opined by पौष्करसादि, second letters are substituted for these if a sibi- lant follows them, e. g,अफ्सराः, वध्सरः । cf. चयो द्वितीयाः शरि पौप्करसांद- रिति वाच्यम् cf. S.K. on ङूणोः कुक्टुक् शरि P. VIII.3.28. चर् a short term (Pratyahara) for the hard unaspirated surds and श्, ष्, स्. The change of the second, third and fourth letters into the first is called चर्त्व: cf. अभ्यासे चर्च । खरि च । वावसाने । Pan. VIII.4.54-56. चरद् tad. affix चर in the sense of 'being (so and so) in the past'. e.g. आढ्यचरः, fem. आढ्यचरी; cf. भूतपूर्वे चरट् P.V.3.53. चरण explained as a synonym of the word शाखा which means a branch or a school of Vedic Learning; cf. चरण- शब्दाः कठकलापादय:: Kas. on P.IV.2.46. चरितक्रिय having kriya or verb- activity hidden in it. The term is used by Bhartrhari in connec- tion with a solitary noun-word or a substantive having the force of a sentence, and hence which can be termed a sentence on account of the verbal activity dormant in it. e.g. पिण्डीम्; cf. वाक्यं तदपि मन्यन्ते यत्पदं वरितक्रियम् Vakyapad.II. 326, and चरिता गर्भीकृता आख्यातक्रिया यस्य तद्गर्भीकृतक्रि- यापदं नामपदं वाक्यं प्रयुञ्जते ! Com. on Vakyapadya II.326. चरितार्थ which has got already a scope of application; the term is used by commentators in connec- tion with a rule or a word forming a part of a rule which applies in the case of some instances and hence which cannot be said to be ब्यर्थ (superfluous) or without any utility and as a result cannot be said to be capable of allowing some conclusion to be drawn from it ac- cording to the dictum ब्यर्थं सज्ज्ञापयति |
cf. अपवादो यद्यन्यत्र चरितार्थस्तर्ह्यन्तरङ्गेण बाध्यते Par. Sek. Pari. 65. चर्करीत a term used by the ancient grammarians in connection with a secondary root in the sense of frequency; the term यङ्लुगन्त is used by comparatively modern gramm- arians in the same sense. The चर्क- रीत roots are treated as roots of the adadi class or second conjugation and hence the general Vikarana अ ( शप् ) is omitted after them.The word is based on the 3rd pers. sing form चर्करीति from .the root कृ in the sense of frequency; e.g. चर्करीति, चर्कर्ति, बोभवीति बोभोति; cf. चर्क- रीतं च a gana-sutra in the gana named ’adadi’ given by Panini in connection with अदिप्रभृतिभ्य; शपः Pan. II.4.72; cf. also चर्करीतमिति यङ्लुकः प्राचां संज्ञा Bhasa Vr. on P. II. 4.72, The word चेक्रीयित is simi- larly used for the frequentative when the sign of the frequen- tative viz. य ( यङ् ) is not elided. See चेक्रीयित. चर्करीतवृत्त a form of the frequenta- tive or intensive. e.g. अापनीफणत् , चोष्कूयमाणः cf. अपनीफणदिति फणतेश्चर्करी- तवृत्तम् । Nir. II. 28; चोष्कूयमाण इति चोष्कूयतेश्चर्करीतवृत्तम् Nir.VI.22. See the word चर्करीत. चर्चा (1) splitting up of a word into its component parts, which is gen- eralty shown in the Padaptha by अवग्रहं (S). The word, hence means पदपाठ or recital by showing separa- tely the constitutent words of the Samhita or the running text of the Veda. The word is used almost in the same sense in the Mahabhasya in respect of showing the words of a sutra separately; cf. न केवलानि चर्चापदानि व्याख्यानं वृद्धिः आत् ऐजिति । किं तर्हि । उदाहरणं प्रत्युदाहरणं वाक्याध्याहारः इत्येतत्समुदितं व्याख्यानं भवति M.Bh. on Mahesvara Sutra 1 Wart. 6l ; (2) a |
पठन सेटिंग्स
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्