
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

१३४ वादावली ४७१ . तच निर्मितं भेदोऽत्र बाधित इतेि चेत्तर्हि तत्प्रतिनिधिः स्वनिर्वाहको विशेषो नाम पदार्थशक्तिरभिषिच्यताम् । ४७२. न चैवमतिप्रसङ्गः, मुख्यनिमित्तस्यान्यत्र सम्भवेऽन्यस्य कल्पनायोगात् । ४७३. निभेदे वस्तुनि भेदवन्निर्विशेषे तस्मिन्विशेषोऽपि व्याहत इति चेन्न ; निर्विशेषत्वविशेषवदुपपत्तेः । स च यदि विरोधात्यज्येत, तर्हि सुतरां सविशेषतासिद्धिः । (Otherwise there is the contingence of the terms * self and “ identity ' becoming synonymous. X.X 471. If it be said that that cause, namely, differ (ence, is sublated here, then (the siddhantin says) 1et there be installed as its substitute a potency of things called particularity (wisesa) which can account for itself. 472. And there is not thus (the defect) of undue exter19ion. When there is the possibility of the principal cause (vi४. difference) in other cases (pot, cloth etc.) it is not proper to assume some other (like 473. If it be said that just like difference in art object devoid of difference, particularity to in ar। object devoid of particularity is contradicted, 10 (says the siddhantin); for it is intelligible like the partic ularity of being devoid 5f particularity. And if that

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