सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:A Sanskrit primer (1901).djvu/२००

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

184 Lesson XLIII. पपच, पपाच पैचिव पैचिम पेचे पैचिवहे पेचिमहे पपक्थ, पेचिथ पेचथस् पेच पेचिषे पेचाथे पेचिध्व पाच पेचतुस पेचुस पेच पेचाते पेचिरे 466. 3. Certain roots beginning with a va (also one with y ya) and ending in one consonant, reduplicate with the syllable 3 (the one root just mentioned, with 7), and abbreviate the a (a) of the root to 3 (T) in weak forms. They are treated like roots with initial उ (इ: 5463) but retain the full root form in the strong persons. These roots are वच्, वद्, वप्, व, वस् ‘dwell', and वह; also यज. Thus, वचः Act. sing. 1. उवच or उवाच, 2. उव- क्थ or उवचिथ, 3. उवाच; du. ऊचिव (u-tuc-t-a) etc. Mid. ऊचे etc. - यज: Act. sing. 1. इयज or इयाज, 2. इयष्ठ or यजिथ, 3. इयाज; du. ईजिव etc. Mid. ईजे etc. | 467, 4. Several roots which have medial अ between single consonants, but cannot follow the rule of 8 465, drop out the अ from the weak forms. These roots are, in the classical language, खन्, गम्, घस्, हन्; and also जन्, which might be expected to follow 8 465. They form the weak stems चख, जग्म्, जक्ष , जघ्; and जज़. Thus, चखन or चखान etc., चखिव etc. हन् makes its strong stem जघन् and बघान् 468. 5. The roots व्यध्, स्वप्, and one or two others, redupli- cate from the semivowel, and contract J and a to and 3 in weak forms. Thus, strong सुष्वप् or सुष्वाप्, weak सुषुप्. 469. 1. The root अह्, ‘speak', is found only in this tense, and only in the following forms: sing. 2. आत्य, 3. आह; du. 2. - हथुम, 3. हतुस; pl. 3. हुस्. These forms have only the value of the present.-2. The root 1विद्, ‘know', makes a perfect without reduplication, but otherwise regular, which has only present-value; see § 417. 2fqz, “find', forms the regular faaz. 470. The roots fe, fag, fa, and fe, form as perfect-stens चिकि, चिकित्, जिगि, and जिघि Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®