सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
posing that Agnimitra had disapproved of his father's having
sent out the boy Vasumitra as champion of the courser And
in support of this supposition, it may be added, that the words,
योसौ.... वसुमित्रं गोप्तारमादिश्य. ..... तुरगो विसृष्ट, clearly imply that
Agnimitra knew already of young Vasumitra's mission. See also
p. 90, II. 5, 6.
P. 108, 1. 1.-होदि, referring to the Parivrâjikâ.
P. 108, 1, 4.—वीरविजृम्भितेन, ‘ अनया वीरचेष्टया’
P. 108 1. 7-वह्मेरपां दग्धुरिवोरू जन्मा, ‘ as the Thigh-born of that fire, the
consumer of the waters'. For the myth of Aurva's birth from
his mother's thigh, and for the destructive flame which afterwards
proceeded from him and was made to abide in the waters of
the ocean, with the mouth of a horse, see Wils. V. P. p. 290,
Note 1:
P. 108, 1. 8.—यज्ञसेनश्यालमुररीकृय, ‘पुरस्कृस्य, यज्ञसेनश्यालादय इत्यर्थः
P. 109, 1. 3.-मह वअणेण . MS. G has मह अणुणएण---अणुणेहि. See note on
p, 95, 1. 6.
P. 109, 1. 10.–सरिसं, ‘right,’ ‘proper . MS. G reads: सरिसं खु देवीए
पहवदीए पुढमं संकप्पिदं & c.
P. 110, 1. 3.—इदानीमपि, i.e., as hitherto.
P. 110, 1. 4–पिअणिवेदणाणुरूवं. 'The पिअं, here referred to, is the good
news of Vasumitra's success.
P. 110, 1. Il-देवीए दिण्णदेवीसहं. C. Ratnâvalî, Act IV.," रत्नावलीमङ्गुल्या
देवीशब्देन प्रसादं करोति,” p. 65, 1. 23, Calc. Ed. Sam. 1921.
P. 111 , 1. 4-अप्याकर° &c. Construe अपि with ‘ मणिजातिः
P. 11 1. 6–लङ्घदेत्ति - MS. G reads ण लख्खदं instead.
P. 112, 1. 6.-प्रतिपक्षेणापि, even by giving new brides to their husbands
who thereby become their rivals.'