पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२१४

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

174 OTES ON of concern in these things and also contempt (for them). एतत्का येषु may also meam < %hese things to be done for this (चन्द्रापीड ). नर्मप्रायैः नर्मन् ,१. a joke‘क्रीडा खेला च नर्म च' इत्यमरःशरीर full•of jokes. यादनाय for taking his meals &c. (8%. in order to effect the subsi stence of this body). प्रत्युद्गमनाय to receive or welcome.मोचयित्वा having set himself free ४. १. having obtained his father's per mission. निवर्तिता (सम्पादिता ) शरीरस्थितिः येन संविधानम् arrangements . विनोदेन by the diversion. P. 29. 1. 12-p. 80.1 8. अवतीर्णायां.दिदेश. यामिनी a night. सुहृद्-.जाग्रदेव although he lay on his bed, yet he was awake account of his longing to see his frieud. जाग्रत् pr. p. (of जागृ) nonm. sing. masसमधिकमिव यामद्वयं for the period of something like or more than two यामऽ. ‘दौ यामप्रहरौ समौ' इत्यमरः. याम is a period of bhree hours. The principal sentence is अवतीर्णाय...यामिन्यां ..जाग्रदेव समधिमिव यामद्वयं स्थित्वा..चन्द्रपादैः (p. 30. 1. P.) द्विगुणीकृतोत्साहः गमन संशशब्दनादयादिदेश. The instrumentals (plural) from परिवर्तयद्भिः (p. 29. 1. 18) to कुर्वद्भिः (p. 30. L. P.) qualify चन्द्रपादैः परिवर्त. छायाम् that (rays of the moon ) as if transformed the blue colour of the sky by their brilliance, that as if removed the greenness (हरितता) of the thickets of treesthat as if entered below (the leaves of treesby making holes (through the foliage ) and thus banished the dark shade at the root of trees. The blue colour of the sky was turned into white as the sky was steeped in the moon's rays. दरी..-रब्धैः that entered and dispelled as if through anger (अक्षान्ति intolerance ) the darkness hidden (निलीन) even inside the arbours (कुछ) in the hollows (कुहरं) of caves, and that seemed as if entering the nether regions (रसातलं = पातालेunder the diaguise (व्याजः) of entering crevices of the earth. The rays of the moon fall on crevices; the poet represents that they try to penetrate to पाताल through these holes. अन्यथा यामिनीम् %hat whitened again in a different way the whiteness of mansionsthat as if sprinkled over the faces of the qnarters the dust of camphor. that as if smeared the night with thick (सान्द्र) sandal paste. The mansions were already white with column, but the white rays of the moon illumined them in such a beautiful way that they presented a different appearance altogether in moon light. Camphor dust and sandal are white. उन्नामयद्भिरिव -.पुलिनानि that as if raised the earth up (towards the sky), that as if brought into close proximity the sky (with the earth ), that as if con• tracted (the bounds) of stars, planets and the lunar iansions, bhat as if extended the sandy banks of rivers. When the