Introduction. 11 and thus becomes a mark of abbreviation; thus, Tah Phoata gatas -tam -tena, i. e. gatam gatena etc. 18. The only signs of punctuation are 1 and ll. 19. The numeral figures are 91, 22, 3 3, 8 4, 4 I, & 6, 07, 68, e 9, o 0. In combination, to express larger numbers, they are used precisely as are European digits; thus, 28 24, 854 485, DERO 7620. This system of notation originated in India, and was brought to Europe by the Arabs, who call it the Indian system, as we style it the Arabic. 20. In writing Sanskrit the Hindus generally begin at the left of the letter, and make the horizontal top-stroke last; thus, 1, ", 0; , 2, ; i, a, a. But often the horizontal stroke is made first, and the perpendicular stroke added without raising the pen from the paper; thus, 7, a; 7, anu. System of Sounds: Pronunciation. 21. The Sanskrit is used in India to this day very much as Latin was used in Europe in the previous century: it is a common medium of communication between the learned, be their native tongues what they may, and it is not the vernacular of any district whatever. Hence it is not strange that the pronunciation of San- skrit words varies greatly among scholars from different parts of India; and probably no one system represents the true ancient mode of utterance with much exactness. I. Vowels. 22. A. The a, i, and u-vowels. These three occur both short and long, and are to be pronounced in the · Italian’ manner – as au for-)gan and father, pin and pique, pull and rule, respectively. The Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®
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