द्युस् tad. affix द्युस् applied to the word उभय in the sense of a day; e.g. उभयद्युः cf. P. V. 3.22 Vart. 7. द्योतक indicative, suggestive; not directly capable of expressing the sense by denotation; the nipatas and upasargas are said to be 'dyo- taka' and not 'vacaka' by stand- ard grammarians headed by the Varttikakara; cf. निपातस्यानर्थकस्यापि प्रातिपदिकत्वम् P.I.2.45 Varttika 12; cf. Kaiyata also on the above; cf also निपाता द्योतकाः केचित्पृथगर्थाभिधायिनः Vak- yapadiya II.194;, गतिवाचकत्वमपि तस्य ( स्थाधातोः ) व्यवस्थाप्यते, उपसर्गस्तु तद्यो- तक एव com. on Vakyapadiya II. 190; cf. पश्चाच्छ्रोतुर्बोधाय द्योतकोपसर्गसंबन्ध: Par. Sek. on Pari. 50; cf also इह स्वरादयो वाचकाः चादयो द्योतका इति भेदः Bhasa Vr. om P.I.1.37.The Karma- pravacaniyas are definitely laid down as dyotaka, cf. क्रियाया द्योतको नायं न संबन्धस्य वाचकः । नापि क्रियापदाक्षेपीं संबन्धस्य तु भेदकः Vakyapadiya II.206; the case affixes are said to be any way, 'vacaka' or 'dyotaka'; cf. वाचिका द्योतिका वा स्युर्द्वित्त्वादीनां विभक्तयः Vakyapadiya II. 165. द्योतन conveyance of sense indirectly or by suggestion, and not directly. See द्योतक above. द्योत्य (sense) conveyed by suggestion indirectly and not directly ex- pressed, as in the case of karma- pravacaniyas, the krt affixes and the tad, affixes: cf. अनुशब्दो लक्षणे द्योत्ये कर्मप्रवचनीयसंज्ञो भवति Kas. on P. I. 4.84. द्रव्य substance, as opposed to गुण pro- perty and क्रिया action which exist on dravya. The word सत्त्व is used by Yaska, Panini and other gram- marians in a very general sense as something in completed forma- tion or existence as opposed to 'bhava' or kriya or verbal activity, |
and the word द्रव्य is used by old grammarians as Synonymous with सत्त्व; cf. चादयोSसत्वे। चादयो निपातसंज्ञा भवन्ति न चेत्सत्वे वर्तन्ते, cf. Kas on P. I. 4.57; cf. S.K. also on P. I.4.57. (2)The word द्रव्य is also found used in the sense of an individual object, as opposed to the genus or generic notion ( अाकृति ); cf. द्रव्याभि- धानं व्याडिः, M. Bh. on P. I. 2. 64. Vart. 45.(3)The word द्रव्य is found used in the sense of Sadhana or means in Tait. Prati. cf. तत्र शब्द- द्रव्याण्युदाहरिष्यामः । शब्दरूपाणि साधनानि वर्ण- यिष्यामः Tai, Pr. XXII. 8. द्रव्यपदार्थिक a grammarian who main- tains that 'dravya' or 'individual object' is the sense of words; cf. न ह्याकृतिपदार्थिकस्य द्रव्ये न पदार्थो, द्रव्य- पदार्थिकस्य वाकृतिर्न पदार्थः । M. Bh. on I.2.64 Vart. 53. See द्रव्य. द्रव्यवचन expressive of substance as their sense as opposed to गुणवचन; cf. उभयवचना ह्येते शुक्लादयः द्रव्यं चाहुर्गुणं च। M. Bh. on P. V.1.119. द्रव्यवद्भाव behaviour like a dravya as noticed in the case of the bhava or kriya found in a root after a krt afix is added to it cf. कृदभिहितो भावो द्रव्यवद्भवति. M. Bh. on II.2.19, III.1.67 etc. द्रव्याभिधान denotation of द्रव्य or indi- vidual object as the sense of words as opposed to आकृत्यभिधान i, e. denotation of the general form possessed by objects of the same class; of द्रव्याभिधानं व्याडिः P. I.2.64 Vart. 45. See द्रव्य. द्रुत lit. rapid; the vice of rapidity in utterance;a fault of speech especi- ally in connection with the uttera- nce of vowels in Vedic recital when on account of haste the utterance of letters becomes indistinct. cf. संदृष्टमेणीकृतमर्धकं द्रुतं विकीर्णमेताः स्वरद्रोषभा- वनाः । M. Bh. Ahnika 1 vart. 18. |
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्