सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
P. 27, 1 : 1==MS. G. has अहो प्रयोगाभ्यान्तरप्रश्नःThe same MS has the
following speech of Vidûshaka, in answer to the ridicule of the
ascetic : *अयि पण्डितमण्णे किं अण्णं । मोदअखण्डणेवि ण समथ्थातुमं
किं जाणासि । पसण्णचन्दपादसरिसेहिं केसपासेहि एदाणं भोसिआसि ।
P. 28, 1. 2.-परकीअंति करिअ, why, because it belongs to another; because it is not mine. The other reading noticed in our critical
footnotes — परकेरंति करिअ, ” is also what G reads. Adopting this
later version, we must, I think, supply some such word as ‘करणिज्जं-
Why, because I have to do another person's work,
Vidishaka referring to the Parivrâjikâ, who should give the
reward to Mâlavikâ. It is not improbable that a covert allusion
to the King might lurk in पर, and to his love to Mâlavikâ in केरं.
P. 28, 1. 7.-एत्तिओ मे विहवो भवन्तं सेविदुं, *thus far, and no more can
my genius go to serve you,’ i. e. this is all I can do for you,
for the rest you must shift for yourself. Cf. Vikramorvaśî Act
II, ‘ भो णं भणामि चिन्तिदो मंए दुल्लइजणसमागमोवाओ...... सिविणअसमा-
गमकारिणं णिहं सेवदु भवं...... एत्तिओ मे मादिविहवो.
P. 28, 1. 9–अलमलं परिच्छेदेन. That is, away with the supposition
that what you have done already is all that you can do'; your
ingenuity is not to stop here but has to be exercised still further.
P. 28, 1. 11.-द्वारपिधानामिव धृतेः, ‘ like a shutter of the entrance to
pleasure. On धृति, cf. infra, p. 56, 1. न, ‘धृतिपुष्पमयम्’ &c.
P. 29, 1. 8.-सौधानि अत्यर्थतापात् वलभिपरिचयद्वेषिपारावतानि. That is, अत्यर्थ
तापात् वलभिपरिचये द्वेषशीलाः पारावताः येषां तादृशानि सैधानि (वर्तन्ते).
This means, that the sun had so much heated the sloping roofs
of the palaces that the pigeons had left them, the place where,
when the sun is not hot, they gather (परिचय) in large numbers.
वलभि is the sloping roof of a house (especially that part of

 That is, अयि पण्डितमन्ये किमन्यत् ।
 मोदकखण्डनेपि न समर्था त्वं किं जानासि ।
 प्रसन्नचन्द्रपादसदृशैः केशपाशैरेतान्भीषयसि ।