery २०:२८, २२ एप्रिल् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-18
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes

- The appearance of talk pages changed for the following wikis: Azerbaijani Wikipedia, Bengali Wikipedia, German Wikipedia, Persian Wikipedia, Hebrew Wikipedia, Hindi Wikipedia, Indonesian Wikipedia, Korean Wikipedia, Dutch Wikipedia, Portuguese Wikipedia, Romanian Wikipedia, Thai Wikipedia, Turkish Wikipedia, Ukrainian Wikipedia, Vietnamese Wikipedia. These wikis participated to a test, where 50% of users got the new design, for one year. As this test gave positive results, the new design is deployed on these wikis as the default design. It is possible to opt-out these changes in user preferences ("Show discussion activity"). The deployment will happen at all wikis in the coming weeks. [४६२]
- Seven new wikis have been created:
- You can now watch message groups/projects on Translatewiki.net. Initially, this feature will notify you of added or deleted messages in these groups. [४७०]
- Dark mode is now available on all wikis, on mobile web for logged-in users who opt into the advanced mode. This is the early release of the feature. Technical editors are invited to check for accessibility issues on wikis. See more detailed guidelines.
- Kartographer maps can use an alternative visual style without labels, by using
. This wasn't working in previews, creating the wrong impression that it wasn't supported. This has now been fixed. [४७१]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 30 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 1 May. It will be on all wikis from 2 May (calendar). [४७२][४७३]
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MediaWiki message delivery ०३:३४, ३० एप्रिल् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-19
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes

- The appearance of talk pages changed for all wikis, except for Commons, Wikidata and most Wikipedias (a few have already received this design change). You can read the detail of the changes on Diff. It is possible to opt-out these changes in user preferences ("Show discussion activity"). The deployment will happen at remaining wikis in the coming weeks. [४७४][४७५]
Interface admins now have greater control over the styling of article components on mobile with the introduction of the
. More information on how styles can be disabled can be found at the extension's page. [४७६]Wikimedia Enterprise has added article body sections in JSON format and a curated short description field to the existing parsed Infobox. This expansion to the API is also available via Wikimedia Cloud Services. [४७७]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 7 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 8 May. It will be on all wikis from 9 May (calendar). [४७८][४७९]
- When you look at the Special:Log page, the first view is labelled "All public logs", but it only shows some logs. This label will now say "Main public logs". [४८०]
Future changes
- A new service will be built to replace Extension:Graph. Details can be found in the latest update regarding this extension.
- Starting May 21, English Wikipedia and German Wikipedia will get the possibility to activate "Add a link". This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to all Wikipedias. These communities can activate and configure the feature locally. [४८१]
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MediaWiki message delivery १६:४५, ६ मे २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-20
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- On Wikisource there is a special page listing pages of works without corresponding scan images. Now you can use the new magic word
to exclude certain pages (list of editions or translations of works) from that list. [४८२]
- If you use the user-preference "सम्पादनेन सहैव प्राग्दृश्यं दर्शयतु", then the template-page feature "पृष्ठ की झलक इस साँचे के साथ देखें" will now also work without reloading the page. [४८३]
- Kartographer maps can now specify an alternative text via the
attribute. This is identical in usage to thealt=
attribute in the image and gallery syntax. An exception for this feature is wikis like Wikivoyage where the miniature maps are interactive. [४८४] - The old Guided Tour for the "New Filters for Edit Review" feature has been removed. It was created in 2017 to show people with older accounts how the interface had changed, and has now been seen by most of the intended people. [४८५]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 14 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 15 May. It will be on all wikis from 16 May (calendar). [४८६][४८७]
The विशेषः:अन्वेषणम् results page will now use CSS flex attributes, for better accessibility, instead of a table. If you have a gadget or script that adjusts search results, you should update your script to the new HTML structure. [४८८]
Future changes
- In the Vector 2022 skin, main pages will be displayed at full width (like special pages). The goal is to keep the number of characters per line large enough. This is related to the coming changes to typography in Vector 2022. Learn more. [४८९]
Two columns of the
database table (pl_namespace
) are being dropped soon. Users must use two columns of the newlinktarget
table instead (lt_namespace
). In your existing SQL queries:- Replace
JOIN pagelinks
withJOIN linktarget
in theON
statement - Below that add
JOIN pagelinks ON lt_id = pl_target_id
- See phab:T222224 for technical reasoning. [४९०][४९१]
- Replace
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Tech News: 2024-21
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Nuke feature, which enables administrators to mass delete pages, will now correctly delete pages which were moved to another title. [४९२]
- New changes have been made to the UploadWizard in Wikimedia Commons: the overall layout has been improved, by following new styling and spacing for the form and its fields; the headers and helper text for each of the fields was changed; the Caption field is now a required field, and there is an option for users to copy their caption into the media description. [४९३][४९४]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 21 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 22 May. It will be on all wikis from 23 May (calendar). [४९५][४९६]
The HTML used to render all headings is being changed to improve accessibility. It will change on 22 May in some skins (Timeless, Modern, CologneBlue, Nostalgia, and Monobook). Please test gadgets on your wiki on these skins and report any related problems so that they can be resolved before this change is made in all other skins. The developers are also considering the introduction of a Gadget API for adding buttons to section titles if that would be helpful to tool creators, and would appreciate any input you have on that.
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Tech News: 2024-22
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Several bugs related to the latest updates to the UploadWizard on Wikimedia Commons have been fixed. For more information, see T365107 and T365119.
In March 2024 a new addPortlet API was added to allow gadgets to create new portlets (menus) in the skin. In certain skins this can be used to create dropdowns. Gadget developers are invited to try it and give feedback.
Some CSS in the Minerva skin has been removed to enable easier community configuration. Interface editors should check the rendering on mobile devices for aspects related to the classes:
. Further details are available on replacement CSS if it is needed.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 28 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 29 May. It will be on all wikis from 30 May (calendar). [४९७][४९८]
- When you visit a wiki where you don't yet have a local account, local rules such as edit filters can sometimes prevent your account from being created. Starting this week, MediaWiki takes your global rights into account when evaluating whether you can override such local rules. [४९९]
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Tech News: 2024-23
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- It is now possible for local administrators to add new links to the bottom of the site Tools menu without JavaScript. Documentation is available. [५००]
- The message name for the definition of the tracking category of WikiHiero has changed from "
" to "MediaWiki:Wikihiero-usage-tracking-category
". [५०१] - One new wiki has been created: a विकिपीडिया in Kadazandusun (
) [५०२]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 4 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 5 June. It will be on all wikis from 6 June (calendar). [५०३][५०४]
Future changes
- Next week, on wikis with the Vector 2022 skin as the default, logged-out desktop users will be able to choose between different font sizes. The default font size will also be increased for them. This is to make Wikimedia projects easier to read. Learn more.
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Tech News: 2024-24
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The software used to render SVG files has been updated to a new version, fixing many longstanding bugs in SVG rendering. [५०५]
The HTML used to render all headings is being changed to improve accessibility. It was changed last week in some skins (Vector legacy and Minerva). Please test gadgets on your wiki on these skins and report any related problems so that they can be resolved before this change is made in Vector-2022. The developers are still considering the introduction of a Gadget API for adding buttons to section titles if that would be helpful to tool creators, and would appreciate any input you have on that.
The HTML markup used for citations by Parsoid changed last week. In places where Parsoid previously added the
class, Parsoid now also adds thereference-text
class for better compatibility with the legacy parser. More details are available. [५०६]
- There was a bug with the Content Translation interface that caused the tools menus to appear in the wrong location. This has now been fixed. [५०७]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 11 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 12 June. It will be on all wikis from 13 June (calendar). [५०८][५०९]
The new version of MediaWiki includes another change to the HTML markup used for citations: Parsoid will now generate a
<span class="mw-cite-backlink">
wrapper for both named and unnamed references for better compatibility with the legacy parser. Interface administrators should verify that gadgets that interact with citations are compatible with the new markup. More details are available. [५१०]- On multilingual wikis that use the
system, there is a feature that shows potentially-outdated translations with a pink background until they are updated or confirmed. From this week, confirming translations will be logged, and there is a new user-right that can be required for confirming translations if the community requests it. [५११]
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Tech News: 2024-25
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- People who attempt to add an external link in the visual editor will now receive immediate feedback if they attempt to link to a domain that a project has decided to block. Please see Edit check for more details. [५१२]
- The new Community Configuration extension is available on Test Wikipedia. This extension allows communities to customize specific features to meet their local needs. Currently only Growth features are configurable, but the extension will support other Community Configuration use cases in the future. [५१३][५१४]
- The dark mode beta feature is now available on category and help pages, as well as more special pages. There may be contrast issues. Please report bugs on the project talk page. [५१५]
Cloud Services tools were not available for 25 minutes last week. This was caused by a faulty hardware cable in the data center. [५१६]
- Last week, styling updates were made to the Vector 2022 skin. This caused unforeseen issues with templates, hatnotes, and images. Changes to templates and hatnotes were reverted. Most issues with images were fixed. If you still see any, report them here. [५१७]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 18 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 19 June. It will be on all wikis from 20 June (calendar). [५१८][५१९]
- Starting June 18, the Reference Edit Check will be deployed to a new set of Wikipedias. This feature is intended to help newcomers and to assist edit-patrollers by inviting people who are adding new content to a Wikipedia article to add a citation when they do not do so themselves. During a test at 11 wikis, the number of citations added more than doubled when Reference Check was shown to people. Reference Check is community configurable. [५२०]
- Mailing lists will be unavailable for roughly two hours on Tuesday 10:00–12:00 UTC. This is to enable migration to a new server and upgrade its software. [५२१]
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Tech News: 2024-26
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Editors will notice that there have been some changes to the background color of text in the diff view, and the color of the byte-change numbers, last week. These changes are intended to make text more readable in both light mode and dark mode, and are part of a larger effort to increase accessibility. You can share your comments or questions on the project talkpage. [५२२]
- The text colors that are used for visited-links, hovered-links, and active-links, were also slightly changed last week to improve their accessibility in both light mode and dark mode. [५२३]
- You can copy permanent links to talk page comments by clicking on a comment's timestamp. This feature did not always work when the topic title was very long and the link was used as a wikitext link. This has been fixed. Thanks to Lofhi for submitting the bug. [५२४]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 25 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 26 June. It will be on all wikis from 27 June (calendar). [५२५][५२६]
- Starting 26 June, all talk pages messages' timestamps will become a link at English Wikipedia, making this feature available for you to use at all wikis. This link is a permanent link to the comment. It allows users to find the comment they were linked to, even if this comment has since been moved elsewhere. You can read more about this feature on Diff or on Mediawiki.org. [५२७]
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Tech News: 2024-27
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Over the next three weeks, dark mode will become available for all users, both logged-in and logged-out, starting with the mobile web version. This fulfils one of the top-requested community wishes, and improves low-contrast reading and usage in low-light settings. As part of these changes, dark mode will also work on User-pages and Portals. There is more information in the latest Web team update. [५२८]
- Logged-in users can now set global preferences for the text-size and dark-mode, thanks to a combined effort across Foundation teams. This allows Wikimedians using multiple wikis to set up a consistent reading experience easily, for example by switching between light and dark mode only once for all wikis. [५२९]
- If you use a very old web browser some features might not work on the Wikimedia wikis. This affects Internet Explorer 11 and versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari older than 2016. This change makes it possible to use new CSS features and to send less code to all readers. [५३०][५३१]
- Wikipedia Admins can customize local wiki configuration options easily using Community Configuration. Community Configuration was created to allow communities to customize how some features work, because each language wiki has unique needs. At the moment, admins can configure Growth features on their home wikis, in order to better recruit and retain new editors. More options will be provided in the coming months. [५३२]
- Editors interested in language issues that are related to Unicode standards, can now discuss those topics at a new conversation space in MediaWiki.org. The Wikimedia Foundation is now a member of the Unicode Consortium, and the coordination group can collaboratively review the issues discussed and, where appropriate, bring them to the attention of the Unicode Consortium.
- One new wiki has been created: a विकिपीडिया in Mandailing (
) [५३३]
- Editors can once again click on links within the visual editor's citation-preview, thanks to a bug fix by the Editing Team. [५३४]
Future changes
- Please help us to improve Tech News by taking this short survey. The goal is to better meet the needs of the various types of people who read Tech News. The survey will be open for 2 weeks. The survey is covered by this privacy statement. Some translations are available.
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:५९, १ जुलै २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-28
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- At the Wikimedia Foundation a new task force was formed to replace the disabled Graph with more secure, easy to use, and extensible Chart. You can subscribe to the newsletter to get notified about new project updates and other news about Chart.
- The CampaignEvents extension is now available on Meta-wiki, Igbo Wikipedia, and Swahili Wikipedia, and can be requested on your wiki. This extension helps in managing and making events more visible, giving Event organizers the ability to use tools like the Event registration tool. To learn more about the deployment status and how to request this extension for your wiki, visit the CampaignEvents page on Meta-wiki.
- Editors using the iOS Wikipedia app who have more than 50 edits can now use the Add an Image feature. This feature presents opportunities for small but useful contributions to Wikipedia.
- Thank you to all of the authors who have contributed to MediaWiki Core. As a result of these contributions, the percentage of authors contributing more than 5 patches has increased by 25% since last year, which helps ensure the sustainability of the platform for the Wikimedia projects.
- A problem with the color of the talkpage tabs always showing as blue, even for non-existent pages which should have been red, affecting the Vector 2022 skin, has been fixed.
Future changes
- The Trust and Safety Product team wants to introduce temporary accounts with as little disruption to tools and workflows as possible. Volunteer developers, including gadget and user-script maintainers, are kindly asked to update the code of their tools and features to handle temporary accounts. The team has created documentation explaining how to do the update. Learn more.
Tech News survey
- Please help us to improve Tech News by taking this short survey. The goal is to better meet the needs of the various types of people who read Tech News. The survey will be open for 1 more week. The survey is covered by this privacy statement. Some translations are available.
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MediaWiki message delivery २१:३२, ८ जुलै २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-29
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News survey
- Please help us to improve Tech News by taking this short survey. The goal is to better meet the needs of the various types of people who read Tech News. The survey will be open for 3 more days. The survey is covered by this privacy statement. Some translations are available.
Recent changes
Wikimedia developers can now officially continue to use both Gerrit and GitLab, due to a June 24 decision by the Wikimedia Foundation to support software development on both platforms. Gerrit and GitLab are both code repositories used by developers to write, review, and deploy the software code that supports the MediaWiki software that the wiki projects are built on, as well as the tools used by editors to create and improve content. This decision will safeguard the productivity of our developers and prevent problems in code review from affecting our users. More details are available in the Migration status page.
- The Wikimedia Foundation seeks applicants for the Product and Technology Advisory Council (PTAC). This group will bring technical contributors and Wikimedia Foundation together to co-define a more resilient, future-proof technological platform. Council members will evaluate and consult on the movement's product and technical activities, so that we develop multi-generational projects. We are looking for a range of technical contributors across the globe, from a variety of Wikimedia projects. Please apply here by August 10.
- Editors with rollback user-rights who use the Wikipedia App for Android can use the new Edit Patrol features. These features include a new feed of Recent Changes, related links such as Undo and Rollback, and the ability to create and save a personal library of user talk messages to use while patrolling. If your wiki wants to make these features available to users who do not have rollback rights but have reached a certain edit threshold, you can contact the team. You can read more about this project on Diff blog.
- Editors who have access to The Wikipedia Library can once again use non-open access content in SpringerLinks, after the Foundation contacted them to restore access. You can read more about this and 21 other community-submitted tasks that were completed last week.
Changes later this week
- This week, dark mode will be available on a number of Wikipedias, both desktop and mobile, for logged-in and logged-out users. Interface admins and user script maintainers are encouraged to check gadgets and user scripts in the dark mode, to find any hard-coded colors and fix them. There are some recommendations for dark mode compatibility to help.
Future changes
Next week, functionaries, volunteers maintaining tools, and software development teams are invited to test the temporary accounts feature on testwiki. Temporary accounts is a feature that will help improve privacy on the wikis. No further temporary account deployments are scheduled yet. Please share your opinions and questions on the project talk page. [५३५]
- Editors who upload files cross-wiki, or teach other people how to do so, may wish to join a Wikimedia Commons discussion. The Commons community is discussing limiting who can upload files through the cross-wiki upload/Upload dialog feature to users auto-confirmed on Wikimedia Commons. This is due to the large amount of copyright violations uploaded this way. There is a short summary at Commons:Cross-wiki upload and discussion at Commons:Village Pump.
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MediaWiki message delivery ०१:३१, १६ जुलै २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-30
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Feature News
- Stewards can now globally block accounts. Before the change only IP addresses and IP ranges could be blocked globally. Global account blocks are useful when the blocked user should not be logged out. Global locks (a similar tool logging the user out of their account) are unaffected by this change. The new global account block feature is related to the Temporary Accounts project, which is a new type of user account that replaces IP addresses of unregistered editors that are no longer made public.
- Later this week, Wikimedia site users will notice that the Interface of FlaggedRevs (also known as "Pending Changes") is improved and consistent with the rest of the MediaWiki interface and Wikimedia's design system. The FlaggedRevs interface experience on mobile and Minerva skin was inconsistent before it was fixed and ported to Codex by the WMF Growth team and some volunteers. [५३६]
- Wikimedia site users can now submit account vanishing requests via GlobalVanishRequest. This feature is used when a contributor wishes to stop editing forever. It helps you hide your past association and edit to protect your privacy. Once processed, the account will be locked and renamed. [५३७]
- Have you tried monitoring and addressing vandalism in Wikipedia using your phone? A Diff blog post on Patrolling features in the Mobile App highlights some of the new capabilities of the feature, including swiping through a feed of recent changes and a personal library of user talk messages for use when patrolling from your phone.
- Wikimedia contributors and GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) organisations can now learn and measure the impact Wikimedia Commons is having towards creating quality encyclopedic content using the Commons Impact Metrics analytics dashboard. The dashboard offers organizations analytics on things like monthly edits in a category, the most viewed files, and which Wikimedia articles are using Commons images. As a result of these new data dumps, GLAM organisation can more reliably measure their return on investment for programs bringing content into the digital Commons. [५३८]
Project Updates
- Come share your ideas for improving the wikis on the newly reopened Community Wishlist. The Community Wishlist is Wikimedia’s forum for volunteers to share ideas (called wishes) to improve how the wikis work. The new version of the wishlist is always open, works with both wikitext and Visual Editor, and allows wishes in any language.
Learn more
- Have you ever wondered how Wikimedia software works across over 300 languages? This is 253 languages more than the Google Chrome interface, and it's no accident. The Language and Product Localization Team at the Wikimedia Foundation supports your work by adapting all the tools and interfaces in the MediaWiki software so that contributors in our movement who translate pages and strings can translate them and have the sites in all languages. Read more about the team and their upcoming work on Diff.
- How can Wikimedia build innovative and experimental products while maintaining such heavily used websites? A recent blog post by WMF staff Johan Jönsson highlights the work of the WMF Future Audience initiative, where the goal is not to build polished products but test out new ideas, such as a ChatGPT plugin and Add a Fact, to help take Wikimedia into the future.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe. You can also get other news from the Wikimedia Foundation Bulletin.
MediaWiki message delivery ००:०५, २३ जुलै २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-31
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Feature news
- Editors using the Visual Editor in languages that use non-Latin characters for numbers, such as Hindi, Manipuri and Eastern Arabic, may notice some changes in the formatting of reference numbers. This is a side effect of preparing a new sub-referencing feature, and will also allow fixing some general numbering issues in Visual Editor. If you notice any related problems on your wiki, please share details at the project talkpage.
Bugs status
- Some logged-in editors were briefly unable to edit or load pages last week. These errors were mainly due to the addition of new linter rules which led to caching problems. Fixes have been applied and investigations are continuing.
- Editors can use the IP Information tool to get information about IP addresses. This tool is available as a Beta Feature in your preferences. The tool was not available for a few days last week, but is now working again. Thank you to Shizhao for filing the bug report. You can read about that, and 28 other community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
Project updates
- There are new features and improvements to Phabricator from the Release Engineering and Collaboration Services teams, and some volunteers, including: the search systems, the new task creation system, the login systems, the translation setup which has resulted in support for more languages (thanks to Pppery), and fixes for many edge-case errors. You can read details about these and other improvements in this summary.
- There is an update on the Charts project. The team has decided which visualization library to use, which chart types to start focusing on, and where to store chart definitions.
- One new wiki has been created: a विकियात्रा in Czech (
) [५३९]
Learn more
- There is a new Wikimedia Foundation data center in São Paulo, Brazil which helps to reduce load times.
- There is new user research on problems with the process of uploading images.
- Commons Impact Metrics are now available via data dumps and API.
- The latest quarterly Technical Community Newsletter is now available.
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Tech News: 2024-32
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Feature news
Two new parser functions will be available this week:
. These will reduce the need forTemplate:Dir
on Commons and allow us to drop 100 million rows from the "what links here" database. Editors at any wiki that use these templates, can help by replacing the templates with these new functions. The templates at Commons will be updated during the Hackathon at Wikimania. [५४०][५४१]- Communities can request the activation of the visual editor on entire namespaces where discussions sometimes happen (for instance Wikipedia: or Wikisource: namespaces) if they understand the known limitations. For discussions, users can already use DiscussionTools in these namespaces.
- The tracking category "Pages using Timeline" has been renamed to "Pages using the EasyTimeline extension" in TranslateWiki. Wikis that have created the category locally should rename their local creation to match.
Project updates
- Editors who help to organize WikiProjects and similar on-wiki collaborations, are invited to share ideas and examples of successful collaborations with the Campaigns and Programs teams. You can fill out a brief survey or share your thoughts on the talkpage. The teams are particularly looking for details about successful collaborations on non-English wikis.
The new parser is being rolled out on विकियात्रा wikis over the next few months. The अंग्रेज़ी विकियात्रा and हीब्रू विकियात्रा were switched to Parsoid last week. For more information, see Parsoid/Parser Unification.
Learn more
- There will be more than 200 sessions at Wikimania this week. Here is a summary of some of the key sessions related to the product and technology area.
- The latest Wikimedia Foundation Bulletin is available.
- The latest quarterly Language and Internationalization newsletter is available. It includes: New design previews for Translatable pages; Updates about MinT for Wiki Readers; the release of Translation dumps; and more.
- The latest quarterly Growth newsletter is available.
- The latest monthly MediaWiki Product Insights newsletter is available.
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MediaWiki message delivery २०:४४, ५ आगस्ट् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-33
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Feature news
- AbuseFilter editors and maintainers can now make a CAPTCHA show if a filter matches an edit. This allows communities to quickly respond to spamming by automated bots. [५४२]
- Stewards can now specify if global blocks should prevent account creation. Before this change by the Trust and Safety Product Team, all global blocks would prevent account creation. This will allow stewards to reduce the unintended side-effects of global blocks on IP addresses.
Project updates
- Nominations are open on Wikitech for new members to refresh the Toolforge standards committee. The committee oversees the Toolforge Right to fork policy and Abandoned tool policy among other duties. Nominations will remain open until at least 2024-08-26.
- One new wiki has been created: a विकिपीडिया in West Coast Bajau (
) [५४३]
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MediaWiki message delivery २३:२२, १२ आगस्ट् २०२४ (UTC)
Tech News: 2024-34
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Feature news
- Editors who want to re-use references but with different details such as page numbers, will be able to do so by the end of 2024, using a new sub-referencing feature. You can read more about the project and how to test the prototype.
- Editors using tracking categories to identify which pages use specific extensions may notice that six of the categories have been renamed to make them more easily understood and consistent. These categories are automatically added to pages that use specialized MediaWiki extensions. The affected names are for: DynamicPageList, Kartographer, Phonos, RSS, Score, WikiHiero. Wikis that have created the category locally should rename their local creation to match. Thanks to Pppery for these improvements. [५४४]
Technical volunteers who edit modules and want to get a list of the categories used on a page, can now do so using the
property ofmw.title objects
. This enables wikis to configure workflows such as category-specific edit notices. Thanks to SD001 for these improvements. [५४५][५४६]
Bugs status
Your help is needed to check if any pages need to be moved or deleted. A maintenance script was run to clean up unreachable pages (due to Unicode issues or introduction of new namespaces/namespace aliases). The script tried to find appropriate names for the pages (e.g. by following the Unicode changes or by moving pages whose titles on Wikipedia start with
so that their titles start withWikipedia talk:
), but it may have failed for some pages, and moved them to Special:PrefixIndex/T195546/ instead. Your community should check if any pages are listed there, and move them to the correct titles, or delete them if they are no longer needed. A full log (including pages for which appropriate names could be found) is available in phab:P67388.- Editors who volunteer as mentors to newcomers on their wiki are once again able to access lists of potential mentees who they can connect with to offer help and guidance. This functionality was restored thanks to a bug fix. Thank you to Mbch331 for filing the bug report. You can read about that, and 18 other community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
Project updates
- The application deadline for the Product & Technology Advisory Council (PTAC) has been extended to September 16. Members will help by providing advice to Foundation Product and Technology leadership on short and long term plans, on complex strategic problems, and help to get feedback from more contributors and technical communities. Selected members should expect to spend roughly 5 hours per month for the Council, during the one year pilot. Please consider applying, and spread the word to volunteers you think would make a positive contribution to the committee.
Learn more
- The 2024 Coolest Tool Awards were awarded at Wikimania, in seven categories. For example, one award went to the ISA Tool, used for adding structured data to files on Commons, which was recently improved during the Wiki Mentor Africa Hackathon. You can see video demonstrations of each tool at the awards page. Congratulations to this year's recipients, and thank you to all tool creators and maintainers.
- The latest Wikimedia Foundation Bulletin is available, and includes some highlights from Wikimania, an upcoming Language community meeting, and other news from the movement.
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Tech News: 2024-35
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Feature news
Administrators can now test the temporary accounts feature on test2wiki. This was done to allow cross-wiki testing of temporary accounts, for when temporary accounts switch between projects. The feature was enabled on testwiki a few weeks ago. No further temporary account deployments are scheduled yet. Temporary Accounts is a project to create a new type of user account that replaces IP addresses of unregistered editors which are no longer made public. Please share your opinions and questions on the project talk page.
- Later this week, editors at wikis that use FlaggedRevs (also known as "Pending Changes") may notice that the indicators at the top of articles have changed. This change makes the system more consistent with the rest of the MediaWiki interface. [५४७]
Bugs status
- Editors who use the 2010 wikitext editor, and use the Character Insert buttons, will no longer experience problems with the buttons adding content into the edit-summary instead of the edit-window. You can read more about that, and 26 other community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
Project updates
Please review and vote on Focus Areas, which are groups of wishes that share a problem. Focus Areas were created for the newly reopened Community Wishlist, which is now open year-round for submissions. The first batch of focus areas are specific to moderator workflows, around welcoming newcomers, minimizing repetitive tasks, and prioritizing tasks. Once volunteers have reviewed and voted on focus areas, the Foundation will then review and select focus areas for prioritization.
- Do you have a project and are willing to provide a three (3) month mentorship for an intern? Outreachy is a twice a year program for people to participate in a paid internship that will start in December 2024 and end in early March 2025, and they need mentors and projects to work on. Projects can be focused on coding or non-coding (design, documentation, translation, research). See the Outreachy page for more details, and a list of past projects since 2013.
Learn more
- If you're curious about the product and technology improvements made by the Wikimedia Foundation last year, read this recent highlights summary on Diff.
- To learn more about the technology behind the Wikimedia projects, you can now watch sessions from the technology track at Wikimania 2024 on Commons. This week, check out:
- Community Configuration - Shaping On-Wiki Functionality Together (55 mins) - about the Community Configuration project.
- Future of MediaWiki. A sustainable platform to support a collaborative user base and billions of page views (30 mins) - an overview for both technical and non technical audiences, covering some of the challenges and open questions, related to the platform evolution, stewardship and developer experiences research.
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Tech News: 2024-36
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Weekly highlight
- Editors and volunteer developers interested in data visualisation can now test the new software for charts. Its early version is available on beta Commons and beta Wikipedia. This is an important milestone before making charts available on regular wikis. You can read more about this project update and help to test the charts.
Feature news
- Editors who use the विशेषः:अप्रयुक्तफलकानि page can now filter out pages which are expected to be there permanently, such as sandboxes, test-cases, and templates that are always substituted. Editors can add the new magic word
to a template page to hide it from the listing. Thanks to Sophivorus and DannyS712 for these improvements. [५४८] - Editors who use the New Topic tool on discussion pages, will now be reminded to add a section header, which should help reduce the quantity of newcomers who add sections without a header. You can read more about that, and २८ other community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
- Last week, some Toolforge tools had occasional connection problems. The cause is still being investigated, but the problems have been resolved for now. [५४९]
- Translation administrators at multilingual wikis, when editing multiple translation units, can now easily mark which changes require updates to the translation. This is possible with the new dropdown menu.
Project updates
- A new draft text of a policy discussing the use of Wikimedia's APIs has been published on Meta-Wiki. The draft text does not reflect a change in policy around the APIs; instead, it is an attempt to codify existing API rules. Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome on the proposed update’s talk page until September 13 or until those discussions have concluded.
Learn more
- To learn more about the technology behind the Wikimedia projects, you can now watch sessions from the technology track at Wikimania 2024 on Commons. This week, check out:
- Charts, the successor of Graphs - A secure and extensible tool for data visualization (25 mins) – about the above-mentioned Charts project.
- State of Language Technology and Onboarding at Wikimedia (90 mins) – about some of the language tools that support Wikimedia sites, such as Content/Section Translation, MinT, and LanguageConverter; also the current state and future of languages onboarding. [५५०]
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Tech News: 2024-37
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Feature news
- Starting this week, the standard syntax highlighter will receive new colors that make them compatible in dark mode. This is the first of many changes to come as part of a major upgrade to syntax highlighting. You can learn more about what's to come on the help page. [५५१][५५२]
- Editors of wikis using Wikidata will now be notified of only relevant Wikidata changes in their watchlist. This is because the Lua functions
will have their logic unified for tracking different aspects of sitelinks to reduce junk notifications from inconsistent sitelinks tracking. [५५३]
Project updates
- Users of all Wikis will have access to Wikimedia sites as read-only for a few minutes on September 25, starting at 15:00 UTC. This is a planned datacenter switchover for maintenance purposes. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [५५४]
- Contributors of 11 Wikipedias, including English will have a new
namespace added to their Wikipedias. This improvement ensures that links beginning withMOS:
(usually shortcuts to the Manual of Style) are not broken by Mooré Wikipedia (language codemos
). [५५५]
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Tech News: 2024-38
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Improvements and Maintenance
Editors interested in templates can help by reading the latest Wishlist focus area, Template recall and discovery, and share your feedback on the talkpage. This input helps the Community Tech team to decide the right technical approach to build. Everyone is also encouraged to continue adding new wishes.
- The new automated विशेषः:NamespaceInfo page helps editors understand which namespaces exist on each wiki, and some details about how they are configured. Thanks to DannyS712 for these improvements. [५५६]
- References Check is a feature that encourages editors to add a citation when they add a new paragraph to a Wikipedia article. For a short time, the corresponding tag "Edit Check (references) activated" was erroneously being applied to some edits outside of the main namespace. This has been fixed. [५५७]
- It is now possible for a wiki community to change the order in which a page’s categories are displayed on their wiki. By default, categories are displayed in the order they appear in the wikitext. Now, wikis with a consensus to do so can request a configuration change to display them in alphabetical order. [५५८]
Tool authors can now access ToolsDB's public databases from both Quarry and Superset. Those databases have always been accessible to every Toolforge user, but they are now more broadly accessible, as Quarry can be accessed by anyone with a Wikimedia account. In addition, Quarry's internal database can now be queried from Quarry itself. This database contains information about all queries that are being run and starred by users in Quarry. This information was already public through the web interface, but you can now query it using SQL. You can read more about that, and २० other community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
- Any pages or tools that still use the very old CSS classes
need to be updated. These old classes will be removed next week or soon afterwards. Editors can use a global-search to determine what needs to be changed. It is possible to use the newercdx-message
group of classes as a replacement (see the relevant Codex documentation, and an example update), but using locally defined onwiki classes would be best. [५५९]
Technical project updates
- Next week, all Wikimedia wikis will be read-only for a few minutes. This will start on September 25 at 15:00 UTC. This is a planned datacenter switchover for maintenance purposes. This maintenance process also targets other services. The previous switchover took 3 minutes, and the Site Reliability Engineering teams use many tools to make sure that this essential maintenance work happens as quickly as possible. [५६०]
Tech in depth
The latest monthly MediaWiki Product Insights newsletter is available. This edition includes details about: research about hook handlers to help simplify development, research about performance improvements, work to improve the REST API for end-users, and more.
To learn more about the technology behind the Wikimedia projects, you can now watch sessions from the technology track at Wikimania 2024 on Commons. This week, check out:
- Hackathon Showcase (45 mins) - 19 short presentations by some of the Hackathon participants, describing some of the projects they worked on, such as automated testing of maintenance scripts, a video-cutting command line tool, and interface improvements for various tools. There are more details and links available in the Phabricator task.
- Co-Creating a Sustainable Future for the Toolforge Ecosystem (40 mins) - a roundtable discussion for tool-maintainers, users, and supporters of Toolforge about how to make the platform sustainable and how to evaluate the tools available there.
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Tech News: 2024-39
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Weekly highlight
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on Wednesday September 25 at 15:00 UTC. Reading the wikis will not be interrupted, but editing will be paused. These twice-yearly processes allow WMF's site reliability engineering teams to remain prepared to keep the wikis functioning even in the event of a major interruption to one of our data centers.
Updates for editors

- Editors who use the iOS Wikipedia app in Spanish, Portuguese, French, or Chinese, may see the Alt Text suggested-edit experiment after editing an article, or completing a suggested edit using "Add an image". Alt-text helps people with visual impairments to read Wikipedia articles. The team aims to learn if adding alt-text to images is a task that editors can be successful with. Please share any feedback on the discussion page.
- The Codex color palette has been updated with new and revised colors for the MediaWiki user interfaces. The most noticeable changes for editors include updates for: dark mode colors for Links and for quiet Buttons (progressive and destructive), visited Link colors for both light and dark modes, and background colors for system-messages in both light and dark modes.
It is now possible to include clickable wikilinks and external links inside code blocks. This includes links that are used within
tags and on code pages (JavaScript, CSS, Scribunto and Sanitized CSS). Uses of template syntax{{…}}
are also linked to the template page. Thanks to SD0001 for these improvements. [५६१]- Two bugs were fixed in the GlobalVanishRequest system by improving the logging and by removing an incorrect placeholder message. [५६२][५६३]
- View all २५ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
Updates for technical contributors
From Wikimedia Enterprise:
- The API now enables 5,000 on-demand API requests per month and twice-monthly HTML snapshots freely (gratis and libre). More information on the updates and also improvements to the software development kits (SDK) are explained on the project's blog post. While Wikimedia Enterprise APIs are designed for high-volume commercial reusers, this change enables many more community use-cases to be built on the service too.
- The Snapshot API (html dumps) have added beta Structured Contents endpoints (blog post on that) as well as released two beta datasets (English and French Wikipedia) from that endpoint to Hugging Face for public use and feedback (blog post on that). These pre-parsed data sets enable new options for researchers, developers, and data scientists to use and study the content.
In depth
The Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) is used to get answers to questions using the Wikidata data set. As Wikidata grows, we had to make a major architectural change so that WDQS could remain performant. As part of the WDQS Graph Split project, we have new SPARQL endpoints available for serving the "scholarly" and "main" subgraphs of Wikidata. The query.wikidata.org endpoint will continue to serve the full Wikidata graph until March 2025. After this date, it will only serve the main graph. For more information, please see the announcement on Wikidata.
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Tech News: 2024-40
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Updates for editors
- Readers of 42 more wikis can now use Dark Mode. If the option is not yet available for logged-out users of your wiki, this is likely because many templates do not yet display well in Dark Mode. Please use the night-mode-checker tool if you are interested in helping to reduce the number of issues. The recommendations page provides guidance on this. Dark Mode is enabled on additional wikis once per month.
- Editors using the 2010 wikitext editor as their default can access features from the 2017 wikitext editor by adding
to the URL. If you would like to enable the 2017 wikitext editor as your default, it can be set in your preferences. [५६४] - For logged-out readers using the Vector 2022 skin, the "donate" link has been moved from a collapsible menu next to the content area into a more prominent top menu, next to "Create an account". This restores the link to the level of prominence it had in the Vector 2010 skin. Learn more about the changes related to donor experiences. [५६५]
- The CampaignEvents extension provides tools for organizers to more easily manage events, communicate with participants, and promote their events on the wikis. The extension has been enabled on Arabic Wikipedia, Igbo Wikipedia, Swahili Wikipedia, and Meta-Wiki. Chinese Wikipedia has decided to enable the extension, and discussions on the extension are in progress on Spanish Wikipedia and on Wikidata. To learn how to enable the extension on your wiki, you can visit the CampaignEvents page on Meta-Wiki.
- View all २२ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
Updates for technical contributors
- Developers with an account on Wikitech-wiki should check if any action is required for their accounts. The wiki is being changed to use the single-user-login (SUL) system, and other configuration changes. This change will help reduce the overall complexity for the weekly software updates across all our wikis.
In depth
- The server switch was completed successfully last week with a read-only time of only 2 minutes 46 seconds. This periodic process makes sure that engineers can switch data centers and keep all of the wikis available for readers, even if there are major technical issues. It also gives engineers a chance to do maintenance and upgrades on systems that normally run 24 hours a day, and often helps to reveal weaknesses in the infrastructure. The process involves dozens of software services and hundreds of hardware servers, and requires multiple teams working together. Work over the past few years has reduced the time from 17 minutes down to 2–3 minutes. [५६६]
Meetings and events
- October 4–6: WikiIndaba Conference's Hackathon in Johannesburg, South Africa
- November 4–6: MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024 in Vienna, Austria
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Tech News: 2024-41
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Weekly highlight
- Communities can now request installation of Automoderator on their wiki. Automoderator is an automated anti-vandalism tool that reverts bad edits based on scores from the new "Revert Risk" machine learning model. You can read details about the necessary steps for installation and configuration. [५६७]
Updates for editors
- Translators in wikis where the mobile experience of Content Translation is available, can now customize their articles suggestion list from 41 filtering options when using the tool. This topic-based article suggestion feature makes it easy for translators to self-discover relevant articles based on their area of interest and translate them. You can try it with your mobile device. [५६८]
- View all १२ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
Updates for technical contributors
- It is now possible for
code blocks to offer readers a "Copy" button if thecopy=1
attribute is set on the tag. Thanks to SD0001 for these improvements. [५६९] - Customized copyright footer messages on all wikis will be updated. The new versions will use wikitext markup instead of requiring editing raw HTML. [५७०]
Later this month, temporary accounts will be rolled out on several pilot wikis. The final list of the wikis will be published in the second half of the month. If you maintain any tools, bots, or gadgets on these 11 wikis, and your software is using data about IP addresses or is available for logged-out users, please check if it needs to be updated to work with temporary accounts. Guidance on how to update the code is available.
Rate limiting has been enabled for the code review tools Gerrit and GitLab to address ongoing issues caused by malicious traffic and scraping. Clients that open too many concurrent connections will be restricted for a few minutes. This rate limiting is managed through nftables firewall rules. For more details, see Wikitech's pages on Firewall, GitLab limits and Gerrit operations.
- Five new wikis have been created:
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Tech News: 2024-42
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Updates for editors
- The Structured Discussion extension (also known as Flow) is starting to be removed. This extension is unmaintained and causes issues. It will be replaced by DiscussionTools, which is used on any regular talk page. A first set of wikis are being contacted. These wikis are invited to stop using Flow, and to move all Flow boards to sub-pages, as archives. At these wikis, a script will move all Flow pages that aren't a sub-page to a sub-page automatically, starting on 22 October 2024. On 28 October 2024, all Flow boards at these wikis will be set in read-only mode. [५७६][५७७]
- WMF's Search Platform team is working on making it easier for readers to perform text searches in their language. A change last week on over 30 languages makes it easier to find words with accents and other diacritics. This applies to both full-text search and to types of advanced search such as the hastemplate and incategory keywords. More technical details (including a few other minor search upgrades) are available. [५७८]
- View all २० community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, EditCheck was installed at Russian Wikipedia, and fixes were made for some missing user interface styles.
Updates for technical contributors
- Editors who use the Toolforge tool Earwig's Copyright Violation Detector will now be required to log in with their Wikimedia account before running checks using the "search engine" option. This change is needed to help prevent external bots from misusing the system. Thanks to Chlod for these improvements. [५७९]
- Phabricator users can create tickets and add comments on existing tickets via Email again. Sending email to Phabricator has been fixed. [५८०]
Some HTML elements in the interface are now wrapped with a
element, to make our HTML output more aligned with Web standards. More changes like this will be coming in future weeks. This change might break some tools that rely on the previous HTML structure of the interface. Note that relying on the HTML structure of the interface is not recommended and might break at any time. [५८१]
In depth
- The latest monthly MediaWiki Product Insights newsletter is available. This edition includes: updates on Wikimedia's authentication system, research to simplify feature development in the MediaWiki platform, updates on Parser Unification and MathML rollout, and more.
- The latest quarterly Technical Community Newsletter is now available. This edition include: research about improving topic suggestions related to countries, improvements to PHPUnit tests, and more.
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Tech News: 2024-43
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Weekly highlight
- The Mobile Apps team has released an update to the iOS app's navigation, and it is now available in the latest App store version. The team added a new Profile menu that allows for easy access to editor features like Notifications and Watchlist from the Article view, and brings the "Donate" button into a more accessible place for users who are reading an article. This is the first phase of a larger planned navigation refresh to help the iOS app transition from a primarily reader-focused app, to an app that fully supports reading and editing. The Wikimedia Foundation has added more editing features and support for on-wiki communication based on volunteer requests in recent years.

Updates for editors
- Wikipedia readers can now download a browser extension to experiment with some early ideas on potential features that recommend articles for further reading, automatically summarize articles, and improve search functionality. For more details and to stay updated, check out the Web team's Content Discovery Experiments page and subscribe to their newsletter.
- Later this month, logged-out editors of these 12 wikis will start to have temporary accounts created. The list may slightly change - some wikis may be removed but none will be added. Temporary account is a new type of user account. It enhances the logged-out editors' privacy and makes it easier for community members to communicate with them. If you maintain any tools, bots, or gadgets on these 12 wikis, and your software is using data about IP addresses or is available for logged-out users, please check if it needs to be updated to work with temporary accounts. Guidance on how to update the code is available. Read more about the deployment plan across all wikis.
- View all ३३ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, the South Ndebele, Pannonian Rusyn, Obolo, Iban and Tai Nüa Wikipedia languages were created last week. [५८२][५८३][५८४][५८५][५८६]
- It is now possible to create functions on Wikifunctions using Wikidata lexemes, through the new Wikidata lexeme type launched last week. When you go to one of these functions, the user interface provides a lexeme selector that helps you pick a lexeme from Wikidata that matches the word you type. After hitting run, your selected lexeme is retrieved from Wikidata, transformed into a Wikidata lexeme type, and passed into the selected function. Read more about this in the latest Wikifunctions newsletter.
Updates for technical contributors
Users of the Wikimedia sites can now format dates more easily in different languages with the new
parser function. For example,{{#timef:now|date|en}}
will show as "16 December 2024". Previously,{{#time:…}}
could be used to format dates, but this required knowledge of the order of the time and date components and their intervening punctuation.#timef
for local time) provides access to the standard date formats that MediaWiki uses in its user interface. This may help to simplify some templates on multi-lingual wikis like Commons and Meta. [५८७][५८८]Commons and Meta users can now efficiently retrieve the user's language using
instead of using{{int:lang}}
. [५८९]- The Product and Tech Advisory Council (PTAC) now has its pilot members with representation across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America. They will work to address the Movement Strategy's Technology Council initiative of having a co-defined and more resilient technological platform. [५९०]
In depth
- The latest quarterly Growth newsletter is available. It includes: an upcoming Newcomer Homepage Community Updates module, new Community Configuration options, and details on new projects.
- The Wikimedia Foundation is now an official partner of the CVE program, which is an international effort to catalog publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities. This partnership will allow the Security Team to instantly publish common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) records that are affecting MediaWiki core, extensions, and skins, along with any other code the Foundation is a steward of.
- The Community Wishlist is now testing machine translations for Wishlist content. Volunteers can now read machine-translated versions of wishes and dive into discussions even before translators arrive to translate content.
Meetings and events
- 24 October - Wiki Education Speaker Series Webinar - Open Source Tech: Building the Wiki Education Dashboard, featuring Wikimedia interns and a Web developer in the panel.
- 20–22 December 2024 - Indic Wikimedia Hackathon Bhubaneswar 2024 in Odisha, India. A hackathon for community members, including developers, designers and content editors, to build technical solutions that improve contributors' experiences.
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Tech News: 2024-44
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Updates for editors
- Later in November, the Charts extension will be deployed to the test wikis in order to help identify and fix any issue. A security review is underway to then enable deployment to pilot wikis for broader testing. You can read the October project update and see the latest documentation and examples on Beta Wikipedia.
- View all ३२ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, Pediapress.com, an external service that creates books from Wikipedia, can now use Wikimedia Maps to include existing pre-rendered infobox map images in their printed books on Wikipedia. [५९१]
Updates for technical contributors
- Wikis can use the Guided Tour extension to help newcomers understand how to edit. The Guided Tours extension now works with dark mode. Guided Tour maintainers can check their tours to see that nothing looks odd. They can also set
to fix an old bug. They can use the new flagallowAutomaticBack
to avoid back-buttons they don't want. [५९२] - Administrators in the Wikimedia projects who use the Nuke Extension will notice that mass deletions done with this tool have the "Nuke" tag. This change will make reviewing and analyzing deletions performed with the tool easier. [५९३]
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Tech News: 2024-45
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Updates for editors
- Stewards can now make global account blocks cause global autoblocks. This will assist stewards in preventing abuse from users who have been globally blocked. This includes preventing globally blocked temporary accounts from exiting their session or switching browsers to make subsequent edits for 24 hours. Previously, temporary accounts could exit their current session or switch browsers to continue editing. This is an anti-abuse tool improvement for the Temporary Accounts project. You can read more about the progress on key features for temporary accounts. [५९४]
- Wikis that have the CampaignEvents extension enabled can now use the Collaboration List feature. This list provides a new, easy way for contributors to learn about WikiProjects on their wikis. Thanks to the Campaign team for this work that is part of the 2024/25 annual plan. If you are interested in bringing the CampaignEvents extension to your wiki, you can follow these steps or you can reach out to User:Udehb-WMF for help.
- The text color for red links will be slightly changed later this week to improve their contrast in light mode. [५९५]
- View all ३२ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, on multilingual wikis, users can now hide translations from the WhatLinksHere special page.
Updates for technical contributors
- XML data dumps have been temporarily paused whilst a bug is investigated. [५९६]
In depth
- Temporary Accounts have been deployed to six wikis; thanks to the Trust and Safety Product team for this work, you can read about the deployment plans. Beginning next week, Temporary Accounts will also be enabled on seven other projects. If you are active on these wikis and need help migrating your tools, please reach out to User:Udehb-WMF for assistance.
- The latest quarterly Language and Internationalization newsletter is available. It includes: New languages supported in translatewiki or in MediaWiki; New keyboard input methods for some languages; details about recent and upcoming meetings, and more.
Meetings and events
- MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024 is happening in Vienna, Austria and online from 4 to 6 November 2024. The conference will feature discussions around the usage of MediaWiki software by and within companies in different industries and will inspire and onboard new users.
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Tech News: 2024-46
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Updates for editors
- On wikis with the Translate extension enabled, users will notice that the FuzzyBot will now automatically create translated versions of categories used on translated pages. [५९७]
- View all २९ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, the submitted task to use the SecurePoll extension for English Wikipedia's special administrator election was resolved on time. [५९८]
Updates for technical contributors
, the logic of Wikibase functiongetAllStatements
changed to behave likegetBestStatements
. Invoking the function now returns a copy of values which are immutable. [५९९]- Wikimedia REST API users, such as bot operators and tool maintainers, may be affected by ongoing upgrades. The API will be rerouting some page content endpoints from RESTbase to the newer MediaWiki REST API endpoints. The impacted endpoints include getting page/revision metadata and rendered HTML content. These changes will be available on testwiki later this week, with other projects to follow. This change should not affect existing functionality, but active users of the impacted endpoints should verify behavior on testwiki, and raise any concerns on the related Phabricator ticket.
In depth
- Admins and users of the Wikimedia projects where Automoderator is enabled can now monitor and evaluate important metrics related to Automoderator's actions. This Superset dashboard calculates and aggregates metrics about Automoderator's behaviour on the projects in which it is deployed. Thanks to the Moderator Tools team for this Dashboard; you can visit the documentation page for more information about this work. [६००]
Meetings and events
- 21 November 2024 (8:00 UTC & 16:00 UTC) - Community call with Wikimedia Commons volunteers and stakeholders to help prioritize support efforts for 2025-2026 Fiscal Year. The theme of this call is how content should be organised on Wikimedia Commons.
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Tech News: 2024-47
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Updates for editors
- Users of Wikimedia sites will now be warned when they create a redirect to a page that doesn't exist. This will reduce the number of broken redirects to red links in our projects. [६०१]
- View all ४२ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, Pywikibot, which automates work on MediaWiki sites, was upgraded to 9.5.0 on Toolforge. [६०२]
Updates for technical contributors
- On wikis that use the FlaggedRevs extension, pages created or moved by users with the appropriate permissions are marked as flagged automatically. This feature has not been working recently, and changes fixing it should be deployed this week. Thanks to Daniel and Wargo for working on this. [६०३][६०४]
In depth
- There is a new Diff post about Temporary Accounts, available in more than 15 languages. Read it to learn about what Temporary Accounts are, their impact on different groups of users, and the plan to introduce the change on all wikis.
Meetings and events
- Technical volunteers can now register for the 2025 Wikimedia Hackathon, which will take place in Istanbul, Turkey. Application for travel and accommodation scholarships is open from November 12 to December 10 2024. The registration for the event will close in mid-April 2025. The Wikimedia Hackathon is an annual gathering that unites the global technical community to collaborate on existing projects and explore new ideas.
- Join the Wikimedia Commons community calls this week to help prioritize support for Commons which will be planned for 2025–2026. The theme will be how content should be organised on Wikimedia Commons. This is an opportunity for volunteers who work on different things to come together and talk about what matters for the future of the project. The calls will take place November 21, 2024, 8:00 UTC and 16:00 UTC.
- A Language community meeting will take place November 29, 16:00 UTC to discuss updates and technical problem-solving.
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Tech News: 2024-48
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Updates for editors
A new version of the standard wikitext editor-mode syntax highlighter will be available as a beta feature later this week. This brings many new features and bug fixes, including right-to-left support, template folding, autocompletion, and an improved search panel. You can learn more on the help page.
- The 2010 wikitext editor now supports common keyboard shortcuts such
for bold andCtrl
for italics. A full list of all six shortcuts is available. Thanks to SD0001 for this improvement. [६०५] - Starting November 28, Flow/Structured Discussions pages will be automatically archived and set to read-only at the following wikis: bswiki, elwiki, euwiki, fawiki, fiwiki, frwikiquote, frwikisource, frwikiversity, frwikivoyage, idwiki, lvwiki, plwiki, ptwiki, urwiki, viwikisource, zhwikisource. This is done as part of StructuredDiscussions deprecation work. If you need any assistance to archive your page in advance, please contact Trizek (WMF).
- View all २५ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, a user creating a new AbuseFilter can now only set the filter to "protected" if it includes a protected variable.
Updates for technical contributors
- The CodeEditor, which can be used in JavaScript, CSS, JSON, and Lua pages, now offers live autocompletion. Thanks to SD0001 for this improvement. The feature can be temporarily disabled on a page by pressing
and un-selecting "Live Autocompletion". Tool-maintainers who use the Graphite system for tracking metrics, need to migrate to the newer Prometheus system. They can check this dashboard and the list in the Description of the task T350592 to see if their tools are listed, and they should claim metrics and dashboards connected to their tools. They can then disable or migrate all existing metrics by following the instructions in the task. The Graphite service will become read-only in April. [६०६]
The New PreProcessor parser performance report has been fixed to give an accurate count for the number of Wikibase entities accessed. It had previously been resetting after 400 entities. [६०७]
Meetings and events
- A Language community meeting will take place November 29 at 16:00 UTC. There will be presentations on topics like developing language keyboards, the creation of the Mooré Wikipedia, the language support track at Wiki Indaba, and a report from the Wayuunaiki community on their experiences with the Incubator and as a new community over the last 3 years. This meeting will be in English and will also have Spanish interpretation.
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Tech News: 2024-49
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Updates for editors
- Two new parser functions were added this week. The
function adds an interwiki link and the{{#interlanguagelink}}
function adds an interlanguage link. These parser functions are useful on wikis where namespaces conflict with interwiki prefixes. For example, links beginning withMOS:
on English Wikipedia conflict with themos
language code prefix of Mooré Wikipedia. - Starting this week, Wikimedia wikis no longer support connections using old RSA-based HTTPS certificates, specifically rsa-2048. This change is to improve security for all users. Some older, unsupported browser or smartphone devices will be unable to connect; Instead, they will display a connectivity error. See the HTTPS Browser Recommendations page for more-detailed information. All modern operating systems and browsers are always able to reach Wikimedia projects. [६०८]
- Starting December 16, Flow/Structured Discussions pages will be automatically archived and set to read-only at the following wikis: arwiki, cawiki, frwiki, mediawikiwiki, orwiki, wawiki, wawiktionary, wikidatawiki, zhwiki. This is done as part of StructuredDiscussions deprecation work. If you need any assistance to archive your page in advance, please contact Trizek (WMF). [६०९]
- This month the Chart extension was deployed to production and is now available on Commons and Testwiki. With the security review complete, pilot wiki deployment is expected to start in the first week of December. You can see a working version on Testwiki and read the November project update for more details.
- View all २३ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, a bug with the "Download as PDF" system was fixed. [६१०]
Updates for technical contributors
- In late February, temporary accounts will be rolled out on at least 10 large wikis. This deployment will have a significant effect on the community-maintained code. This is about Toolforge tools, bots, gadgets, and user scripts that use IP address data or that are available for logged-out users. The Trust and Safety Product team wants to identify this code, monitor it, and assist in updating it ahead of the deployment to minimize disruption to workflows. The team asks technical editors and volunteer developers to help identify such tools by adding them to this list. In addition, review the updated documentation to learn how to adjust the tools. Join the discussions on the project talk page or in the dedicated thread on the Wikimedia Community Discord server (in English) for support and to share feedback.
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Tech News: 2024-50
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Weekly highlight
- Technical documentation contributors can find updated resources, and new ways to connect with each other and the Wikimedia Technical Documentation Team, at the Documentation hub on MediaWiki.org. This page links to: resources for writing and improving documentation, a new #wikimedia-techdocs IRC channel on libera.chat, a listing of past and upcoming documentation events, and ways to request a documentation consultation or review. If you have any feedback or ideas for improvements to the documentation ecosystem, please contact the Technical Documentation Team.
Updates for editors

- Later this week, Edit Check will be relocated to a sidebar on desktop. Edit check is the feature for new editors to help them follow policies and guidelines. This layout change creates space to present people with new Checks that appear while they are typing. The initial results show newcomers encountering Edit Check are 2.2 times more likely to publish a new content edit that includes a reference and is not reverted.
- The Chart extension, which enables editors to create data visualizations, was successfully made available on MediaWiki.org and three pilot wikis (Italian, Swedish, and Hebrew Wikipedias). You can see a working examples on Testwiki and read the November project update for more details.
- Translators in wikis where the mobile experience of Content Translation is available, can now discover articles in Wikiproject campaigns of their interest from the "All collection" category in the articles suggestion feature. Wikiproject Campaign organizers can use this feature, to help translators to discover articles of interest, by adding the
<page-collection> </page-collection>
tag to their campaign article list page on Meta-wiki. This will make those articles discoverable in the Content Translation tool. For more detailed information on how to use the tool and tag, please refer to the step-by-step guide. [६११] - The Nuke feature, which enables administrators to mass delete pages, now has a multiselect filter for namespace selection. This enables users to select multiple specific namespaces, instead of only one or all, when fetching pages for deletion.
- The Nuke feature also now provides links to the userpage of the user whose pages were deleted, and to the pages which were not selected for deletion, after page deletions are queued. This enables easier follow-up admin-actions. Thanks to Chlod and the Moderator Tools team for both of these improvements. [६१२]
- The Editing Team is working on making it easier to populate citations from archive.org using the Citoid tool, the auto-filled citation generator. They are asking communities to add two parameters preemptively,
, within the TemplateData for each citation template using Citoid. You can see an example of a change in a template, and a list of all relevant templates. [६१३] - One new wiki has been created: a विकियात्रा in Indonesian (
) [६१४] - Last week, all wikis had problems serving pages to logged-in users and some logged-out users for 30–45 minutes. This was caused by a database problem, and investigation is ongoing. [६१५]
View all १९ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, a bug in the Add Link feature has been fixed. Previously, the list of sections which are excluded from Add Link was partially ignored in certain cases. [६१६][६१७]
Updates for technical contributors
- Codex, the design system for Wikimedia, now has an early-stage implementation in PHP. It is available for general use in MediaWiki extensions and Toolforge apps through Composer, with use in MediaWiki core coming soon. More information is available in the documentation. Thanks to Doğu for the inspiration and many contributions to the library. [६१८]
- Wikimedia REST API users, such as bot operators and tool maintainers, may be affected by ongoing upgrades. On December 4, the MediaWiki Interfaces team began rerouting page/revision metadata and rendered HTML content endpoints on testwiki from RESTbase to comparable MediaWiki REST API endpoints. The team encourages active users of these endpoints to verify their tool's behavior on testwiki and raise any concerns on the related Phabricator ticket before the end of the year, as they intend to roll out the same change across all Wikimedia projects in early January. These changes are part of the work to replace the outdated RESTBase system.
- The 2024 Developer Satisfaction Survey is seeking the opinions of the Wikimedia developer community. Please take the survey if you have any role in developing software for the Wikimedia ecosystem. The survey is open until 3 January 2025, and has an associated privacy statement.
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week. [६१९]
Meetings and events
- The next meeting in the series of Wikimedia Foundation discussions with the Wikimedia Commons community will take place on December 12 at 8:00 UTC and at 16:00 UTC. The topic of this call is new media and new contributors. Contributors from all wikis are welcome to attend.
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Tech News: 2024-51
[सम्पाद्यताम्]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Weekly highlight
- Interested in improving event management on your home wiki? The CampaignEvents extension offers organizers features like event registration management, event/wikiproject promotion, finding potential participants, and more - all directly on-wiki. If you are an organizer or think your community would benefit from this extension, start a discussion to enable it on your wiki today. To learn more about how to enable this extension on your wiki, visit the deployment status page.
Updates for editors
- Users of the iOS Wikipedia App in Italy and Mexico on the Italian, Spanish, and English Wikipedias, can see a personalized Year in Review with insights based on their reading and editing history.
- Users of the Android Wikipedia App in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia can see the new Rabbit Holes feature. This feature shows a suggested search term in the Search bar based on the current article being viewed, and a suggested reading list generated from the user’s last two visited articles.
- The global reminder bot is now active and running on nearly 800 wikis. This service reminds most users holding temporary rights when they are about to expire, so that they can renew should they want to. See the technical details page for more information.
- The next issue of Tech News will be sent out on 13 January 2025 because of the end of year holidays. Thank you to all of the translators, and people who submitted content or feedback, this year.
View all २७ community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, a bug was fixed in the Android Wikipedia App which had caused translatable SVG images to show the wrong language when they were tapped.
Updates for technical contributors
- There is no new MediaWiki version next week. The next deployments will start on 14 January. [६२०]
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