Introduction. 2T or one above the other: in some combinations either arrangement is allowed. The consonant to be pronounced first is set first in the one arrangement, and above in the other arrangement. Only the consonant at the right of a horizontal group, and that at the top of a perpendicular group, are written in full. Examples of the horizontal arrangement are: ग्ग 990, जे 7ju, प्य pga, नम tama, त्य ttha, भ्य bhya, क ska, য $na. Examples of the perpendicular arrangement are: E kka, ucca, ži kva, 71 ñja, y pta, a tna. 10. In some combinations there is more or less abbreviation or disguise of the independent form of a consonant-sign. Thus, of ap k in F kta; and in U kņa, ay kya etc.; of a t in 7 tta; of a d in 5 dga, Edda, y ddha, 3 dbha etc.; of Ħ m and I y, when following other consonants , thus, ai kya, at kma, Fñma, 3 dma, 7 dya, Ethma, hya, J thya, a dhya ; of 7 %, which generally becomes sy when followed by a consonant; tbus, çca, çna, #çla, sy sya. The same change is usual when a vowel-sigu is added below; thus, i çu, çr. II. Other combinations, of not quite obvious salue, are u ņņa., E sța, 8 stha; and the compounds of g h, as ren hņa, hna. 12. In a case or two, no trace of the constituent letters is recognizable; thus, 7 kşa, 5 jña, 13. The seniivowel I r, in making combinations with other consonants, is treated in a wholly peculiar manner, analogous with that of the vowels. 1. As the first of a group of consonants it is written with a hook above, opening to the right (like the subjoined sign of r); thus, a rka, å rpta. When a compound consonant mat Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®
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