ted with compositeness of sense as seen in two words joined into a compound word ( समास ) ; व्यपेक्षा is given as an alternative definition of the word सामर्थ्य along with एकार्थीभाव as the other one, in the Mahabhasya; e. g. there is व्यपेक्षा between सर्पिः and पिब in the sen- tence सर्पिष्पिब, but not in तिष्ठतु सर्पिः पिब त्वमुदकम्; cf. तथेदमपरं द्वैतं भवति एकार्थीभावो वा सामर्थ्यं स्याद् व्यपेक्षा वेति । M. Bh. on P. II,1.1 ; cf. also Kas. on P. VIII.3 44. व्यपेत having an intervention of ( a letter, or letters or a pada); the word is used in the same sense as व्यवाहित; cf. स्वापिग्रहणं व्यपेतार्यम् । व्यपे- तार्थोयमारम्भः । सुष्वापयिषति । M. Bh. on P.VII.4.67. व्यभिचार lit. deviation or discrepancy; irregularity re: the application of a rule; cf.संज्ञाव्यभिचारार्थश्चकारः Kas.on P. III.3.19; cf.also.बहुलग्रहणंष्याभिचारार्थम् । प्रवाहिका, विचर्चिका । न च भवति । शिरॊतर्तिः; Kas. on P. III.3.108. व्यभिचारिन् deviating, being irregular in application, not applying neces- sarily: cf अभ्रशब्दस्यांपूर्वनिपातस्य लक्षणस्य व्यभिचारित्वात्. व्यय lit.loss; disappearance; the word is used in the sense of inflectional changes. An indeclinable is called अव्यय because it has no inflectional changes. cf. तत्कथमनुदात्तप्रकृति नाम स्यात् । दृष्टव्ययं तु भवति । Nir. I.8; V.23. व्ययवत् (l) possessed of व्यय or inflec- tional change; a declinable word; cf. यस्य पुनर्विभक्त्यादिभिर्विकारः क्रियते स व्ययवान् । आद्युदात्तः स च अन्तःशब्दो भवति । V. Pr. II.26; (2) characterized by a loss of accent i.e. the loss of the original accent and the presence of another accent; cf. पदान्तस्य पदे दृष्टं स्वरितत्वं न दृश्यते । अदृष्टमनुदात्तत्वं च दृश्यते । Uvvata on R. Pr. XI.31. व्यर्थ (l) useless, serving no purpose, |
superfluous; the word is usually used in the sense of useless or futile in connection with a rule or its part, which serves no purpose, its purpose or object being served otherwise; such words or rules have never been condemned as futile by commentators, but an attempt is made invariably by them to deduce something from the futile wording and show its necessity; cf. व्यर्थे सज्ज्ञापयति a remark which is often found in the commentary literature; cf. अन्यथा अन्तरङ्गत्वाद्दीर्घे कृत एव प्रत्ययप्राप्त्या तद्यर्थता स्पष्टैव । Par. Sek. Pari. 56; (2) possessed of various senses such as the words अक्षाः भाषाः etc.; cf. व्यर्थेषु च मुक्तसंशयम् । M.Bh.on P.I.2.64 Vart. 52. The word व्यर्थ possibly stands for विविधार्थ in such cases. It appears that the word व्यर्थ in the sense of futile was rarely used by ancient grammarians; the word अनर्थक appears to have been used in its place. See Mahabhasya in which the word व्यर्थ does not occur in this sense while the word अनर्थक occurs at several places. व्यवच्छिन्न (1) separated; detached from a specific thing by the loss of connection with it; cf. एवमेतास्मि- न्नुभयतो व्यवाच्छिन्ने यदि स्वार्थे जहाति जहातु नाम M. Bh. on P. II. 1.1. Vart. 2; (2) characterized or possessed of an intervention by similar things cf. तद्वा अनेकेन निपातनेन व्यवच्छिन्नं न शक्यमनुवर्तयितुमिति । M. Bh. on P. III. 3.83; cf also P. VI. 4.2. व्यवधान (1) intervention; the word is used in connection with the intervention or occurrence of letters or phonetic units between the cause ( निमित्त ) of an operation and the operatee (विधिभाक् ); cf लोपे कृते नास्ति व्यवधानम् । स्थानिवद्भावाद् व्यवधान- मेव । The word is used also in the sense of intervention in gene- |
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्