
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

"उद्गीथमुपासीत" इत्युद्गीथाद्यङ्गेष्वाश्रितानामुद्गीथादिवत् क्रत्वङ्गभाव एव । गोदोहनादेित् स्ववाक्ये फलाम्तराश्रवणादुद्भीथादिसंबन्धितयां क्रत्वङ्गभावो न विरुध्यत इति |॥

शिष्टेश्च ॥ ६० ॥

"उद्गीथमुपासीत" इति विधेः " यदेव विद्यया करोति "इत्यत्र विध्यभावाच्चाङ्गभावो न विरुद्धः ॥

समाहारात् ॥ ६१ ॥

“ उद्गीथ॒मनुस॒माहरति " इति वेदनहानावन्येन1 समाधानं ब्रुवत् वेदनस्याङ्गतां द्योतयति ॥

'Meditate on the Udgitha' (Chand. 1-1-1). Here the meditations upon the Udgitha etc. that constitute the limbs of the sacrifices, form the part of the sacrifices; because different fruits have not been mentioned in the scriptural text, as in the case of the Godohana (milk-pail). Hence no contradiction arises, in holding the meditations as the parts of the sacrifices as they are connected with the Udgitha, etc.

60. S'isteS'ca

And on account of injunction. Because there is an injunction-' Meditate on the Udgitha (Chand. I-I-I). There is no injunction in the text, 'That which is acquired through meditation' (Chand. l-1.10). Hence no contradiction arises, if they are considered as parts of the sacrifices.

61. Samaahaaraart

On account of the rectification. 'He sets right the Udgitha (Chand. 1.4-5). Here it is

1अन्येन omitted M I, M 2, 3.