वो अग्नये Vāj. Prāt. I. 146; (2). the second or latter portion, of a repeated word according to Pāṇini; c. तस्य (द्विरुक्तस्य) परमाम्रेडितम् P. VIII.1.2. The Āmreḍita word gets the grave accent and has its last vowel protracted when it implies censure; cf. P.VIII.1.3 and VIII. 2.95.Haradatta has tried to explain how the term आम्रेडित means the first member; cf. ननु अाम्रेडितशब्दे । निघण्टुषु प्रसिद्धः अाम्रेडितं द्विस्त्रिरुक्तमिति । सत्यमर्थे प्रसिद्धः इह तु शब्दे परिभाष्यते । महा- संज्ञाकरणं पूर्वाचार्यानुरोधेन Padamañj. on VIII.1.2. आम्रेडितसमास an iterative com- pound: cf. आम्रेडितसमासे तु । A. Prāt. III.1.5. आय् the substitute अाय् for ऐ before a vowel; e.g. चायकः for चै+अकः cf. एचेायवायावः P.VI.1.78. आय (I) the affix आय applied to the roots गुप्, धूप् and others ending with which they are looked upon as roots; cf. P. III.1.28: P.III.1. 32. The affix is applied optionally when an ārdhadhātuka affix is to follow, e.g. गोपायिता, गोप्ता; cf. P.III. 1.31; (2) augment; cf. असतो वर्णस्य उपजनः R. Prāt. XIV. 1 Uvaṭa. अायाम tension of the limbs or organs producing sound, which is noticed in the utterance of a vowel which is accented acute ( उदात्त ) अायामो गात्राणां दैघ्र्यमाकर्षणं वा; com. on Tait. Prāt. XXII. 9; cf. ऊर्ध्वगमनं गात्राणाम् वायुनिमित्तं Uv.on R. Prāt. III.1; cf. also ऊर्ध्वगमनं शरीरस्य com. on Vāj. Prāt I.31; cf. also आयामो दारुण्यमणुता रवत्येत्युच्चैःकराणि शाब्दस्य M.Bh. on P. I.2.29. अाय्य kṛt. affix अाय्य before which णि (causal इ) is changed into अय्;cf., अय् अामन्ताल्वाय्येत्विष्णुषु P.VI.4.55. e.g. स्पृहयाय्य. |
अार substitute अार for ऋ in the words पितृ and मातृ; e.g. पितरामातरा; cf. P. VI.3.33. अारक् tad.affix (आर) applied to the word गोधा in the sense of off spring according to the Northern Grammarians;e.g. गौधारः, (op- tional forms गौधेय and गौधेर acc. to others); cf. P.IV.1.129, 130. आरकन् tad. affix applied to the words शृङ्ग and वृन्द, e.g. शृङ्गारकः, वृन्दारकः;cf P. शृङ्गवृन्दाभ्यामारकन्, P.V. 2.122 Vārt. 3. आरडे KRISHNASHASTRI a re- puted Naiyāyika of Banaras of the nineteenth century, who wrote, besides many treatises on Nyāya, a short gloss on the Sutras of Pāṇini, called Pāṇini-sūtra-vṛtti. अारि tad. affix applied to the word पूर्वतर when the whole word refers to a year, e.g.परारि in the last year; cf. B.V.3.22 Vārt. 2. आरु kṛt. affix applied to the roots शृ and वन्द् in the sense of habituated etc. e.g. शरारुः, वन्दारुः, cf P. III. 2.173. अारोप attribution or imputation of properties which leada to the secondary sense of a word; cf. अप्रसिद्धश्च संज्ञादिरपि तद्गुणारोपादेव बुध्यते Par. Sek. on Pari. 15. अारोपर्णीय same as अभिनिधान: see above अाभनिधान. अार्थ resultant from sense; made up of sense; अर्थस्य अयम् अार्थ; cf तदा- दितदन्तत्वमार्थसमाजग्रस्तम् Par. Śek. on Pari.37. आर्थसमाज combination of the mean- ings (of the base and affix); see the word अार्थ above. 'आर्धधातुक a term used in contrast to the term सार्वधातुक for such ver- bal and kṛt affixes, as are not personal endings of verbs nor |
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्