
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

समानानामेकशेष इत्युच्यमाने यत्र सर्वं समानं शब्दोर्थश्च तत्रैव स्यात् । वृक्षाः प्लक्षाः इति | इह न स्यात् । अक्षाः पादाः माषाः इति । रूपग्रहणे पुनः क्रियमाणे न दोषो भवति । M. Bh. on P. I. 2.64.

सर्वत्र lit. at all places, on all occa- sions; the word is used in connec- tion with an essential application of a rule and not optionally in some cases; cf. सर्वत्र लोहितादिकतन्तेभ्यः। पूर्वेण नित्ये प्राप्ते विकल्पार्थं वचनम् Kas. on P. IV. 1.18: cf. also प्रत्यये भाषायां नित्यवचनम् P. VIII.4.45 Vart. 1, सर्वत्र शाकल्यस्य VIII. 4.51. etc.

सर्वथा at all costs, in any case, in all places; cf. सर्वथावरकालैव M. Bh. on P. I. 1.69 Vart 4; cf. also तथा तेषां घोषिण: सर्वथेाष्मभि: XII.2.

सर्वनामन् pronoun; lit. standing for any noun. There is no definition as such given, of the word pron- oun, but the words, called pro- nouns, are enumerated in Panini's grammar one after another in the class or group headed by सर्व ( सर्व, विश्व, उभ, उभय, words end- ing in the affixes डतर and डतम, अन्य etc.) which appear to be pronouns primarily. Some words such as पूर्व, पर, अवर, दक्षिण, उत्तर, अपर, अधर, स्व, अन्तर etc are treated as pronouns under certain conditions. In any case, attention has to be paid to the literal sense of the term सर्वनामन् which is an ancient term and none of these words when standing as a proper noun, is to be treated as a pronoun; cf. सर्वादीनि सर्वनामानि P. I.1. 27, cf. also संज्ञोपसर्जनीभूतास्तु न सर्वादयः; M.Bh. on P. I. 1. 27 Vart. 2; ( 2 ) The word सर्वनामन् means also a common term, a general term; cf. एकश्रुतिः स्वरसर्वनाम, यथा नपुंसकं लिङ्गसर्वनाम M. Bh. on P. VI. 4.174 Vart 4.

सर्वनामस्थान a term used in Panini's grammar, for the first five case

affixes सु, औ, अस्, अम् and औ as also for the nom. and acc. pl. afix इ ( शि ) of the neuter gender. The term appears to be an old one, which was used, by a specific men- tion, for the first five case-affixes which caused a special change in the base before them in the case of many words; cf. शि सर्वनामस्थानम् । सुडनपुंसकस्य P.I.1.42-43. For details see Vyakaranamahabhasya Vol. VII. D. E. Society's ed. p. 239 footnote.

सर्वनिघात grave accent ( अनुदात्त ) for the whole word, generally for a verbal form or a word in the voca- tive case, if preceded by another word which is not a verb. The term is used in contrast with शेषनिघात the grave accent for the remaining vowels of a word when a particular vowel is definitely fix- ed as an acute or an independent Svarita or circumflex; cf. P.VIII. 1.28 to 74.

सर्वपदादेश a substitute for the entire word and not for a part of it. This doctrine of सर्वपदादेशं every- where is advocated by gramma- rians in consonance with their doctrine of शब्दनित्यत्व; cf. सर्वे सर्व- पदादेशा दाक्षीपुत्रस्य पाणिनेः । एकदेशविकारे हि नित्यत्वं नोपपद्यते ॥ M.Bh. on P. I. 1. 20, VII.1.27.

सर्वप्रतिषेध a general prohibition of every grammatical operation that presents itself; cf. नान्त:पादमिति सर्वप्रतिषेधः । M.Bh. on P.VI.1.115.

सर्वप्रसङ्ग a presentation of all the substitutes for all the original ones indiscriminately; an application in all cases irrespective of any special consideration; cf. स्थानिन एकत्वनिर्दे- शादनेकादेशनिर्देशाच्च सर्वप्रसङ्ग: M.Bh.on P. I. 1. 50 Vart. 1 and 12; cf. also M.Bh. on P.I.1.60, I.3.2, 3,10 etc.