सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:A Sanskrit primer (1901).djvu/१३८

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

122 Lesson XXX. finals, के, त्, प् and स remain unchanged before तुम्; thus, शक, शतुम्; मन्, मन्तुम्; आए, आप्तुम्; क्षिप्, क्षेप्नुम्; लुप्, लोप्नुम्; शत्

  • curse', शप्तम्; 3वस् ‘dwell', वस्तुम्.- Other finals are changed

according to the rules given in Lesson XXVIII for the con- version of final consonants before the participial suffix 7. Thus, पच्, पतुम्; त्यज , त्यतुम्; दृश्, द्रष्टुम्; स्पृश्, प्रष्टुम्; कृष्, क्रष्टुम'; प्रछ, प्रष्टुम् ; यज, यष्टुम्; सृज, स्रष्टुम्; क्रुध, क्रोम्; लभ , लव्धुम्; राहु, रोदुम्; वहु, वोढुम्; दह, दग्धुम्; नह, नडुम्. - Final दु becomes , and final म, न्; thus, अद, अतुम्; विद् know', वेत्तुम् (also वेदितुम्); गम्, गन्तुम्. 316. The ending JA with g (in the forni TA) is taken by roots in final long Ji and the root it, with a few other vowel- roots; by the majority of roots in consonants; and by verbs of the secondary conjugations. Thus, भू, भवितुम्; शी, शयितुम्; ईक्ष , ईक्षितुम्; वन्दु, वन्दितुम् गुह, गुहितुम् (cf. 6101). | 317. Causatives and denominatives in अय have अयितुम्, the root being treated as in the present; thus, चुर, चोरयितुमः कथ, कथयितुम्; तड़, ताडयितुम्. 318. Some roots in consonants insert or reject g at pleasure; thus, मृज, मार्जितुम् or माटुंम्**. The root यह makes ग्रहीतम्। 319. The rules for the use of g in the infinitive agree closely with those governing its use in the formation of the s-future and of the nomen agentis in a 320. Uses of the infinitive. The chief use of the infinitive is as equivalent to an accusative, as the object of a verb, especially of the verbs Ta'be able', and be worthy', ‘have the right 10

  • The increments of are sometimes T and TT instead of

अर् and आर्; especially where a difficult combination of consonants is thus avoided.

    • In all the tense-systems, and in derivation, the root 73

exhibits often the vśddhi instead of the guņa-strengthening. Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®