सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

द्रुतबोध name of a treatise on gram- mar written for beginners by Bharatasena or Bharatamalla of Bengal in the sixteemth century.

द्रुता one of the three Vrttis or styles of utterance mentioned in the Pratisakhya works and quoted in the Mahabhasya; cf.तित्रो वृत्तीरुपदिशन्ति वाचो विलम्बितां मध्यमां च दुतां च । अभ्यासार्थे दुतां वृत्तिं प्रयोगार्थे तु मध्यमाम् । शिष्याणा- मुपदेशार्थे कुर्याद् वृत्ति विलम्बिताम् । R. Pr. XIII. 18, 19; cf. ये हि द्रुतायां वृत्तौ वर्णा- स्त्रिभागाधिकास्ते मध्यमायां, ये मध्यमायां वर्णास्त्रिभागाधिकास्ते विलाम्बितायाम् । M. Bh. on P. I.1.70, Vart. 4. The utte- rance of a letter takes ,1/3 rd time more in the मध्यमवृत्ति than in the द्रुतवृत्ति, while in the विलम्बितवृत्ति it takes 1/3 rd more than in the मध्यमवृत्ति. In short, the utterance of the same letter takes in the three vrttis, Druta, Vilambita and Madhyama the quantity of time in the proportion of 9:12:16 res- pectively.

द्रोणिका a kind of the position of the tongue at the time of pronounc- ing the letter ष्.

द्वन्द्ध name of a compound, formed of two or more words used in the same case, showing their collection together; cf. चार्थे द्वन्द्वः P. II.2.29. Out of the four meanings of the indeclinable च, viz. समुच्चय अन्वाचय, इतरेतरयोग and समाहार, the dvandva compound is sanctioned in the last two senses only called इतरेतरद्वन्द्व (as in प्लक्षन्यग्रोधौ etc.) and समाहारद्वन्द्व (as in वाक्त्वचम् etc.) respec- tively For details see Mahabhasya on II.2.29. The dvandva compo- und takes place only when the speaker intends mentioning the several objects together i.e. when there is, in short, सहविवक्षा orयुगपदधि- करणवचनता; cf. अनुस्यूतेव मेदाभ्यां एका

प्रख्योपजायते । यस्यां सहविवक्षां तामाहुर्द्वन्द्वै- कशेषयोः । Sr. Pr. II. The gender of a word in the द्वन्द्वसमास is that of the last word in the case of the इतरेत- रद्वन्द्व, while it is the neuter gender in the case of the समाहारद्वन्द्व.

द्वयसच् tad. affix द्वयस, in the sense of measure, prescribed optionally along with the affixes दघ्न and मात्र; cf. ऊरू प्रमाणमस्य ऊरुद्वयसम्; Kas. on P. V. 2.37; fem. ऊरुद्वयसी, cf.P.IV.1.15.

द्वारादि a class of words headed by the word द्वार् which get the aug- ment ऐच् (i.e. ऐ or औ ) placed before the letter य or व in them, instead of the substitution of vrddhi, when a taddhita affix mark- ed with the mute letter ञ्,ण्, or क् is added to them; e. g. दौवारिकः सौवस्तिकः, शौवम्, शौवनम् etc.; cf Kas. on P, VII .3,4.

द्वि a term used for the dual number in the Pratisakhya works; cf. नो नौ मे मदर्थे त्रिद्व्येकेषु V. Pr. II. 3 where Uvvata has explained the words त्रि, द्वि and एक as बहुवचन, द्विवचन and एक्वचन respectively.

द्विः doubled; the term is used in connection with reduplication in the Katantra and Haima gram- mars cf. Hem. IV.1.1, Kat.III 8. 10.

द्विःप्रयोग doubling, putting a word or word element twice;the words द्वित्व and द्विर्वचन are used in the same sense.

द्वि:स्पृष्ट a word used many times synonymously with दु:स्पृष्ट; the letters ळ्, ळ् ह्, and upadhmaniya(xप्) are termed द्विःस्पृष्ट or दुःस्पृष्ट.

द्विकर्मक a term used in connection with roots governing two objects or two words in the accusative case, e.g. दुह् in, गां दोग्धि पयः; the term कर्म according to the strict