
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

।। पलाण्डुमण्डनप्रहसनम् ॥ गुञ्जनाद्रिः रे रे परोपकारनिन्दक ! राजा किं विधवाभ्योऽन्नसत्रं न ददाति ? ही ही भोः आश्चर्यमाश्चर्यम् । कथं हि दृढकच्छासंसाय (?) - स्क्न्धाङ्गुल्लिमवालाः पदातिभिरुद्वेजिताम्य भुक्तानशेषपूरित- कच्छाकचुक्य (का?)न्तरा: करचुलकप्रपापानोन्मुख्युः १ (खा : १) द्रविणवर्शनमात्रेणैव स्वदेशाचारं विस्मरन्ति आम् । 46 लिङ्गभट्ट (आत्मगतम्) लमः खलु दुष्टकण्टकः । भवतु, एनं प्रसार- यामि । (प्रकाशम् ) रे रे गर्भाधानावसर: संनिहितः । तस्मान्निमन्त्रितत्राह्मणानां भोजनं भवतु सत्वरम् । (नेपथ्ये) रे रे अभिशापिनायक | कलकार ! उन्मत्तभैरव ! शुनश्शेफ ! अगम्याप्राञ्जल ! गुरुतल्पग ! स्नुषानाथ ! चेटीचतुरन ! कालपुरुष | मिनकर्तरि | विश्वासघातेन्द्र ! विश्ववश्चक !

  • नारायणकण्टक! सूचीमुख ! दुष्टमुष्य (ख्य?)! अभक्ष्यराक्षसाः |

यूयमत्रैव तिष्ठथ । यतोऽन्तः स्थलसंकोचात् रथ्यायामेव भोजन- पङ्क्तिस्सावकाशेन भवेत् । प्रतिष्ठिताः* पलाण्डुमण्डनायाः, केचन गच्छन्त्वन्तः । (ततब्ध प्रविशन्ति पलाण्डुमण्डनमिथ्याकूटायाः कतिपये५ ।) चित्तपावनेनास्माकं न कदापि पलाण्डुमण्डना (विडोक्य) अये ! पङ्क्ङ्किरासीत् । १. वी. उन्मुक्ष्यः ३. बी. गुरुतुल्य सुषानाथ ५. बी. ल. याः ची. अं; ल. आ बी. नारायणक जगत्प्रतारक २. ४.

  • लब्धप्रतिष्ठा इत्यर्थः ।

PALANPUMANDANA 47 Grhjanādri - Ah, a critic of those of helpful nature! Does not the ruler provide free food to widows ? He he, sir, how wonderful ! How is it that those wearing a tight lower garment and pleated (upper cloth) on the shoulders, intimidated by men moving about, filling their clothes with remnants of food and cagerly drinking handfuls of water in froe watersheds, forget their regional modes of conduct at the mere sight of moncy? Lingoji ( to himself) Here comes the thorn to stick into my side ! Let it be. I shall dupe him. (Aloud) Hey, Hey, the time for performing Garbhadhana has arrived. Therefore let the dinner be quickly served for the invited brahmins! (off-stage) Hey, Hey, leader in pronouncing curses, shoot of calumnny, mad dog', dog's tail, the pet for the prostitutes, lover of guru's wife and one's own daughter-in-law, skilled lover of maid servants, lord of death, the undoer of friends, lord of broken trust, cheater of the whole world, thorn even to Nārāyana, sharp-faced, chief of rascals, devourer of inedibles, all of you remain right there! Due to limited space inside, comfortable seating arrangement for dinner is to be made only in the street. The renowned PalIndu Mandana and a few others can go inside. (Then cnter Palāndu Mandana, Mithyākūtato and some others) Palāndu Mandana ( looking around) We never sat along with Cittapāvana" at any dinner before! 9. Or intoxicated Siva-form of Bhairava. 9a. Ceff-caturasra. 10. This is a soup prevalent in Karnataka and Maharashtra. It is prepared by putting the powder of a mixture of fried rice, pulses and fenugreek (wendayam in Tamil) in curds or tamarind juice. It is called 'Mendiyittu in some parts of Tamil Nadu. 11. 'Cittapāvana' or Citpavans are a class of Maharashtrian brahmins According to Prof. N.R. Bhatt the etymology of the word is eitayā pāvanāh' (sanctified by holy ashes).