सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Trivandrum, being Mss. Nos. MC. 595-A (catalogued as 7ilipad; walkyaigal) and C. 2297-C, an । uncatalogued stray leaf at the end. Ms. B belongs to H. H. The Maharaja's. Palace Collection Trivandrum, and is inscribed on a few stray uncatalogued leaves at the end of Ms. No. 4116, Drggapitakram10. Ms. D occurs as the third work in a codex of astronomical works beginning with the P८ictab0d/ld preserved in the private collection of Elamprakkotatu Mana, Eravor (mear Tripunithura, Cochin) and carries the inscription

  • Kutallur Meletatu Paॉcab0dll:1di' indicating that it originally be

longed to the Namputiri house of Kuitallur Meletatu in S. Malabar Mss. A, B and D are complete, while C breaks of in the middle of the 31st walk)ya, the rest of the leaves being lost. All the manus cripts exhibit minor differences from one another and sometimes present entirely different vdly/0s, but to the same import. Possibly these variants go back to the author himself In continuation of the Spl॥tac01drapti, the text manuscript contains two short tracts. The first depicts the Yugd-bloga-diruwas (Zero-corrections per aeon) of the planets correct to 1/60th of a of Haridata1 and seem to have been extracted here for some practical use an account of their forming an independent unit The second tract, which is more interesting, sets out large chunks of full days, ranging from 16,45,705 to 248 with their ८ll।'uwd for the Moon correct to the second. These are obviously intended for the subtraction of days in chunks and correction of the results by the application of the corresponding dlhruwas in the computation of the Moon. The dhr'uwa of the last of these chunks, viz. 248 (dewal prajों0 1010171), is given as 0r–27०-43'-29', the mnemonic sentence therefor being d/li।'0'lant bl८.stur० iोंari . This mnemonic resembles closely the corresponding mnemonic of Madhava's Moon sentences, which reads as d/hiragir blastura, indicating the possibility of common authorship Both these tracts have been included in the present volume as Appendices [ and III, in the form of Tables, with the numerical figures of the sentences duly set out against then 1. 2. Cr. ed. by K.V. Sarma, (K. 8. Res. Inst., Madras-4, 1954), pp.-3-4 ; See Appendir 1, below