
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

वादावली ३४३. यथाकाशस्य स्वगतो भेदो नास्ति तथा जगदाख्ये पदार्थ समुदायेऽपि न तादृशभेद इति चेत् – अत्रापि कोऽर्थः ? यथाकाशस्या प्याकाशप्रतियोगिको भेदो नास्ति तथा जगतोऽपि तत्प्रतियोगिको भेदो नेत्यर्थाभ्युपगमे सिद्धसाधनम् । ३४४. अथ यथा घ टाकाशमठाकाशयोर्न भेदः, तथा जगदंशयोर पीति चेन्न; साध्यविकलत्वाद्दृष्टान्तस्य । व्योस्रोऽपि संयोगित्वेन सावय वत्वसाधनादित्यलम् । 343. [f it be said that just as the ether has 10 difference i7 itself, likewise the totality of things which goes u12der the 1ame * universe also has 10 such difference, here too, what is the meaning ? Just as the ether has no difference having the ether as its cou17ter correlate, likewise the universe also has no difference , having that (world itself) as its counter-correlate'. If this be the meaning accepted, there is (the defect of) the establishment of the establishced. 344. If them, it be said that just as there is no difference between the ether delimited by a pot and ether delimited by a monastry (Mutha) likewise there is 10 difference even between the parts of the universe, 10 (says the siddhantin), since, the example is devoid of the probandiumm; for, even of the ether (as for pot etc.) possession of parts is established, because of having conjunction (with others) . Hence, er10ugh (of this)

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