128 GLOSSARY Di'sa (ferr) Direction. Drkksepa (mm) The drk- ' ksepa is the zenith distance of that point of a planet's orbit which is at the shortest distance from the zenith. This term is sometimes also used for the Rsine of that zenith distance. DrkksepajyH (^fosrr). The Rsine of the drkksepa. See Drkksepa. Dr'sya-Kila (^m^) Duration of visibility. Desintara ( forarc: ) The lon- gitude of a place. It is either the distance of the place from the prime meri- dian, or the difference be- tween the local and standard times. Desantara-ghati Desin- tara, in ghath, i.e., the ghath of the difference between the local and standard times. Dyuganai^Ji^Scime as Ahargana. Dyucarin (er^for) Planet. Drasti (sTgst) Observer. Dhana («pt) Addition. Dhanu Arc. Dhanurbhaga (<*3*k) The ele- ment of arc, or elementary arc (i.e., one of the twenty- four equal divisions of a quadrant, the Rsine-dif- ferences of which have been tabulated by Aryabhata I;. Dhanus (vqs) (1) Arc. (2) 225- Dhara (to) The Earth. Dhisnya (fe^T, Star. Dhrti Eighteen. Naga Seven. Mata (•TrT) Meridian zenith dis- tance. Natabhaga (sTcPror) Meridian ze- nith distance. Nati (*far) ( 1 ) Meridian zenith distance, or the Rsine of that. (2) Difference between the parallaxes in latitude of the Sun and Moon. Nabha (*rx) Zero. JVabhaso madhya (*nnsft wi) The meridian of the place. Lite- rally, the middle of the sky Nadika (TTfofiT) Same as Ghatt. Nddl Same as Ghatt. Nirdksajah (asavah) (Ptoststt: Asus of right ascension, or the time in asus of rising at the equator. MsZ (ftm) Night. Ni'sakara (ftSTre*:) (1) The Moon. (2) One. Ni akrt (fa-JiTTfrcr) The Moon. MsanStha (fom*W) The Moon. Paksa (1ST) Lunar fortnight, i.e., the period from new moon to full moon, or from full moon to new moon. The period from new moon to full moon