सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:Sanskrit Introductory.djvu/१२५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

(2) Mv648a 1/ 1 ? pri, cl.9P. ... to fill . . . to sate, cherish, nourish Dh.P. Index: TJ ?0T o T° %° 3S ? Dh.P. Body: "<J MlrtHM<U|i|l: I Mv623a Palana mf(l)n. guarding, nourishing ... n. the act of guarding, protecting, nourishing, defending . . . Mv642a Purana mf(l)n. filling, completing, satisfying . . . m. 'completer' . . . n. the act of filling or filling up. Notes: The index has three entries for dhatu ?? so the class (kryadi-gana) and bhasa information from the dictionary is used to select the correct one. The dhatu with its artha are in fact at the top of the second column of page 39: there are a number of such errors, so beware! The vibhakti ending of the artha is the dvi-vacana form (see section 15.3), so we can expect to look up two words in the dictionary. As nouns (which is the sense here), both words end in '-na' (with or without sandhi changes) — this is a common neuter suffix usually meaning 'the act of . . . ', and is given as such in the dictionary translation. The artha palana adds the sense of 'nourishing' to the 'filling up' of purana (which itself derives from the dhatu pr). This gives a beneficial aspect to the dhatu: it is not to fill to the point of bloatedness, nor is it to fill with rubbish, but the sense is of generous abundance. (3) MWl302a yf l.hri, cl.l. P.A. ... to take, bear, carry Dh.P. Index: |>T ^° 3° 3P Qo ? Dh.P. Body: f^^tl MWl289a Harana mf(a or l)n. carrying, holding, containing . . . n. the act of carrying or bringing or fetching. Notes: The gana and bhasa are used to select the dhatu entry. (4) Mv252b v /c h J -'^ kamp, cl.l. A. ... to tremble, shake. Dh.P. Index: ^T ^° 3TT° ^"° 6 Q Dh.P. Body: ^T ^cT^I Mv391b Calana, mf(a)n. moving, movable, tremulous . . . n. shaking motion, shaking, trembling. Notes: If the dhatu is not found at its expected place in the alphabetical order in the index, nor in the Addendum, then check for applicable dhatu spelling changes (see section 15.5): the third rule applies here. (5a) Mv395b 1/Ncl A.cit, cl.l ... to perceive, fix the mid upon, attend to . . . Dh.P. Index: f%ft ^° T° %° Q ?