पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
- interpretation, we must read, with MSS. A B D E, “ तुमx ” in the
- passage as object to विसंवादइस्सदि. Another interpretation, however,
- is possible, and supported by one or two parallel passages from
- Kâlidâsa himself. It is this "walk slowly, lest the Queen Dhâriņî
- should cause you to be disappointed; i.e. " having unwilingly
- given permission to Gaņadâsa to bring Mâlavikâ before the King,
- she may yet withdraw her permission, seeing that you are so impatient to go to the music saloon as if you were interested in
- the matter of the examination.' In this case we must supply
- गणदासेन as the direct agent of the disappointment (विसंवाद)
- विसंवादइस्सदि is the causal of विसंवद्, to fail in fulfilling ones promise : fidenm fallere, to promise 'and then not to do the thing promised. C: Śâkuntala, Act VI. ‘रमणोओ खखु अवहो विहिणा विसंवदिदो' scil. रण्णा (p. 14्३, 1. 11,Calc. Ed. 1860) Also Vikramorvaśî, Act II, “तदो किं दाणिं तथ्थभोदी सव्वसी भवदो मणोरहकुसुमं दंसिअ
- फले विसंवददिः” On the use of मा with the future, cf. Śâkuntala, p.
- 39,1, 14; p. 67, 1, 5, p. 92, 1. 10, Calc. Bd. 1860.
- P. 21, 1. 13–स्वमनोरथस्येव शब्दः, ‘ as the sound of my desire that is
- going to be fulfilled.' In मनोरथ lurks a little pun, as the word
- literally means 'the chariot of (ie. consisting of) the mind, and
- as thus only can मनोरथ have a sound.