सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:Sanskrit Introductory.djvu/१२४

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

15.5 Dhatu Spelling Changes The spelling of the dhatu may differ from that given in the dictionary: (a) An initial ^T may be spelt here with an initial ?. E.g. ^T Vf^T listed as f^T; ^mA^K V^PT as ^. (b) An initial ^T may be spelt here with an initial T E.g. ^TK V^ listed as W?; 3tr? 7%^ as "°^- (c) When the dhatu has a final f? as an anubandha, it may require the insertion of a nasal after the vowel of the dhatu. E.g. 3TFT^ V^T^ listed as [3]=Tfc; *W5W> 7*^3 as JTT%. These spelling changes may also be combined, as in M'-^l /l«i«-<* which is listed in the Dhatu-Patha as f^rf^. (Those seeking the technical reasons behind these changes should consult the commentaries to Panini 6.1.64, 6.1.65, and 7.1.58 respectively.) 15.6 Illustrations of Dhatu-Patha Use The dhatu for each word of the previous exercise of Dictionary Practice (section 14.6) will be used as a practical demonstration in the use of the Dhatu-Patha: the dhatu is located in the index, then its artha found in the body, and finally the artha is examined in the dictionary. (1) Mv758a ^/Ht l.bhi, cl.3.P. ... to fear, be afraid of Dh.P. Index: [f^]4t 3T T° 3P QS ? Dh.P Body: f>T*ft *T^I Mv747a ^-RT bhaya n. (^bhi) fear, alarm, dread . . . Notes: This dhatu has its anubandha syllable placed in front of it: in the index this is enclosed in square brackets so that the dhatu HT may be found in alphabetical order. The class (juhotyadi-gana) and bhasa agree with the information provided in the dictionary, so the dhatu entry [>I<HT is sought in the Dhatu-Patha body in the first column of page 26: it is the second entry. The notes in section 15.3 may be used to 'remove' the vibhakti from the artha (although this declension should be familiar), and the remaining word in its pratipadika form is looked up in the dictionary. In this case the given artha is itself derived from the dhatu being examined, and thus provides no further insight into the sense of the dhatu than that provided by the dictionary entry.