पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
- P. 32, 1. 6–संभावेमि‘ I will greet her, ask her how she is doing.
- संभावय् is what we mean by our समाचार घेणें . Cf p. 71, 1. 12.
- P. 33, 1. 5.-G reads "गणदासो उण्णमिदो उपदेसे"
- P. 33, 1. 6–“ किं” as read by G in place of our किंति is a good reading.
- P. 34, 1. 8.-तवणीआसोअस्स. This seems to mean an Aśoka tree
- bearing flowers of golden colour . It was this Aśoka only that
- had held of its blossom, as the red Aśoka had already burst into
- flowers. See p. 38, 1.8, “ रक्ताशोकरुचाविशेषित” &c. Cf. also
- Ratnâvalî, Act I, “ मअरन्दुज्जाणं गदुअ रत्तासोअषाअवतलसंहाविदस्स
- भभदो कुसुमाऊहस्स पूभा णिम्पत्तिदश्वा” &c.P. .1, 2, Calc. Ed.Saum.
- 1921. Also Act I., ‘‘ दाणिं सो रत्तसेअपादव” &c., p. 9, 1. 1, Id.
- Also p. 9, 1, 12, 16.
- P.35,1.6–प्रसक्ते निर्वाणे. The object of thy greatest desires being
- in thy embraces.'
- P.35,1.7–भलं भवदो धरदं उइझअ परिदेविएण. C. Vikramorvaśî,
- Act II. , “ अलं भवदो परिदेविएण । अइरेण” &c .
- P. 35, 1 12-तवस्सिणो. Used simply as a word of pity, applied to
- Mâlavikâ in the present instance. It corresponds to the English
- ‘poor ' and the Latin < miser: Cf. also below, p. 53, 1. 12.
- P. 35, 1. 13.—मणी &c. This refers to the notion that the cobra has a
- gem in his head. णिधो as read by G is a very good reading.
- P. 36 1. 2–कालान्तरक्षम , ’able to bear delay”
- P. 36, 1, 4–ते ।वश्वसनीयमायुधम्, thy weapon apparently so harmless,
- being made of flowers.' Lit. विश्वसनीयम्, deserving to be trusted,
- safe . As a parallel passage, of Śâkuntala, कुतस्ते कुसुमायुधस्य
- सतस्तैक्ष्ण्यम्” &c.p. 48, 1. 5, Calc. Ed. 1860.
- P. 32, 1. 6–संभावेमि‘ I will greet her, ask her how she is doing.