सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

ral, which separates the two connected things; व्यवधानं च भवति वाक्ये राज्ञ ऋद्धस्य पुरुषः; the word व्यवाय is used in the same sense; cf. अट्कुप्वाङ्नुम्व्यवायेपि; (2) an inserted letter or phonetic element; cf. व्यवधानः अन्त्यविकारे T, Pr. 185, 186.

व्यवधायक causing an intervention; intervener which is required to be of a different kind; cf अतज्जातीयकं व्यवधायकं भवति M. Bh. on P. I. 1.7. Wart 8.

व्यवस्था lit. definite arrangement; restriction regarding the applica- tion of a rule, especially when it seems to overlap, as done by the Varttikakara, and later on by the Paribhasas laid down by gram- marians regarding the rules of Panini; cf. स्वाभिधेयापेक्षावधिनियमो व्यवस्था S. K. on P. I.1.34; cf. also लक्ष्यानु- साराह्यवस्था Par. Sek. Pari. 99, 108.

व्यवस्थितविभाषा an option which does not apply universally in all the instances of a rule which pre- scribes an operation optionally, but applies necessarily in some cases and does not apply at all in the other cases, the total result being an option regarding the conduct of the rule. The rules अजेर्व्यघञपोः P. II. 4.56, लटः शतृशा- नचावप्रथमासमानाधिकरणे III. 2.124 and वामि I. 4.5 are some of the rules which have got an option describ- ed as व्यवस्थितविभाषा. The standard instances of व्यवस्थितविभाषा are given in the ancient verse देवत्रातो गलो ग्राहः इतियोगे च सद्विधिः । मिथस्ते न विभाष्यन्ते गवाक्षः संशितव्रतः ॥ M. Bh, on P, III. 3.156; VII.4.41.

व्यवहेित having an intervention by a dissimilar thing; separated by something coming between; cf. संयोगसंज्ञा व्यवहितानां मा भूत् M. Bh. on I.1.8. Vart. 5.

व्यवाय intervention, separation by insertion; separation by means of the insertion of a phonetic element. See व्य्वधान above. cf. अट्कुप्वाङ्नु- म्व्यवायेपि P. VIII. 4.2; अडभ्यासव्यवा- येपि P. VI. 1.26; cf. अङ्गव्यवाये चाङ्गपरः R. T. 190; संयेागानां स्वरभक्त्या व्यवायः R. Pr. XIV. 25.

व्यस्त separated into its constituent elements; separated by a new insertion; a recital of the Vedic text by separating a coalesced vowel, which is looked upon as a fault of recital.

व्याकरण Grammar the development of the meaning of the term can be seen by the senses given below in a serial order and the exam- ples after those senses; (a) ana- lysis or explanation by analysis; (b) rules of explanation; (c) spe- cific rules explaining the forma- tion of words; d) explanation of the formation of rules; (e) a treatise in which such an expla- nation is given; (f) a collection of such treatises and (g) a syste- matic explanation of the formation of words in a language (व्याकरणशास्त्र or शब्दानुशासन); cf.(a) व्यक्रियते अनेन इति व्याकरणम् ; M.Bh.on Ahnika 1, Vart. 12: cf. (b) लक्ष्यलक्षणे व्याकरणम्; M. Bh. Ahnika 1, Vart. 14; cf. (c) न यथा लोके तथा व्याकरणे M. Bh. on P. I. 1.1. Vart. 7; (d) सर्वत्रैव हि व्याकरणे पूर्वोच्चारितः संज्ञी परोच्चारिता संज्ञा M. Bh.on P. I. 1.1. Vart 7; (e) न तथा लोके यथा व्याकरणे M.Bh. on P, I. 1.23 Vart. 4; cf.(f)इह च व्याकरणे शब्दे कार्यस्य संभवः, अर्थं असंभवः । M. Bh. on P. I. 1.68. cf. (g) व्याकरणं नाम इयमुत्तरा विद्या । M. Bh. on P. I. 2.32. The word व्याक- रण is mostly used in the sense of ’the Science of Grammar' in the Mahabhasya. It is explained by modern scholars as 'the law of the corrections of speech and