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Fight ! thou shalt crush thy rivals in the field. (34)
द्रोणं Drona ; च and; भीष्म Bhishma ; च and ; जयद्रथं Jayadratha : च and ; कर्ण Karna : तथा also / अन्यान् others; अपि also : योधवीरान् = योधानां वीरान् of warriors, heroes ; मया by me; हतान् slain; त्वं thou, जहि slay; मा not ; व्यथिष्ठाः be dis. tressed ; युद्ध्यस्व fight; तासि shalt conquer; रणे in the battle; सपत्नान् rivals.
संजय उवाच ।
एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं केशवस्य
कृतांजलिर्वेपमानः किरीटी ।
नमस्कृत्वा भूय एवाऽह कृष्णं
सगद्गद भीतभीतः प्रणम्य ॥ ३५ ॥
Sanjaya said:
Having heard these words of Keshava, he who weareth a diadem, with joined palms, quaking, and pros. trating himself, spake again to Krishna, stammering with fear, casting down his face. (35)
एतत् this ; श्रुत्वा having heard ; वचनं word ; केशवस्य of Keshava ; कृतांजलि: कृतः अञ्जलिः येन स: made, folded-lands by whom, he; वेपमानः trembling; किरीटि the diademed one; नमस्कृत्वा having prostrated ; भूयः again; एव Even: आह said ; कृष्णं to Krishna; सगद्दगद्देन सह with stammoring, together भीतभीतः frightene, frightened; प्रणम्य having prostrated.