(2) the term तृन् , used as a short term ( प्रत्याहार ) standing for krt affixes beginning with those pres- cribed by the rule लटः शतृशानचौ (P.III.2.124) and ending with the affix तृन् (in P.III.3.69); cf. Kas. on P.III.4.69. तैत्तिरीयप्रातिशाख्य called also कृष्णयजुः- प्रातिशाख्य and hence representing possibly all the different branches or Sakhas of the कृष्णयजुर्वेद, which is not attributed definitely to a parti- cular author but is supposed to have been revised from time to time and taught by various acaryas who were the followers of the Taittiriya Sakha.The work is divid- ed into two main parts, each of which is further divided into twelve sections called adhyayas, and discusses the various topics such as letters and their properties, accen- ts, euphonic changes and the like, just as the other Pratisakhya works. It is believed that Vararuci, Mahiseya and Atreya wrote Bhas- yas on the Taittiriya Pratisakhya, but at present, only two important commentary works on it are avai- lable- (a) the 'Tribhasyaratna', based upon the three Bhasyas mentioned above as the title shows, written by Somayarya and (b) the 'Vaidikabharana' written by Gopalayajvan. For details see Introduction to 'Taittiriya Pratisakhya' ed. Govt Oriental Library Series, Mysore. तैरोविराम a kind of स्वरित, or a vowel with a circumflex accent which follows an acute-accented vowel characterized by avagraha i. e. coming at the end of the first member of a compound; e.g. गेाप- ताविति गॊSपतौ यज्ञपतिमिति यज्ञSपतिं. Here the vowel अ of प following upon |
the avagraha is called तैरोविरामस्वरित; cf. उदवग्रहस्तैरोविराम: V. Pr. I. 118, तैरोव्यञ्जन a kind of svarita or circum- flex-accented vowel which follows an acute-accented vowel, with the intervention of a consonant between the acute accented vowel and the circumflex vowel which (vowel) originally was grave. e. g. इडे, रन्ते, हव्ये, काम्ये; here the vowel ए is तैरोव्यञ्जनस्वरित; cf. स्वरो व्यञ्जनयुतस्तैरो- व्यञ्जनः, V. Pr. I. 117. तैलच् tad. affix तैल applied in the sense of oil to a word meaning the substance from which oil is extra- cted: e. g. तिलतैलं सर्षपतैलम् ; cf. विकारे सेनहने तैलच्, Kas on P. V. 2. 29. तोलप्पदीक्षित a southern grammarian who has written a gloss called प्रकाश on the Siddhāntakaumudi of Bhattoji Diksita. तोसुन् krt affix तोस् in the sense of the infinitive ( तुम् ) seen in Vedic Literature; e. g. ईश्वरोभिचरितो:. The word ending with तोसुन् becomes an indeclinable. तौदादिक a root belonging to the तुदादि class of roots ( sixth conjugation ) which take the vikarana अ ( श ) causing no guna or vrddhi substi- tute for the vowel of the root. तौल्वल्यादि a class of words headed by the word तौल्वलि, the taddhita affix in the sense of युवन् ( grand- child ) placed after which is not elided by P. II. 4. 60; e.g. तौल्वलिः पिता, तौल्वलायनः पुत्रः; cf. Kas. on P.II. 4.61. त्न tad. affix त्न added to the words चिर, परुंत् and परारि showing time, as also to the word प्रग in Vedic Literature: e. g. चिरत्नम्, परुत्नम् , परारित्नम्, प्रत्नम् ( where ग is elided ); cf. Kas. on P. IV. 3. 23. त्नप् tad. affix त्न, added to the word नव optionally with the affixes तनप् |
पठन सेटिंग्स
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्