
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

personal-ending substituted for वस् in the perfect (लिट्) first person (उत्तमपुरुष), and in the present tense in the case of the root विद्; cf. परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्० and विदो लटो वा. P. III. 4.82,83; (3) krt affix क्विप्, क्विन् or वि of which only व् remains; cf. अनिगन्तोञ्चतौ वप्रत्यये P. VI. 2.52; cf. also विष्वग्देवयोश्र्च टेरद्यञ्चतौ वप्रत्यये VI.3.92.the affix is mention- ed as वप्रत्यय by Panini, but, in fact, it is व् , अ being added for ease in pronunciation; (4) tad. affix in the sense of possession added along with the other affixes इन्, इक, and वत् to the word केश and to some other words such as मणि, हिरण्य, राजी, अर्णस् etc. as also to गाण्डी and अजग; cf. P. V. 2. 109, 110.

वंशादि a class of words headed by the word वंश, the word भार placed after which gets the taddhita affixes added to it, as prescribed in the senses 'takes it', 'carries it' or 'produces it'; e.g. वांशभारिकः; cf. Kas. on P.V. 1.50. The tad. affix- es as prescribed in the senses mentioned above are added to the words वंश etc. and not to भार according to some commentators; e.g.वांशिकः, कौटजिकः etc.; cf. Kas. on P. V. 1.50.

वकार the consonant व् with the vowel अ and कार being added for facility of utterance; cf. T. Pr. I. 17, 21, also वर्णात्कारः P. III.3.108, Vart. 3.

वक्तव्य that which ought to be stated - or prescribed; the word is fre- quently found used by the Vartti- kakāra when he suggests any addition to, or modification in Panini's rules. Sometimes,the word is added by the author of the Mahabhasya in the explanation of a Varttika after stating what is lack- ing in the Varttika. 40

वक्त्र mouth, or orifice of the mouth which, in general is the place of utterance for all letters, but espe- cially for the vowel अ; cf. सर्व- मुखस्थानमवर्णस्य केचिदिच्छन्ति ।

वङ्गसेन a grammarian who wrote a grammatical work on verbs named अाख्यातप्रकरण.

वचन (1) lit. statement; an authorita- tive statement made by the authors of the Sutras and the Varttikas as also of the Mahabhasya; cf. अस्ति ह्यन्यदेतस्य वचने प्रयोजनम् M. Bh. on Siva Sutra 1 Vart. 1 The word is also used predicatively in the sense of वक्तव्यम् by the Varttikakara; cf. ऌति ऌ वावचनम् , ऋति ऋ वावचनम्; (2) number, such as एकवचन, द्विवचन, बहुवचन etc.; cf. वचनमेकत्वद्वित्वबहुत्वानि Kas.on P.I.2.51 ; cf लुपि युक्तिवद् व्यक्ति- वचने । लुकि अभिधेयवल्लिङ्गवचनानि भवन्ति। लवणः सूपः। लवणा यवागूः। M.Bh.on P.I. 2.57; (3) expressive word; cf. गुणवचनब्राह्मणादिभ्यः कर्मणि च P. V.1.124 where the Kasika explains the word गुणवचन as गुणमुक्तवन्तो गुणवचनाः; cf. also the terms गुणवचन, जातिवचन, क्रियावचन etc. as classes of words; cf. also अभिज्ञावचने लृट् P.III.2.112; (4) that which is uttered; cf. मुखना- सिकावचनोनुनासिक:। मुखसहिता नासिका मुखनासिका । तया य उच्चार्यते असौ वर्ण: Kas. on P. I.1.8.

वज्राकृति the form of वज्र or thun- derbolt, in which ( form ) the Jihvamuliya (letter) is shown in writing; cf. वज्राकृतिजिह्वामूलीयः Kat. I.1.17. See जिह्वामूलीय.

वत् substitute for मत् of मतुप्. See मतुप्.

वति (1) tad. affix वत् in the sense of similar activity or thing; e. g. राजवद्वर्तते, मथुरावत् स्त्रुघ्ने प्राकारः; cf. तेन तुल्यं क्रिया चेद्वतिः । तत्र तस्येव P.V.1.115, 116; (2) tad. affix वत् in the sense of deserving;e.g, राजवत् पालनम् ; cf. तदर्हम् P.V.1.117; (3) tad. affix वत्