सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

It is very likely that words like गोष्ठ, दघ्न and others were treated as pratyayas by Panini and katyayana who followed Panini, because they were found always associated with a noun preceding them and never independently.

गौण (l) a word subordinate in syntax or sense to another; adjectival; उपसर्जनीभूतः (2) possessing a second- ary sense, e. g the word गो in the sense of 'a dull man';cf.गौणमुख्ययेार्मुख्ये कार्यसम्प्रत्ययः, M. Bh. on I.1.15, I.4. 108, VI. 3. 46. See also Par. Sek Pari. 15; (3) secondary, as opposed to primary; cf. गौणे कर्मणि दुह्यादे; प्रधाने नीहृकृष्वहाम् ।.

गौणमुख्यन्याय the maxim that the primary sense occurs to the mind earlier than the secondary sense, and hence words used in the pri- mary sense should be always taken for grammatical operations in preference to words in a secon- dary sense. See the word गेोण.

गौतम an ancient sage referred to in the Pratisakhya works as a Prati- sakhyakara; cf. T.Pr. V.38.

गौरव greatness of effort; prolixity as opposed to लाघव; cf. पर्यायशब्दानां लाघवगौरवचर्चा नाद्रियते Par.Sek.Par.115; cf. also पदगौरवाद्योगविभागो गरीयान् Par. Sek. Pari. 121.

गौरादि a class of words to which the affix ई ( ङीष्) is added to form the feminine base; e.g. गौरी, मत्सी, हयी, हरिणी; the class contains a large number of words exceeding 150; for details see Kasika on P.IV.1. 41; (2) a small class of eleven words, headed by the word गौर which do not have the acute accent on the last syllable in a tatpurusa compound when they are placed after the preposition उप; cf. P. VI.2.194.

ग्मिन् tad. affix in the sense of posses- sion; cf. वाचो ग्मिनिः। वाग्मी । P.I.2.124.

ग्रस्त a fault of pronunciation due to the utterance of a letter hindered or held back at the throat; cf. जिह्वामूलनिग्रहे ग्रस्तमेतत् R.Pr.XIV.3; cf. also ग्रस्तं निरस्तमवलम्बितम् । ग्रस्तः जिह्वामूले गृहीतः । अव्यक्त इत्यपरे । Pradipa on M. Bh. Ahnika 1.

ग्रहण (1) technical term for a word or प्रातिपदिक in Veda; cf. ग्रहणस्य च । गृह्यते इति ग्रहणं वेदस्थः इाब्दः । तत् त्रिविधम् । कार्यभाक्, निमित्तम्, उपबन्ध इति । तस्यापि स्वरूपपूर्वकः अकारः आख्या भवति । Com. on T.Pr.I.22; (2) citing, quoting; cf. ग्रहणवता प्रातिपादिकेन न तदन्तविधिः Par.Sek. Pari. 3I ; cf. also गृह्णन्तीति ग्रहणाानि Com. on T.Pr.I.24. (3) mention, inclusion; (4) employment in a rule of grammar; cf. प्रातिपादिकग्रहणे लिङ्गविशिष्टस्यापि ग्रहणम्. Par. Sek.Pari.71.

ग्रहणक citing or instructing the inclu- sion ( ग्रहण) of certain other things by the mention of a particular thing; e. g. the rule अणुदित्सवर्णस्य चाप्रत्ययः is a ग्रहणक rule as it advises that the citing of the letters अ, इ, उ, ऋ etc. includes the long and protracted forms of अ, इ, उ etc; cf. also ग्रहणकशास्त्रस्य सावर्ण्यविधिनिषेधाभ्यां प्रागनिष्पत्ते; Sid. Kau. on अकः सवर्णे दीर्धः V1. 1. 101.

ग्रहणवत् specifically mentioned in a rule, individually mentioned; cf. ग्रहणवता प्रातिपदिकेन तदन्तविधिर्नास्ति Par. Sek.Pari.31. See the word ग्रहण.

ग्रहादि a class of roots headed by the root ग्रह् to which the affix इन् (णिनि), causing vrddhi to the preceding vowel of the root, is added in the sense of an agent: e.g. ग्राही, उत्साही, स्थायी, मन्त्री etc.; cf Kas. on P.III. 1.134.

ग्रास a fault in the utterance of a letter which makes it indistinct by being held up at the throat.Seeग्रस्त.