
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
प्रथमाध्याये प्रथमः पादः

पूर्वत्र 'गायत्री वा इदं सर्वम्' इति गायत्र्याख्यं छन्दः प्रस्तुतमिति नात्र परमपुरुषाभिधानमिति चेत् ; नैतत्, परमपुरुषस्यैव गायत्रीसादृश्यानुसंधानोपदेशात्, तस्य छन्दोमात्रस्य सर्वभूतात्मकत्वानुपपत्तेरेवेति निगम्यते । अन्यत्रापि ह्यन्यस्य छन्द:सादृश्यात् छन्दोनिर्देशो दृश्यते-'ते वा एते पञ्चान्ये' इत्यारभ्य 'सैषा विराट्' इत्यादौ ॥

भूतादिपादव्यपदेशोपपत्तेश्चैवम् ॥२७॥

In a former passage in the same context, the metre known as the Gayatri is mentioned in the statement' The Gayatri, indeed, is all this' (Chand. III-12-1). Therefore the Highest Person should not be taken to have been meant in the passages quoted above. To this question we say-This is not so. It is taught there that the Highest Person is to be meditated upon as similar to Gayatri. The conclusion is that it is impossible for that which is merely a metre to be in the form of all beings. Elsewhere, also a word, which ordinarily denotes a metre, is used to denote other thing in consequence of its similarity with it. Vide the passage beginning with- 'Now these five and the other five' and ending with' this same is viraj , (Chand. IV -3-8).

27. Bhutadipadavyapadeshopapatteshcaivam

Because also it is appropriate only thus to declare that (intelligent) beings and other objects form the feet of the Gayatri).

पूर्वम् M 2. उपदेशत्वात् A 1. The metre, Gayatri is said to consIst of four quarters of six syllables in each.