सामग्री पर जाएँ


दृश्यताम् (पूर्वतनम् २० | ) (२० | ५० | १०० | २५० | ५००)
  • १६ - जगुण iii. २७ -जा ( = कुज्या ) iii. १२ जीवा iii. ६; v. २२ -- ज्या iii. ५३ धर (= ७) vii. १६ • मौर्वी iii. २५ - [ महाभास्करीये क्षिप्ति iii. ७१; vi....
    ४४२ B (९०,८६७ शब्दाः) - १०:२८, १५ मे २०२४
  • 152, 163, 170, 184, 309, with pp. 197, 200, 209, 226-8, and generally Act III., with act V. | Hindu Theatre, Vol. II., P. 128. +Ibid note, and p. 154 note...
    ५४२ B (११,७५९ शब्दाः) - ०५:४१, १२ अक्टोबर् २०१९
  • except in the beginning of a word"(शेषदेशयोद्दिंत्वमनादौ, Prâkŗita-Prakaâśa III. 50, Prof. Cowel's Edition), he states, that "wherever the single representative...
    ३६३ B (९,२९३ शब्दाः) - १३:२६, ४ जुलै २०२०
  • 'कृतमनुमतं दृष्टं वा यैरिदं गुरुपातकम् (Act III 24 etc.) of the Venisamhara. I am tempted to add one more thing concerning the relation of the Bala Ramayana...
    ४९६ B (२,५६६ शब्दाः) - १३:०५, २१ मे २०१९
  • Appendix 1-Verification of the Sentences-Manus cript material-Appendices I and III-Splutaca11drapti and Vervar0/167- 1xaाrolla method for the Moon N T S Madhava's...
    ३१४ B (१३,११२ शब्दाः) - ०९:०६, ६ आगस्ट् २०१८
  • except in the beginning of a word"(शेषदेशयोद्दिंत्वमनादौ, Prâkŗita-Prakaâśa III. 50, Prof. Cowel's Edition), he states, that "wherever the single representative...
    ३२७ B (१०,४८७ शब्दाः) - १०:१६, २८ जुलै २०१८
  • L LSLL L L S LS LS LSS 1. cf. : 327 3f(TDTTEIT: 4581 (Com. on A, iii. 6). 2. For more details on Yalaya, see Pt. I, Introduction, pp. xl-xliv. 3. Ms. No...
    ३२३ B (३८,१४७ शब्दाः) - ०४:४५, ४ फेब्रवरी २०२०
  • with the Vinayaka- and Graha-canti and the anatomical matter in Book iii, but the more radical analysis suggested is far less satisfactorily made out. Of...
    २५४ B (५६,११९ शब्दाः) - ०९:१३, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८
  • iii. 4 iii. 8 ii. 28 iv. 33 iii. 5 iii. 10 (i) ii 29 iv. 35 iii. 6 iii. lO(ii) ii. 30 iv. 37 iii. 7-10 iii. 18-20 ii. 31-32 iv. 38-39 iii. 11 (i) iii...
    ४४७ B (५४,३६६ शब्दाः) - १०:२५, १५ मे २०२४
  • I-III, Chayast८ka of Acyuta Pisarati (op.cit., p. 118), Sryac८rdra०chayagapita (p. 176), Suryachayadiguita, I-II (p. 17 iMTRODUCTtoM tx here are more involved...
    ३६४ B (१०,२९१ शब्दाः) - १०:४६, २२ अक्टोबर् २०२१
  • I-III, Chayast८ka of Acyuta Pisarati (op.cit., p. 118), Sryac८rdra०chayagapita (p. 176), Suryachayadiguita, I-II (p. 17 iMTRODUCTtoM tx here are more involved...
    २९९ B (१०,२८९ शब्दाः) - १०:४७, ३ आगस्ट् २०१८
  • of the सांख्याs, and add six more, (I) रागः (2) अविद्या (3) नियतिः (4) काल: (5) कला and (6) माया. Others add to this list five more, शिवः, शक्तिः , सदाशिवः...
    २७८ B (६३,९१८ शब्दाः) - ११:२०, २८ मार्च् २०१९
  • Earliest Times down to the Present. IT. Languages of the Parsi Scriptures. III. The Zend-Avesta, or the Scripture of the Parsis. IV. The Zoroastrian Religion...
    ३९६ B (४,२३२ शब्दाः) - ०७:३५, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८
  • technical terms, more than two hundred suffixes, about two thousand primary roots and more than five thousand special words arranged in more than two hundred...
    ३६८ B (२,९७२ शब्दाः) - १४:००, ११ जनवरी २०२३
  • (22") of an umber-brown colour, more so on the neck and shoulders, is the cent of rite you and probably of the lexicons. (iii) The Carrion and Jungle Crows...
    २६४ B (२,१८,५६५ शब्दाः) - ०८:४७, ३१ जुलै २०१८
  • technical terms, more than two hundred suffixes, about two thousand primary roots and more than five thousand special words arranged in more than two hundred...
    ३८८ B (२,९७६ शब्दाः) - २०:१४, १४ एप्रिल् २०२४
  • Brahmaga (III. 11.8 1-6) contains an ottline of the Naciketa story with which the Kazhopanisad opens and is parallel to the latter which is made more elaborate...
    ३२९ B (३५,२५२ शब्दाः) - ०४:२९, २४ डिसेम्बर् २०१९
  • the third class, which accordingly is more fundamentally distinct from them than they from each other. 349. III. Secondary Adjective compounds, the value...
    २६० B (६५,६३७ शब्दाः) - ११:३४, २७ जुलै २०१८
  • परस्परविरोधे हि &c. in Jactms iii. २. Brih»ddroxyz %verted (page 57 ) verse 181, modified in second line. See Notes. ३. Noiler m®y@8¢d®h¢ iii. 66. ४. For other references...
    ३४२ B (३८,४०३ शब्दाः) - ०४:०९, ८ आगस्ट् २०१८
  • text (Ch. Up. III. 14) According as the man's thought is in this world,' what is reached by the devotee is the object of meditation, and more over' the object...
    ४२५ B (३५,५९९ शब्दाः) - ०३:५७, ७ आगस्ट् २०१८
दृश्यताम् (पूर्वतनम् २० | ) (२० | ५० | १०० | २५० | ५००)
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