पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/२१९

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act IV, Notes & Translation

is a better reading than ‘मण्डलाग्रेरेण विचरितु ( प्रवृत्तः )' which would mean '(set about) moving to and fro with a sword.'

 अगणित......भियोगेन–अगणितः भीमसेनस्य अभियोग: येन तथभूतेन (अङ्गराजेन). Disregarding BhirmaSena's onslaught; never caring to parry Bhima's onset.

 P. 58, ताताधिक्षेपमुखर–तातस्य अधिक्षेप मुखर. 0 one so clamorous in reviling my father.

 मुग्धस्वभावस्थापि-. Though so naive or raw in his character (as a warrior).

 शरसंपातं समवधूय-Shaking of the volley of arrows.

 निशितशराभिघातजातमन्युना–निशितानां शराणां अभिघातैः जातः मन्युः यस्मिन् तथभूतेन (किरीटिना). Who was exasperated by the strokes of sharp arrows.

 किरीटिना गृहीता रथोत्सङ्गात् शक्तिः चिमुक्ताच कुमाराभिमुख़ी- Arjuna took up the skakti from (where it lay in the interior of the chariot and discharged it at the boy warrior. शक्ति was a missile of unusual potency forming a conspicuous part of Arjuria's armory.

{{gapक्वणन्कनक......विराविणी (शक्तिः )-क्वणन्तीनां कनककिङ्किणिव जालं तस्य झङ्कारः, तेन विराविणी -Noisy with the jingling of the whole lot of its tinkling bells of gold.

 मेघोंपरोध......निर्मला मेधरूपः उपरोधः, तेन विमुक्त नभःस्थलं, तदिव निर्मला (शकिः ). Looking clear as the sky when it is free from the screen of clouds.

 निशित......मुखी—निर्शितं श्यामल स्निग्धं च मुखं यस्याः तथाभूता (शक्तिः ). Having a sharp, dark-coloured and glossy tip.

 विविधरत्न...दर्शना-विविधानां रत्नानां प्रभया भासुरा अत एव भीपणं रमणीयं च दर्शनं यस्याः तथाभूता. Shining with the light of varied gems and hence looking at once awful and charming.

 शक्ति प्रेक्ष्य विगलितमङ्गराजस्य हुतात् धनुः etc -Note the ungrammatical character of the sentence here, 'प्रेक्ष्य' should be ‘प्रेक्षमाणस्य.'

 विगलित...सलिलमपि. (When Karna beheld the blazing shakti ) there slipped down from his hand the bow with the arrow, from his heart that courage which is the natural virtue of a warrior, and from his eye, the tear,' This rhetorically