the Sāma Veda. Its authorship is attributed to Śākaṭāyana according to Nageśa, while औदिव्राज is held as its author by some, and कात्यायन by others. It bears a remarkable similarity to Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī especially in topics concerning co- alescence and changes of स् and न् to ष् and ण् respectively. It cannot be definitely said whether it pre- ceded or followed Pāṇini's work. ऋक्प्रातिशाख्य one of the Prātiśākhya works belonging to the Aśvalāyana Śākha of the Ṛg Veda. The work available at present, appears to be not a very old one,possibly written a century or so after Pāṇini's time. It is possible that the work, which is available, is based upon a few ancient Prātiśākhya works which are lost. Its authorship is attribu- ted to Śaunaka.The work is a metrical one and consists of three books or Adhyāyas, each Adhyāya being made up of six Paṭalas or chapters. It is written, just as the other Prātiśākhya works, with a view to give directions for the proper recitation of the Veda. It has got a scholarly commentary written by Uvaṭa and another one by Kumāra who is also called Viṣṇumitra. See अाश्वलायनप्रातिशाख्य. ऋगयनादि a class of words headed by ऋगयन to which the taddhita affix अण् (अ) is affixed in the sense of 'produced therein' ( तत्र भवः), or 'explanatory of' ( तस्य व्याख्यानः); cf. ऋगयने भव:, ऋगयनस्य व्याख्यानो वा अार्गयनः पादव्याख्यानः, औपनिषदः, शैक्ष: etc. Kāś. on P.IV. 3.73. ऋग्विराम verse-pause equal to 3 mātrākālas or three mātrā units. cf. ऋग्विरामः पदविरामो विवृत्तिविरामस्समान- पदविवृत्तिविरामः त्रिमात्रो द्विमात्र एकमात्रोर्धमात्र |
आनुपूर्व्येण T. Pr. XXII. 13. Accord- ing to Ṛk. Tantra it consists of two mātrās. ऋत् short vowel ऋ. before which the preceding vowel is optionally left as it is, i. e. without coalescence and shortened also if long; cf. ऋत्यकः P. VI.1.128. ऋत्वत् possessed of short ऋ; cf. रीगृत्वतः संयोगार्थम् P.VII.4.90. Vārt. 1. ऋदित् possessed of the mute indica- tory letter ऋ, signifying in the Grammar of Pāṇini the preven- tion of the shortening of the long vowel in the reduplicated syllable of the Causal Aorist form of roots which are marked with it; e. g. अशशासत् अबबाधत्, अययाचत् etc. cf. नाग्लोपिशास्वृदिताम् P.VII.4.2. ऋश्यादि a class of words headed by the word ऋश्य to which the tad- dhita affix क is added in the four senses prescribed in the rules IV. 2.67-70; e. g. ऋश्यकः, न्यग्रोधकः etc. cf. P.IV.2.80. ऋषिच्छन्द्स् the metre of the Vedic seers. The seven metres गायत्री, उष्णिक्, अनुष्टुप्, बृहती, पङ्क्ति, त्रिष्टुप् and जगती consisting respectively of 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44 and 48 syllables are named ऋषिच्छन्दस् as contrasted with the metres दैव, प्राजापत्य and आसुर, which, when combined to- gether, make the metres of the Vedic seers, For details see R. Pr. XVI.1.5. ऋष्यण् taddhita affix अण् in the sense of 'descendant' applied to names of ancient sages, by the rule ऋष्यन्धकवृष्णिकुरुभ्यश्च P.IV.1.114; e.g. वासिष्ठः,वैश्वामित्रः. ॠ ॠ long variety of the vowel ऋ. |
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्