अस्मिन् विकि-जालस्थाने "Universal Sanskrit" इदं पृष्ठं सृज्यताम् । तव अन्वेषणस्य परिणामाः अपि दृश्यन्ताम्
- clearly defined. Using the Sanskrit numerical system, our sentence becomes: I waking state 7 I desire 1 limits VERB mind 2 I universal 5 I particular 4 I attachment...२२८ B (४०,६८५ शब्दाः) - ०९:२९, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८
- Sanskrit Literature A Berriedale Keith १९२० A HISTORY OF SANSKRIT LITERATURE Oxford University Press, Amen House, London E.C.4 GLASGOW NEW YORK TORONTO...२५४ B (५६,११९ शब्दाः) - ०९:१३, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८
- which so many Indian SANSKRIT STUDIES 52 poets achieved excellence. The miniature word-pictures in which it abounds have evoked universal admiration and even...२४५ B (२५,४८७ शब्दाः) - ०९:१९, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८
- DICTIONARY OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR A DICTIONARY OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR by Mahāmahopādhyāya KASHINATH VASUDEV ABHYANKAR, M.A. Retired Professor of Sanskrit, Gujarat...३८८ B (२,९७६ शब्दाः) - २०:१४, १४ एप्रिल् २०२४
- were as artificial as Sanskrit, and did not have the advantage of its universal appeal and utility. For such reasons alone Sanskrit was the only form of...२६२ B (१,७४,३५८ शब्दाः) - १०:५९, २१ जुलै २०१८
- DICTIONARY OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR A DICTIONARY OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR by Mahāmahopādhyāya KASHINATH VASUDEV ABHYANKAR, M.A. Retired Professor of Sanskrit, Gujarat...३६८ B (२,९७२ शब्दाः) - १४:००, ११ जनवरी २०२३
- continuing into the present, or can also be used to show a routine activity, universal truth or a habit. Some examples are: शिक्षिका पाठयति। (śikṣikā pāṭhayati।)...१७१ KB (१७,९३८ शब्दाः) - ०५:४६, ९ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२४
- Sanskrit literature K. N. Dave १९८५ BIRDS IN SANSKRIT LITERATURE With 107 Bird Illustrations K.N. DAVE In his monumental research in ancient Sanskrit...२६४ B (२,१८,५६५ शब्दाः) - ०८:४७, ३१ जुलै २०१८
- A Dictionary of Sanskrit Grammar. अकम्पित अकालक 3 अकालापक अक्रियाज 4 अक्षद्यूतादिगण अक्षरसमाम्नाय 5 अक्षराङ्ग अग्रवाल 6 अजादिगण अण् 8 अणादि अतसुच् 9 अताद्रूप्यातिदेश...१३१ B (१४० शब्दाः) - ०४:४९, ४ फेब्रवरी २०२०
- The history of that play affords a most instructive illustration of the universal disfavour that is not unfrequently shown to an object that has once had...३६३ B (९,२९३ शब्दाः) - १३:२६, ४ जुलै २०२०
- popular maxim (viii) An opposite illustration, (ix) Vedic account. (x) A universal rule. (xi) System of Hindu philosophy founded by the sage Gautama. (xii)...३७० KB (४५,०२५ शब्दाः) - १५:२८, २४ जून् २०२३
- (कल्पलताव्याख्यासमेतम्) कालिदासः English Introduction. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. "The Sanskrit Drama" At the outset, it is advisable to give a brief outline of the general...५३६ B (१२,३४३ शब्दाः) - १४:५०, २ जुलै २०२०
- मालविकाग्निमित्रम् कालिदासः 1869 ฿ombay Sanskrit $eries. No VI THE MALAVIKAGNIMITRA THE MALAVIKAGNIMITRA, A SANSKRIT PLAY, BY KALIDASA. EDITED WITH NOTES...३२७ B (१०,४८७ शब्दाः) - १०:१६, २८ जुलै २०१८
- (कल्पलताव्याख्यासमेतम्) कालिदासः English Introduction. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. "The Sanskrit Drama" At the outset, it is advisable to give a brief outline of the general...५६९ B (१२,३४७ शब्दाः) - १५:१२, २ जुलै २०२०
- learn from that great philosopher's work that, in his time, there was no universal sovereign, no Sârvabhaumrâjâ in India (see Bhâshya on Vedânt Sûtras, Bibl...५४२ B (११,७५९ शब्दाः) - ०५:४१, १२ अक्टोबर् २०१९
- mostly on the Āgama teachings and traditions, notwithstanding the almost universal esteem and veneration with which the Nigama or the Vedas are held as the...३४९ B (३४,३७४ शब्दाः) - ०६:५९, २३ डिसेम्बर् २०१९
- Appashastri Rashivadekar. ACT I. According to a well-known convention of the Sanskrit drama, the author opens the play with a Nandi, which, in this case, consists...४६७ B (५६,५२४ शब्दाः) - ११:००, २२ मे २०१९
- mentions the Hammiramardana or “The destruction of Hammira,” as an historical Sanskrit poem that was existent some ninety years ago in the Jain library at Jesalmir...३५९ B (१४,३६८ शब्दाः) - ०५:०५, ११ जून् २०१९
- would come to know GSN in the Kali age, since it could pave the path for universal welfare and immortality. The idea that a critical edition of GSN must...३४७ B (१८,१२८ शब्दाः) - ०६:००, ८ आगस्ट् २०१८
- highly praised Sree Gorakhnath, Bhartrhari and Gopichand, "United with the Universal Mind they revel", said he. Kabir, Kamal and Dadu among the Sant poets...४०६ B (३२,६२१ शब्दाः) - ०९:०८, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८