
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

South, he made Varanasi his home where he prepared a school of learned Grammarians. Although he carried on his work silently in Varanasi, he was envied by the reputed rhetorician of his time Pandita Jagannātha, who criticised his work ( Bhattoji’s work ) named Manorama very severely. See प्रौढमनोरमा above. The Siddhānta- kaumudi has got many comme- ntaries of which the Tattvabodhini written by Bhattoji's pupil Jnane- ndrasarasvati is appreciated much by learned grammarians.

भत्व the nature or quality of being called भ which causes many gram- matical operations which are given together by Panini in VI. 4.129 to 175. See the word भ above.

भरतमल्ल a grammarian of Bengal who lived in the sixteenth century and who wrote उपसर्गवृत्ति, द्रुतबोध and other works on grammar.

भर्गादि a class of words headed by भर्ग which are generally names of countries, the taddhita affixes अण् and others added to which are not elided; e. g. भार्गीं, कैकेयी, काश्मीरी; cf. Kas. on IV. 1.178.

भर्तृहरि a very distinguished Gra- mmarian who lived in the seventh century A. D. He was a senior contemporary of the authors of the Kasika, who have mentioned his famous work viz. The Vakyapadiya in the Kasika. cf. शब्दार्थसंबन्धोयं प्रकरणम् । वाक्यपदीयम् Kas. on P. IV.3.88. His Vyakarana work "the Vakyapa- diya" has occupied a very promi- nent position in Grammatical Lite- rature. The work is divided into three sections known by the name 'Kanda' and it has discussed so thoroughly the problem of the relation of word to its sense that sub-

sequent grammarians have looked upon his view as an authority. The work is well-known for ex- pounding also the Philosophy of Grammar. His another work " the Mahabhasya-Dipika " is a scho- larly commentary on Patanjali's Mahabhasya. The Commentary is not published as yet, and its soli- tary manuscript is very carelessly written. Nothing is known about the birth-place or nationality of Bhartrhari. It is also doubtful whether he was the same person as king Bhartrhari who wrote the 'Satakatraya'.

भवत् ( भवन्त् ) ancient term for the present tense found in the Brha- ddevata and other works, The term 'vartamana' for the present tense was also equally common. The word is found in the Maha- bhasya, the Unadisutravrtti of Ujjvaladatta and in the Grammar of Jainendra cf. P.II.3.1 Vart 11, Unadi III. 50 Jain Vyak. I.1.471.

भवदेव a scholar of grammar who has written a commentary on the Brhacchabdaratna of Hari Diksita.

भवन्ती ancient term for the present tense or लट् according to Panini cf. अस्तिर्भवन्तीपरः प्रथमपुरुषः अप्रयुज्यमानेप्यस्ति M. Bh. on P. II.3.1 . Vart. 4; cf. also प्रवृत्तस्याविरामे शासितव्या भवन्ती । इहा- धीमहे । इह वसामः । इह पुष्यमित्रं याजयामः । M. Bh. on P. III. 2.123. See भवत् (भवन्त्).

भविष्यत् ancient term for the future tense in general; cf. भविष्यति गम्यादयः । भविष्यतोद्यनद्यतन उपसंख्यानम् P. III.3.3 Vart.l : cf. also the words भविष्यत्काल, भविष्यत्प्रतिषेध, भविष्यदधिकार.

भविष्यन्ती ancient term for the future tense in general; cf. परिदेवने श्वस्तनी भविष्यन्त्यर्थे P. III.3.15. Vart.1; cf. also Kat. III.1.15; Hem. III. 3.15.