सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

वायित्व M. Bh. on P.I.4.23, एक- द्रव्याभिघान on P.VIII.1.51, एकद्रव्योप- निवेशिनी given as a definition of संज्ञा M. Bh. on P.I.4.1.

एकपद made up of one word; con- sisting of one word; cf. अथवा सन्त्ये- कपदान्यप्यवधारणानि । यथा अब्भक्षो वायुभक्षः । अप एव भक्षयति वायुमव भक्षयति । M.Bh. first Āhnika; (2) a continuous word paraphrased as अखण्डपद and समानपद by commentators; cf. तेनानन्तरा षष्ठयेकपदवत् V.Pr.II. 18: (3) every individual word: cf. बहुक्रमे क्रमेत तस्यैकपदानि नि:सृजन् R.Pr.XI.18.

एकपदा made up of a single word; cf. भवति चैतदकस्मिन्नपि एकवर्ण पदम् एकपदा ऋक् एकर्चं सूक्तमिति । M. Bh. on P.I. 1.21 Vārt. 5; (2) made up of one foot ( चरण or पाद ); cf. एक एकपदैतेषां (R.Pr.XVII.24) explained by the commentator as तेषां चतुर्णां पादाना- मष्टाक्षरादीनां एकः पादः यस्याः सा एकपदा ऋक् इत्युच्यते ।

एकपातिन् combined together; cf. R. Pr. com. एकपातिनः एकीभूतस्य अक्षरस्य क्रमे ध्रुवमाषीं लुप्यते; R. Pr. XI. 25, also XVII.26.

एकभाविन् (vowels) combined by rules of Saṁdhi; cf. क्षैप्रवर्णैकभाविनाम् R. Pr. VII.22.

एकमात्रिक (l) possessed of one matra or mora; (2) a term used for a short vowel which measures one mātrā or mora; cf. एकमात्रो ह्रस्वः व्यञ्जनानि च । Ath.Pr.1.60.

एकमुनिपक्ष a view or doctrine pro- pounded by one of the many ancient sages or munis who are believed to be the founders of a Sastra; a view propounded only by Pāṇini, to the exclusion of Kātyāyana and Patañjali; cf. एकमुनिपक्षे तु अचो ञ्णितीत्यत्राच इति योगं विभज्य...व्यवस्थितविभाषात्रोक्ता Dur- ghaṭa-Vṛtti I.1.5; see also I.4.24, II.3.18. 12

एकयोग (1) combination of two Sutras into one;cf.अथवा एकयोगः करिष्यते वृद्धिरादै- जदेड्गुण इति M.Bh.P.I.1.3,I.4.59,V.2. 25; (2) one and the same Sūtra;cf. एकयेागनिर्दिष्टानां सह वा प्रवृत्तिःसह वा निवृत्तिः Pari.Śek.Pari.17; cf.also एकयोगानिर्दि- ष्टानामप्येकदेशानुवृत्तिर्भवति P. IV.1.27, Vārt. 2, Pari. Śek. Pari. 39.

एकयोगलक्षण characterized by i.e. mentioned in one and the same rule; cf. एकयोगलक्षणे तुग्दीर्घत्वे M.Bh. on P. I. 1. 62. Vart. 10. See also M. Bh.on P. VI.1.37.

एकवचन singular number; affix of the singular numberin Pāṇini's gra- mmar applied to noun-bases ( प्राति- पदिक) and roots when the sense of the singular number is to be conv- eyed; the singular sense can be of the form of an individual or colle- ction or genus. The word एकवचन in the technical sense of singular number is found used in the Prātiśākhyas and Nirukta also.

एकवत्त्व or एकवद्भाव use or treatment of the plural sense as if it is singu- lar; cf. एकवद्भावोsनर्थक: 1 समाहारैकत्वात् M.Bh. on II. 4.12. Vart. 5.

एकवर्ण(a pada) made up of a single letter; cf. एकवर्णं पदम् आ, उ इति: commentary on R.Pr. X.2; cf. also V.Pr.IV. 144-145 where एकवर्ण is defined as एकप्रयत्ननिर्वर्त्य capable of being produced with a single effort. Pāṇini gives the term अपृक्त to an affix made up of one single letter; cf.अपृक्त एकाल् प्रत्यय: P.I.2.41.

एकवाक्य an expression giving one idea, either a single or a composite one. A positive statement and its negation, so also, a general rule and its exception are looked upon as making a single sentence on account of their mutual expectancy even though they be sometimes detached from each other cf.