पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२१५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR 75 light of the moon fell upon the earth, it seemed as if it wero drawn up by the rays. As the moonlight made many of the stars and planets invisiblo and of faded light, it seemed as if blhere were few of them. वारका means star in general; ग्रहs are planets that wore 9 according to ancient Indian Astronomy ४i. blhe Moon, Mercury, Venusthe Snn, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Rahu and Ketu. नक्षत्र are the 27 constellations अश्विनी, भरणी etc. पृथक्---कुमुदाकरान् that held the beds of day lotuses apart having as if sqneezed them and that as if combined together the beds of night lotuses the blooming of the petals of which was expanded. उद्दलितः दलानां विकासः येषाम्. एकीकुर्वद्भिः is used opposition in to पृथक् पृथक् in the preceding clause. कमलs (day-lotuses) fade in moonlight and hence their con tracted forms are said to be dne to their squeezing by the चन्द्रपाद:, which after squeezing them placed them apart each by itself. The कुमुदs are white and expand at night. Their white less mingling with the white moonlight, all the fowers appeared as one expanded sheet of whiteness (and hence the word एकीकुर्व झिरिव). ‘इन्दीवरं च नीलेऽस्मिन् सिते कुमुदकैरवे’ इत्यमरः. अपि च-सैकतस्थलेषु and moreover that were as if scattered over the peaks of mont tains, that poured over the top of mansionsthat collecting into mass as if fowed through the entrances of streets, that as if foated on the waves, that were as if spread on sandy tracts. मैक adj°Sandy' according to the सूत्र ‘सिकताशर्कराभ्यां च ' पा. V. 2. [0£ ( सैकतो घटः। सि. को). But in the sense of a Sandy tract we have सिकता, सिकतिलःसैकतः, सिकतावान्’ according to the Satra ‘देशे इबिलचौ च' पा. V. १. 105 (चादण् मतुप् च सिकताः सन्त्यस्मिन्देशे इति सिकताः etc. सि. क.. हंस-सहनैः that as if mingled with the Brahms of हंस७that wero as if shared by the beanty of the cheeks of the women that had slept in the room on the top of a house (चन्द्राश्रयः, that were as if washed by the thousands of streams of water issing from moon-stones. हंसs are whito and hence became undistinguishable from moonlight. ‘हंसास्तु श्वेतगरुतश्चक्राङ्गा मानसौ कस' इत्यमरः ( चन्द्रशालायां प्रसुप्ताः कामिन्यः तासां कपोलयोः लावण्येन. The cheeks of tho women were fair and seemed to have appropriated the pure rayB of the moon. The moon-stone oozes at the rise of the moon and the poet represents that the rays were white because they were washed by the water oozing from the moon-stones. तथा च..पादयद्भिः whose entrance even into the inner apartments (गर्भगृहं ) was not prevented, whose lustre was height encod even by the ivory roofs, whose whiteness was not impair