BASIC MATERIALS f. The transcript of the Bhasya in Devanagan script prepared for the This contains 198 pages Institute from a manuscript obtained from Mysore with 14 lines to a page and 24 letters to a line contains the portion from 1,33,1 to 1, 121, 15 Sarup, also under the mark 'F', for his edition It IV111 It is in good condition It was used by Dr Lakshmana य A Devanagan transcript preserved in the Adyar Library, Madras It contains the Bhasya on the portion from I, 10,3 to V, 4,8 and from VI, 62, 1 to X, 191, 4 Its readings are comparatively correct Another Devanagari transcript from the Adyar Library, Madras It contains the portion from I, 33, 5 to I, 121, 15 Yet another Devanagars transcript from the Adyar Library, Madras It contains the portion from V1, 62, 1 lo X, 191, 4 One of the two original palm leaf manuscripts which were used by L Sarup for his edition He named it as P In the Introduction to his Volume I, he described this manuscript as follows Panjab University Library, Lahore , suze, 241'x2, folos, 196,10 to 14 lincs to a page, about 200 years old, written in Malayalam script, generally, correct, legible, condition good, pages regularly numbered by letters and not by figures IV. Mudgald's Summary of Sayana's Bhasya on Rgveda A There is no previously published edition of this Vytu It is now heng published for the first time B Manuscripts The Devanagari transcript which is preserved in the V V R I Library (Manuscript Section) as its No 637 It was copied out from the Kannada manuscript, preserved in the Mysore University Oriental Library under its No A635 It contains the portion from I, 1,1 to 1, 61, 16, beng the first four Admyayas of the First Aştaka . Another transenpt which was prepared for our purpose by the Mysore University Onental Library from the palm leaf Manuscript No C 2320 in 11 possession It contains the portion from J. 1. to 1, 121, 15, comprising the whole of the First Aşıaka The original palm leaf manuscript written in the Nandinagari script it is preserved in the Mysore University Oriental Library under its No 4650. It also contains the Vs on the whole of the First Affala (I, 1,1 to I, 121, 15) f The original manuscript, which is preserved in the VVRI Library (Manuscript Section) as is No 5557 It is written on ordinary country paper in the Devanagari scrips in 102 folios wrth 16 times in a page and 32 letters in n lime it seems to be about 200 years old It is legible and fairly correct It contains the portion from V, 9, 1 to VI, 9,6 Thus, it is different from the above mentioned transcript, also named f, which covers the portion from 1, 1, 1 to 1, 61, 16 only.
पृष्ठम्:Rig Veda, Sanskrit, vol1.djvu/१७