
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Chapter 11 81 + [14] स्थूल by the स्थूलविदs ; they are the चार्वाकs according to whom the gross body is the Highest, or the Jainas who regard the Atman as शरीरपरिणाम स्थूलो देहोऽहंप्रत्ययादात्मेति लोकायतभेदः (Anandagiri). [15] मूर्त by the मूर्तविद; they are the आगमिकs, followers of the Pancarātra or Saiva आगमs. They believe that God descends down to the earth in various forms. They take their stand upon passages like प्रकृतिं स्वामधिष्टाय संभवम्यात्ममायया... संभवामि युगे युगे ( Gita. IV.6,8). मूर्तस्त्रिशूलादिधारी महेश्वरश्वक्रादिधारी वा परमार्थो भवतीत्यागमिकाः । ( Ananda- giri), मूर्त is explained as तदेतन्मूर्ते वदन्यद्वायोश्चान्तरिक्षाच्च ... इदमेव मूर्तं यदन्यत्प्राणाश्च यश्चायमन्तरात्मन्नाकाश: in Brhadaranyaka II. 3. 2-3. [16] अमूर्त by the अमूर्तविदs. The Brh. passage quoted above explains अमूर्त as अथामूर्ते वायुश्चान्तरिक्षं च ... प्राणश्च यश्वायमन्तरात्मन्नाकाशः etc. अमूर्तः सर्वाकारशून्यो निःस्वभावः परमार्थ इति शून्यवादिनः ( Anandagiri ). It is more likely that the अमूर्तविदs are some theorists who deny the existence of a personal god in a concrete form. अमूर्त cannot mean शून्य. ( 24 ) [17] काल by the कालविद्; these take their stand upon passages like कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत् प्रवृद्धो ( Gita XI.32), मृत्युः सर्वहरश्चाहम् (X. 34 ) and Atharvaveda XIX. 53, 54, etc. काल: परमार्थ इति ज्योतिर्वेिद: ( astronomers) says Anandagiri. The वैशेषिकs also regard काल as नित्य [18] दिशः by the दिग्विद् ; these are probably the वैशेषिकs who [ regard space as eternal; everything that exists exists in space; so space is the मूलकारण. Anandagiri says स्वरोदयविदस्तु दिशः परमार्था इत्याहु:. The expression स्वरोदयविदः is ustrally explained as those who know how to foretell events by reading the voices of birds etc.' Perhaps it means 'Yogiis who hear the music of the spheres.' [ 19 ] वादा: by the वादविद्s; these are, according to Anandagiri, those who are conversant with alchemy, mantras or charms etc. (धातुवादो मन्त्रवादश्चेत्यादयो वादा वस्तुभूता भवन्तीति केचित् । ). Perhaps the तार्किकs who believe in the dicturn वादे वादे जायते तत्वबोधः are meant here. They think that right knowledge could be had by discussion and argumentation. वाद is defined as तत्वबुभुत्सोः कथा वादः । [20] भुवनानि by the भुवनविद् ; these are the geographers who claim to know the whole universe consisting of fourteen भुवनs (seven 11 can