पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३०८

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

0 NOTES ON of merits are destroyed ¢. e. in the death of चन्द्रापीड who was possessed of all virtues, the latter have met their death as it were; they can no more show themselves in their entirety. अर्ग लिः...लोकस्य the quarters are now bolted for those who came with requests (e. e. as चन्द्रापीड who grafiied all the desires of mendicants was dead there was no one left to whom they would go). कस्य...लक्ष्मीः - त्वत्सदृशस्याधिपतेरभावात् लक्ष्मीवीक्षणाहों नास्त्येवेति

  • क्ष्मीकटाक्षाणामपात्रम्’ Arव्यसनमेव..संवृत्ता service has become an evil

(a calamity). Ar. says ‘सेवां पूर्वं व्यसनमाहुःसैव त्वयि स्वामिनि सति उत्सवः संवृत्ता, त्वया विना सा पूर्ववत् व्यसनमेव जाता इत्येवशब्दस्याभिप्रायः वृत्तं...शीलत्वम् to treat (ones servants) as ones equals is now a bhing of the past, चन्द्रापीड treated his servants as his equals; now that he is dead there will be no master who will so treat his servants. Or समानशीलत्वम् may mean treating all persons equal. ly ( or impartially). वृत्तं-past वृत्तं पचे चरित्रे त्रिष्वतीते दृढनिस्तले’ इत्यमरः Ar. explains "भृत्यैः समानशीलत्वं, ‘जनस्याशयमालः यो यथा परितुष्यति । तत्तथैवानुवर्तेत पराराधनपण्डितःइति न्यायेन यो यो यच्छीलः तस्य तच्छीलतया वशीकरणम् । अथवा पक्षपातविरहितत्वं तेषु समानशीलत्वम्. → T 5ays *समानशीलत्वं सेव्यसेवकयोः तुल्यशीलत्वम् - अस्तमिता..लाघा praise of survants has come to an end. You praised your servants; no other master ever does so. लघूकृतः श्रुत्यादरः regard for servants is now made bhin. प्रियालपितानि pleasing talk (addressed to 5ervants)Ar says ‘अपि सुखं भुक्तं, अपि सुखं शयितमित्यादिकुशलप्रश्नात्मकानि प्रियवाक्यानि समाप्ता...कथाः all talk about charitable gifts is at an end K. e. you were very liberal to your servante ; now there will be no master who will give gifts freely to his servants. कथं...भूतोऽसि how is it that you now remain only in stories e. you are now dead and only a subject for conversation भूतपूर्वाः प्रजाः to whom can the people now go, having so far been your subjects. समाधानम् comfort, ' – समाधानं योगक्षेमकरणम् धुर who bears the responsibility (b%, yoke) of government, विपन्न dead. शुचा = शोकेन (शुच् f: sorrow ). देहि . र्थनाम् grant the request of your devoted servants, प्रतिपद्यस्व accept, tako. अनपेक्ष्य without paying any regard to them. अवनितले विमुक्तः आत्मा येन who threw themselves on the ground. आरटति परिजने when the servants were screaming. आरटति ]oc. sing. of pr. p. of र with आ. तदाकर्णनेन उत्कथं (उन्नतौ कणों यस्य) whose ears were raised by hearing (the screams). This adjective should rather have been placed in the next clause to qualify इन्द्रायुध. उद्धान्त agitated. समापतति राजलोके when the princes came there. समुत्प्लुत.दार्शनि that saw with eyes that were fooded with tears