सामग्री पर जाएँ


दृश्यताम् (पूर्वतनम् २० | ) (२० | ५० | १०० | २५० | ५००)
  • and when त्रित began to draw water , the other two , desirous of his property , pushed him down and closed up the well with a wheel ; shut up there ...
    ४८ KB (५,४४१ शब्दाः) - २३:०१, २३ फेब्रवरी २०२२
  • when he saw that the king's mind was turned from him, submitted to his property being confiscated and brought into the king's coffers as ordered by Dharma...
    ३५९ B (१४,३६८ शब्दाः) - ०५:०५, ११ जून् २०१९
  • well as property have been secured. Peram Bhaṭṭa, the Purohita for the religious cer- emony of Lingoji and Cinca already arranged for, arrives now with the...
    ३०३ B (१७,९६५ शब्दाः) - ०८:५१, २१ डिसेम्बर् २०१९
  • when he saw that the king's mind was turned from him, submitted to his property being confiscated and brought into the king's coffers as ordered by Dharma...
    ३९४ B (२६,२६९ शब्दाः) - ०५:२६, ४ जून् २०१९
  • linging to a poisonous tree, though sweet in its own nature, acquires the property of deadening all sense.  'मूर्च्छ्यते, casual of मुर्छ, to faint or Swoon ;...
    ४६७ B (५६,५२४ शब्दाः) - ११:००, २२ मे २०१९
  • (p. 281)=jewel-merchant. हन्त here must be taken हर्षे, and विभव means property. अश्रोतव्यम्=what one would not like to hear, Cf. Kadambari, p. 136. उद्ब्ध्य...
    ५३२ B (२०,५५५ शब्दाः) - ०४:५३, २३ अक्टोबर् २०१८
  • possessed of equal amounts of money after each of them gave out of his own property to the one who went before him half of what he possesed. Think out and...
    ४२९ B (१,१०,२२९ शब्दाः) - १२:२१, २७ जुलै २०१८
  • express aspect and voice. See Gerund, Infinitive, Participle. Number - the property in words of expressing that one (singular), or more than one (plural) person...
    २२८ B (४०,६७० शब्दाः) - ०९:२९, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८
  • दण्डपारुष्य ( severity in punishment) and अर्थदूषण (unjust Beizure of property or unjust withholding of what is due ), are said to be कोधज (due to anger...
    ३६८ B (१,४१,४२० शब्दाः) - १०:३८, २७ जुलै २०१८
  • law of inheritance, in the times of Kalidasa, according to which, the property of the deceased did not go to his wife, if he had no male issue but to...
    ५३६ B (१२,३४३ शब्दाः) - १४:५०, २ जुलै २०२०
  • effert of the self has the approval of the Highest Person. The inherent property and the natural state of the self has been stated to be many. They are-(a)...
    ७२० B (१३,३११ शब्दाः) - १२:३३, १६ अक्टोबर् २०१९
  • reknas- r in- heritance, property J , dpnas - ‘ wealth J , drnas- 4 flood ', and, preceded by i and t, drdvinas- 4 property pdrtnas- ‘ abund- ance ' ;...
    २६२ B (१,७४,३५८ शब्दाः) - १०:५९, २१ जुलै २०१८
  • priori we should expect the necessity of measuring lands to arise with property in land and to give birth to the art of the state of the science, however...
    २७९ B (२३,७२१ शब्दाः) - ०४:५६, ४ फेब्रवरी २०२०
  • effert of the self has the approval of the Highest Person. The inherent property and the natural state of the self has been stated to be many. They are-(a)...
    ७३५ B (१३,३१५ शब्दाः) - १३:०२, १६ अक्टोबर् २०१९
  • law of inheritance, in the times of Kalidasa, according to which, the property of the deceased did not go to his wife, if he had no male issue but to...
    ५६९ B (१२,३४७ शब्दाः) - १५:१२, २ जुलै २०२०
  • is stated that Nilakaptha's family became extinct and that the family property was inherited by the nearest relations, viz., the Eamana family. 1. Vide...
    ३६५ B (१५,९२६ शब्दाः) - ०५:००, २५ डिसेम्बर् २०१९
  • for the horses ; let him not tor- ment the horses. 16. Of the father's property a greater part is to be given (imv.) to the eldest of the brothers. 17...
    २६० B (६५,६३७ शब्दाः) - ११:३४, २७ जुलै २०१८
  • d and which therefore is dead. Who are his relations and which is his property ? Wren this truth is taught and learnt, there is no doubt that some at...
    ३०४ B (८६,९६१ शब्दाः) - ०९:०८, २४ डिसेम्बर् २०१९
  • 1183. गुणान् Acc. plu of the mas. noun Guņa (An inherent attribute or property of a material substance) 13. 19, 21; 14. 20, 21², 26. 1184 गुणान्वितम्...
    ३९५ B (१,५५,०७६ शब्दाः) - ०७:०१, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८
  • ད་▫ da▪ {LCh}idānīm; {C}adya▪ now; presently; nowadays▫ {C}then; today པདྨ་དཀར་▫ padma dkar▪ {PH}white lotus པདྨ་རྒྱས་པ་▫ padma rgyas pa▪ {PH}fully-blossomed...
    ५५९ KB (७९,०७५ शब्दाः) - १४:५२, १४ एप्रिल् २०१७
दृश्यताम् (पूर्वतनम् २० | ) (२० | ५० | १०० | २५० | ५००)
"https://sa.wikisource.org/wiki/विशेषः:अन्वेषणम्" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्