सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

सेवन्ते त्वां धनाढ्या मतिमलहतये मामपि श्रोतुकामा
मय्यप्यास्था न ते चेत्त्वयि मम नितरामेव राजन्ननास्था ॥५२॥

 52. Thou exercisest kingly power over riches, we do the same over words (i.e. ideas or scriptures) in all their senses. Thou art a hero (in battle), while we have never-failing skill in methods of subduing the pride of disputants. lt is the rich who serve thee, while, intent on learning (higher truths, men serve us to have all imperfections of mind destroyed. If thou hast no regard for me, well, O king, I have absolutely none for thee.

वयमिह परितुष्टा वल्कलैस्त्वं दुकूलैः
सम इव परितोषो निर्विशेषो विशेषः ।
स तु भवतु दरिद्रो यस्य तृष्णा विशाला
मनसि च परितुष्टे कोऽर्थवान्को दरिद्रः ॥५३॥

 53. Here we are satisfied with the bark of trees and thou with rich garment ; (and yet) our contentment is alike, (so) the distinction makes no difference. Poor indeed is he whose desires are boundless. If the mind be contented, who is rich and who poor ?

 [One who is satisfied with even what little he possesses is as good as the rich.]

फलमलमशनाय स्वादु पानाय तोयं
क्षितिरपि शयनार्थं वाससे वल्कलं च ।