पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३०२

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

262 NOTES ON आलजालानि निष्प्रयोजनानि’--vain dreams. दुर्जीवितगृहीता I who cling to my wretched life. N . दुर्दष्टं यत् जीवितं तेन गृहीता आत्मसात्कृताः Ar explains 'शोभनजीवितवशवर्तिनी. P. 87 1. 24-p. 681. 17. अथ निभृत-.अद्राक्षम्. The principal sentence is अथ...तमेव युवानमद्राक्षम्. . निभृतं पदसञ्चरणं यस्य who dams with•noiseless steps. ‘आ•.उद्वहन्तम् who had horripilation from the feet upwards and whose body therefore seemed to be covered चित) with a mass of the pointed ends of the arrows of cupid bhat fell (npon him) incesSantly. उद्ताः कण्टकाः (रोमाञ्चः ) यस्मिन् अनवरतं पतिताः मदनशराः तेषां निकरः ( समूहः ) तेन निचितम्. His body was thrilled and his hair stood on end. This the poet fancies to be the points of the arrows of cupid . उद्विकासि...हुतभुजा who was whitened with the pollen of expanding केतक flowers and who (therefore) seemed as if already reduced to ashes by the fire of Lore. The pollen and ashes are both white. Though he was aivethe poet fancies that his body (covered with pollen-ashes ) was already reduced to ashes by love-fire. There ought to be a comma after ०हुतभुजा. भुजाग्रेण...दधानम् who bore on his arm ( the front part of his arm) lotus fibres turned into a circle as if it were the bracelet (indicating the prompt execution of his orders ) sent by cupid, whose commands are not resisted in the whole world, for ( ordering him that ) he must die (in the ex ecution of his orders). अपर्युषितं (not stale . ३. to be executed im mediately) शासनं (आश) तदर्थं वलयम्, सकलजगति अप्रतिहतं शासनं यस्य कुसुमानि धनुः यस्य सः कुसुमधन्वा. He bore on bis arm lotus fibres (made into a circle) to remove the torment of love. This ( On 8 count of the circular shape) the poet fancies to be a वलय. In ancient times it was usual with kings to send chosen Brrors on a perious undertaking with a वलय on their arnm indicating their resolve to die in the battle rather than retnrn unsuccessful. Here the king is fancied to be मदन whose swa extends over the whole world. The poet thus fancies that the मृणालं was a वलय given by king मदन to the youth for indicating that he most surely die, The idea is that the youbh was sure to die under the torments of love. N properly explains यथा कश्चित्सां युगीनो राशा दत्तं अवश्यं संग्राममरणाय वीरवलयं भुजाग्रेण बभ्रति तथैवानेन भुजाग्रे णावश्यं मरणाय कन्दर्पदत्तं शासनवलयं बद्धमिवेति भावः ? Ar. explains ‘किमर्थं प्रेपितम् । अवश्यमरणाय प्रेषितम् । इदानीमेव त्वया मर्तव्यं, इदमस्माकं प्रियतममिति प्रेषितमित्यर्थः . I says ‘शासनवलयं शासनस्य लक्षणं वलयम् उद्धृत...तरलितया that was unsteady on account of the tremor (उत्कम्प) due to the ap pearance of agitation (साध्वसं ) (in the Brahmin youth ). केतकी