
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

कर्मकर्तृव्यपदेशाच्च ॥४,॥

'एतमितः प्रेत्याभिसंभवितास्मि' इत्यभिसंभाव्याभिसंभवितृत्वेन प्रस्तुतब्रह्मजीवयोर्व्यपदेशादभिसंभाव्यं ब्रह्म जीवादर्थान्तरम् ॥


'एष म आत्मान्तर्हृदये' इति षष्ठ्या प्रथमया च जीवो ब्रह्म च व्यपदिश्यते । ततश्चार्थान्तरम् ॥

स्मृतेश्च ॥६॥


And because there is separate denotation of both as the object and the agent. The scriptural statement, 'Departing hence, I shall attain Him' (Chand.III-14-4) denotes the Brahman as the object to be attained and the individual self as the agent who attains. Therefore, the object to be attained is the Brahman, who is other than the individual self.


(It is so) on account (of the use) of words in different manner. The scriptural text, 'He is my Self within the heart' (Chand. III-14-3) designates the embodied self with the word in the genitive case and also the Brahman with that in the nominative case.

6. Smrteshca

And on account of the authority of smrti.