
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

भावात् । ३४५. भेदो मिथ्या भेदत्वाचन्द्रभेदवदित्यनुमानमस्त्विति चेन्न ; साध्यानिरुक्तः । दृष्टान्ते साधनविकलत्वञ्च । तत्र तद्वेदासत्वेन भेदत्वस्यैवा वादावली ३४६. परमार्थतस्तदभावेऽपि कथञ्चिदस्ति भेदः ; अतो भेदत्वम पीति चेन्न ; तादृशस्य भेदत्वस्य पक्षेऽनन्वयात् । ३४७. अवधूयैव बाधितत्वादिविशेषं भेदत्वसामान्यस्यैव हेतुतेति 345. If it he said that there can be the inference,

  • difference is 1usory, because of the mature of differ

ence, like the difference of the moon (when delusively perceived as double)' no (says the siddhantim), since the probandum is not defined ; and the example t00 is devoid of probans ; for difference from there itself being unreal, the very nature (of difference is 346 . If it be said that though there is the m01 existence of that (difference) as absolutely real, differ. ence does exist somehow and consequently also the 17ature of difference, no (says the siddhāntin); for , 2 diffcrence of such character is 10t related to the subject. 347. If it be said that leaving out special features like sublatedness, etc., the generic character of differ ence **- one the probarns,'10 (says the siddhantin) .

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