सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्



ईदूतौ च सप्तम्यर्थे I.1.19; (2) long vowel ऊ substituted for the short उ of the root गोह् before an affix be- ginning with a vowel e. g. निगूहति; cf. ऊदुपधाया गोहः P. VI.4.89.

ऊत्व substitution of the long vowel ऊ; see M. Bh. on P. I.1.12, VI.1.85.

ऊदित् marked with the mute indica- tory letter ऊ; cf. स्वरतिसूतिसूयतिधूञूदितो वा । prescribing the addition of the augment इ optionally in the case of ऊदित् roots P. VII.2.44.

ऊन deficient, wanting; often in com- pounds e.g. पादोन, ह्यून, एकोन; cf. व्यूहैः संपत्समीक्ष्योने R. Pr. VIII. 28; एकह्यूनाधिकता सैव निवृदूनाधिका भुरिक् R. Pr. XVII.1.

ऊर्ध्वबृहती ( विराज् ) a variety of the metre Bṛhatī which has three padas of twelve syllables each; cf. त्रयो द्वादशका यस्याः सा होर्ध्ववृहती विराट् R. Pr. XVI.33.

ऊर्यादि a class of words headed by the words ऊरी उररी etc. ending in the taddhita affix च्वि, which are given the designation गति provided they are related to a verbal acti- vity, and as a result, which can be compounded with kṛdanta words ending in त्वा, तुम्, etc. cf ऊरीकृत्य, ऊरीकृतम् etc.: Kāś on P, I.4.61.

ऊल tad. affix applied to the words वात and बल in the sense of 'unable to bear'; e.g. वातूलः बलूल see Kāś. on V.2.122.

ऊष्मन् aspiration letters, spirants call- ed breathings also: the name is given to letters or sounds produced with unintonated breath through an open posision of the mouth; cf. विवृतमूष्मणाम् M. Bh, on P.I.1.10 Vārt, 3. The word refers to the letters श्, ष्, सु, ह्, visarga, jihvāmū- līya, upadhmāniya and anusvāra; cf. ऊष्मा वायुस्तत्प्रधाना वर्णा ऊष्माणः R. Pr. I.12; cf. also T. Pr. I.10.

ऊष्मसंधि name of a combination or संधि where a visarga is changed into a breathing ( ऊष्मन् ). It has got two varieties named व्यापन्न where the visarga is charged into a breathing as for instance in यस्ककुभः, while it is called विक्रान्त (passed over) where it remains unchanged as for instance in यः ककुभः, य: पञ्च; cf. R. Pr. IV. 1 1.

ऊह modification of a word, in a Vedic Mantra, so as to suit the context in which the mantra is to be utilised, generally by change of case affixes; adaptation of a man- tra: cf. ऊहः खल्वपि । न सर्वैर्लिङ्गैर्न च सर्वाभिर्विभक्तिभिर्वेदे मन्त्रा निगदिताः । ते च अवश्यं यज्ञगतेन यथायथं विपरिणमयितव्याः । M. Bh. on P.1.1 Āhnika 1.

ऋ fourth vowel in Pāṇini's alphabet; possessed of long and protracted varieties and looked upon as cognate ( सवर्ण ) with लृ which has no long type in the grammar of Pāṇini; cf. R.Pr.I,9: V.Pr.VIII.3. (2) uṇādi suffix च् applied to the root स्था to form the word स्थृ; e. g. सव्येष्ठा सारथिः; cf. सव्ये स्थश्छन्दसि Uṇ Sū, II. 101.

ऋकार the letter ऋ with its 18 varieties made up of the ह्रस्व, दीर्घ, प्लुत, and सानुनासिक varieties and characteriz- ed by the three accents. ऋ and लृ are looked upon as cognate in Pāṇini's grammar and hence, ऋ could be looked upon as possessed of 30 varieties including 12 varie- ties of लृ.

ऋक्तन्त्र a work consisting of five chap ters containing in all 287 sūtras. It covers the same topics as the Prāt- iśākhya works and is looked upon as one of the Prātiśākhya works of