
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

सर्वप्रातिपदिक any noun-base irrespec- tive of any discrimination; cf. अपर अाह सर्वप्रातिपादेकेभ्य आचारे किब्वक्तव्योश्वति गर्दभतीत्येवमर्थम् M.Bh. on P. III. 1.11 Vart, 3.

सर्वमङ्गला a commentary on Nagesa's Paribhasendusekhara written by a grammarian of the nineteenth cen- tury named शेषशर्मन् or मनीषिशेषशर्मन्. The work is incomplete.

सर्वमुखस्थान the whole orifice of the mouth as a place of utterance, as for example for the vowel अ; cf. सर्वमुखस्थानमवर्णमक इच्छन्ति I M.Bh. on P. I. 1.9 Vart. 2.

सर्वरक्षित spelt as शर्बरक्षित also; a Buddhist grammarian who is beli- eved to have redacted or revised the grammar work Durghatvrtti of Saranadeva.

सर्वलकार the personal affixes in gene- ral pertaining to all the ten laka- ras लट् , लिट् etc., cf. सर्वलकाराणामपवादः । Kas.on P.III. 3.144.

सर्वलिङ्गता use in all the genders; cf. सर्वलिङ्गता च वक्तव्या । ब्राह्मणार्थे पयेः । बाह्मणार्थं सूप: । ब्राह्मणार्थे यवागूः ।

सर्वलोप the elision of the entire word- ing instead of the final letter only, which is prescribed by P. I.1. 52, cf. तुः सर्वग्य लोपो बक्तव्यः अन्त्यस्य लोपो मा भूदिति । M Bh. on P. VI. 4.154.

सर्ववर्मन् spelt as शर्वबर्मन् also, the re- puted author of the Katantra Vyakarana. He is believed to have been a contemporary of the poet Gunadbya at the Satavahana court, and to have revised and redacted the Katantra Sutras already exist- ing for the benefit of his patron. With him began the Katantra school of grammar, the main con- tribution to which was made by दुर्गसिंहृ who wrote a scholarly gloss on the Katantra Sutras. For details see कातन्त्र,

सर्वविभक्त्यन्त lit. ending with all cases; the term is used as an adje- ctive of the word समास and refers to a compound which can be dis- solved by putting the first member in any case; cf. सर्वविभक्यन्तः समासो यथा विज्ञायेत । अल: परस्य विधिः; अलि विधि- रित्यादि M. Bh. on P.I.1.56. सर्वस्यद्वेपाद conventional name given to the first pada of the eighth adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi which begins with the Sutra सर्वस्य द्बे VIII.1.1.

सर्वादि lit. a group or a class of words beginning with the word सर्व as the first word in the list; the term is used in general as a synonymous term with Sarva- naman; cf. संज्ञोपसर्जनीभूतास्तु न सर्वादयः Kas. on P.I.1.27. सर्वादेश a substitute for the entire wording instead of the final letter as prescribed by the rule अलेान्त्यस्य P.I.1.52; cf. अनेकाल्शीत्सर्वस्य P.I.1.55.

सर्वानुदात्त the grave accent for the entire word. See सर्वनिधात. सर्वान्त्य final of all those that are denoted or enumerated; cf. यदेव सर्वान्त्यमर्थादेशनं तस्यैव विषये स्यात् । M.Bh. on P. IV.2.67.

सर्वोपसर्जन all the constituent members of which (compound) are subordi- nated to quite a different word and not mutually in the manner of one member to another. The Bahuvrihi compound, as contrast- ed with other compounds, is des- cribed to be such an one, as all its members are subordinate in sense to another word; cf. यस्य सर्वे अवयवा उपसर्जनीभूताः स सर्वोपसर्जनो बहुव्रीहिर्गृह्यते | Kas. on P.VI. 3.82.

सर्वोपाधिव्यभिचारार्थ a term used by the authors of the Kasika in conne- ction with the application of a rule irrespective of all limitations