सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

प्रथमाध्याये चतुर्थः पादः

             आनुमानिकाधिकरणम् १
      आनुमानिकमप्येकेषामिति चेन्न शरीररूपक-
          विन्यस्तगृहीतेर्दर्शयति च ॥| १ ॥
  एकेषां कठानां शाखाय!मानुमानेिकं प्रधानमपि जगत्कारणत्वेन
"महतः परमव्यक्तमू इत्युच्यत इति चेत् , नं ; पूर्वत्र ** आत्मानं
          ADHYAY A I, PADA IV 

1. Anumanikamapyekesamiti cenna, sarirarupaka-

         vinyastagrhiterdarsayati ca 

If it be said that some (mention) that which is proved by inference (as the cause of the creation etc. of the world); we deny this, because (there is mention of the body in metaphor) and (the text) shows this.

In the scriptural text belonging to some of the Vedic seers (i.e. Kathas) the Pradhana, that could be proved by inference, is stated to be the cause of the world. The text is this- 'Beyond Mahat is the Avyakta (or unmanifest Prakrti' (Kalh. 1.3-11). It is not so. The scriptural text,