सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

122 GLOSSARY Avi'sesana (arfaSraT) Same as Avi- sesa-karma. Asvi (srfar) Two. A'svin (stfonr) Two. A'svim (aren't) Name of the first naksatra. As ft (srfe) Sixteen. Asita (arfer) (1) Asita-paksa, i.e., the dark half of a lunar (synodic, month. (2) The measure of the unilluminated part of the Moon. Asu (arg) A unit of time equal to four sidereal seconds. Asia (arer) (1) The setting of a heavenly body. (2) Asta- lagna, i.e., the setting point of the ecliptic. Astamaya (3R^m) Setting. Astodqyagra-rekha (ar^ft^T^F) The rising-setting line. Ahan (sr?*) Day. Ahargana (ar^Fr) The number of mean civil days elapsed since the beginning of Kali- yuga (or any other epoch). Ahoratra (sr^tm) (1) A day and night, a nychthemeron. (2) The day-radius, i.e., the radius of the diurnal circle. Ahora'tra-dala (srfTTT^^r) Same as Ahordtrardha-viskambha. AhorZtrHsu (arfftl^Tg) The number of asus in a day and night, i.e., 21600. Ahoratr'Srdha (s^T^r) Same as Ahoratrardha-viskambha. Ahorfitrcirdha-viskambha (anftTPTFT- f<p»frj:?T) Semi-diameter of the diurnal circle (of a heavenly body, particularly the Sun), i.e., the day- radius. Aditya (srrfcc^) The Sun. Apya (arr^r) The naksatra Purva- sadha, which is presided over by Apa. A'sH (amir) Direction. Indu{^%){) The Moon.(2) One. Inducca (? f ^ 5 ^) The Moon's apo- gee, i.e., the remotest point of the Moon's orbit. Indvagra (l^?r) Moon's agrTi. See Agra. Isu (^|) Five. Ista {^) (1) Given, desired, or chosen at pleasure. (2) Ista-graka, i.e., desired or given planet. Ista-kala (^z-m^) Desired time or given time. Ista-graha Desired or given planet. Istasu (^T^) Given asus. Ucca (3^) Ucca (apex) is of two kinds: (1) Mandocca (apex of slowest motion), and (2) Sighrocca (apex of fastest motion). The mandocca is that point of a planet's orbit which is at the remotest distance and where the motion of the planet is slowest. In the case of the