
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

पनिवृत्तिभ्यः । यथा नियच्छन्ति हि "अत्यन्तमात्मानमाचार्यकुलेऽवसादयन्" इति "अरण्यमियात्ततो न पुनरेयत्" इति "संन्यस्याग्निं"1 न पुनरावर्तयेत् इति च । अतस्तेषां2 प्रच्युत्य स्थित्यभावाद्विधानधिकारः । जैमिनेरप्येवम्3

न चाधिकारिकमपि पतनानुमानात्तदयोगात् ॥ ४१ ॥

"अवकीर्णिपशुश्च तद्वत्" इत्यधिकारलक्षणोक्तं प्रायश्चित्तमपि तस्य न संभवति, तस्य प्रायश्चित्तानधिकारस्मृतेस्तदसंभवात् । “आरू-

men are prohibited from discontinuing the special duties of those Asramas after they have once entered on the condition of Naisthika, etc. The relevant scriptural texts are- ' Completely surrendering himself to the service in the house of the teacher' (Chaand. 2-23-1). 'He is to go to forest, and should not return from thence'. 'Having renounced the fire he should not return '. Hence the persons, who have lapsed from those conditions are not qualified for the knowledge. This is the opinion of Jaimini also.

41. Na caadhikaarikamapi patananumaanaat tadayogaat

Nor the expiatory ceremonies described in the chapter treating of qualifications; that being impossible on account of the Smrtis referrin to the apostasy. The expiatory ceremonies, which are described in the chapter treating of qualifications are not applicable in the case of him, who is apostate by transgressing the rules of the Naisthika etc. The relevant text is this-'Like that, the sacrifice with Avakirnipasu (donkey) should be performed

1अग्नीम् M 2

2प्रच्युतिभावात् M 3

3जैमिनिरप्येवम् M 3